The original creators, Barney and Ally Hartman, struggled to get Dew to take off, and they even tried to sell it to Coca-Cola in the early days. There is a link between increased sugar in coffee and weight gain as well as an increased risk of diabetes type 2. . In what has to be one of the most bizarre legal defenses around, Pepsi defended a lawsuit by proving that Mountain Dew is acidic enough to dissolve a mouse. Yellow dyes are also known to cause adrenal tumors in animals as well as hypersensitivity in children. The short answer to this question will depend on the size of the container. One of the main reasons why these sodas have the highest amount of sugar is the amount of high fructose corn syrup. [6] He filed suit against PepsiCo (Mountain Dew's parent company), seeking $75,000 in damages. Is Mountain Dew a healthy drink? Is Mountain Dew Bad For You? (You'd Never Think It Was This Bad) Like the Cheetos, they weren't necessarily disgusting, but they did have an odd sweetness for a savory chip. Animal . Increasing evidence shows that diet soda use is associated with an increased risk of a variety of medical issues, including cardiac disorders such as heart attack and high blood pressure, to name a few of examples. Some say that Bill Jones of the Tip Corporation started tweaking the formula, adding a little tang to the drink. If you read the label on the back of the bottle you will quickly see Diet Mountain Dew has no redeeming nutritional value; however, Diet Mountain Dew does contain an ingredient that you may want to avoid: aspartame. Here are 14 reasons for constant hunger. Firstly, soft drink companies claim that caffeine is added to enhance the flavor of certain drinks. If you are drinking Diet Mountain Dew to help control your weight, you may want to reconsider. Since Ball opened the can 74 days after it was packaged, Pepsi claims it would be impossible to find an intact mouse inside the can. Others say that Johnson City, Tennessee, is the true home of Mountain Dew because Tri-City Beverages plant manager, Bill Bridgeforth, started adding his Tri-City Lemonade to Mountain Dew bottles, and the more citrus-forward version took off. But that's not to say Mountain Dew has low caffeine content. Taking a look at the grams per liter, Mountain Dew comes in with just a little over 121 grams of sugar. Are mountain dew bad for you? - Here's where history gets a little murky. But if you want more caffeine and a sugar-free alternative, you may consider other options like Pepsi Zero or even Diet Mountain Dew. As time went on, Pepsi started marketing to a younger crowd, adopting the "Do the Dew" tagline and dropping the hillbillies bit in exchange for images and spokespeople that appealed to a more high-octane, thrill-seeking crowd. One study suggests brushing immediately after drinking soda can cause even greater damage, as the enamel is vulnerable in the moments just after you expose it to acids. Some research suggests that while these sweeteners eliminate the high calories that come with sugar, they may cause people to crave sweeter, less-nutritious foods without associating sweetness with calories. Current Status: All that added caffeine in Mountain Dew doesn't only keep you alert, either; studies have found that high doses of caffeine can lead to a decrease in fat mass and body weight. If you think Mountain Dew is one of the sodas with the most sugar, then youre right. (2009). We will inspect some of the most harmful ingredients below to help you decide the answer top the question is Mountain Dew bad for you: Carbonated water in beverages is water that has been artificially injected with carbon dioxide gas under pressure. Regional: Caffeine-Free Mountain Dew Caffeine-Free Diet Mountain Dew Hard Mountain Dew Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. 20 fl oz 7.5 fl oz 12 fl oz 16 fl oz 16.9 fl oz 24 fl oz 33.8 fl oz 67 fl oz Fountain. Sara Ding is the founder of The idea of mixing brown liquor with vibrant green soda doesn't exactly sound appealing, but luckily that wasn't what the Hartman brothers were doing. It would continue to use this formula for all subsequent releases, and the packaging would remain largely unchanged until the 2020 rebrand. The last we checked on their site, Mtn Dew still contains brominated vegetable oil (BVO). Except for Surge (68mg), Moutain Dew contains the most caffeine in a soda with sugar. But if you want more caffeine and a sugar-free alternative, you may consider other options like Pepsi Zero or even Diet Mountain Dew. Two . Lets hear it from the horses mouth. Yellow dyes: a petroleum-based product which is a possible food carcinogen (4,5). Mountain Dew was invented in Tennessee, before PepsiCo bought the brand. But the reasons arent quite so simple. He reportedly brought cups filled with different formulas to local drug stores and asked Marion residents to tell him which was their favorite. According to MEL Magazine, concentrated OJ has been filtered to remove all the water, resulting in a juice that's seven times more concentrated than the original. Basic education, says Harris, is also needed: "We also just need to let people know that you can drink these drinks safely, but they can also do harm. ", 'Soda Mouth' Can Look A Lot Like 'Meth Mouth'. She is a certified Wellness Health Coach, Nutritional Consultant and a Detox Specialist. "I see erosion from the acids in the drinks, and decay from the sugars," says Steven Ghareeb, spokesman for the Academy of General Dentistry and a practicing dentist in South Charleston, W.Va. "They go hand in hand many times, and they're equally bad. People should avoid drinking excessive amounts of any soft drink and sugar-sweetened beverages, including Mountain Dew, so they control their blood sugars and weight, both of which are factors that can affect fertility. Based on consumer feedback, the ingredients and flavor were adjusted to be more like the orange-citrus flavor of Pepsi-era Mountain Dew. How Much Caffeine is in Mountain Dew? 2023 Breakdown He'd prefer if we called it "Mountain Dew color." A Beginners Guide to Making Deliciously Refreshing Celery Juice! But, it wasn't always that way. Mountain Dew has the same amount of caffeine as Coca-Cola or Pepsi and has vitamins B and . Yes, thats right, the company admitted that Mountain Dew was corrosive enough to dissolve a mouse carcass in just a few months. Caffeine in Mountain Dew vs. Coke: Which Has More? 2023 Breakdown Bromine is heavy and it keeps the fruit oil (in this case, the orange concentrate) from floating to the top of water-based solutions. Sweetener erythritol may increase risk for stroke, blood clot, death Yellow 5 isn't the only surprise ingredient in Mountain Dew. Its not unusual to see young mothers putting Mountain Dew in their babys bottles or young adults with rotting teeth in this region of the country. References Knoxville historian and author, Jack Neely, told WBIR that the brothers "originally only made it for themselves," and their version didn't have caffeine. Appalachia has a distinct culture of sipping soda constantly throughout the day. Weaker dental enamel explains dental decay. BVO: (brominated vegetable oil): which is banned in Europe and Japan. The official Mountain Dew Real Sugar logo as of 2020. The high sugar levels and ascorbic acid are known to cause severe tooth enamel erosion. One simple way to avoid Mountain Dew Mouth is to reduce or stop drinking Mountain Dew and other soft drinks. In 2009, Ronald Ball discovered something jelly-like in his Mountain Dew drink that he had purchased from a vending machine at his work. "We are using taxpayer dollars to buy soda for the SNAP program, and we are using taxpayer dollars to rip teeth out of people's heads who can't afford dental care and are on Medicaid," says Dana Singer, a research analyst at the Mid-Ohio Valley Health Department in Parkersburg, W.Va., who wants to see stricter regulations on sales of all sugary beverages in the region. BVO's purpose is to act as an emulsifier, helping to distribute the flavor evenly throughout the drink. Obesity. How Much Sugar Is In Mountain Dew? [Grams, Nutritional Facts] If, after reading all this and youre still after that Mountain dew fix, then you can get a case here on Amazon. Luckily, a writer at Vice did it for us. Oral health disparities and the future of America. For that purpose, it is not dangerous. And there's another reason why soda mouth is so pervasive in Appalachia, Harris says: the region's distinct culture of sipping soda constantly throughout the day. Mountain Dew isn't satisfied with their suite of flavors, because they're always testing out new flavors (like the Doritos-flavored Mountain Dew aptly named Dewritos that was tested at universities in 2014). Johnson City GoldDewshine The brothers jokingly named the beverage Mountain Dew after the term's nickname, joking that it tasted just like moonshine when mixed with liquor. Caffeine is a natural stimulant that acts by activating the central nervous system to fight tiredness and improve concentration and focus. Carbonated soft drinks are bad for your teeth. Ever Heard of "Mountain Dew Mouth?" The high sugar levels and ascorbic acid are known to cause severe tooth enamel erosion. According to Tristan Donovan's book Fizz: How Soda Shook Up the World, the original Mountain Dew bottles were decorated with a shoeless hillbilly who carried a rifle and a jug of moonshine. There has long been a discussion about the difference between total and added sugars and why they are being labeled, to begin with. Why is Mountain Dew bad for you? Dental erosion and severe tooth decay related to soft drinks: A case report and literature review. Sincerely, America's Peninsula.". Its as simple as that. Therefore: Find out here, what kind of damage this amount of sugar can do to your body. According to the Center for Science in the Public Interest, a 12-ounce bottle of Mountain Dew contains 54 milligrams (mg) of caffeine. These contribute to poor immunity, especially when coupled with a poor diet that is high in processed foods. A liter will have less than double the amount with 124g in one bottle. So, how much sugar is in a Mountain Dew? Its always a good idea to check the labels before purchasing your next soda or juice, so you know how much sugar you are consuming. As we shared above, bromines are endocrine disruptors that can disrupt your normal hormone function and cause reproductive or fertility problems in both males and females. Why is there so much sugar in Mountain Dew? - Quora However, Mountain Dew, is even worse than other sodas, including coca-cola, which have been highly criticized in the last few years. Yikes! MTN DEW ZERO SUGAR gives you the bold taste and exhilarating charge of your favorite original MTN DEW but with none of the sugar. In addition to their exclusive restaurant deals, Mountain Dew has an incredible collection of flavors available at the grocery store. Evaporation involves heating the juice to high temperatures, and extraction involves adding some chemicals to get a more condensed product. Try it out for yourself. Diet Mountain Dew may well be the riskiest diet soda because it has the greatest number of questionable additives. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. [4] But by all means please keep letting people who dont know to learn this knowledge knowing whats healthy/unhealthy is good idea but taking away peoples right to choose one over the other is wrong no one has any right to decide for someone else, As of 2021 it is not listed on Mountain Dew cans but I bet it is still in there. Visit the dentist. THIS Is Why Mountain Dew Is Terrible For You (Never - DailyHealthPost The clear soda looked very similar to the original lemon-lime version, and it was made with real sugar (like the original). Currently, on an interim basis pending more research, the FDA allows BVO to be used as a food additive. 3. DOI: Ebersole JL, et al. I would definitely attribute these problems to drinks." They also encourage the growth of bacteria in the mouth. A 20-ounce bottle will have a whopping 77 grams of sugar in one bottle. If you go through them to make a purchase, I will earn a small commission (at no additional cost to you). To give you an idea of how much sugar is in a Mtn Dew drink, consider this:4 grams of sugar = 1 teaspoon. In the 1930s or '40s (sources vary on the year), brothers Barney and Ally Hartman created a mixer to make whiskey taste better. [1]*01*01-07&form=RTD&size=20 Although the effects of caffeine can vary from person to person, individuals with anxiety disorders, children, and adolescents are more susceptible to the negative effects of the compound. Mountain Dew is high in calories170 calories per 12 oz canso it could contribute to weight gain. Battery acid has a pH of 1.1, in comparison. Experts on Mountain Dew Mouth suggest that Americans in Appalachia are particularly vulnerable because theyre more likely to live in poverty, have less access to quality dental care, and are simply unaware of the damage theyre doing to their teeth. Mountain Dew does not kill sperm, contrary to popular myth. While one might be enough for the day (if you so choose), more than that might be just pushing it. Lemon-lime sodas are citrus-flavored and usually caffeine-free. The Untold Truth Of Mountain Dew - Mashed It's hard to find someone who hasn't done the Dew and for good reason. Our average diet has an insane amount of sugar in it, so cutting down uncessary crap like soda would be best. It was an alternative to those who wanted a richer taste compared to Diet Mountain Dew, which seemed to taste a bit more watered down. Flavor: Everything contains sugar nowadays, even food like milk, bread or processed meat. Description But over in Appalachia, the region that stretches roughly from southern New York state to Alabama, the fight against soda is targeting an altogether different concern: rotted teeth. Other flavors that rank highly include the Voltage and Live Wire. A 20-ounce bottle will have a whopping 77 grams of sugar in one bottle. In addition to using a new name called "Real Sugar," the new design also returned to using Mountain Dew's 19691996 era logo which had previously been used for its initial 2009 release. Even moderate amounts of caffeine may cause negative health effects to individuals who are susceptible. Concentrated orange juice sounds good, simply because of the words orange juiceits natural, isnt it? Is Mountain Dew Healthy? 15 Things You Should Know If your eyes just went cha-ching, we're with you. All rights reserved. According to Redditors, the chips tasted like "sweet lemon lime chips" weird, but not necessarily gross. This dye is FDA approved to give foods a boost of yellow color, and it's used in somewhat high quantities in a soda as vibrant as Dew. This will estimate around 10 teaspoons of sugar. Real Sugar (also known as Throwback from 2009 until 2020) is a Mountain Dew variant, that as the name applies, is made with "real" sugar, similar to most soft drinks in the 1980s before soda companies switched to high-fructose corn syrup. As we take a closer look at the ingredients in Mtn Dew, you can understand the danger of each of them being present in a drink that is ingested into your body. Here's Why. Whether it is its industrial "neon" greenish-yellow color depending on who you ask that gets our tongues wagging or the rumors that it contains the contentious ingredient called brominated vegetable oil, an additive that's been linked to some health concerns and that Pepsico has since removed from its Mountain Dew products (viaUSA Today), people like to talk about this soda. Every process such as this will use up some nutrients in your body. Drinking pure water afterward, and using it like a mouthwash, may help reduce the acidity. So drinking Mountain Dew in moderation will not automatically cause weight gain. Like the original Mountain Dew, the soda is yellow-green in color and comes packed in green-tinted various sizes of bottles. Studies suggest that this synthetic compound does not get assimilated in our bodies and can accumulate in human tissues, causing toxic effects when consumed in large doses. In the Mtn Dew ingredients label as above, you can see High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) being one of the main ingredients. ), Starbucks Dirty Little Secret - You'll Never Want To Go, Coca-Cola Attempts to Go Healthy With Stevia-Sweetened Coke, Dutch Man Creates Device That Turns Coca Cola Back Into Pure, 22 Deadly Reasons to Never Put a Bottle of Pop Near Your, Coca-Cola Paid $1,000,000 to Make Sure You Dont Know This, 7 Drinks Worse Than a Candy Bar. Gallery. Additionally, participates in other affiliate programs, Clickbank, CJ, ShareAsale and other sites and we sometimes get a commission through purchases made through our links. A 12-ounce can have 46 grams of sugar, and a 16-ounce can have 61 grams of sugar. Mountain Dew Baja Blast is slightly less unhealthy. Not only do soft drinks contribute to disease, but they also shorten telomeres, which are the areas of our genes responsible for aging. MTN DEW ZERO SUGAR Explore. What drinking Mountain Dew does to your liver and abdominal fat It's a controversial ingredient because it's also a patented flame retardant for plastics, and it's been banned in Europe and Japan. How much sugar is in a can of Mountain Dew? Permanent Flavor The peninsula may cover 1/3 of the state, but it's missing from maps so often that the Michigan House of Representatives had to pass a bill requiring all state documents to depict both the upper and lower peninsula of the state. Like most soft drinks, Mountain Dew is loaded with sugar. Lemon-lime soda. That might not seem like that much when compared to a 12-ounce Starbucks coffee's 235 mg (ahem, sorry, we meant to say Tall coffee). Any carbonated sodas will lose their fizz at some point, especially if they have been kept in a warm place (like the back of your pantry). It should be mentioned that earlier this year, Mountain Dew released a zero-sugar version of the soft drink, and it has gained some popularity since then. MTN DEW MAJOR MELON Zero Sugar However, Mountain Dew has many health benefits that make it a good thing to drink. 7 Exciting Caffeine-Free Sodas - Healthline [11] Early 2010s: Grape Lemon Lime Orange Raspberry Strawberry Wild Berry Diet Voltage Diet Supernova Diet FlareDiet Crave Diet White Out Diet Distortion Game Fuel (Tropical) Dark Berry Mountain Dew A.M.Johnson City Gold Mountain Dew AMP Game Fuel (Electrifying Berry) Researchers from the University of California in San Francisco found that those who drink just 20 fl oz of sugary soda a day may take as much as 4 years off of their lifespan. Even then, there are still plenty of sodas on the market that are loaded with sugars. Conventional medicine uses Caffeine and Sodium Benzoate injection to treat respiratory depression associated with overdosage of anti-depressant drugs. Harris says that dental problems are especially bad because dental care is harder to get in Appalachia, which includes many of the poorest and most remote communities in the country. Many studies have associated a high intake of carbonated soft drinks, like Mountain Dew, with increased dental erosion. What Does Mountain Dew Taste Like? Does Mountain Dew Taste Good? THIS Is Why Mountain Dew Is Terrible For You (Never Drink This Ever Again! The image was later expanded to show the hillbilly shooting at a government revenuer from an outhouse, a throwback to Prohibition times when Mountain Dew was a nickname for moonshine. The other interesting ingredient is BVO. There's the exclusive Taco Bell flavor, Mountain Dew Baja Blast, with its epic aquamarine color and lime-forward flavor. Tasters at The Takeout described the chips as being "indistinctly citrus with an odd tang." Again, thats a lot of sugar for the daily value. Does Mountain Dew kill sperm? The truth - Medical News Today Throwback saw another 5-week run beginning in July 2010, followed by the announcement in October that it would stay on shelves as long as sales were good. 65% of children in West Virginia, whereMountain Dew has a cult-like following, suffer from tooth decay. [5] This article aims to share some important facts about the consumption of this drink and the dangers it can cause to your health. Why is Mountain Dew Unhealthy? Please see the ingredients list above. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. For women, its 25 grams or 6 teaspoons. Again, thats a lot of sugar for the daily value. DOI: Li H, et al. DOI: Roache SA, et al. Dr. Terri Winn: Also, the lesson here is that even if you scale back on soda, there are non-carbonated beverages out there that may also be packed with sugar (like Apple Juice). Resorption of teeth happens when parts of a tooth begin to break down and are absorbed by your body. Back in 2009, Priscilla Harris, an associate professor at the Appalachian College of Law, issued the first battle cry in the war against Mountain Dew mouth with a legal brief titled "Undoing the Damage of the Dew," which explores how the drink became ingrained in the region's culture. [12] However, when its added to food or beverage and consumed internally is when it becomes dangerous to your health. Drinking more than a soda a day raises the risk that acids found in many soft and energy drinks will eat away at your tooth enamel and its pearly white color. I was raised on soda and only now in my 20s I've manahed to give it up and shift to water. As well as brewing my own homemade soda concoctions. (2017). Mountain Dew contains high concentrations of sugar, which gives the product a long shelf-life. Color: Mountain Dew also contains citric acid, an ingredient often used in lemon- or lime-flavored foods and drinks. And it can be found in most sugary beverages that you can find (and it can even be found in most foods).

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why does mountain dew have so much sugar
