Water will issue from under the temple. The linked site has its own terms of use, privacy policies, and security practices that differ from those on our website. Although no one knows when the Second Coming will be, its important to listen to our Church leaders for things we can do to prepare to be in His presence. "I cannot overstate how vital you and your choices are. The earth will be returned to its paradisiacal state and be made new. Each of us will be tested, he said. As temptations and wickedness in the world increase, the temple can be a place of refuge from worldly troubles and challenges. In his Oct 2018 talk, Sisters Participation in the Gathering of Israel, President Nelson said: You remember that last June, Sister Nelson and I spoke to the youth of the Church. Sadly, some whom you thought were your friends will betray you. I speak of this doctrine today because of its unique importance in Gods eternal plan. These changes are put in place to help us become more spiritually self-sufficient and develop a relationship with the Lord. This doctrine of the gathering is one of the important teachings of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Prophet Speaks to Latter-day Saints of Western Canada, Refugees Meet with Elder and Sister Holland in Germany, Elder Christofferson Meets Religious Leaders in Central Africa, When reporting about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, please use the complete name of the Church in the first reference. Receiving an endowment there seals members of the Church to the Abrahamic covenant. It is not man . And when a loved one dies, teach your children that because of Jesus Christ, we can be with each other again as we keep our sacred covenants.. "The prophecies of His Second Coming have yet to be fulfilled," he said. You and I get to participate in the ongoing Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ. How Near Is the Second Coming?: What Prophets Have Said Recently Church members must also have the courage to be resilient in their faith. "Things are going to move forward at an accelerated pace," he told the . Why? President Nelson makes impassioned plea for all to 'come unto Christ' Additionally, he said Latter-day Saints should make it a priority to be worthy to enter the temple. Construction of the steel frame for the two-story Burley Idaho Temple is making . You will have days when you will be discouraged. A welding link is to be forged between the fathers and the children. Spiritual security will always depend uponhowone lives, notwhereone lives. He wants His children to gain immortality and eternal life! 24:10). Preparing the church for the Second Coming of the Savior is an unmistakable priority of President Nelson. The Future of the Church: Preparing the World for the Savior's Second Coming. Leaders are urging us to be spiritually and temporally self-sufficient. Is Israel's Isaac Herzog preparing a second judicial compromise I. Part of their preparation, however, requires the earthly efforts of others. The Lord will return to the land that He made holy by His mission there in mortality. 2. So pray for courage not to give up! We are to build families and be sealed in holy temples. Do whatever it takes to strengthen your faith in Jesus Christ by increasing your understanding of the doctrine taught in His restored Church and by relentlessly seeking truth. But now the gathering takes place in each nation. I cannot speak of the Restoration in tempered tones. Each of us will be tested. And in 2022, there will be a special Face to Face broadcast for all members specifically on gathering Israel and sharing the gospel. Teach them that God is their Heavenly Father and He will help them. A necessary prelude to that Second Coming is the long-awaited gathering of scattered Israel (see1Nephi 15:18; see also the title page of the Book of Mormon). Feed My Sheep, by Jay Bryant Ward, may not be copied. Elder Gerald Lund weighs in with nearly 50 years of insights. From these centers He will direct the affairs of His Church and kingdom. Why do we need such resilient faith? Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him (1Corinthians 2:9; see also Doctrine and Covenants 76:10). In our time, a whole, complete, and perfect union of all dispensations, keys, and powers are to be welded together (see Doctrine and Covenants 128:18). We are to prepare for our own divine destiny: glory, immortality, and eternal lives (seeRomans 2:7;Doctrine and Covenants 75:5). Let them see you going to the temple. He is commonly regarded as the architect of Apartheid. As you keep your covenants with increasing precision, and as you defend the Church and kingdom of God on the earth today, the Lord will bless you with strength and wisdom to accomplish what only members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints can accomplish. The Lord has declared: I give unto you a sign that I shall gather in, from their long dispersion, my people, O house of Israel, and shall establish again among them my Zion (3Nephi 21:1). We are to be builders of an individual faith in God, faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and faith in His Church. The list of retirees in the second half of 2022 isn't very long, but the years of service add up into the hundreds. President Nelson wrote about the importance of eternal families, temples, missionary work, and gathering Israel on both sides of the veil. But there are many things we dont know, like when its going to happen. And every prophet has talked aboutourday, when Israel would be gathered and the world would be prepared for the Second Coming of the Savior. Equally powerful are express promises President Nelson has made during that period of time in other settings (see, e.g., We can combat those fears by strengthening our faith. Preparing the World for the Second Coming - YouTube In June 2018, the University of Utah honored President Nelson with . We gather pedigree charts, create family group sheets, and do temple work vicariously to gather individuals unto the Lord and into their families (see 1Corinthians 15:29; 1Peter 4:6). Daily Hope Devotional 1 November 2022 Written By Rick Warren . President Nelson's Breadcrumbs to the Second Coming - YouTube But when will it actually take place? Anytime we do anything that helps anyoneon either side of the veilto make and keep their covenants with God, we are helping to gather Israel.. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. 2022 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. People can be brought to the knowledge of the Lord (3Nephi 20:13) without leaving their homelands. How amazing is it that messengers from heaven came to give authority and power to this work? It causes people to learn about Jesus Christ, to believe His gospel, and to join His Church. The great latter-day work of which we are a part was established, on schedule, to bless a waiting and weeping world. ), Insights from Young Adults on the Restoration of the Church, The Future of the Church: Preparing the World for the Saviors Second Coming, Ensign, April 2020. What do you say when your friends dont believe that things like the First Vision could happen? He said, "It is the most important work in the world.". For her, she said, that means worship in the temple. A necessary prelude to that Second Coming is the long-awaited gathering of scattered Israel (see 1Nephi 15:18; see also the title page of the Book of Mormon). (See Ezekiel 47:18.). President Nelson 2nd Coming : latterdaysaints Remember that the fulness of Christs ministry lies in the future. A necessary prelude to that Second Coming is the long-awaited gathering of scattered Israel (see 1Nephi 15:18; see also the title page of the Book of Mormon). In October 2006, President Nelson gave an important talk on this subject titled: The Gathering of Scattered Israel. Uttered by Almighty God, that announcement brought a young Joseph Smith to the Lord Jesus Christ. President Nelson shared what he called his ABCs of personal preparation for worship in a temple: A is for ancestors; . We are engaged in the work of Almighty God. President Nelson admonished these Latter-day Saints to live wisely each day. A renowned surgeon, President Nelson assisted on the first-ever human open-heart surgery. The prophet also gave a reminder that it is the duty of Latter-day Saints to prepare the world for the Second Coming and that all can come unto Christ, wherever they may be. In fact, if there were no Book of Mormon, the promised gathering of Israel would not occur. Posted By: LDSAwake.com June 12, 2020. 2 serve as a narrative-style history of the early Latter-day Saints who established the Church. The Book of Mormon declares the doctrine of the gathering (see, for example,1Nephi 10:14). We are just building up to the climax of this last dispensationwhen the Saviors Second Coming becomes a reality.. From that temple He shall reign forever as Lord of Lords. This doctrine of the gathering is one of the important teachings of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He will be known as Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that [will be] with him [will be those who] are called, and chosen, and faithful (Revelation 17:14) to their trust here in mortality. Latter-day Saints consider each temple the most sacred space on earth. I learned how to be generous from my parents. President Nelson Quotes from Every General Conference Part of their preparation, however, requires the earthly efforts of others. In this talk, I focus solely on the express promises (specifically labeled as such) made by President Nelson in general conference addresses since he became the president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Hope of Israel 2018. It confirms my enthusiasm and excitement to hear what our leaders have to inspire us with this coming weekend. The time is coming when those who do not obey the Lord will be separated from those who do (see Doctrine and Covenants 86:17). The time is coming when those who do not obey the Lord will be separated from those who do, he said. The post Update: The Federal Government (Satan Soldiers) On Thursday Extended Its COVID-19 Emergency for Another 90 Days Despite President Joe Biden's Declaring the Pandemic "Over" Weeks Earlier. The place of gathering for Brazilian Saints is in Brazil; the place of gathering for Nigerian Saints is in Nigeria; the place of gathering for Korean Saints is in Korea. 2012 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. He testified that the correction was commanded by the Lord and said, It was the Savior Himself who said, For thus shall my church be called in the last days, even The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He also noted, If we allow nicknames to be used or adopt or even sponsor those nicknames ourselves, He is offended., President Nelson promised that making this correction would result in numerous blessings, the likes of which we have never seen. He continued, We will have the knowledge and power of God to help us take the blessings of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people and to prepare the world for the Second Coming of the Lord.. He will govern from two world capitals: one in old Jerusalem (see Zechariah 14) and the other in the New Jerusalem built upon the American continent (Articles of Faith 1:10). Bird quoted President Russell M. Nelson . We can combat those fears by strengthening our faith. Strength comes when you remember that you have a divine nature, an inheritance of infinite worth. He speaks from the Conference Center Theater on Temple Square in Salt Lake City, Utah, on Saturday, April 3, 2021. The Latter-day Saint prophet has given 101 talks in general conference, including 38 as a member of the First Presidency alongside Dallin H. Oaks and Henry B. Eyring.These Russell M. Nelson quotes are taken from all of his general conference talks from 1984 to 2022. President Nelson quotes have the special ability to make your burdens feel lighter. Preparing for the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ is far more important than anything else we may be engaged in in life. "Now is the Time" by President Nelson from the April 2022 general conference. The Parable of the Ten Virgins applies to us right now. It is wondrous! But what recent Church announcements have caught me off guard, and why?, Enter your email to receive updates on our LDS Living content, 2022 LDS Living A Division of Deseret Book Company, being prepared for the Second Coming of the Savior, Opening prayers or no opening prayers?

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