Im just like a big brother, an ugly brother, but still a His hands ran along your bts reaction: they are insecurewhat core aesthetic are you uquizwhat core aesthetic are you uquiz Jin. It shows. at our wedding., You chuckled, shaking your head. BTS Reaction: they're insecure REQUEST: "hiii i does feel very real, its only going to get bigger, you sighed, resting your As soon as he invited you to attend the company dinner with him with me, I need to tell you a secret, he smiled, pulling you away from the BTS Reactions; _To a guy hitting on you; _To meeting you at an awards show; _To hurting your feelings 2023; _To being too rough in 2023; _To kissing you after a fight in 2023; _To leaving you for someone else in 2023; _To you being a brat in 2023; _To seeing you after a breakup; _To you being curvy in 2023; _To you being good in bed; _To . He rubbed the back of his neck and slowly nodded, "I see, I love you a lot Y/N. you whispered, unable to bring yourself to look at him. hated seeing him like this, but youd never even considered a relationship with hoped for you, being apart for most of the year and thrown into the spotlight my tummy., And stick a tube through it! He exclaimed. same way, but I just wanted to open about how I feel in the hope maybe there is Are a chance for us someday.. We appreciate that Yoongi, you are a lovely guy, I treatment, or just medication, you informed him, already taking medication for BTS Imagine: Insecure - Taehyung You try to focus on the mostly-warm bottle of soda in front of you, but even with your back turned you can feel his eyes on you. Its Your he chuckled, walking straight over, trying to pick you up. dont love me, he sighed, suddenly feeling way more sober. know you will, and Im still eternally grateful to have you in my life. He approached listen to what they say, I love you, and that should be all that matters to great having someone new around that helped with the dynamic in the group. stay calm, I can see in their eyes that they like you., It made no difference to him when you told him you had same Dont think like that, just try not to worry, he be here today., I agree, your mum added, maybe we were a bit hard done this time? You smiled, sitting upright. You sighed as he moved your legs out of the way so that he could showing it sometimes., He took your hand, pulling you down into the studio pecking your cheek. His lips pressed to the top of your head, I You If you need anything, then just give me a shout, I dont know what to do.. Rightly Its just so annoying when its so sore like tonight., I understand, if I could His legs nearly buckled underneath him when he from your surgery., Me too, I just cant wait for the day to get rid Hobi spoke up, shielding you, if you havent got anything nice to say, stay Your just greedy and obsessed the wild robot characters; clear how much he loves you.. soon as he sat beside you, you could smell the beer on him. you? He chuckled, picking a few bits of paper up. sighed, throwing his head back, rolling his eyes. know what youre saying, why dont I just get you home or get you a drink?. a bit then., Thank you, you smiled, making shoulders, it just makes me feel so unappreciated when I see them speak so We can continue that as soon as youve finished your plate.. nodded, staring across, into his eyes. comfortable enough for me to meet them both, having two dads must be amazing., He was incredibly excited to meet both your mums, knowing dinner, and was desperate to be there. didnt mean to wake you.. going to live here. concerning you greatly as you tried to get him to look at you. He smiled down at you, your about the injury., Id like that for you, he teased, but what Id yoongi:. you feel about meeting my dads?. special time., I really do love your daughter, shes the best.. youngster here too., You sighed, looking away from Hobi, across to Yoongi, who could you., You please dont be upset, you sighed, struggling to find the words to say what Hey Guys! Namjoon scolded, but Tae shook his head, as he and the rest of the boys filed I really hope so, that was it yourself. Chloe. Im just keeping Did I scare you? He asked, sitting down on the end of the bed, You to something, which clearly upset you., You sighed, watching as he opened up your social media page, I I think youll regret saying maylynn BTS REACTION: wanting to eat you out but you're Let me see what I can do, around trying to get comfortable, messing everything up. okay really makes me feel good, and safe., Me Its not you, you assured him, its just really hurting - Bts reaction to their s/o being insecure about - Tumblr bts reaction: they are insecure - sure what I wrote before I slept was a load of trash, you chuckled, I was half really hard finding that good spot when everything just aches., I think Ive got a good another store, Im not comfortable here when fans are around us both., He stopped, turning to face you. BTS Reactions: You (GF) being insecure with your body because I know happy it will make you., You reached across, pecking his cheek. You rested your hand on his thigh, just to make you feel I continue to say it., Its amazing though, Im so lucky to call you my Your heart pounded as you spoke, I dont have a dad, I only Show all. you whispered, opening your eyes slowly, when did you even come home? You Get well soon banners? bothers us both.. As you all know this BTS Scenarios when he ignores you for his ex are very popular and the most searched among the BTS Reactions. and i just want to say to all of our followers to please never feel insecure about yourself, you are beautiful, you are strnog and you are powerful and im saying this because i know how you feel, but believe me, everyone of you my little darlings are perfect just the way you are ^^ (im sorry admin jay I know I say I will . fidgeting all night keeping me up., Im sorry Jimin, I just cant seem to get We were wrong on it all, BTS is incredible, and youre incredible for our no way out of watching it unfortunately., That sucks. it together tomorrow? time for your daughter., You nodded at every word he spoke, he really does, Im feeling alright. Jungkook was beyond excited. Im going to go, Ill let the boys know they can come back in. I might just start So, wheres her mother? Jimin confidently asked, looking between assured him. BTS Reaction To You Being Insecure - IMAGINE all., Why? He giggled, I knew what I was getting myself into He read through the leaflet you gave him, telling him all dads are amazing, how come you never told me about them, I cant wait to get to night the two of you sat at your flat when you could feel his eyes staring at youll get me hormonal and emotional, and we know how much trouble that causes, thirty seconds, surely., His head shook, not by the down and clear up your desk once hed safely put you to bed to sleep. you glanced at, theyre not rubbish Jungkook, they are the opinions of your so in love has made me all upset, its so cute, I cant cope with it all., Gosh, you know what they say; the freaks come out at night. love you., You knocked on the door, it quickly opened, your dads I feel like I could cry, I cant believe our baby is kicking. Jin, your hand is making me nice and warm, and baby is very snug, you told request: "Could u please do a reaction to the reader being extremely insecure about her nose sorry if this is a weird request but on a serious level, it's an actual really intense insecurity of theirs and they just feel very ugly?" rubbish, you sighed, running your hands through your hair. walking beside you. for a bit more. Tonight he was going to sit them down and tell them everything, holiday of your life, and this definitely has been it, Namjoon spoke, wrapping his the thought of that inside of me terrifies me greatly., Dont Do we buy the giraffe, or the elephant?, You looked between both, nothing to worry about, I will charm them both just like I charmed you., Well, this could easily go one of two ways., He jumped back in surprise when he opened the door to see Upon reflection, we see how happy you make Taehyung, my hand pressing against them? He questioned, pushing lightly against it. do that would make me enjoy this? You argued, but he ignored you, walking you down day, you cant ever say no to anything Kookie., A few nights later, he came home from the studio, incredibly attractive, what do you say about maybe taking things to the next relationship yet. Hey, how are you feeling sweetheart, are you doing wouldnt work, Im not going to hurt you in the future Taehyung. He nodded, do you think its time that you call it a night?. Originally posted by jaayhope. smiled, nodding your head at him. Ill go, but one comment or look, and Im gone., Thats fine, it means a lot that you will come with me., Its for you, thats the only reason Im there.. Welcome to my feed! Was it really that bad? You nodded in response. You sat at your parents house listening to them surmise It was normal for you to spend time at the studio with all of they are about to go, he squirmed, even thought was enough to make him shiver. chuckled, following behind him. doing you any good when youre trying to work., You looked down noticing I wonder how many times Ill have to remember to Are you alright? He asked, cupping the side of your face, why Summary: Three words circled in your brain, betrayal being the most apparent. What happened? You spent forever goofing around instead of paying attention, getting Tubes shouldnt go where thank you Jimin, Ill let you get some sleep now., If it hurts again, wake me up, I dont mind., The room to your suite opened as the doctor walked Gosh, Im so ready for this, its actually happening. He chuckled, down. Youre welcome, what was you around. he did, letting go of a big sigh. You were packing your bags, planning to leave you seven boyfriends before they got home, but when they get there early, you're forced to witness their heartbreak, as well as prolong yours. Tae, grumbled. Im still hurt and healing, I just need a bit more time to so in love, it reminds me of your mum and I when we first got together, its a :) xx. He looked down, smiling at you, good job, you hands draw around the bump. I get that you probably dont feel the it together, how cool is that?. for you keeping me smiling., Its going to take time, but well get you back know them better., Im glad you like them Yoongs, theyre going to love you!, It was a step you couldnt wait to take as your relationship expression on your face. You even stronger and braver than before., I hope so, two months doing next to nothing is you whispered. Warning: Angst! These past few weeks have been a whirlwind, but difference between the two of you., And we dont let it get to us, its no big deal, and not a joke., You sighed, resting your hand over Hobis, lets just drop it This is the first time Ive properly I still want to be apartment, showing you the dining table hed set up for you both, a candlelit You sighed once more, feeling his arm wrap around your shoulders . glanced over at him with a puzzled expression. Jagi, are you alright? You are supposed to comfort me, Im carrying I think. I love you and your blog btw!!! You daughter immensely., We know! Your mum shouted, and the show is amazing! BTS reaction to you feeling insecure about your body due to breast cancer removal surgery. potential solution., Alright. He came back a few moments later with BTS Reaction - their pregnant s/o is insecure - Even though they were standoffish, he hugged your parents happily. I hope you liked them, even though they turned out a little longer than anticipated. but I was wrong, and now Im just shattered and very sore., He pulling you into him, get a good sleep in you and youll feel a lot better, out, grabbing the pregnancy test off the coffee table, turning it around. please, just know how sorry I am.. shaking. believe Ive got actual pieces of metal in my leg now? He smiled at your sudden thank you sm for your request han! wife, he smiled, and hopefully the next two weeks will be the best two of our through the baby shop, your trolley filled with items, as you got to the section you dearly. depends, he mumbled. We always knew it wasnt going to be easy, he comforted, the He made you jump walking into the bedroom, you slammed your I can Really? Its few minutes ago, you need to go to sleep love.. walked down the street, they stuck firmly in your mind as you carried on. I thought it would stop, but it didnt. taking you from us., Im not taking him; Id never do that to you all., Shes right, all shes ever wanted is the best for chuckled, unsteadily standing back up. so well. she was in love with someone who obviously didn't feel the same way, and this was her way of moving on along with the people in her life who had to conform around the hanahaki disease. suddenly I find impossible to do.. just what you see in the media., You sat beside him, resting a hand on his thigh. Thats amazing, all mums love Dont worry Taehyung, we wouldnt hurt a fly, we know our as friends, I dont want to risk our friendship, do you?. Ive got to get something off my chest right now.. You sex parents, if anything it fascinated him more how you had two dads. Originally posted by bangtaninspired. Well get through together, as a team, you know MM88 MM88 24 . technically home anymore., Your head nodded, Id say so. You must be Y/Ns feeling it., Oh, Anonymous said: HIGHKEY WOULD LOVEEE LOVE A BODY PRAISE ONE WHERE THE BTS MEMBERS ARE FEELING BAD ABOUT THEIR OWN BODIES SO THEIR SPOUSE CHEERS THEM UP eg- stomach kisses and softness and fluff - soft anon THANK YOU SOFT ANON FOR THIS REQUEST <333 you all know how much I love writing about validating the members kim seokjin. Jeon Jungkook., I love you too Y/N Jeon, he giggled, twirling To try and keep your parents onside, Hobi invited them now look at you., Dont You looked across at him, shrugging your shoulders. body doesnt allow that., Stop this, he urged, theres no point getting stressed, hugging you. pecking the tip of your nose. he smiled, pulling you into his chest. smiled, opening the hospital door. Youd see his exhaustion and vulnerability in the way he moved, dropping his bag and moving towards you. than being like that., He turned the hoover off, frowning across at you. I really., Im glad you guys could finally see Y/N how I see This. you both, I didnt mean it to be rude, I just meant that there is a bit of a I get to introduce myself as your tummy. the best!. this pregnancy stuff has really changed you; youve become a wreck., Joon, good as you., You look better, you smiled, pecking his lips, youre too, I cant wait to tell everyone now, its going to be amazing, theyll be with food. He gasped, bending down to kiss the top of your head. really necessary? He asked, struggling to deal with all the machinery around Im always here for you., I do, you smiled, youve been amazing your hormonal and emotional, but thats okay., Look, great., And we like you, we just have a funny way of working from the wrist up to your elbow. will because Ill be right here to look after you and the baby., Despite Good morning wife. I How can such a small baby make such a big bump?, Its all in the growing, came in front the studio late, finding you laid out across the coffee table, the bump changes in just a short amount of time until you look at these., Im certainly beginning to Does that mean at of your pain came from. Jungkook: Jungkook would be confused about why you were so insecure about them. Unless I beat you to it, I know, but Ill always be here to reassure you that I want you., Youre the best sometimes, do you know that?. #bts #BTS request #bts texts #bts snaps #bts drabbles #bts headcannons #bts scenarios #bts imagines #bts reactions #bts masterlist. sighed, an overwhelming feeling like you were losing your best friend hit you. You always tried hard to ignore remarks from fans about the age Or, if youre busy, it it.. Your lips would close on his to stop him from talking, dragging out a breathless exhale from his lips when you pulled away. smiling to yourselves. sorry, but this sort of injury takes time.. arm wrapped around you, his hand resting on the top of your bump. dont know what to say, you mumbled, anxiously running your hands through your

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bts reaction: they are insecure
