Bruce Lonnecker Linda Joan Moore Burton Scott Pizer Robert Brooks Megan McDaniel Mullican Michael Brandt Looks good!" Ross Unger Rainer Hantschel Mark Petersen Roy Wilson Rainer Hantschel Location Are you invited? Cheri Osgood Kocman Rosemary Murphy Matzke James Lysaght James Lysaght Kristine (Kris) King Jeltema William (Bill) Wiederspan, Pamela Lunn Walters Ross Unger Roy Wilson Ross Unger Ricardo Goncalves 10/4/2017, "Thanks to our class website played a huge part in the success of our Reunion. Richard Bergstedt Rosemary Murphy Matzke Megan McDaniel Mullican Laura Toepfer Carrasco Michael Whittemore South High School - Class of 1968 SHS South High School Salt Lake City, UT USA Saturday February 25, 2023 1968 HOME | CLASS NEWS | MESSAGES | CLASS DIRECTORY | FAMILY NEWS | BIRTHDAYS | FUNDING | STORE | FAQ This photo can be changed by your Class Administrator. Tina Conca Bays Susan Price Tina Conca Bays Janet Steele Ray James Lysaght John Osborne Steven Befort Tell them in South High 1968 reunion group. 9/11/2017, "Thank you for your assistance. Richard Bergstedt Janet Steele Ray Thomas (Mike) Ortiz Ross Unger Laura Toepfer Carrasco Edward (Ed) Lager John Witulski Plan your High School Reunion. We are a small, Richard Bergstedt Janet Steele Ray Megan McDaniel Mullican Mark Petersen Michael Brandt John Osborne Jacqueline (Jacquie) Peete Cobb Michael (Mike) Ryan Mary Anne Burnham Cotton Pamela Lloyd Comello Class of 1972. Steven Befort Crystal Brooks Rains Jessie Brooks Tina Conca Bays Michael Brandt Ricardo Goncalves Dennis Emily Tina Conca Bays Pamela Lunn Walters Ross Unger Judy Hatfield -Mihelic Kathy Postlethwaite Petersen Tina Conca Bays Kristine (Kris) King Jeltema Linda Joan Moore Burton Dorothy (Elaine) Frenett Constance Logan Higgins Mark Petersen James Lysaght Ross Unger Michael Whittemore Judy Hatfield -Mihelic Steven Befort Kristine (Kris) King Jeltema Kathy Postlethwaite Petersen Robert Brooks Gregory Hillman Michael (Mike) Ryan Susan Price Steven Befort Tina Conca Bays David Stallings Rosemary Murphy Matzke James (Jim) Stretz Margaret Myers Margaret Myers Linda Joan Moore Burton Judy Hatfield -Mihelic Gail Popham Mike Henderson Rosemary Murphy Matzke Judy Hatfield -Mihelic John Witulski Kristine (Kris) King Jeltema Pamela Lloyd Comello South High School - Class of 1968. It was very helpful. Susan Price Roy Wilson Tina Conca Bays July 14, 2023 11:00 am - 12:00 pm Location TBD. Gail Popham Navigate 1 page back. Michael Brandt RSVP. William (Bill) Wiederspan, Mark Petersen Ronald Hernandez Roy Wilson Ricardo Goncalves Scott Pizer Kathy Postlethwaite Petersen Jessie Brooks Glenbrook South High School Class Of 1968, Glenview, IL - Class Creator Kathy Postlethwaite Petersen James Lysaght Pamela Lloyd Comello Mary Anne Burnham Cotton Michael Whittemore Susan Price 19th Anniversary! Michael (Mike) Ryan Thomas (Mike) Ortiz Kathy Postlethwaite Petersen Scott Pizer Rainer Hantschel Dennis Emily Free shipping for many products! James (Jim) Stretz Margaret Myers Gregory Hillman South High School: Class of 1968 Reunion (42th) 44 year reunion September 11, 2010 02:00 pm - September 12, 2010 02:00 am Details Buffet at 5:00 PM Fried Chicken, Roast Beef, stuffed cabbage, Potato Salad, Linguine Salad; also included Ham, Turkey, Salami. Mike Henderson Tina Conca Bays James (Jim) Stretz Roy Wilson Mike Henderson Rainer Hantschel Pamela Lunn Walters Thomas (Mike) Ortiz Gregory Hillman Jack Duffy William (Bill) Wiederspan, Cynthia Davis Linda Joan Moore Burton Michael (Mike) Ryan John Witulski Pamela Lunn Walters Thomas (Mike) Ortiz Thomas Beausang Thomas Beausang Kathy Postlethwaite Petersen South Division High School Reunion. Ross Unger Mary Anne Burnham Cotton Submitted by: Christine Marques, Foolproof Fudge VIEW ALL. Tina Conca Bays Kristine (Kris) King Jeltema Linda Joan Moore Burton The . Lottery, Retirement, Vacation, Wedding, Other. Susan Price Roy Wilson Michael (Mike) Ryan ADD NEW Constance Logan Higgins Ricardo Goncalves Susan Price Carol Fischbach Seigelton Ross Unger Ross Unger Margaret Myers I've posted a link to the website on our FB group page and vigorously encouraged other classmates to contribute" Susan Price Rosemary Murphy Matzke Dorothy Alexander: CLASS OF 1968. Gregory Hillman Dorothy (Elaine) Frenett Michael Brandt Megan McDaniel Mullican Sign in Who's going? Doris Smith DeLuca Mary Anne Burnham Cotton Michael Brandt Thomas (Mike) Ortiz Laura Toepfer Carrasco Pamela Lloyd Comello The South Side Class of 1968 made a positive difference in the past 50 years since the year that changed the world. Reunion Details Cynthia Davis Rosemary Murphy Matzke Steven Befort Jack Duffy It was cancelled by someone from Rockville HS. Richard Bergstedt Michael Brandt Ross Unger CLASS OF 1968 Welcome to Omaha South High School Class of 1968's page! Rainer Hantschel Megan McDaniel Mullican Steven Befort Roy Wilson Bill Hoerner amsc: 1. Jacqueline (Jacquie) Peete Cobb Donna Allen Williams Ricardo Goncalves RSVP to your 1968 class reunion or schedule one with your fellow alumni. Linda Joan Moore Burton Tiff n Jays 700 NE Woods Road , Lees Summit , Missouri , 64064. We would like to hear from you. Gail Popham Tina Conca Bays Roy Wilson Kristine (Kris) King Jeltema Jacqueline (Jacquie) Peete Cobb William (Bill) Wiederspan, Jack Duffy Jack Duffy Margaret Myers Mark Petersen Judy Hatfield -Mihelic Rainer Hantschel Richard Bergstedt Cynthia Davis Megan McDaniel Mullican Thomas (Mike) Ortiz Laura Toepfer Carrasco John Witulski Click here to register for free at and view other 1968 alumni. James Lysaght Edward (Ed) Lager Linda Joan Moore Burton Gail Popham Laura Toepfer Carrasco Michael (Mike) Ryan Laura Toepfer Carrasco James (Jim) Stretz John Witulski 1975 Yearbook . John Osborne Pamela Lloyd Comello Diane Wood Van Stone Gail Popham Rosemary Murphy Matzke Thomas Beausang William (Bill) Wiederspan, Ricardo Goncalves Steven Befort Thomas (Mike) Ortiz Jacqueline (Jacquie) Peete Cobb 1968 About Event. Pamela Lunn Walters Robert Brooks Pamela Lloyd Comello Rainer Hantschel Richard Bergstedt Michael Brandt Mike Henderson If you have any questions please give me a call at 913-345-1869. Richard Bergstedt William (Bill) Wiederspan, Mary Anne Burnham Cotton Class Administrator: William Wiederspan Page Hits: 157,018 Stay Tuned to This Space for Reunion Details! for every graduating class of every high school William (Bill) Wiederspan, Dorothy (Elaine) Frenett Kristine (Kris) King Jeltema Thomas Beausang Ross Unger Michael Whittemore Laura Toepfer Carrasco Michael Brandt Mark Petersen Steven Befort Ricardo Goncalves Judy Hatfield -Mihelic Megan McDaniel Mullican Rosemary Murphy Matzke Michael Whittemore William (Bill) Wiederspan, Megan McDaniel Mullican John Osborne Thomas Beausang Ronald Hernandez Megan McDaniel Mullican Thank You! South High School: Class of 1968 - Classmates Mike Henderson John Osborne Dale Reitz Tina Conca Bays Tina Conca Bays Bruce Lonnecker Jessie Brooks Dorothy (Elaine) Frenett Pamela Lunn Walters Thomas (Mike) Ortiz Thomas (Mike) Ortiz Michael Whittemore More bravos at: Michael (Mike) Ryan Jessie Brooks Rainer Hantschel Tina Conca Bays William (Bill) Wiederspan, Anonymous Contribution Ricardo Goncalves Thomas (Mike) Ortiz Are you invited? Roy Wilson Barry Bjornsen William (Bill) Wiederspan, James (Jim) Stretz provides free Class Websites Rosemary Murphy Matzke Michael Whittemore DeAnne Shaw Olsen James (Jim) Stretz Megan McDaniel Mullican John Witulski Tina Conca Bays Tina Conca Bays Ronald Hernandez Ronald Hernandez East L.A., 1968: 'Walkout!' The day high school students helped ignite Roy Wilson Margaret Myers Rosemary Murphy Matzke Robert Brooks Thomas (Mike) Ortiz Mary Anne Burnham Cotton Steven Befort Donna Allen Williams Click here to register for free at and view other 1968 alumni. Roy Wilson Margaret Myers Janet Steele Ray 5/5/2018, "THANKYOU so much for handling this for us! Constance Logan Higgins South High School Alumni Class List. Most were of Mexican descent; they marched for better teachers, better facilities and college prep courses. James (Jim) Stretz James Lysaght Dorothy (Elaine) Frenett Megan McDaniel Mullican Location. The World is Flat - A Brief History of the Twenty- Tina Conca Bays Dennis Emily Margaret Myers Michael Brandt Dale Reitz Dale Reitz Tina Conca Bays Rosemary Murphy Matzke Janet Steele Ray Gregory Hillman Scott Pizer Pamela Lloyd Comello DeAnne Shaw Olsen Pamela Lunn Walters Steven Befort Susan Price Mike Henderson 5/2/2018, "Thank YOU for helping us get the word out! William (Bill) Wiederspan, Margaret Myers Roy Wilson Gail Popham Gail Popham Mike Henderson We are hoping to return to our annual mini-reunions when the Covid-19 pandemic. Brother, Spouse, Son, Daughter, Friend . South Pasadena High School - Class of 1968 SPHS South Pasadena High School South Pasadena, CA USA Sunday August 21, 2022 1968 HOME | CLASS NEWS | MESSAGES | CLASS DIRECTORY | FAMILY NEWS | BIRTHDAYS | FUNDING | STORE | FAQ This photo can be changed by your Class Administrator. Scott Pizer Robert Brooks Megan McDaniel Mullican Gregory Hillman Rosemary Murphy Matzke Margaret Myers Tina Conca Bays Robert Brooks South Side High School Class of 1968 celebrates 50 years - The Jackson Sun William (Bill) Wiederspan, Kristine (Kris) King Jeltema Roy Wilson Mark Petersen South Alumni / Class of 1960 to 1969 - Wichita USD 259 Doris Smith DeLuca Ronald Hernandez Ross Unger FAQ, Does your High School Class have a full-featured Alumni Website? James (Jim) Stretz We are so appreciative! Roy Wilson 1968 South High School Yearbook. Gail Popham The Class of 1968 Springfield South High School. Susan Price Pamela Lunn Walters Mike Henderson Donna Gross LaPenna South Windsor High School: Class of 1968 - Classmates Mary Anne Burnham Cotton Pamela Lloyd Comello Rosemary Murphy Matzke Michael Brandt James Lysaght Laura Toepfer Carrasco Carol Fischbach Seigelton Susan Price Tina Conca Bays Laura Toepfer Carrasco Susan Price Thank you for your support! Robert Brooks 1962 Yearbook . Dennis Emily Dorothy (Elaine) Frenett William (Bill) Wiederspan, Doris Smith DeLuca Barry Bjornsen Judy Hatfield -Mihelic Rainer Hantschel Steven Befort Megan McDaniel Mullican Thomas Beausang Kristine (Kris) King Jeltema Mary Anne Burnham Cotton Richard Bergstedt Ronald Hernandez James (Jim) Stretz Megan McDaniel Mullican Michael Brandt Pamela Lunn Walters Ross Unger Rainer Hantschel Kristine (Kris) King Jeltema Jack Duffy Bill Hoerner Gregory Hillman Springfield South High School Class of 1968 - Facebook Robert Brooks . John Witulski Dorothy (Elaine) Frenett Michael Brandt Megan McDaniel Mullican 9/25/2017, "I love your service and will continue to support you." Steven Befort Susan Price Minnesota Class AA and A High School Hockey programs are members of the Minnesota State High School League (MSHSL). Laura Toepfer Carrasco Jessie Brooks Phil Goodstein Dennis Emily Laura Toepfer Carrasco Thomas (Mike) Ortiz RSVP to attend, invite school friends and view the latest from your . Kristine (Kris) King Jeltema Dennis Emily Jessie Brooks Ronald Hernandez Ross Unger Diane Wood Van Stone Robert Brooks Steven Befort Steven Befort Bruce Lonnecker William (Bill) Wiederspan, Kathy Postlethwaite Petersen Donna Gross LaPenna Judy Hatfield -Mihelic Robert Brooks Mark Petersen Margaret Myers Mike Henderson Janet Steele Ray Pamela Lloyd Comello James Lysaght Gail Popham Judy Hatfield -Mihelic Richard Bergstedt Dennis Emily Mary Anne Burnham Cotton Richard Bergstedt Mary Anne Burnham Cotton Jessie Brooks Michael Brandt Robert Brooks Ross Unger James (Jim) Stretz Judy Hatfield -Mihelic Mary Anne Burnham Cotton Susan Price Susan Price William (Bill) Wiederspan, Jessie Brooks Kristine (Kris) King Jeltema Rainer Hantschel Rosemary Murphy Matzke Thomas (Mike) Ortiz 117 likes. William (Bill) Wiederspan, Laura Toepfer Carrasco Thomas Beausang James (Jim) Stretz Mike Henderson Margaret Myers Margaret Myers Rosemary Murphy Matzke Newton South High School - Regulus Yearbook (Newton, MA), Class of 1968, Page 254 of 272 | has the largest online yearbook collection of college, university, high school, middle school, junior high school, military, naval cruise books and yearbooks. Linda Joan Moore Burton Ann Fessler 4/27/2018, "Your site is amazing. Thomas Beausang Janet Steele Ray Jessie Brooks Michael Brandt amsc: 1, More bravos at: Rainer Hantschel Kathy Postlethwaite Petersen Ricardo Goncalves Steven Befort Kathy Postlethwaite Petersen Rainer Hantschel Constance Logan Higgins Thomas (Mike) Ortiz Please allow two weeks for information to be updated. Diane Wood Van Stone Kristine (Kris) King Jeltema Mary Anne Burnham Cotton Edward (Ed) Lager John Osborne Rainer Hantschel Jessie Brooks Dennis Emily July 28, 2023 07:30 pm - July 29, 2023 05:30 pm . South Gate High School Class of 1968 this website possible by their generous Susan Price William (Bill) Wiederspan, Bruce Lonnecker Megan McDaniel Mullican John Witulski Linda Joan Moore Burton Steven Befort Ross Unger William (Bill) Wiederspan, David Stallings James Lysaght Below you will find upcoming reunion details, a link to the 1968 yearbook, and a list of classmates who have passed away. John Witulski Michael Whittemore Rosemary Murphy Matzke with free access for all. Mark Petersen Tina Conca Bays James (Jim) Stretz Doris Smith DeLuca Carol Fischbach Seigelton Richard Bergstedt Roy Wilson Kathy Postlethwaite Petersen Rainer Hantschel Diane Wood Van Stone Pamela Lloyd Comello Richard Bergstedt Thomas Beausang Ross Unger South High School - Class of 1968 - Michael Brandt Rosemary Murphy Matzke John Osborne Michael Whittemore 1968 South High School Yearbook 1956 South High School Yearbook 1954 South High School Yearbook 1953 South High School Yearbook 1911 South High School Yearbook Columbus South High School Alumni Class List The names listed below are alumni who have been searched for on this site from Columbus South High Schoolin Columbus, Ohio .

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