On top of it all the Germany police said your road permit just about out of time. Turn a 2 bay vehicles manit. [30], The first deployment of the EFS/ATBM HIPAR was carried out between February and 20 April 1963, but during this time the Army decided not to deploy these systems in the United States. take a cab), Best Use of Trichlorethelene: I can remember when I was an E-2 or PFC at Site SF-88. In May 1952, Bell was asked to explore such an adaptation to the Nike. Cold I just returned from the seattle va hospital and i am now on the va health registry for occupational exposure of a us veteran during military service with the hawk ada missile system. It found one a short distance away where a bus was idling at an intersection waiting for the all clear. Security | RF radiation is not cumulative, but it could be hazardous. 502-537-Rotating How about being shot in the chest in the ready building from an uncleared weapon! It had great maneuverability and a speed of Mach 3.65 (2,707 miles per hour). Generators | Every thing inside but a 1 meter dish to transmit. [9]:62, Meanwhile, the Air Force scrambled to bring BOMARC to operational status, and on 1 September 1959 declared the 46th Air Defense Squadron at McGuire Air Force Base operational. By 1959, Plato was still very much a paper project when news of large deployments of short-range missiles in the Warsaw Bloc became a clear threat. The driver had just stepped around behind a dune to relieve his bladder when the bus blew up. Subject: Nike Herc night time thriller. LOPAR was relatively small, and the TTR/MTR were always trailer based, so these systems were also fairly mobile. Current Events | I reviewed what I had done with the Captain and the test instructions. LaunchSet | It is relatively easy to jam range information on monopulse radars like the TTR by sending out false return signals. One morning we ran the HIPAR antennas up into position and all the interlock lights lit so I lit up the transmitter and suddenly every neon lamp in the ACQ van starts flashing on and off which I quickly realized was in time with the antenna rotation. MPs an 16Bs (most sites), Down currents, arming magnetos, pissed off attack dogs, rifles and handguns, Dangers | Eventually we started seeing things that looked to be about an inch square and different lengths. Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 4:38:38 PM Finding a Nike Hercules' warhead armed Current Events | We had been working on the cable cleaning for quite some time when he came by to check on us. RedCanyonRange | [18][19] The resulting flap led to calls for Nickerson to be court-martialed and was compared to the Billy Mitchell court-martial in the 1920s. Relive & share the memories of your service time with your brothers & sisters in arms today. turning over, with injuries to Sieverts or rem are used in reports on radiation disasters, because they give a better sense of how the radiation might affect human health. Nike-Hercules system's reliance on ground-based radar to track tar-gets and to guide missiles to an interception, this was an important finding. As the missiles were brought to readiness, a light board in the LA control van lit up with a series of amber lights for each launcher area, and green lights for each missile. As a PFC instructor for the Missile and Launcher school at Fort Bliss: Having someone raising the launcher without taking the "boots" off the cylinders Watch out below! Our section chief gave another Pvt. AttackonUSSR? Propellant samples and various other Nike-Hercules components were also exposed to atomic explosions and radiation during other Plumbbob shots. [11] This could be increased even further using stand-off missiles, like those currently under development by all of the nuclear-armed forces for just this reason. After the call I was dismissed with a job well done. (everyone), Working down range at night and Nike Site filled with constant alerts, training, inspections, Radar Bomb The rocket will be a full scale replica of the Nike Hercules missile. Once a month at 3 AM on the first Sunday the top five channels were tested for one minute each, timed with a stop watch. "[9]:63, Plans had been made to test the Hercules' W-7 warhead in a live-fire exercise in 1959 as part of "Operation SNODGRASS". Ionizing Radiation From Radar Emissions:->>> Let me bring you Nike Guys up to date with our Ionizing Radiation Exposures from Radar on Hawk Missile Sites. Date: August 4, 2019. Lucky it was an H.E.). itself after a power surge or drop. One of these locations was directly above the elevator, the others were reached by manually pushing the missiles off the elevator to the launcher along rails. Oozlefinch | LaunchSet | I heard he also relieved himself of all that was in his lower intestine. This led to the use of semi-trailer systems for the fire control systems, which could be easily moved and re-positioned as required. Ajax | Two of the weapons were damaged when they hit the ground and released plutonium, a radioactive material. The radar can continue to locate the target in elevation or azimuth because all of the signals come from the same location, but the receiver cannot easily determine which pulse was sent by the radar and which was sent by the electronic countermeasures (ECM) on the target aircraft, which is needed to measure the time-of-flight. Murray Hill is where all the AT&T antenna experiments took place. I was manning the emergency power switch and had to shut down the system. Smaller deltas in front of the main wings, and blended into them, provided roll control with very small flaps mounted to pivot along a line roughly 45 degrees from the line of the fuselage. Safety officer blew it before it crossed into Mexico. Thule | The AN/MPQ-43 Mobile HIPAR was made part of Hercules Standard A in August 1966 and began operational deployment in Europe on 12 April 1967.[33]. [9]:60, In a famous event, the Air Force interviewed for an article that appeared in the New York Times entitled "Air Force Calls Army Nike Unfit To Guard Nation". At Redstone Nike radar range: Just for fun, on a special project, a group of 3 Nike civilians and 2 military, John H. and myself, took components out of a TTR and the Control trailer and made a radar that would fit inside an M48 Tank. Because of our location, the top five channels on the HIPAR radar could not be used unless the bad guys were overhead. Trophy | A dual-launch followed on 24 July, with the first round destroying its target with the T45, and the second with the instrument package flying one second behind. At Shot Morgan on October 7, two sets of missile Sat and Bat team call out a 3am to check security alert in B section. Harold Stanford | whom was escorting with me at In one Redeye shoulder launch test there was a fault in the software that caused the missile to lock full left if it failed to acquire a hot target. Approximately 25,000 Nike Hercules were manufactured. When the command came to raise elevator everything started moving, the elevator started upward, the erector beam was rising and the magazine doors did not open. The Captain said "my Specialist called you twice as a courtesy before the test took place but nobody answered the phone". Unless the transmitter has encoded some additional form of information in the signal, the receiver cannot determine which pulse it sent out and which is from the jammer. Members | They split development between the Army Air Force or the Ordnance Department based on whether or not the design "depend[ed] for sustenance primarily on the lift of aerodynamic forces" or "primary on the momentum of the missile". [6]:39 That is, whether the missile operated more like an aircraft (Air Force) or a rocket (Ordnance). 7384L (14)) B3/71 (Turks welding covers), Or a WilliamJ.Auell | Ajax | We were located in a company area but somewhere on the range a way out on the desert with absolutely nothing to do. When the battery was given orders to attack a target, the alert status lamp changed from blue to red. The problem was the missile launcher itself, and especially the large HIPAR radar, which presented a formidable mobility problem. The Nike Hercules began replacing the Nike Ajax in 1958. There were nuclear missile batteries around every major us city. Hercules also offered the ability to attack pre-located ground targets, after feeding in the coordinates in an operation that took about five minutes. PresentingSF-88L | Carl Durling C-2-52 1961-62: I mean really fired it up, small spark followed immediately by a medium explosion! M21-1, Part IV, Subpart ii, Chapter 2, Section C - Service Connection (SC) for Disabilities Resulting From Exposure to Environmental Hazards or Service in the Republic of Vietnam (RVN) This section contains the following topics: Topic Topic Name. PatrickMackay | Like the Ajax, the Hercules used a transponder in the missile. TD Barnes | Over the years, the vacuum-tube guidance system, as well as the complex fire control systems' radars, suffered from diminishing manufacturing source (DMS) issues. Everglades National Park. the Improved Nike-Hercules radar antennas. By the early 1950s, the Air Force was still struggling with their own long-range weapon systems, originally started in the 1940s in the GAPA project. As Hercules had evolved from the fixed-base Ajax system, early deployments offered no mobility. When the missile neared the intercept point a command signal was sent to the missile to explode.[36]. Radar | The guys in the bunker thought they were toast (literally). [9]:5657, Improving performance against such targets would require either much higher resolution radars or much larger warheads. Cold War Missiles in Miami | Think of being in the worlds biggest microwave oven, ouch! This used much less fissile material and was thus considerably less expensive. History | Eating out of marmite cans 2 times a day every other day for years. The large airstrip remains, and is often used by locals for flight instruction and practice. Anyway, Dr tells me that the leading suspects are heredity and exposure to radiation in early adulthood. The boosters were equipped with four large swept-wing fins at the extreme rear, behind the rocket exhaust, using a diamond cross-section suitable for supersonic lift. NATO units from West Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium, Norway, Greece and Turkey continued to use the Hercules for high-altitude air defense until the late 1980s. Various military occupations include routine and usually safe exposure to radiation. Germany Oct 1962: Frostbite while manning the perimeter during the Cuban Missile Crisis. LaunchSet | tower guards have not been told Definitions | 16B goes nuts in a guard tower 30 feet high with an M16A1 and 180 rounds of ammo, with a gas mask. It was only winter time. The IFC contained the search and tracking radars and control center (operators, computer, etc. He could have have protected the equipment, by pointing the antenna away from our HIPAR, a simple thing to do! Damage to body tissue is not immediately It was launched on a Nike-Hercules missile, and detonated at a lower altitude than the other Fishbowl tests. Our team finished the second day with a perfect score, but the rest of our battery was just getting started. Due to the nature of these fuels, extreme caution had to be used whenever the missiles were moved or unloaded for maintenance. electricity, Caked ice on radar tower ladders and The occasion was the national commemoration of the tenth anniversary of the establishment of the defense department. but the orders were canceled because of a security leak. SL-40 | 09/1963-09/1966, From: Hardy, Timothy A CIV (US) Once locked-on, tracking was automatic.[36]. 60 feet, Low Power Acquisition Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012. LaunchEquipment | It is relatively easy to jam a conventional radar by sending out additional pulses of radio signal on the same frequency. NY56 | 2nd of the 52nd | Sent: Monday, May 14, 2012, From: "Robert Kirk" Hercules | Video | Given the Nike warhead's relatively small lethal radius, if the missile flew into the middle of the formation and exploded, it would be highly unlikely to destroy any of the aircraft. Further deployments to allied units and US units in Alaska were carried out between November 1963 and the summer of 1965.[30]. Nuclear-armed Nike Hercules missiles were deployed in the United States, Greece, Italy, Korea and Turkey, and with Belgian, Dutch, and U.S. forces in West Germany. However, both Ajax and Hercules systems in Europe had to be able to move as US forces shifted. 2 people pulling/pushing by hand a 10,710 pound missile to a launcher. (Me), Having a security alert at night The Nike Hercules missiles were positioned underground in the silos. Instead of the basic W-7, development of an improved 20kt (84TJ) boosted fission design known as W31. Personnel should not be permitted to enter areas where they may be Subject: Danger and Fun, From: "Jim Derendinger" I just returned from the seattle va hospital and i am now on the va health registry for occupational exposure of a us veteran during military service with the hawk ada missile system. Relive & share the memories of your service time with your brothers & sisters in arms today. Resulting from the radiation particle fallout from those tests, and from an attempt to resettle the atoll in the 1970s, after the u.s. Germany 1962: Performing maintenance on the racks in the Missile Storage Building, with overhead doors closed, crossing from one side to the other I swung the gate towards the overhead door and there was an electric arc from the door to the racks. Posterior subcapsular cataracts. A short in the cables (again the official explanation) to the launcher caused the missile to launch without the MTR being ready. HA-08 HA-25 | heat to damage the tissues permanently. I was woken at 6:30 AM by our Master Sergeant banging on my door telling me to get dressed and report to the base commander now and bring the daily log! In 1959 both the House and Senate debated the systems, with the Senate recommending cutting funding for Hercules and the House stating the opposite. This, in turn, required a much larger booster to loft it, but this was solved by strapping together four of the existing Nike boosters to form a cluster known as the XM-42, with the only modification to the original M5 engine design being the addition of new holes to bolt them together, creating the M5E. Like the Germans and British before them, they concluded the only successful defence would be to use guided weapons.[5]. 3/71 in Germany in 66, 67, 68 and loved every moment. study of the x-ray radiation emitted from the Nike-Hercules Guided Missile Systems and determined that it is highly improbabl[e] that personnel working . Maintenance | Gilbert Burke | A power level of 10 milliwatts per square centimeter, Any vets Additionally the radar was given the "Electronic Frequency Selection" (EFS) system which allowed operators to quickly switch between a selection of operating frequencies at about 20 microseconds, while the earlier system required manual switching that took about 30 seconds. Air Force call the Army about it. [9]:5657, "Nike Ajax" used a slightly modified Nike missile, largely a re-arrangement of the internal components, making room for the 15kt (63TJ) WX-9 "gun-type" warhead also being developed as an artillery round. MS-70 | TacticalControl | I stuck my head out the door only to see that the vertical interlock had failed allowing the transmitter to fire with the antenna sweeping directly at us. Our warhead team had the rest of the week to kill. It was normally armed with the W31 nuclear warhead, but could also be fitted with a conventional warhead for export use. Nike Vet Glen Talon N.H. Unzipping the door on the TTR radome only Initially the nuclear-armed version carried the W-7 Mod 2E nuclear warhead, with yields of 2.5 or 28 kt. Guy in the IFC gets Dear John letter go nuts, sent him to the hospital. The addition of the TRR solved a problem with early pulse radar units. Browse 36 nike hercules missile stock photos and images available, or start a new search to explore more stock photos and images. Radiation at the test site was. [25], In early 1956, Bell began studies of the Improved Nike Hercules (INH) concept by considering the predicted threat for the 1960-65 period. Had a medic but he had nothing to help with not even an aspirin. The former three-missile Nike Hercules base in Rocky Point is now the site of an Army Reserve Center but the remnants of the missile base remaina variety of structures and missile silos. In the case of Hercules, all of the radars were typically mounted on (concrete) elevated platforms to improve their line-of-sight. SL-40 | driving jeeps. Any bored idiots with single digit IQs Can you say Asbestos time it was only 1974. List, by MOS, of likely extent of exposure to asbestos. The last active Nike Ajax batteries were relieved of their mission in December 1961, followed by the last Army National Guard unit in May 1964. When the TTR and MTR radars were locked, the computer had a firing solution and the missile reported active, the LA lamp changed from amber to green, indicating the ability to fire. The best I remember they were kind of amber in color and a little translucent. Still at Redstone Nike radar range: We broke the locking mechanism on one of the trailers; you know the magnesium trailers, called post maintenance to fix it Finding out the bar where you ate last night was put off limits because they were serving questionable meat, The sign for the 44th Ord Co (GM/GS) getting repainted with a peace sign, Moving the pack howitzer from in front of the brigade hq to the 44th parking lot, Getting one of your classmates to tell the instructor he wanted to be an inflight repairman, The same guy getting zapped on a philco t rack seven days running, During snow storms going off post to a road intersection to watch the rednecks trying to stop for a red light when they are doing about fifty and there is Blown fuse in a nuclear warhead de-mating procedures, never saw the Italians run so fast. In each instance, the intensity Ajax's boosters were housed in steel tubes that fell near the base, presenting a serious range safety concern. From: "Robert Bennington" against the dome door zippers - unconscious. A variety of problems, including one found in the W-7 warhead, caused delays in the testing programs, so a single launch of the T45-equipped Hercules was also added to the AMMO project. The back of the controls were even with the extreme rear of the missile. ANTENNA This system was successfully tested at White Sands on 1 October 1961. Several years later I was working for AT&T when I ran across an article in an AT&T magazine about Murray Hill in New Jersey. Testing of the W-7 was put into AMMO, while the SNODGRASS series was moved to an Army-Air Force test at Eglin Air Force Base with tests of both the conventional T45 and nuclear W-7 warheads. Getting up at 2am to drive the pay office 1 hrs to pick up pay and marks drive back 1 hrs to pay people back 1 hrs to turn in money and marks. Chief), Being a nube and forgetting to One launch the missile didn't detect the radar when it went up through the beam but did when it fell back through igniting just before it hit the ground. NY53 | rapidly diminishes as the distance is increased. CWVA At its peak, it was deployed at over 130 bases in the US alone. Date: April 23, 2016. open pit. Health | General Electric demonstrated a prototype on 11 February 1964. Although it was officially one of the Operation Fishbowl tests, it is . And you must have had contact with ionizing radiation in one of these ways while serving in the military: You served in the postwar occupation of Hiroshima or Nagasaki, or. It was normally armed with the W31 nuclear warhead, but could also be fitted with a conventional warhead for export use. The Captain told the civilian that he had been notified by the Army two years ago that these tests would take place and when. MOS 16b20 A Cold War Missile site on the side of a mountain in Dichtelbach, Germany Coursety of Sam Mclung RADAR DATA Otherwise the LOPAR was used. Ordnance | resulting reflections may present a potential hazard to personnel workingin Niagara-Buffalo | Live in tents while they rebuilding adm/barrack. Over its lifetime, significant effort was put into the development of solid state replacements for the vacuum tube-based electronics inherited from the early-1950s Ajax, and a variety of mobile options. Sticking a test probe Once a target was found on the LOPAR, it could be identified with aid of an Identification friend or foe system. 330 feet, Systems 538-594 and Back at Redstone School: Having my tech override rotation on the acquisition radar and use it to kill birds in the trees. [36], The entire sequence of events from decision to launch to actual launch normally took about 36 seconds. These changes were presented on 24 August 1956, and accepted by both CONARC and ARADCOM. Finding a nike hercules' warhead armed itself after a power surge or drop. The DoD invested considerably in upgrading the security of the storage areas of the launcher sections, ultimately installing significant towers that were capable of watching over all three sections within the "exclusion area". fingers (fuel shortage had to Servicemembers in these occupations receive special training and are monitored to ensure radiation exposure remains at safe levels. To: webmaster@nikemissile.org may be used as a guide to prevent radio-frequency radiation hazards. The resulting reflections may present a potential hazard to personnel working in the vicinity of the passive antennas. The TRR system combatted this by allowing switching between two very different set of frequencies. If I had been a few moments latter in arriving or in correcting the jammed elevator and raised missile I would not be relating this story. TestEquipment | The emerald that was melted was in one of the first RF laser amplifiers in the world! AADCPS | By making the signal wide-frequency, the jammer has to likewise broadcast across a similar bandwidth, limiting the energy in any one frequency and allowing the operator to tune the receiver to find an unjammed band. The HIPAR was fired up and the rotation was locked with the antenna pointed at a certain point off the east coast. Links | MS-70 | Site Bay (C Battery), across Cook Inlet from the others, has been mostly demolished, with only burned out shells of the batteries remaining, as well as a few storage bunkers. Guestbook | Attaching the warhead to the missile was a mechanical operation which was used 13 bolts at a specified torque in a proscribed sequence. Similar experiments for Hercules boosters led to the XM-61 single-chamber booster, but when the XM-42 cluster proved to be even less expensive than expected, this effort was also dropped. Mobilization 1962: Driver decides to back his missile trailer loaded with a live Hercules- backs off the road down an embankment. While I was in his office, the base commander telephoned the civilian. BR-04 | [35] Early models cost about US$55,250 each,[35] while most recent cost estimate, from Japan, was US$3.0 million. As the larger Hercules would be easier to adapt to a longer-range form, the Army selected it as the winning design. About | TerryFetterman | Ionizing Radiation Veterans may have been exposed to ionizing radiation during military service if, for example, they participated in nuclear weapons testing. The Hercules system was compared to threats ranging from the relatively short-range Little John, Honest John and Lacrosse through medium-range systems like Corporal, Sergeant and Lance, and finally the long-range (for battlefield concerns) 200mi (320km) Redstone. 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