2) Actions - related to things such as functions, processes, ,procedures, services, performance. Depending on the nature of the electronic device being imported, you will either need to go through a more comprehensive FCC certification or can submit your own Suppliers Declaration of Conformity. Lets look at the difference between the two: For RF Devices with the greatest potential to cause harmful interference to radio services like smartphones, Bluetooth speakers, earbuds, etc, that emit radiation a self-declaration is not acceptable to comply with FCC regulations and they must be certified by an FCC-recognized Telecommunication Certification Body (TCB) based on an evaluation of the supporting documentation and test data submitted by the responsible party (e.g., the manufacturer or importer) to the TCB. Therefore, a CoC (whereby the blade manufacturer writes that the blades conform to specific checklists) must be provided. Conformance to requirement or specification: that is, the product matches the features, attributes, performance and standards set out in the specification Acceptable quality and value for. Well also examine in more detail the type of CoC you need to import consumer and electronic products into the USA and EU, as well as covering some other points on the topic, too. The alternative is falsification testing, a strategy that results in a level of confidence that an implementation conforms. brand-name-or-equal specification cites one or more brand-names, SPECIFICATION DEFINITIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS. be as non-restrictive as practicable, consistent with satisfying and to invite maximum reasonable competition. Its use will not be permitted unless only one 0000006382 00000 n Taking the time to think, write & challenge what your internal customer need is one of the most important keys to have efficient, smooth, transparent & successful procurement process. a. Its relatively easy, faster & straight forward to complete procurement process with conformance specs; however, it limits innovation as you dont really give chance to suppliers to suggest different solutions. An official website of the United States government. products before soliciting competitive bids. The alternative is falsification testing, which subjects an implementation to various combinations of legal and illegal inputs, and compares the resulting output to a set of corresponding "expected results." The initial version of the test suite will not include the formatting objects part of XSL; however research is underway to determine how NIST can make a contribution to this part of the specification. How to Market Your Business with Webinars. looking at the above simple example that both requisitions are asking for something (A utensil to eat with) but they are defining vastly different attributes. In essence, specifications are about communication and the exchange of information between the Customer, the designer, the contractor and all stakeholders in the project. Give examples of conformance specification. Examples of conformance specification are: In this case the buyer simply explains problems the product should solve and the supplier provides such. CONFORMANCE VS. PERFORMANCE: IMPLICATIONS FOR EVALUATION - tandfonline.com They can also be selected from a drop down menu, executed and results displayed. A conformance test program needs to be supported by an advisory or control board, whose role is to resolve disputes and provide technical guidance. 0000002465 00000 n Another issue it whether or not a certificate expires (e.g., good for 2 years or never expire). The final test suite is expected to be complete by March 2001. Specifications can be attributed in two ways; 1) Attributes - related to things such as the part, component or raw material. And just as important, why is this important? Some may require that committees test the This is called strict conformance. Standards, Specifications and Purchase Descriptions - Buyandsell.gc.ca The other group call for ready-made, off-the-shelf commercial Conformance Testing and Certification Model for W3C Specifications the sealed bidding terminology as used throughout these specifications is synonymous with their negotiated procurement counterpart unless specifically stated otherwise. 20899 USA, Email: lisa.carnahan [at] nist.gov Tel: (301) 975-3362 FAX: (301) 948-6213, Prepared by Robin Cover for the The SGML/XML Web Page archive. 7. It increases a buyer's confidence in a product and its ability to meet their needs. Software that is tested to ensure that it meets the requirements detailed in the specification can improve the quality of the software and the likelihood of achieving interoperability. PFi@("$0 (JDbyHA': F$%BIPAl4FP'aFYlO2f)m8c4&3 o7q$e9(#yd: CoC for importing consumer goods in the USA, Certification authorization vs. SDoC (Suppliers Declaration of Conformity) for electronics being imported into the USA, Certificate of Compliance vs. 4 What are the characteristics of a good specification in procurement? DEVELOPING SPECIFICATIONS: Although Determining whether a product faithfully implements a standard or specification is essential to creating robust, interoperable solutions. In the marketplace, conformance test suites and consequently conformance testing provides a vehicle for exchanging information between buyer and seller. 0000009274 00000 n It's easy to subscribe to our newsletter where you'll receive weekly updates for professional importers and manufacturers on better understanding, controlling, and improving manufacturing & supply chain in China, India, Vietnam, and beyond. Is it a marketing or business requirement? MIL-PRF- 19500 (Semiconductors), or MIL-PRF-38535 (Microcircuits)] referenced in the contract. PDF EXAMPLE PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Example Specifications and Test The general definition for conformance has changed over time and been refined for specific standards. /Length 10 0 R trailer << /Size 1253 /Info 1209 0 R /Root 1216 0 R /Prev 331028 /ID[<421cc0d9af76233486a43ba075a266a0><421cc0d9af76233486a43ba075a266a0>] >> startxref 0 %%EOF 1216 0 obj << /Type /Catalog /Pages 1212 0 R /Metadata 1210 0 R /Outlines 157 0 R /OpenAction [ 1217 0 R /XYZ null null null ] /PageMode /UseNone /PageLabels 1208 0 R /StructTreeRoot 1206 0 R /PieceInfo << /MarkedPDF << /LastModified (D:20020325133406)>> >> /LastModified (D:20020325133406) /MarkInfo << /Marked true /LetterspaceFlags 0 >> >> endobj 1251 0 obj << /S 702 /O 971 /L 987 /C 1003 /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 1252 0 R >> stream The decision to establish a program is based on the risk of nonconformance versus the costs of creating and running a program. Specifications can be prepared in a Procurements primary role of taking a business requirement (specification) finding a supplier/suppliers , negotiating a deal and then ordering the item is all hinged on that first step! $*5QG)+cX3x Ideally, it would be nice to prove beyond any doubt that an implementation is correct, consistent, and complete. They can then make any necessary corrections to allow the implementation to conform. Conformance and Performance Specifications 1. Typically, level 1 is the basic core of the specifications that must be implemented by all products. Conformance to Specifications Sample Clauses | Law Insider Conformance Test Suites for XML Technologies. Level 2 includes all of level 1 and also additional functionality. It here unfortunatley all to often a stage where procurement are left out and not involved from the very begining stages. 3. This is the official blog of Sofeast.com. [1] Gartner Group, a Stamford, CT based consulting company, [2] ISO/IEC Guide 2:1996, Standardization and Related Activities General Vocabulary, Webmaster | Contact Us | Our Other Offices, Created September 8, 2010, Updated August 25, 2016, Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP). For software developers, using conformance test suites early-on in the development process can help improve the quality of their implementations by identifying areas in which they conform as well as those areas in which they do not. PDF Conformance Requirements for Specifications v1.0 ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. BRAND-NAME-OR-EQUAL SPECIFICATIONS: A All Goods provided by Contractor to Company shall conform to Company's applicable specifications, drawings, samples or other descriptions. Often a hybrid of these is appropriate -- i.e., issuing a certificate for a longer period of time (say 2 years) if no errors are found and for a shorter period (say 1 year) if there are errors. When a requisition does not include an existing standard, specification or purchase description, which the contracting officer considers . Note: it is still possible to see a CoC for importing into the EU here is an example onthis websitefor a medical device. According to the EUs own guidance, your EU DoC should contain the following information: For imported products, theimporter must ensurethat the product is accompanied by the DoC and must keep a copy of it for 10 years after the product has been placed on the market. Tip - Never design and make a product if there is an 'off-the-shelf' part available. 7. Official websites use .gov 0000004999 00000 n Does it come from a particularly influential stake-holder? The sponsor has a fundamental interest in ensuring the success of the program. The process for developing conformance test suites begins with defining the set of test assertions (TA) upon which the test suite is based. 6 What makes a good specification in procurement? specification sets limits and thereby eliminates, or potentially This board should be a body of impartial experts. controlled conditions and assessments made of their performance (a) Special marking as required under the applicable Military Specification [e.g. specifications must submit complete specifications with Conformance Specification [DIDO Wiki] Lets take an example. specifications, and ensuring clarity of language with jargon or When the supplier has more technical or relevant skills than that of the buyer, When technology is constantly changing in the suppliers industries in which case it will be hard to specify methodologies, When there is a clear criteria for evaluating alternative solutions suggested by the suppliers competing for the contract. specification, having been used historically in public ISO/IEC TR 13233 defined conformance and conformity as "fulfillment by a product, process or service of all relevant specified conformance requirements." The Procurement cycle is covered extensively within the CIPS . The success here will obviously depend on how you frame your specifications. It is best practice to ensure that suppliers are contractually required to provide line item spend details. A certificate of conformity, or CoC, is issued by an authorized party (sometimes the manufacturer, sometimes an independent laboratory) and states that the product meets the required standards or specification. This type of testing is called conformance testing. The prevailing style of management conditions people to "conformance to specification" as the aim, writes Nigel Clements. products are equal and this basis must be predicated upon Therefore, the list of assertions should be as comprehensive as possible. 0000066668 00000 n It will be super helpful to build on that. predicated on a written specification which includes certain product has to be specially made to meet the purchaser's unique 136 Conformance vs. The conformance clause may specify sets of functions, which may take the form of profiles, levels, or other structures. How many times have you looked at this afore mentioned specification and instantly picked holes in the acheivabilty of the desired outcome? Extensions shall not re-define semantics for existing functions, Extensions shall not cause standard-conforming functions (i.e., functions that do not use the extensions) to execute incorrectly, The mechanism for determining application conformance and the extensions shall be clearly described in the documentation, and the extensions shall be marked as such. Ready to get your copy? Usually testing programs are initiated for those specifications or standards for critical applications, for interoperability with other applications, and/or for security of the systems. tests or other criteria for comparing, examining and approving Some importers choose to purchase components for their new products that are already certified to avoid needing to go through the testing and certification process. activity involved in developing specifications for items Speaking generally, one is the specification that 3. 0000004193 00000 n This button displays the currently selected search type. The CoC can either be requested by a buyer to ensure the product being manufactured has been tested and passes the set criteria within a specification and meets both technical and safety requirements,or it would be a mandatory requirement as stated by country regulations and law for certain products, such as Bluetooth devices being sold in the USA. HR{HSa?wf^MiIZ\B!bEjs:\EJ3SQ%I*Zo;:{w0?|kD (.~]g+%kBBbk3d,bs|+7ED{Z*fsfhZm$C'5F)_bhz^q{0R+}#mzG"SSjod-I3?|4iLsmm:#M)wwDs9$hqm,L11]&]Nowi:&J5"PL%.'zBp\J_wdXjh#}>ZuP3YW6. /Filter /LZWDecode Thanks! The main reason a CoC is required at customs is to prove a product that the product being imported meets the required standard(s). Identification of any third-party laboratory on whos testing the certificate depends: Provide the name, full mailing address, and telephone number of the third-party laboratory. The supplier has to supply this, even though the supplier may not know what the product is for. Chartered MCIPS. Extensions shall follow the principles and guidelines of the standard they extend, that is, the specifications must be extended in a standard manner. Specifications sometimes need to address: Specifications may describe several different ways to accomplish its operation (e.g., a choice of file formats or codes). product will meet an intended need, there are at least ten Validation with certification is often used as a prerequisite for procurement. Specification | Procurement Journey What we wrote above is based only on our understanding of the regulatory requirements. Conformance quality is the production of products and delivery of services to specifications. ISO/IEC Guide 2 also mentions that "Typical examples of conformity assessment activities are sampling, testing and inspection; evaluation, verification and assurance of conformity (supplier's declaration, certification); registration, accreditation and approval as well as their combinations.". The understanding is that an implementation that is determined to satisfy each assertion will be considered to be in conformance to the standard. 3) The car shall have a red custom paint job with chrome accents. What is this thing called Conformance? | NIST Reference method tests and PEMS drift tests are conducted to determine conformance of the PEMS with the specification. The conformance clause of a standard specification is a high-level description of what is required of implementers and application developers. The objective is to produce tests for as many of the specification's requirements as feasible and use these tests to find errors in the implementation. Three of the test suites that are being developed are: XML Test Suite - The XML test suite for XML processors contains over 2000 test files and an associated test report. all necessary drawings, dimensions, terms, and Date and place where the product was manufactured. . Paper combination is: 3 layers carton (Layer1 is Kraft liner of 125GSM + Layer2 is Test/Recycled liner of 100GSM + Layer3 is Kraft liner of 125GSM) with mentioning Flute type and total GSM. 0000004431 00000 n competition consistent with seeking overall economy for the Moreover, each test should be written so as to explicitly state the behavior of a conforming implementation. The testing program should strive to be as impartial and objective as possible, i.e., to remove subjectivity of both the procedures and the testing tools. This free eBook shows importers who are new to outsourcing production to China or Vietnam the five key foundations of a proven Quality Assurance strategy, and also shows you some common traps that importers fall intoandhow to avoid or overcome them in order to get the best possible production results. It is important to note that certification cannot exist without validation, but validation can exist without certification. 8 Examples of Conformance - Simplicable - Simplicable Guide - Simplicable At last the month and year should be shown and the city, state, and country needs to be shown. The CoC is sometimes called Certificate of Conformance or Certificate of Compliance. 8 What does it mean to have a conformance clause? The conformance clause is a part or collection of parts of a specification that defines the requirements, criteria, or conditions that shall be satisfied by an implementation in order to claim conformance. When all deviations and omissions are eliminated, the implementation conforms to the specification. 7 What is the definition of quality of conformance? Conformance means that a product meets the minimum requirements in the standard. stream Requisition 2 - A clear defined specification "I would like a knife and fork to eat my dinner with, They must be no more than 5 inches high and they must be made of metal. Mohican-Battenkill Rebuild Project Appendix U Quality Control Plan and others may require laboratory tests. (3) list reproducible test methods to be used in testing for The term "optional" is used to indicate that if an implementation is going to provide the specified functionality, then the specification must be followed. this specification is used, tangible performance, quality Conformance test suites increases the probability that software products that claim to conform to a specification are implemented correctly. Two sets of test suites were built, one for DOM with an ECMAScript binding and the other with a Java binding. What are the types of specification in procurement? more interested in how it performs, how well it performs, and at A buyer would typically ask for a CoC on products/components that are critical or high risk. The rationale for this is to be able to acknowledge all the implementations tested, but "reward" those implementations that "get it 100% correct". described fully to include thickness, size, color, etc. and more interested in what a product does. Departments wishing to QualityInspection.org does not present this information as a basis for you to make decisions, and we do not accept any liability if you do so. Additional information about these test suites and the W3C Recommendations are available from: NIST http://xw2k.nist.gov/xml/index.html, OASIS http://www.oasis-open.org/committees. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. should be put on notice that the criteria used to define As a user I may legitimately have an issue that while testing a prototype I discover that I cannot steer the car and it has no braking system. For ensure testability of a specification/standard, care should be taken in the wording of the specifications itself. PDF EXAMPLE PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Example Specifications and Test A standard may classify features as "mandatory" vs. "optional," and provide a table listing features so classified. Technical Specifications and their Role in the Process: Solicitation substantially equivalent to those named are considered for award, The conformance clause identifies what must conform and how conformance can be met. Early supplier involvement can reduce evaluation time in performance based contracts. have expertise in every sphere of College of Charleston academic (IUT) is the object that is being tested for conformance. For example, statements indicating that an implementation "shall," "should," or "may" implement a certain feature. If you do not use a third party laboratory, you may label this section N/A. If the mattresses being certified are for cribs or childrens size mattresses, please see the requirements for issuing a CPC. defined in the bid invitation. Materials used must be 0000007908 00000 n Requirements Work that matches what was requested in requirements. When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. 0000066307 00000 n Ideally, we would like to be able to prove beyond any doubt that an implementation is correct, consistent, and complete with respect to its specification. On the one hand, a conformance certificate (or a claim of conformance) might only state that an implementation had been tested to completion, and provide a list of the errors that were found. What refers to product conformance with standards and specifications? Here's why. Additionally it may specify the permissibility of extensions, options, and alternative approaches and how they are to be handled. eliminates, items that are outside the boundaries drawn. ? .. or you receive totally different proposals .. specifications; brand-name-or-equal specifications; design For example, Apple maintains a page about EU compliance, and here is one of their DoCs. In many of these cases the problem is not that the scope changed but that the original Specification was incomplete. These requirements are specified in a standard or specification as either part of a conformance clause or in the body of the specification. What are Performance/Output Based Specifications? What does it mean to have a conformance clause? DEFINITIONS 2.1 Centroidal Area. specifications customarily employ dimensional and other physical In essence this is less rigid than conformance specification. Specifications often used to be one of the last items written before a package was issued for tender, but this has changed over time. By signing the DoC you takefull responsibilityfor your products compliance with the applicable EU law. If errors are found, one can correctly deduce that the implementation does not conform to the specification; however, the absence of errors does not necessarily imply the converse. TYPES OF SPECIFICATIONS WHEN CONTRACTING | plus pdf download If the criteria or requirements for conformance are not specified, there can be no conformance testing. Since the purposes for for different products. In 1996 ISO/IEC Guide 2 defined the three major terms used in this field. Failure to pass a test implies failure to conform. Specifications are statements of requirements to be satisfied in the supply of a product or service There are two main types of specification when contracting namely: With this type of specification the buyer says what they want and how they want it and the supplier has to meet this Examples of conformance specification are: What are the types of specification in procurement? This is a document, parallel to but distinct from the official specifications, that contains a list of recognized extensions to the standard. of Procurement has approved the use. Generally, the more critical the application, the more formal the testing. An XSL stylesheet is used to generate an XML Conformance Test Report, which includes background information on conformance testing for XML and information that is useful in determining that each test is traceable back to the Recommendation. At the end of the 1-year period, the implementer would have to correct the errors to renew the certificate. It's important to have several calls/meetings with the requesting department to get more clarity about their needs, ask them to get piece of paper and write on it what they need whatever they can write! These cast blades have to be x-ray checked to ensure no voids or cracks are evident. developing your specifications, however, Procurement does not Not all specifications or standards need a testing program. Conformance testing provides software developers and users assurance and confidence that the conforming product behaves as expected, performs functions in a known manner, or possesses a prescribed interface or format. Java and all Java based marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc., in the United States and other countries. These are certainly all legitimate requirements but they are far from complete. Working Title - NIST goods or service must perform. b. 2) The car shall have a really kickin stereo system. Applications often do not require all the features within a standard. 2. Conformance specs: Paper combination is: 3 layers carton (Layer1 is Kraft liner of 125GSM + Layer2 is Test/Recycled liner of 100GSM + Layer3 is Kraft liner of 125GSM) with mentioning Flute type . A specification becomes an essential contract management document which is used to ensure that the chosen supplier provides what is specified.