you were on the bean bag that san bought specifically for you. He wont admit it but he loved how you looked so vulnerable right now. Wooyoung!! he dosent have much of a reaction. just like san, he resembles aang! Fine if you dont like him/her, were out. You told him all about your stressful day, he frequently places a kiss on your face. You like that? What was jungkook to you? He will draw shit on your face with a sharpie and post about a dozen pictures of his pranks, This kid ALWAYS has a fucking Smirnoff Ice in his hand, You can catch him leaning against a wall or a counter as he brags to the ladies about how he can break apples in half with his bare hands, Puts his fist through a watermelon and acts like its no biggie to impress the females and scare off the dudes, Everyone screams the lyrics but this kid belts the words with perfect tone lmfao, Laughs when the ambulance arrives because he knows its for one of his members, Sets his lock screen to the photo Wooyoung took of Mingi mid-flight before his little accident, Jongho would be a little clueless in the beginning I think, but as time goes by, he would become a lot more educated, He would ask you about your symptoms and what works for you personally, in order to feel better and relieve some pain, He wouldnt want you to move around too much but I can see him encouraging you to do some light workouts with him in the living room or going for walks together because he read on google that it helps relieve cramps, Babe look, it says here that light exercise increases blood flow and helps ease cramps! Which he had been doing for the past three hours. San stepped into the living room to see you passed out. Thank you for listening to me and helping me, Hwa You sniffle. 8) When you try to steal food off their plate. Writing this made me remember how much of a wonderful, loving person our Sannie is. Yunho meeting jungkook will always be a memory he would never forget. Now it was your seventh month and your stomach was bigger than ever. Why not? Is something bothering you? You were humming to the song that was currently playing, unaware of sans footsteps. And when popularity came to your path, he would be so proud! REQUESTS ARE OPEN!! Dosent matter. Did you guys know that y/n trained for only one year but shes better than some idols? #san Ive had this idea for a little while and wanted to do something different with a bit of a crack vibe to it haha. You both broke down in giggles. He stood up from the couch and jogged to you. It poured for hours and you didnt have an umbrella with you. Seonghwa is scared, tell him its a dream and he can go home because he really doesnt know how much longer he can put up with this. Rankings (7.20.2021) He lifted your shirt up and caressed your belly. He squeezed you tightly as you held onto him too . he was playing with his switch. You put on a bathrobe. He convinces you while combing your hair with his fingers. After only a few dates you two had grown really close, you even shared a kiss after he walked you home one night. Preferences and reactions for the members of my favorite KPOP boy band, ATEEZ!! You and your cuddle bunny were simply lying around and doing nothing. a / n : I just did this for fun since the idea popped up in my mind , a / n : you should never feel ashamed of yourself or your body, if anyone wants to talk my dms / asks are always open ^^, alexa play . answer : love myself by BTS. . Come on, youre always in the mood, whats wrong? You prepare all the ingredients you needed. Hed be really good at anything strength related though. Mingi will lose his absolute fucking marbles, is the first to go insane and be tempted to stray from the group because no one will listen to him and he feels he would benefit going his own way to survive which ultimately, would get him killed pretty damn quick. When he heard your sniffles and cries, his head would shoot up and scan wherever the sounds came from. After that night, hed be salty and sarcastic around the other members. A smirk forms on your lips as you admire yourself in the mirror, knowing exactly what kind of effect your new swimsuit would have on him. You look up, stopping your rant to see why he stopped. as the leader, he wanted to solve the problem right there. Nose and cheeks slightly red at the temperature and the lack of clothing he had. . 1, members they're most and least jealous of pt. "I was joking". when you mentioned your sibling was yoongi, his eyes grew wide. With such a sweet tone. He sits down beside you and bites into his fried chicken that he was so excited to eat. LET ME SEE! For what? You said yes and showed him more pictures to make him believe you. He had just walked out of the shower with only a towel around his waist. You laugh at his antics. shopping was always an activity you both loved to do together. You scold yourself while continuing to drive. Not that it was that bad. But he dosent leave you, he just likes to roll around the bed and stare at you. Sorry babe, I cant help it He smiles. You slowly crept in the room and see him playing. Thanks for reading, Tag List - @simphwa @yunhoiseyecandy @multidreams-and-desires. Your eyes widened as you stopped the board and rushed to help him, Holy shit yeosang! He pecks your cheek sweetly while grabbing your mask and throwing it. Instead he just looked to the side, slowly acknowledging the fact that you were related by blood to one of the most famous people. He fully opened his arms, drowning you in love and affection. Wooyoung let me sleep please You groan out. 14) Ateez dream vacation destinations. Yunho: "Hello to a week off," Yunho screamed as he came home from work, finding you immediately. He was both excited and nervous. jongho when you came home crying, he'd be at loss. But he would observe how much you smoke per day and if he thought that it was enough, he would hide your cigarettes or put them in a places he knew you wouldn't reach. Nowhere to go, just lost. He was slightly confused but immediately released you when he saw you struggling. #hongjoong You slip on the biggest hoodie you had. 36) When they find out your a vocalist for a metal band. Everything is wrong. Arent you an actual softie Mr. Tough guy? the moment he saw your eyes with dripping tears, he stopped whatever he was doing and scurried to your side. yunho is a teddy bear. He plops himself down on the floor before gently pushing your hand away so he could place his. So thats why when you win an award, hell be the first one to stand up and applaud. To you flashing them . He talks. ", - teasing, lots of it; might want you to make yourself cum, - would be experimenting so does about anything he wants but with you only watching, - probably uses a whip instead of spanking you himself, - will not listen to you, but loves to hear your pleas, - "look at you all wet just because i stripped. Their roles as parental figures in the group highly influenced my choice. He leaped on the bed as you opened another album. I KNEW YOU WERE LYING!. ~happiness~ Mans moving mad. I mean I support you but why? - doesn't let you make a sound, even though he's a moaner himself. He was baffled. yeosang wasnt the type to talk much to the baby. Oh I never told you but its hoseok. Menu and widgets. Im not letting you guys go until we can sort this shit out. And plus itd be cool to see him water bend. I hope you like this headcanon. You passed out on the bed. He would shyly smile and hug you back. He fell back making his back hit the pavement. You were kind of suffocating at this point. Nothing helps this much but a bathtub. Baby do you wanna tell whats wrong? Thats because Im pranking you You giggle. Hed be there for you, saying Hey I get what your going through. the group consists of: hongjoong, seonghwa, yunho, yeosang, san, mingi, wooyoung, and. You arrive infront of his studio and knocked. He shot a look at wooyoung. Youre so lucky to have someone like him by your side. He raises a brow at you. Do you know how lonely it gets without you? Well maybe doing something. Only to see yeosang close to it. You on the other hand, felt the need of being hugged. kim hongjoong - imme. a / n : I didnt expect this to be that long- Im shooketh. He quietly listened to the babys heartbeat. Jongho had nothing to do so he wanted to accompany you. skeptical at first. When you told him its nothing, he carried you to the couch and made you lie on him. The arm that was wrapped around you, pulled you closer into his bare chest. Wooyoung walked in and saw you. Itd get to a point where wooyoung asked whats wrong, and there he snapped. Sorry little bean, I had to go to work, but Im here now He smiles as he traces circles on your stomach. If you dont succeed then what? "Then maybe you should go back to her". He quietly caressed your belly through your shirt. So your telling me your related to jungkook? Such a slut for this dick He grunts lowly, grabbing your hands and holding them in place against the window above your head while he watches himself glide in and out of your pussy. You explain. Shit You whisper to yourself as you plant your elbows on the desk with a thud, your face falling into your hands as everyone in the library glances at you. You tell him the reason your crying and he listens with all ears. #jongho He kept talking about jimin and bts were his absolute idol, thus creating a bond. As likethe one from BTS? Let me grab you a towel, babe He says as he leaves the room, entering with a fluffy, white towel from the dryerIts nice and warm He smiles. Earth to wooyoung? He stopped chewing his food and stood there, frozen. He ended up talking to his members about it. "Can I come over?" After telling him no repeatedly, not wanting him to see you a crying mess, you hear a knock at the door. Scenario Requested: Reacting to their s/o being cute, excitable, and giggly when they're around them but quiet around others. See? He stops playing and pauses the game. Something about you smirking just makes his pants uncomfortably tight. After you finish washing, you step out of the tub and dry yourself. My god are you alright? You pout, wanting to hug him. Thanks for reading :3, Tag List - @simphwa @yunhoiseyecandy @multidreams-and-desires @jonghoisbabie @ateezinmymind @yunhospuppy @runaway-fics @224-12 @potatothatsit. I enjoyed making this so expect similar OT8 content in the future and let me know if you want to see more! Im kidding, Mingi You say and honestly, he looks disappointed. We can break apples if youre sad He offers. San has a lot of experience with gaming so I feel like hed have some kind of idea on what to do in this situation however, I feel like hed also prefer to just hide away from a long time and only think of collecting supplies when hes already running critically low and is forced to face the zombies. #kimhongjoong Why dont we play to get those mean thoughts out of your mind? Absolutely determined to be everywhere at once, Hes the one to call the ambulance for another member when they fuck themselves up, Bro I told you it was a bad idea Wooyoung got it on video though its so funny you gotta watch it, Drinking game ace! But seeing as how hes the mother figure of ateez and personality of course, water wins for me. Silence fills the vehicle, right before seonghwa grabs your face and pulls you in for a long and deep kiss. Why werent you as beautiful as others? You apologize. But yunho either way dragged you all the way to the mall. Merch? Hed be 100% your hype man. Yeosang heard what you said and stopped, resulting to him tripping backwards. You taking non of her shit, replied Oh really? 10k views 1 month ago #ateez # #paradigm ateez () is an 8 member group under kq entertainment. Do you think,,, Ive gotten kinda fat? He rushes over to your visibly exhausted figure as you run your fingers through your hair and tug harshly at the roots. What you said was a joke, right? If theres one thing I know for sure, its that youre the smartest person I know and youll ace this bitch without a doubt! He chants, kicking his chair behind him as he stands with his hand on his heart. . But a soft and hum-like groan. But fire on the other hand, it also radiates strongly. I see him as a laid back guy so I don't think that he would make you quit as long as you don't cough your lungs out or show other symptoms that it might be bad for you. You cannot stop the giggle the escapes while San realizes what you just said to him. I firmly believe the key to surviving an apocalypse is based on intelligence and tactics instead of strength, that is why HJ and YH are at the top. Dont you think my body isnt made for these? You quickly said goodbye to your friend and hung up. I dont think you should shout at the baby hwa You said with eyes closed. He gleamed. It didnt bother you until you hear it becoming louder. You chatting with your friend to kill time. hed try to prove to his members that you were someone to be trusted and liked. On my way back, I picked up a few books I think youd like. You think shes not the right girl? lets go for a walk along the river, itll be nice, Hed walk with his hand on your lower back, rubbing it every now and then if you start to feel achey, This baby would be so soft and gentle with you, He would watch movies on the couch with you and massage your feet, Hes not a huge fan of physical affection but hed give you lots of kisses on the top of your head and caress you when you need it, He would give you lots of hugs and back rubs, Hed totally give you a back hug and rub your tummy as he asks if youre feeling okay, Always checking up on you even if hes not around, texting you asking if you need him to bring you anything, He would bring you flowers all the time to see you smile, Youd ask him to sing you to sleep and hed pull you into his chest as he sings to you, Jongho would let you wear his clothes because you look adorable, If youre feeling down hed do his best to make you laugh, Either breaking apples and various fruits, Or playing games with you on the computer, letting you win occasionally to make you feel better, He 100% would bring you breakfast in bed on your bad days, helping you out of bed and turning the shower on for you, I dont see him being an amazing cook but hed cook you some of his favourite ramen and itd taste great (just because he made it hehe), Hed stop by a cafe on his way home from practice and buy you a bunch of different sweet treats and desserts, He sees you as the sweetest human ever so he cant help but think of you when passing by, Cheesecake, cupcakes, donuts, muffins, cookies - you name it, hes gonna get it, Hed pick up some iced coffee for you both, Tea or a smoothie if you dont like coffee, He would really try his best to look after you and hes the absolute sweetest little cherub uwu. 2, them when you accidentally send a hot pic of yourself, them when you're having a mental break down, them getting teased in front of the members, them getting ask about you in a talk show, them when you fall asleep in a video call, them when you wear a lingerie around the house. A/N - Currently sobbing my dick off over Mingi because hes so precious I just wanna bubble wrap that dude. Yunho is the first member and you sit down with the biggest smile on your face. You chuckle at his question, did he really think youd cheat on him? You realized what made him so shocked, Oh! And despite all his efforts, you always shaked your head no. , i have a feeling hed have mixed feelings. ;)), Anyways, I hope you like this one, tried my best aha x~S. And when you say that you mean literally seven a.m. As usual you felt him tear away the sheets and went out for a cup of coffee, leaving you all alone. Im so stressedNothing just goes in my favour Your voice sore from all the crying. Concerts? When he saw your selcas with jungkook, he grew curious and confused. He grins as he walks towards you. ", members they're most and least jealous of pt. Thanks for reading, Tag List - @simphwa @yunhoiseyecandy @multidreams-and-desires @jonghoisababie, A/N - I love him. Ironing out the things that were needed to talk about. a / n : its the middle of class but guess whos posting . You look so beautiful like this, doll He chuckles, adding a spank to your rear before moving the material of your swimwear to expose your dripping cunt. Love you never told me you sing to the baby You said sleepily. Then it hit you, you never told him namjoon was your sibling. Trapped between him and the wall you look to see his face. Ill murder you. He would only get confused as to why. He hissed, walking away. He quietly sang to it trying not to wake you up. Includes: Buy your albums, merch etc. You pout before rolling back to your side of the bed and sleeping again with your cuddle bug. You were on the verge of giving up. Yunho secretly eyed your body up and down. You were on the small couch that the staff brought in earlier. Then, he continued speaking, "Next, I think we should analyse the story itself and look at the characters, style . Hed always find a way to support you anyway he can. Has it always been like this? I didnt know toilet paper was actually made out of human hair You say to yourself, hoping hed hear. He would immediately hug you back. He had pretty lips and San couldn't help but stare as Yeosang smacked them, savouring the taste of his coffee. The first time he started talking to the bump on your belly, he enjoyed it so much. He was confused. WELCOME BACK TO OUR CHANNEL WHERE THE REACTIONS ARE AUTHENTIC! Jeong Yunho You both started to run out of air and eventually pulled back. We should do something about that, yeah? Your hands run back up your torso, squeezing your breasts slightly before you lean over the foot of the bed and push them together with your elbows, a perfect angle for your boyfriend to admire them in their golden glory. this is requested by KaydenTyser this bub also helped me write it too so credits to youu!! My boy is stressed, free him. "I don't want to hear what you have to say, in fact, I don't really want to be in the same room as you, right now.". 1 : 36 a.m to be exact. Quietly, you pop open the carton of chocolate milk and down half of its contents, shoving a couple of the crackers into your mouth soon after. You begin to sob at his words, glad youve got someone like him to take away the bad things in life and pull you onto dry land when the waves get rough. You took the chance and jumped on him. He was quick to send sharp glares to the members. Its the first day of your vacation with your boyfriend San, hes playing games on his phone in the bedroom while he waits for you to change into your swimwear so you can spend the afternoon by the pool together. Now keep talking to the baby. He snapped out of his thoughts and looked at you with a surprised expression. "That's it. The rest of the evening is quiet, cuddly and filled with snores from the both of you shortly after you fall asleep. We can just order pizza you know. Seonghwa finally finished cleaning everything. You giggle a bit when he called you the nickname he used. You know Ill always be there for you right? Aish, how many times do I tell you to not apologize all the time! You plop yourself in between his arms. You close your eyes at the relaxing feeling of your boyfriend massaging your aching muscles as he watches you, love twinkling in his eyes and his heart swelling at the sight of you. You felt an arm above you so first instinct was to push it away. You drive to the studio while music was playing. he quietly chuckles seeing your sleeping figure silently snoring. You had your bed and sleep with you. He says, pulling your arm out and leaving the dorm. Baby whats wrong? Hed be more gloomy in interviews or promotions. But when he sees your performances, he had no choice but to support you. You immediately wake up at the feeling of someone touching you. Hey hey, look at me. The actual request saidAteez reaction to their friend trying to convince them something is true when its not, as a prank but that title was a little long so I just chose to call it a reaction to you pranking them :3. His fun and bubbly personality goes well with air. You both stood under the running water. You didnt think too much of it since you were used to everyones initial shock. He said slightly blushing. yunho loved talking to the baby within you. They have wings and all You reply. You continued your rant while he braids your hair with the most adorable face. There you stood, in the dressing room with him ( not in that way you little shit- ) Y/n, do you like this dress? He said. Was all you said. You say quickly. What you didnt know, was that he would speak to your bump whenever you slept. He gathers your hair into a ponytail to get a better view of you as you desperately try to fit all of him in your mouth. You keep making your mum tired. Why couldnt you have a perfect body? He spends the afternoon shoving berries in your mouth, making you forget your sorrow. . Now the struggle of turning off the darn alarm became even more difficult. How everyones faces shifted. You giggle at his scolding, slowly forgetting everything that happened today. He comforts you in the sweetest way possible. Yeosang sat on the bed with a coffee in hand and a book with the other. No Y/N. Wont hurt to take a few photos right? #yeosang He rubbed your back, and keeping your . He peppers kisses on your hair as you walk towards the apartment kitchen. I was joking You say quickly. He didnt know itd go to this point. For once quiet and speechless. His leader instincts kicked in. Hed go to your concerts whenever he gets the chance. You finally got to see seokjin with seonghwa by your side. You sigh as you enter the apartment. You turn to the other side, slightly pissed. Ive not been active these past months anyway but this turn of events has made me decide to stop writing. He was what you called yunho.exe stopped working. The two of you were a little too touchy for Hongjoong's taste and he especially didn't enjoy when Seonghwa would place his hand on the small of your back when you . Yah, when are you coming out? Morning, sunshine. , I dont like my body I guess? You say. His usual smile appears again and pulls you to him. Not in a creepy way of course. I wanna fuck you against the glass so everyone can see how good you take it His voice is low and raspy, completely taken over with lust. The poor boy is pacing back and forth in disbelief, his hand against his forehead as he tries to process your false statement. San places you on the floor, you gasp in surprise as he quickly pulls the material of your swimsuit away from your breasts and turning you to face the window, pressing your bare top half against it so your ass is resting deliciously against his cock. . Finished ~ 12.06.20 you were both on your skateboards, drifting through the empty park. ATEEZ's Wooyoung Gives Yeosang A Kiss On Stage, And Yeosang's Reaction Is Priceless. NO! He didnt care if you were there, he cant handle the fact that the people he considered family cant accept his partner. hes too much of a cuddle bunny to even get up alone.

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ateez reaction to you turning them on
