The disciples wake Him and ask Him to save them. The people who go down to the sea in ships in Psalm 107 sound a lot like the disciples in Matthew: they are afraid in the face of the storm, and they cry out to God in their distress. There is the chaos of the storm and the dead calm which follows after the intervention of Jesus. This scene is often pictured and is a favourite for times of stress and of They are not contradictory statements; they are not discrepancies. See. The peril and perplexity of the disciples in this voyage; and in this appeared the truth of what Christ had just now said, that those who follow him must count upon difficulties, Mt 8:20. Jesus sleep is significant to consider for a moment. 2. We are perishing! This theme of controlling the seas was stressed in Job 38:8-11. But it gives us also a clue that the storm, although only a storm, is a symptom of something else about nature. The Winds and the Waves Obey His Will (Matthew 8:23-27) Storms terrify many people. _When he was come down from the mountain, great TEXT: 8:23-27 Matthew 8:23-27 King James Version 23 And when he was entered into a ship, his disciples followed him. Jesus has also given instructions to cross to the other side of the lake, in verse 18. THE STILLING OF THE TEMPEST (Mark 4:36 *, Luke 8:23). worship, What alls here: notes, quotes, questions, and thoughts on what I read from where I read it . The writer to the Hebrews quotes from that 8th psalm, and then says, Yet at present we do not see everything subject to him, but we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels, now crowned with glory and honor . But it should encourage us to know that even the closest disciples of Jesus were not much different at times. 26 Jesus responded, Why are you afraid? Third, the more we see the power of the Lord, both in the Bible and in the experiences of believers around us (and in our own lives), the more our confidence will grow. Note the contrasts here. Christianity Acts. of His ministry summarised as teaching and preaching and healing _Excursion to the eastern shore with its incidents_ (Mark 4:35 to Mark reading freedom We return in this This excited their astonishment (Mt 8:27); The men marvelled. Matthew 8:2327 demonstrates Jesus' authority over nature. But He was asleep. (1.) Christs disciples are apt to be disquieted with fears in a stormy day, to torment themselves with jealousies that things are bad with them, and dismal conclusions that they will be worse. 25 The disciples went and woke him up, shouting, Lord, save us! as dative after , the after this The use of the word rebuke is interesting and deserves some study. Even though there are so many things in life that threaten our lives and cause us to fear, the more we know the Lord and His power, the less we will be afraid. We are perishing! Like with so many other prayers we find in the Gospel, I may find that today this simple prayer resonates in my heart as I look at my family, my community, my country, our world. This tells us about the cosmic scope of Jesuss authority. Ordinarily, after a storm, there is such a fret of the waters, that it is a good while ere they can settle; but if Christ speak the word, not only the storm ceases, but all the effects of it, all the remains of it. And sometimes they can summarize a saying by putting it into a question when it was an assertion, or by making it negative when it was positive--they are trying to capture what was said, but capture it in a way their individual audiences would best understand it. We will always struggle with fears in this life, because the world is not a safe place. Matthew 8:23. When next the waters seem about to close over me, can I remember to cry out to the Lord, in the certainty that my cry will be heard? 2.) of life. 1. A stillness more than the stillness of peace, though doubtless, in their circumstances, that would be blessed and deep. 2. Jesus is fast asleep. It is a sign of His true manhood, of His toil up to the very edge of His strength. The 29th psalm is also a good one to connect with this study. Have there been times of turbulence when Jesus (God) seemed uninterested, uncaring? In one sense, the present scene of the calming of the storm is even more striking. On the part of the disciples there was an agitated appeal. He does not quench the dimly burning wick, but tends it and feeds it with oilby His inward gifts and by His answers to prayertill it burns up clear and smokeless, a faith without fear. The lake is in the famous rift valley, a natural fault line that runs from this region in the north down the Jordan River Valley to the Dead Sea and in fact all the way to Africa. hermneutik (techn) interpretive (art) < hermneuts interpreter], Abraham Joshua Heschel The Sabbath In this case, what is being saved is the disciples physical lives. followed him. will experience their sorrows, and show His heart of compas 23-27 It is a comfort to those who go down to the sea in ships, and The year was dry, and as the water of the lake was down they were able to see parts of a boat buried in the mud along the shore south of Capernaum--in the mud for 2,000 years! As a sense of danger and need is a choice argument when we deal with Christ for help; so is it an ordinary forerunner of deliverance and help.7. They did not want to drown. That will be a primary focus of the study. The story is placed here in chapter 8 no doubt to be a part of this demonstration of Jesus authority. Mount Hermon to the north is over 9,000 feet high, and the Dead Sea is about 1250 feet below sea level. 26 And he saith unto them, Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith? 8:23-27 When He got into the boat, His disciples followed Him. Reflection, Home COMMENTARY What is the meaning of Matthew 8:23-27? Imagine yourself in the boat with Jesus. 25 The disciples went and woke him up, shouting, Lord, save us! It is used usually against things that ought not to be, such as the weak faith of the disciples. Just from a simple reading of the few verses we would rightly conclude that the account demonstrates Jesus authority over the elements of nature, and, the disciples weak faith for being afraid. Matthew 8:23. Is it beyond Him to help us? What a wondrous application of His power (6) And when he was entered into a ship, his disciples followed him. Matthew begins "And seeing the multitude, he went into a mountain: and We have a sudden storm in the middle of the lake; the little fishing boat is about to go down; and the group of disciples are thrown into a panic, yelling all kinds of things. 25 And they went and woke him, saying, Save us, Lord; we are perishing. 26 And he said to them, Why are you afraid, O you of little faith? Should they not, in any case, wake Him out of His sleep? The two narratives that follow are brought together in all three All this is a symbol of our individual lives, as well as of the history of the church.A. Of course, some of the more liberal writers would say it was simply a coincidence that the sudden storm would also have a quick ending, and Jesus, knowing that, rebuked it at the right moment. Jesus has shown himself to be the Messiah Kyrie soson, Lord, save, became a part of the liturgical language of the church. He replied, 'You of little faith, why are you so afraid?'" Mt. This becomes the powerful thrust of the passage to all subsequent believers. It is helpful also to get all the facts straight in the event before looking at the point of the story in the passage. Bible study While Jesus sleeps, a violent storm rages and the disciples are fearing for their lives. And, behold, there arose a great tempest in the sea, insomuch an opportunity presented itself of displaying miracles, thereb JESUS GOT INTO THE BOAT. When you pray you are not alone. How came we ever to question His love? 23 Then He got into the boat and His disciples followed Him. This is the background we need as we turn to Matthew 8:23-27. 27But the men marvelled, saying, What manner of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him! We know not the way of the wind (Joh 3:8), much less can we control it; but he that bringeth forth the wind out of his treasury (Ps 135:7), when it is out, gathers it into his fists, Pr 30:4. But a rearrangement of the order of the stories by Matthew for rhetorical or theological purposes is not a problem. of him. And he said to them, "Why are you afraid, you of little faith?" The disciples marvel at the authority of Jesus even the elements obey Him! Their petition is, Lord, save us. The prevalence of our inordinate fears in a stormy day is owing to the weakness of our faith, which would be as an anchor to the soul, and would ply the oar of prayer. Q. III. The men were amazed, and said, What kind of a man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey Him?. He is saying essentially the same thing that Matthew said. _HILDA BRIGHT_ 23 And when he was entered into a ship, his disciples followed him. Note, They, and they only, will be found the true disciples of Christ, that are willing to go to sea with him, to follow him into dangers and difficulties. (Note the words gave commandment in Matthew 8:18.) 2. When He did, the wind, the waves, the sea, everything became perfectly calm. Martin Buber I and Thou On the way He quiets a terrible storm. Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm. Luke, who did research in writing his gospel, traced the memory of something else that was said. MATTHEW 8:23-34 LESSON: ASTONISHING AUTHORITY February 10, 2019 HISTORY/ INTODUCTION: 8:14-17 THE HEALING OF PETERS MOTHER-IN-LAW Jesus came to Peters house and saw that his wifes mother (Peters mother-in-law) was lying down sick with fever. Christ could have prevented this storm, and have ordered them a pleasant passage, but that would not have been so much for his glory and the confirmation of their faith as their deliverance was: this storm was for their sakes, as Joh 11:4. How easily this was done, with a words speaking. Jesuss tranquility in the boat is, perhaps, a demonstration of what it means not to worry or be anxious about how things are going to turn out. This seems to be in response to the press of the crowd, and makes sense of the otherwise sudden reference to the boat in verse 23. St Mark, as usual, adds some interesting details: "it was By taking care of the troubling circumstances of life Jesus was able to take away their fears and build their faith in Him. Have there been occasions in my own life when I invoked the Lords help and he restored peace and calm to my troubled waters? Scripture: Matthew 8:23-27 Denomination: Evangelical/Non-Denominational A Helper In The Time Of Storm Contributed by Chuck Sligh on Apr 15, 2011 based on 4 ratings | 8,635 views Sometimes God leads His children into storms. But 24 Suddenly, a fierce storm struck the lake, with waves breaking into the boat. Behold the man, in his human nature, sleeping! Boat is. He had already done miracles by His powerful word, and now here He did another over the storm. The first one is that Matthew says that the disciples cried out to Jesus Lord, save us. What is the storm-tossed sea that threatens my spiritual existence? They would look back on this and always remember His Why are you afraid? because they would not be so afraid again in His presence. [2.] AND WHEN HE WAS ENTERED INTO. First, it should help us to build our faith, our confidence in Christ. hermeneutics These narratives make a large leap forward in the Were going to drown!. Observe, They call him, Lord, and then pray, Save us. The disciples fear and panic is contrasted with Jesus sleeping on the boat. Masters orders. At its deepest it is about 160 feet deep, depending on the fluctuation over the years. The King passed down from the mountain and from teaching in order that What might you say to Jesus? [1.] HIS DISCIPLES FOLLOWED HIM into the ship, and th And when he was entered into a ship, his disciples followed him. (1-2) The leper makes his request of Jesus. 24 Without warning, a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat. Our prayer leads us from love to knowledge, the knowledge of the 'Lord save us, we are perishing!' And it would have been powered by a sail. word, and healed all that were sick:_ Surely they could have seen a sudden calm too if that had been the case. We have already discussed the boat and the storm so that we do not need to reiterate that now. Who is this man, the disciples asked each other. Christ, by commanding the seas, showed himself to be the same that made the world, when, at his rebuke, the waters fled (Ps 104:7-8), as now, at his rebuke, they fell. act. community Jesus Mark, who relied on Peters report, recorded another. to go to Decapolis by boat across the Sea of Galilee. 2. The other changes are small variations of the wording. Judaism 23. MESSIAH'S WORK AS COMPLEMENTARY TO HIS TEACHING. multitudes followed him. HEALING OF PETER'S HIS DISCIPLES, probably the Twelve, though others followe GENERAL CHARACTER. (Judges 6:13). (Delivered Sunday, August 28, 2005 at Observe how lovingly our Lord meets an imperfect faith. Calming storms on the sea is a divine attribute, most specifically mentioned in Psalm 65:7, Psalm 89:9, and Psalm 107:25-29. But that is certainly what I meant, put in other words that the fellow student would understand better (he was not in the habit of listening well). Not the winds only but the waves are silent. 25And his disciples came to him, and awoke him, saying, Lord, save us: we perish. Note lastly, That the disciples faith was lessened by their fear: fear is generated by unbelief, and unbelief strengthened by fear; as in things natural there is a circular generation, vapours beget showers, and showers vapours; so it is in things moral, nothing can cure us of fear, till God cures us of unbelief; Christ therefore takes an effectual method to rid the disciples of their fears, by rebuking their unbelief. Sometimes the powerful word of the Lord is described in very vivid pictures, such as in Revelation as the sharp, two-edged sword that comes out of His mouth and will strike the nations (19:15). CONTENTS: Jesus heals a leper, the centurion's servant and Peter's 23. What does Jesus say to you? Both Matthew and Mark included Jesus question about their being afraid. the science or art of interpretation, especially of the Scriptures. Matthew 8:23-27. Great multitudes often count for nothing; it is here or ther Matthew 8:1. It is also a sign of His calm conscience and pure heart. section to matter which resembles that of Mark and Luke, and The glory of the deliverance which Christ doth give to His people in their greatest strait is marvellous and far above all that they can apprehend ere it come. It is a simple misbelief to be too much afraid to perish in Christs company and service. mountain gorges, are notor Matthew 8:1. I ask God for the grace to face death peacefully, whether it be close at hand or far in the future. Maclaren, D.D. That psalm describes a thunderstorm growing in the Mediterranean Sea and sweeping inland over Lebanon, causing damage to the trees and shaking the hills with an earthquake. 25 And his disciples came to him, and awoke him, saying, Lord, save us: we perish. This sea, or better lake, is in the north of the land of Israel; it is the only fresh water lake in the land, and so a great place for fishing. Christ had given sailing orders to his disciples (Mt 8:18), that they should depart to the other side of the sea of Tiberias, into the country of Gadara, in the tribe of Gad, which lay east of Jordan; thither he would go to rescue a poor creature that was possessed with a legion of devils, though he foresaw how he should be affronted there. Matthew records in Matthew 13. theology Jesus was accused of having a demon, but He cast out demons (Matt. In between their request and their amazement is Jesus rebuke of their weak faith. when he had sat down, his disciples came unto him: And he open DISCIPLESHIP IN TRAINING They follow Jesus into the boat (R. V.). We do not follow a simple itinerant preacher from Galilee; we follow Jesus, the Messiah, the Son of God. trust in and pray to, who knows what it is to be on the water, an Matthew 8:23 Now G2532 He G846 got G1684 (G5631) into G1519 boat G4143 always used. . As had previously been pointed out to the would be disciples, those The disciples said all these things and probably more as well. 23. After His conversations with two reluctant followers, Jesus gets into the boat to go to the other side of the sea. Be still! (4:39); and the disciples were terrified (4:41) and asked Who is this? (4:41). 3. Here we see the power of His word over nature. This text Matthew 8:23-27 is not in the lectionary, but that doesnt mean this story is one of those things you wouldnt know about the Bible if all you knew were the lectionary. Home / Commentary / Matthew / Matthew Chapter 8 / Matthew 8:23-27. Were going to drown. Mark says that the disciples said, Teacher, dont you care if we drown? Luke says that they said, Master, Master, were going to drown. Now this apparent discrepancy as it is often called affords us a good opportunity to understand the synoptic gospels. Either way, the peril was great. And, look MAIN HOMILETICS OF THE PARAGRAPH. Matthew 8:23. Contrasts. What pity was in it! people, they would understand and appreciate and love him more. 4, 5) would be of interest as well since God caused a huge thunderstorm to assist Israel. His discovery of the cause and spring of their fears; O ye of little faith. We are perishing!" The ground of their appeal lay in the unexpected attitude of their Master and Lord at that time. (1.) And when he was entered into a ship, his disciples followed Here are my notes on this text: BACKGROUND AND CONTEXT: This story is found in Mark (Mark 4:35-41) and Luke (Luke 8:22-25), but were reading it in Matthews gospel. Learn hence, That the prevalency of fear in a time of great and imminent danger, though it may argue weakness of faith, yet it is no evidence of want of faith: in the midst of the disciples fears they believed Christs power. The nature of their appeal, when they came to make it, was in full accord with such feelings. religion This fact seems to explain much that we read of in this case. had given them wise instruction. Jesus Words. The Lord sits upon the floods, and is mightier than the noise of many waters. One would have expected, that having Christ with them, they should have had a very favourable gale, but it is quite otherwise; for Christ would show that they who are passing with him over the ocean of this world to the other side, must expect storms by the way. exegesis Great storms of doubt, and fear in the soul, under the power of the spirit of bondage, sometimes end in a wonderful calm, created and spoken by the Spirit of adoption. CLOSER READING: In verse 24, the storm that happens is literally a quake the Greek word that gives us our words seismograph and seismic. Their admiration of Christ; What manner of man is this! abs._ (EGT) . (2.) The [So I could not help thinking of a tsunami.] But it was their fear that betrayed the weakness of their faith. So when you come upon apparent discrepancies in the narratives (and some interpreters like to exploit these as errors), remember that the writers have a certain amount of freedom to put things in their own words, or to summarize, or to select only parts of the event for their book. 'Why are you afraid, you of little faith?' Then He calls them a name: oligopistoi meaning little faiths. This moniker is translated here as you men of little faith. (Matthew 8:23-27 KJV). _dat. Jesus was sleepin _aor. He had not rebuked their weak faith simply to point out their weakness; He had rebuked their faith in order to show a weakness that He was now about to resolve. (Matthew 8:26) EXPLAIN. Decapolis was a But Matthew used a word that means of little faith while Mark says do you still have no faith? Mark did not mean to imply that the disciples had no faith at all--he has already described their following Jesus. He emphasizes this point with the exclamation And behold. Learn thence, That the presence of Christ itself doth not exempt his disciples and followers from trouble and danger: here is a great tempest about the disciples ears, though Christ was in their company. *MIRACLES WHEN JESUS HEALED PEOPLE 8:19:38 Upon this account, Christ is to be admired, that he has a commanding power even over winds and seas. Jesuss rebuke of the disciples serves as a wakeup call to them. These are times when Jesus seemed asleep. Their prayer has life in it, Lord, save us, we perish. An agitated appeal.The occasion of this was a great tempesta sort of convulsion (a ) in that sea. evening-there were other little ships-a great storm of wind the waves Observe here, 1. Jesus rebukes the disciples for their lack of faith and calms the storm. ", Sacred Space is a ministry of the Irish Jesuits. Jesus calmed the storm to encourage their faith (v. 26). As a child, I had many nightmares about tornadoes. If It Is During The Millennium How Will There Not Be Pain And Tears When The Devil Is Released To Deceive The Nations? He would be accepted by the nations, as is the case in the book of Mk. And he said to them, Why are you afraid, O men of little faith?. To them it would doubtless have a different look. Matthew 8:23-27 (my translation) 23 As he boarded the boat, his students followed him. tempest arose, eveningthere were other boats with Hima great storm Here it simply reports that they went with Him in the boat. (G1684) , . How effectually it was done? Matthew inserts this group of events here; Mark and Luke But Jesus was sleeping. He shows complete trust in the protection of God, whereas the disciples are seen to be of little faith. Jesus power over all nature is referred to at the very beginning of the Book of Hebrews, for it begins by reminding us that Jesus is sustaining all things by His powerful (spoken) word (1:3). How do you feel? 24 Suddenly a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the To the winds and seas; next to the fears of his disciples; He rebukes the winds and seas and instantly they are calm; when the sea was as furious as a madman, Christ by his divine power calms it. For the exposition, see the notes at Mark 4:35. 5-13 Compare Luk_7:1-10. They believed he could save them; they begged he would. The Lord seems to sleep, when he permits his Church What a beautiful representation is here given of the two-fold nature It is a reminder that Jesus was truly human. But be careful: they are not making things up to embellish the account. Professed disciples tested. The ship or fishing-boat, i.e. Who is Jesus to me? THE STORMY SEA. But Jesus demonstrates that he has access to that same power, which hints at his divinity. The story can also be looked at from the perspective of contrasts. II. GODHEAD, in his divine nature, rebuking the winds and sea. Psalm 8 had said that God made man a little lower than the angels and gave him dominion over creation. Christ stilling the tempest.. CHARACTERS: Jesus, leper, centurion Matthew 8:2. Sea There is the terror of the disciples and the composure of Jesus who is asleep! From a I. He was the Messiah, the King of Heaven and Earth. reading the Bible 25 The disciples went and woke Him, saying, Lord, save us, were going to drown!. For He is not only their teacher: He He shares three examples of Jesus miraculously healing people during His ministry in Capernaum. It provides another significant part to the portrayal of the King: He is not just a king over the people of Israel; rather, He is king over all nature as well. Dormant power.In the first verses of this passage the resolution of Matthew 8:18 is executed in part. is the fullest; note how both the others omit the reproach of Mark the waves; and he was sleeping. The church must believe Christ to be God and able to deliver them. Whether He seem to sleep or to be awake, He is Lord of heaven and earth, Ruler and Commander of wind, sea, and land, whom all the creatures must obey.10. [3.] There was a great calm (Matthew 8:26). 24 And suddenly a great tempest arose on the sea, so that the boat was covered with the waves. Less remarkable, perhaps, that the others wake him up. You see that particular mention is made of this one special case, and, document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); hermeneutics /hmnjutks/ ( personal Whenever sozo is used, it is important to ask three questions. 24And, behold, there arose a great tempest in the sea, insomuch that the ship was covered with the waves: but he was asleep. In a storm, whether of the sea or of my own emotions, the urgent often pushes Kingdom Power Demonstrated. But, the circumstances of the storm on the sea terrified them and they thought they were going to drowneven though in their presence was the Son of Man. Afterward their amazement is on who this one is. But what a rebuke! says that Jesus crossed the sea on the evening of the day the pa Matthew 8:23. The voyage which followed was characterised by two principal features. Change). liturgy The boat that Jesus used to cross the sea was probably around this size. It is the same power that stills the noise of the sea, and the tumult of fear, Ps 65:7. but dangers attend and difficulties do accompany them:. sing. And yet despite this miraculous calming of the storm those disciples could at times still be as faith-less as they had been in that boat beforehand. 27. His G846 disciples G3101 followed And when he was entered into a boat, his disciples followed him.' there, a hand outstretched to save us from anxiety, darkness and despair. It could have carried up to 15 men. . And often He answers our prayers in ways that we can only marvel, and say, What manner of man is this?. When Jesus calmed the storm, then, He was demonstrating that He has the power of heaven at His command. What is there lacking except in your faith? Each gospel writer includes some of the things that happened there in the boat. Christ and his disciples no sooner put forth to sea, but dangers attend and difficulties do accompany them: a tempest But that is a stilted bookish view and totally unrealistic. The magna charta of Christ's Kingdom: the unfolding All this kind of material you can gather from a good dictionary. But observe, when he went to sea, he had no yacht or pleasure-boat to attend him, but made use of his disciples fishing-boats; so poorly was he accommodated in all respects. Let these be hushed, there would be terror no more. It was the sleep of physical exhaustion after a hard days work. You would discover them right away when you read the account in the three synoptic1_ftn1 gospels: Matthew 8:23-27 of course; Mark 4:37-41; and Luke 8:23-25. multitudes followed him. We do not know if the two men who approached Jesus got into the boat with Him or if they decided to stay. This little passage is rather straightforward in its structure. 23 Then Jesus got into the boat and started across the lake with his disciples. I ask for simple trust, and share in the Apostles' wonder at the power present in the person of Jesus. It is helpful to keep that in the back of your mind. And the comforting thing is that even in our fears and terrors, our weak faith, we may cry to the Lord: Lord, if you are willing, save/heal/deliver/protect . And who of you by being worried can add a single hour to his life?(Matthew 6:25-27). Our Lord, of set purpose, will lead His disciples into dangers, for the stirring up and trial of their faith, and for evidencing His own glory.2. They seem to have needed constant experiences for their faith. What does this mean for us? I stay with these words, pleading for Jesus' help. hope In these nature miracles, though, Jesus was demonstrating what God had intended for humans to be. It was the language of their fervency; they pray as men in earnest, that beg for their lives; it becomes us thus to strive and wrestle in prayer; therefore Christ slept, that he might draw out this importunity. The word that calms the storm.Christ yields to the cry of an imperfect faith, and so strengthens it. they sailed was probably a small open boat with sails, such as was The journey to the other side would have normally taken a couple of hours. After this brief chastisement, Jesus, then got up and rebuked the winds and the sea. But add the speeches and we see that Jesus calmed the storm at their request for help, but before He did it He rebuked them for their weak faith. The Storm on the Lake. MATTHEW 8:1 THE LEPER CLEANSED. 2 Even if the writers were relying on a separate and earlier source of Jesus sayings and works, as much of modern scholarship assumes, they still had the freedom to put it in their own words to suit their purpose, yet never making it say something Jesus did not say or mean. In a way, their request for Him to save them already had answered who this one was. Mark 4:35-41; Luke 8:22-25. you, a great upheaval arose on the sea, so that the boat was hidden by _And when he was entered into a ship, his disciples Jesus questions the disciples fear, calls them little faiths same word as last week and then rebukes or warns the wind and the waves. 24 And behold, there arose a great storm on the sea, so that the boat was being swamped by the waves; but he was asleep. The disciples, several of whom were experienced fishermen, were unable to bring the boat safely to shore and became fearful for their lives. () of windthe waves beat into Ver 23. As He lay asleep He showed the weakness of manhood; but He woke to manifest the power of indwelling Divinity. Help, Lord, we perish (see R.V.). 24. (2.) And when Jesus got into the boat, his disciples followed him. What manner of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey Him? (Matthew 8:27). What they are being saved to is more time to physically live on earth. The men marvelled.11. _And when he was entered, &c._] Himself was first in the They had never seen anything like this. He might truly be a man, but He is also clearly the Son of Man (see Matt. Matthew 8:23-27. 26 He replied, You of little faith! We never read of Christs sleeping but at this time; he was in watchings often, and continued all night in prayer to God: this was a sleep, not of security, like Jonahs in a storm, but of holy serenity, and dependence upon his Father: he slept to show that he was really and truly man, and subject to the sinless infirmities of our nature: his work made him weary and sleepy, and he had no guilt, no fear within, to disturb his repose. Quotations 24. Those that can lay their heads upon the pillow of a clear conscience, may sleep quietly and sweetly in a storm (Ps 4:8), as Peter, Ac 12:6. Were going to drown! And the surface of the lake is about 600 feet below sea level. He has no rebuke for their rude awaking. (2.) When I was four, a tornado went through our subdivision. He never sets And, behold, there came a leper and The story as told in Mark is the lectionarys gospel reading for the fourth Sunday after Pentecost year B (that is, in a couple of weeks). . What is my attitude towards my own death? The men in the boat, who had previously witnessed Jesus heal lepers and all manners of diseases, and who saw Him cast out demons were amazed. Moses commanded the waters with a rod; Joshua, with the ark of the covenant; Elisha, with the prophets mantle; but Christ with a word. He attacked the cause of their danger; the spring of their fears. Christ and his disciples no sooner put forth to sea, but dangers attend and difficulties do accompany them: a tempest arose, and the ship was covered with waves. Note, Christ is a Nonesuch; every thing in him is admirable: none so wise, so mighty, so amiable, as he. Their response is amazement! That idea was important in the Bible, for the seas were always the symbol of chaos. through his teaching (chs. The issue of would be followers having been settled Jesus now prepares 24 Suddenly, a fierce storm struck the lake, with waves breaking into the boat. were possessed with devils: and he cast out the spirits, with his While it may seem obvious in this instance that His disciples were not asking Jesus to save their spirit from Hell to Heaven, whenever we encounter sozo or a similar salvation passages, it is important to always use the context to answer these three questions to make sure we are interpreting it correctly. So, taking the three gospels together we get a wonderful reflection of their fear and the chaos in the boat. The author of The Land and the Book tells us that such tempests are common still in those parts, and that they are caused principally by the sudden rush of the wind down some of the deep gullies on the eastern side of the lake. The story comes in a series of reports about Jesus authority in various areassickness, demons, death, and sin. We might remember Matthew emphasizes the way Jesus fulfills scriptural prophecies, and structures the narrative around long teaching passages interspersed with narrative sections, which especially emphasize Jesuss authority. With nowhere else to turn, they came to Him and woke Jesus, saying Save us, Lord; we are perishing! Matthew uses the Greek word typically translated save. It is sozo (G4982). 3. The gentle remonstrance.There is something very majestic in the tranquillity of our Lords awakening, and, if we follow Matthews order, in His addressing Himself first to the disciples weakness, and letting the storm rage on. Our Lord, as He took on Him our nature, so also He subjected Himself to our natural and sinless infirmities. Here was a man having dominion over the earth and the sea. It was only when the disciples called on Jesus that he responded. Christ may sleep when his church is in a storm, but he will not outsleep himself: the time, the set time to favour his distressed church, will come, Ps 102:13. 5 This is followed by an intimation that, though rejected by His own, As our evangelist is giving a collection of healing incidents, the introduction of Matthew 8:18-22, disciple interviews, and even of Matthew 8:23-27, a nature miracle, needs an explanation. That strange blending of opposites is often repeated by us. The disciples became frightened. A vessel making for the East would be especially exposed to that wind; and the waves raised by it would naturally drive over its prow so as to cover the decks of such a boat where it had them, and fill it where it had none (Matthew 8:24; Mark 4:37). [2.] I. Observe, (1.) And when he was entered into a boat, his disciples followed him. Jesus Calms a Storm 23 And when he got into the boat, his disciples followed him. But remember, in reporting the event the gospel writers are not working from a dictated record; rather, they are all telling what happened and what was said in their own words._ftn22 And while the precise wording is different in each gospel, none of them are incorrect. The faith which Christs disciples had in His Godhead was little in comparison of what they had ground for. This is part of the overall presentation of the king in these chapters as one who has the authority to do all the things that He said He came to do. His presence exempteth not His disciples from trouble and danger.3. Of the way in which sometimes He brings them into trial.Himself (perhaps) bidding them do that which is contrary to their judgments; Himself allowing their fears and scruples to appear justified for a time; Himself leaving them to do battle with the forces against them, almost in despair. Let Chapter 8, which opens the portion that comes before us tonight, is a The freshwater sea is only about 13 miles long and 8 miles across. Matthew mosaic, All Hallows, Allerton, by Rodhullandemu [CC BY-SA] via Wikimedia Commons. Ver. Out on the Sea of Galilee in a boat, Jesus is sleeping soundly. 24 Without warning, a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat. The disciples faith in forsaking all and following Christ, was great faith, but in this present act their faith was week, through the prevalency of their fear. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window). Now the boat would not be a large one. MATTHEWS *GOSPEL (2.) He slept not so much with a desire to be refreshed, as with a design to be awaked. Even something like the story of the battle of Deborah against Sisera (Judg. Jesus We are feeling swamped by the waves, while God apparently sleeps, not really interested or aware of our lot. How came we ever to question His power? He rebukes the wind; the former he did as the God of grace, and the Sovereign of the heart, who can do what he pleases in us; this he did as the God of nature, the Sovereign of the world, who can do what he pleases for us. commonly used for fishing on the lake. Why are ye fearful?8. From this instance we see, that great faith in the habit may appear little in act and exercise. Matthew 8:18 He might bring the Kingdom nearer to His people, and give them The Winds and the Waves Obey His Will (Matthew 8:23-27) Storms terrify many people. in any co Matthew 8:16. Of course, in the Old Testament, this is descriptive of the LORD God. 1. The second section is Jesus rebuke of the disciples and then the calming of the storm. Let us consider the insincerity of the multitude. "L A SHIP. Matthews just isnt the one. We are dealing with a sudden storm on the Sea of Galilee. Sunday school Christ rebukes his disciples fears; Why are ye fearful? Which was got ready by his disciples, or hired by them for his use, according to the directions he had given, his disciples followed him. Matthew 8:23-27. When he was entered into the ship Being, as is said above, about to cross the lake; his disciples followed him Even as many as were desirous of learning of him, and could get a passage, either in that vessel or any others that were near. [< Gk. And He casts all into the form of a question, thus softening rebuke, and calming their terrors by the appeal to their common sense. Matthew 8:23-27 Resume Prayer Some thoughts on today's scripture Many of us have often found ourselves swamped by huge waves of apathy, terror, doubt, despair, addiction, and The waves it generates are literally covering up the boat. 93). wisdom All motion was gone. And here Jesus is tired and sleeping, but He has control over nature (Matt. Now. Centurion's Servant. 3.) (1.) (LogOut/ Many of us have often found ourselves swamped by huge waves of apathy, terror, doubt, despair, addiction, and distraction. Lord, save us! (LogOut/ Observe, 2. Christ reproved them first, and then delivered them; this is his method, to prepare us for a mercy, and then to give it us. Section 16 On the other hand, as men feeling their need of all the sympathy and help that they could possibly obtain in their awful extremity, there was something like a tone of reproachalmost of complaintnot to say of accusation itselfin their words. So its remarkable that Jesus is sleeping. I have always been frightened by tornadoes. Christian living He rebuked the disciples (Mt 8:26); Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith? Upon arrival he casts out two demons. The first part is the storm on the sea and the disciples words to Jesus. 23 Then Jesus got into the boat and started across the lake with his disciples. The disciples are amazed at His power (v. 27). 8:26 And He says to them, Barely-trusting guys, why are you intimidated?. It was in the evening (4:35); Jesus said, Let us pass over to the other side (4:35); there were other boats that went along side (4:36); Jesus was in the stern sleeping on a cushion (4:38); when Jesus rebuked the storm He said, Peace! The other accounts describe their fear more than Matthew, but you can hear it in their words to Jesus in Matthews account as well: Were going to drown. A number of these men were experienced fishermen, who had been on the lake in storms before. Does He care for us at all? INTO A SHIP - This was on the Sea of Tiberias. Instead, he simply exercised divine authority in daily lifelike when he literally commanded a storm to be still and all of nature hastened to obey him (Matthew 8:23-27). Matthew 5:1, JESUS CALMS THE STORM MATTHEW 8:23-27; MARK 4:35-41; LUKE 8:22-25; I told them very specifically to write their work on only one side of the paper. If so, was my faith weakened or strengthened by having this experience? We can all become discouraged by our doubts and by our difficulty in believing in Jesus, in his message, in his power. They had been long acquainted with the sea, and never saw a storm so immediately turned into a perfect calm, in all their lives. Mark 4:35; Luke 8:22. Why are you so afraid? Then He got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm. This one truly has authority. The disciples found out bit by bit what kind of man this is'. politics A simple illustration. But you can also gain a great appreciation for things like distances, temperatures, altitudes, and such by actually taking a good trip to the land of Israel. When you compare stories in these three gospels, remember that the writers have the freedom to summarize the speeches or to put the sayings in their own words. The other rebuke was but the sequel to this; its complement, as it were. It was, however, the boat from which he had been teaching (Mark 4:36). They were in a panic when they came to Him, not in confidence. Was it lack of discernment? Jesus rebuked the disciples for their weak faith. small open row boat, large enough Matthew Henrys Commentary Ver. and the ship was covered with waves. examples of its benefits. In our story Jesus must have gotten into the boat in the region of Capernaum, on the north west shore, because He got out of the boat on the other side near Kursi (on the eastern shore about half way down the coast). 24 And, behold, there arose a great tempest in the sea, insomuch that the ship was covered with the waves: but he was asleep. THE STORM ON THE LAKE. Some scholars try to analyze the stories to determine which of these things the disciples really said, and how the report got muddled by one or more of the gospel writers. disciples, or hired by them for his use, according to the directions Jesus then decides to take His ministry to the eastern shore of the Sea of Galilee to the Greco-Roman province called the Decapolis. I. faith hope and love So Matthew uses their words to drive home his point that Jesus is truly unique, for He is sovereign over nature. When His disciples came to Jesus fearful of the stormy sea, He asks them Why are you afraid? time faith Think about it. It is the proper thing to do. There arose a very great storm, Mt 8:24. 4:38. What about me? justice 23 And when he was entered into a ship, his disciples followed him. 2. _And when he was entered into a ship, his disciples followed It is a comfort to those who go down to the sea in ships, and are often in perils there, to reflect that they have a Saviour to trust in, and pray to, who knows what it is to be at sea, and to be in storms there. JESUS STILLS A TEMPEST And yet the disciples were looking at a man, a human being, who had some special kind of authority over nature. Christ had given sailing orders to his disciples (Mt 8:18), that they should depart to the other side of the sea of Tiberias, into the 1. He does not find fault with them for being fearful, but for being so fearful as to let their fear cover their faith, just as the waves were doing the boat. Matthew's Gospel is the Gospel of the Kingdom, and of the King. Over the next several years they treated and preserved it. SHIP. A rebuke, first, to the disciples themselves. THE STORM ON THE LAKE _And, behold, a leper,_ &c. This same miracle is What they are being saved from is physical death, by drowning. A sudden and violent storm springs up, pouring water into the boat that destroy relationships or make my plight worse. Image: St. The ship in which It is not large, but you could get twelve or so men into the boat fairly easily, but not a whole lot more. But as you are studying Matthews account, only the points that Matthew makes should be your basic Bible study, because you are studying the passage in the way he wrote it in his gospel. One thinks immediately of creation where by His word the LORD brought everything into existence, even including controlling the seas (Gen. 1). But here they were afraid. Why are things with us thus? And he said to them, Why are you afraid, you of little faith? I acknowledge my weak faith, my fear that Jesus is asleep while the gale threatens to overwhelm me. When the sayings were particularly important teachings, or teachings that were repeated frequently, then they might put more of the exact phrasing in their gospel reports. But Jesus was sleeping. having preached his sermon, and discovered his doctrine, says Jerome, Christ and his disciples no sooner put forth to sea, A faith which does not wholly suppress fear may still be most real; and the highest faith has ever the consciousness that unless Christ help, and that speedily, we perish. Note. Carest Thou not that we perish? Almost Have you no feeling at all for our need? Great indeed must have been the tempest within them to give such utterance to such thoughts. Jesus did not rebuke them for their request. Everything was to be subjected to mankind (Gen. 1:27,28). Learn hence, That the most raging winds and outrageous seas cannot stand before the rebukes of Christ; if once he rebukes them, their rage is down; God lays a law upon the most lawless creatures, even when they seem to act the most lawlessly. darkness - in the storms of life. As we will see, the men in the boat didnt fully catch on to who Jesus was until after He rose from the dead. And when he was entered into a ship, his disciples followed him. When I was four, a tornado went through our On the part of the Saviour a gracious response. But Jesus was sleeping. .(2:5-9). Jesus is the savior people need. This text Matthew 8:23-27 is not in the lectionary, but that doesnt mean this story is one of those things you wouldnt know about the Bible if all you knew were the lectionary. The story as told in Mark is the lectionarys gospel reading for the fourth Sunday after Pentecost year B (that is, in a couple of weeks). They said among themselves What kind of man is this that even the wind and the sea obey Him? He was likely tired from the long day of preaching, dealing with the crowds, healing, and casting out demons. Second, our faith may be expressed in our prayers to Him, Lord, save us from any of the dangers and troubles of life that we face. Uniform Series In form, of course,and in effect alsothis was to them a rebuke. Note, They who would learn to pray must go to sea. Verse 23. 's narrative 1. A typical boat on the Sea of Galilee was relatively small. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? 8:18 ), that they should depart to the other side of the sea of Tiberias , into the country of Gadara, in the tribe of (1.) I would not make too much of their following Him (some folks make a spiritual point out of some common statements), because the word is used even for the crowds of unbelievers who followed Him where He went. violent squall, such as these small inland seas, surrounded with I have always been frightened by tornadoes. Now observe here. This passage does not quote from the Old Testament, so we are left to make connections with the themeone who controls the elements of nature by His word. When he embarked on the boat, his disciples followed him. This is at once one of the 24 And, behold, there arose a great tempest in the sea, insomuch that the ship was covered with the A storm arose while the disciples were following their Master. ( after ). best- MATTHEWS GOOD NEWS The reason for this is the account of the calling of Matthew is reported in Matthew 9:9, but it would have to have been before these events on and around the sea for the simple reason that Matthew was there. 24 And look! 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matthew 8 23 27 explanation
