2018 Copyright Tim McHyde All Rights Reserved, Print page cleanly (Javascript must be on). This stranger came up to me and she explained that she could feel Gods presence all over me It was beautiful as we spontaneously entered into a fabulous fellowship! I am very jealous of my Messiah. Believers are to have faith AND obey Gods commandments, which includes observing His sabbaths (BTW the sabbath is not just about going to church on Saturday) and His feasts which are Passover, Unleavened Bread, First Fruits, Atonement, Tabernacles, etc. Stop the carnal focus on the things of the world you want to partake of and let Holy Spirit fill you with the desire to please the Gift Giver out of love, adoration and appreciation for His tremendous gift. That includes ALL Jews as well as anyone else! The rules are what constitute blessing or cursing that the habitants get to reap. 119 is right on target. For the record, I am saved by the precious blood of the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. BTW if you thing the feasts have been done away with then why in Zach do we see where ALL mankind in the New Millennium are to observe the Feast of Tabernacles? (Aside: you and John McKee were two young men mocking an elder of the people.) P.S.. and then said, Please understand that I am not seeking right or wrong between the two of us. So, what is wrong with seeking the unpolluted Scriptures to return to Yahwehs original magnificent Word and testing if Pork and Sabbath/Feasts/etc. Yes, Amen, Jesus Christ IS our New Covenant Torah who took me out of living on the streets and shelters for 8 months; ( I was kicked out of the shelter) and now own property and live in the same town as Mitt Romney. so we have to be ingrafted to Israel.). My hope in writing this blog is to give accurate rebuttals to both the actual articles published by 119 Ministries and also to accurately stand up to their false assumptions and ideas. Into my adult years Ive read, and studied a lot of different religions and beliefs. Id also like to use some of your material here in a student chapel Im doing at my school (a very nice Christian school, might I add) and was wondering if I have your permission. Maybe a better way of putting it is ..I believe Christ was born so no need to keep going over that each year ( and the world spent over 1 trillion dollars on Christmas last year ..the godless and the godly . ) I think some things are correct where I think others not so much. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. In case someone did notice, yes I am judging you.. The old is obsolete, weak and useless in regards to sin snd life in Christ.. Jesus FULFILLED the Torah and HE alone is our New Covenant Torah. The chief purpose of God's law is to point out our sinfulness and show our need for a Savior. My name is Leah & I was being figurative when I talked about my booksorry for the confusion! You have some adequate resources to help you realize that your simplistic definition is overly narrow. 31 The days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the people of Israel and with the people of Judah. I believe Jesus did in fact come to fulfill the Law and the Prophets, now it is upon us to be diligent in understanding what this is. Thanks for helping me out. Saturday on our current Gregorian calendar was created by Pope Gregory based on our solar cycle. 18 Yes indeed! Its NOT JESUS H. CHRIST. David pressed him on this: did Brandon feel he would/should/could stone him for blasphemy, under these conditions? It is spreading like wildfire in the North Georgia and Atlanta area. Why theyre becoming atheists or agnostic? Also the "Trinity" is out the window! So you have a portion of the original bride being divorced by God according to Jeremiah 3. I too am a fellow runner in this race and have struggles and weaknesses like you. Matt 5:17-20. (LogOut/ (LogOut/ In vs. 21 hes talking about the law of Christ. And if we make it anything other than about him and his righteousness, we are not found in him. i have a degree in Biblical studies from a conservative Baptist college and i find 119 ministries teaching much more in line with the Bible than anything being taught in todays churches. If the heart of the sinner was to be cleansed, something that would be required for the establishment of the New Covenant (Jeremiah 31:34), then One greater than Aaron would be needed (9:9, 14). Many Protestants continue to believe that Martin Luther wanted to completely break away from the Roman Catholic Church, when in reality; he only wanted to reform it, hence the term Reformation. And she desperately responds yes, but even the dogs get the crumbs that fall. 20 Now a mediator is not for one party only; whereas God is only one. So my articles arent all that easy to read. As far as the cult accusation, I don't know how a couple of families supporting each other in a ministry producing Bible teaching videos makes for a scary "cult." Naturally everyone is entitled to their opinion. That would be waaaay more scary. If only more seminary schools and Bible colleges would invest in having scholars well studied in Torah and the Prophets (like Dr. Michael Rydelnik at MBI is just one example) to teach the students accurately as to how to properly interpret the prophecies about Jesus and the actual intention and timing of the New Covenant there would not be such confusion as to what it was Jesus actually came to do (its MORE than what Christianity typically teaches.) Your pejorative idea that speaking Hebrew words is a prideful thing of knowledge and warning of it being a spirit one take by exercising Jewish things. Vengeance is my responsibility; Your own hand must be the first one on him in putting him to death, and afterwards the hands of all the people. Everything has to have a label I dont follow no Hebrew movement. And in the whole discourse of John 14 where Jesus is talking about He & the Father being one, Jesus never once mentions obeying Torah. (2Pe 3:15) and reckon the patience of our Master as deliverance, as also our beloved brother Shaul wrote to you, according to the wisdom given to him, 28:18-20). The confusion comes with lack of understanding in WHICH LAW was done away with. but be careful of the knowledge which puffs up our enemy is fine with knowledge , particularly if it makes you think you are special ..Christ is special we are redeemed . But we need to understand what it means to love. a network of Satan-worshiping cults Anyone remember Jim Jones or other false teachers that fleeced the flock recently? Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by the flesh? If you follow after the commandments of God, does that make you a Judaiser? This means we obey. And again, the other evidence that the New Covenant is not FULLY in effect yet is this Do ALL Believers have Gods laws written on their hearts (another idiom, meaning to have it memorized like we say we know something by heart) when there are over 30,000 Christian denominations with many differing views of what Gods law really says? This new covenant has a torah as instructed by Messiah himself. They demonstrate their love and trusting faith of God by striving to be obedient. Jesus wasnt at all proclaiming a coming kingdom of law; he was proclaiming the dire need for a Savior for those less righteous than the Pharisees. Here is the patience of the saints: here [are] they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. This is why we are not under the law when we are in Christ. Your email address will not be published. Have you not read that a man can cancel his womans vow, but no such corollary exists? The Law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus; whose new covenant blood was offered in heavens Holy of holies for our eternal redemption, is very active, presently. Have heaven and earth passed away yet? Testing everything is what the Church should be espousing, after all. 1 statedif you do do have these, you cannot see far off, are blind and barren. Why do you think the apostles had to write so many letters? Im afraid that youll have to wait for the Wedding Feast of the Lamb for that silver or gold platter that youve been waiting for to materialize. yes of course. They are branches of the same tree! He backed Him up.. Peter ever stated that the letters of Paul were hard to understand and that many unlearned will twist it to their own destruction. May God bless you and your deliberation on this. a relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister. As an example, He taught in John 13:34, A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. And now that the Seed has come, we are no longer under the custody or the tutor. Think of all the people Abraham was told would be his descendants, they are not all Jews! Finally, your attempt to school me on understanding Paul in the context of the passage itself and how his original readers would have understood the term is laughable when you refuse to consider that your fanciful understanding of Lev. See Seeker, I preach the gospel unto salvation first and foremost then I disciple. They were broken off because of their lack of trust. Do you understand?. It is sad that people credit Constantine with giving Christians a bad name (Which he did! Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. The Hebrew Roots movement and even 119 Ministries are not cults. John 14:17, spoken from Jesus Christ. I agree with the Revolting Man that hes an infiltrator and not a brother. Its something the Holy Spirit can discern & instruct per believer. LeahI am a believer and just want to know an answer to a question I have: The NT references OT scripture all the timewhen it states that it is God breathed, His word, were the writers referring to the OT scripture or NT (merely just the letters written at that time)? -Philippians 3:9, 3 For not knowing about Gods righteousness and seeking to establish their own, they did not subject themselves to the righteousness of God. He also provided me with a beautiful wife who loves Him too! I have found their words inviting when they say test everything. As for being offended goes, I havent even come close to offending you the way Kefa offended that wicked man who wanted to purchase the power to baptize people with the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) or what he said to the deceitful couple in Acts chapter 5 who lied to the Ruach HaKodesh, and then paid the ultimate price. I appreciate that 119 Ministries provides transcripts. I took your comment to be a misrepresentation of how you really felt. God is the same yesterday, today & forever. My only aim is to discern truth in the presentation of the gospel of Jesus Christ and avoid false teaching. Why so much confusion in Scripture? Its really that simple! He alone is Gods Word and Truth. At this point, you may say, Well thats your opinion! and merely claim that this is a disagreement of conclusions. But I say, Yes, this is my opinion. We are His workmanship . Because it will lead to This is where THEY are wrong. Sean, please be very careful in assuming that every Christian does, believes, and lives as you described in your comment. We are found . It will be life from the dead! Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by the flesh? Certainly you are not following all the Mosaic Law (613) because the temple no longer exists nor do the Levite priests. Well, Torah obviously. And for those who think nobody can keep Gods instructions perfectly nowhere does it say we are required to for salvation. THEN, they BECOME one of the little ones, just like you and me dear Brethren, who are SO little, so unheard, so mocked, so despised, so unimportant, so uninfluential, that NO ONE could possibly take us seriously. If you do not agree with the teachings of 119 Ministries that is fine. Dont shoot the messengers. Who walk in the law of the L ORD! I stand opposed to 119 Ministries and cant laud them with praises, but certainly dont want to be calling names & want to correct that if its there. So in other words, they were given FOREVER to ALL who believe in the GOD of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Obedience is the truest form of worship. We believe that our Messiah died for our sins on the cross. Keeping The Law of Moses has nothing to do with salvation, but sanctification. It was the Fathers will to bruise Him. A Jew? That we can break any of the Ten? The bible explains itself if and when one is willing to test it hard enough. Ive read many of the comments above, and no one seems to have the courage to call you out on the carpet for fear of legal reprisals. Took with them the true Zoddok priest line. Jesus tells us: As in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the days when the Lord returns. Respectfully, I ask you to think on this. that we walk according to his commandments. It is hard for me not to begin exploring when I see that the only scripture NT writers had to reference was the OT. I interpreted that as debunking the validity of the Hebrew Calendar. You make so many points well, logically. And btw even the Catholic church claims THEY changed the Sabbath and that the Protestants give homage to them by keeping Sunday. They are teachers of the Hebrew Roots cult. In fact, the Lord Yeshua warned his disciples in Matthew and Mark not to place the Traditions of the Elders (modern-day Talmud writings) above the written Scriptures, accusing the religious leaders of his day of nullifying the word of God in favor the commandments of men. David will be in the kingdom and liars thrust out. Following the Jewish Messiah means that we should live according to the Torah and the rest of the Hebrew Bible. I distinctly remember Rav Shaul telling Gentile believers the following in chapter 11: In that case, I say, isnt it that God has repudiated his people? Heaven forbid! Your allegiance is not to the Scriptures; its to your fringy male supremacist views that you try to force INTO the Scriptures. Revelation 20:7-8 There are 15 times in the New Testament alone with the word deceive in the scripture, look them up yourself, it is a good study. 2. to render full, i.e. Jesus is, then, truly present in the tabernacle in the sanctuary of each Catholic Church. Come on folks do not be deceived by what other deem a cult when they just want to hear what their itching ears want to hear.. rather than the TRUTH.. Look up Dr Michael Brown.. fire school of ministry and ask Dr. Brown he has great teachings too and will debate you in a second.. Just yesterday I was on the train ministering unto the Lord as a new covenant priest in my inner room or inner court. Without that, the traditional and largely Catholic and anti-semitic interpretation of the NT falls short in accuracy. Cults have ways that they recruit people into their philosophy/ideology, making them members of such groups. Women are looking for a fathers love. News Flash, the Greeks and the Romans worshiped false gods (Satan, his fallen angels, and demons). Deut 13:1-2 says if a prophet or dreamer of dreams arises among you and gives you a sign or a wonder, and the sign or wonder comes true, concerning which he spoke to you, saying Let us go after other gods (whom you have not known) and let us serve them. 119 Ministries teaches on page 4: .. for until this very day at the READING of the old obsolete covenant the same veil remains unlifted as it is removed in Christ. This is found the OT, the NT and in the age to come. one man esteems a day higher than another day and another man does not. You say its hypocritical for believers to condemn Christians for worshipping on Sunday. So, please reconsider your stance on cult for all the reasons Ive noted. I became a Christian about 35 years ago. I too believe in holding dear and guarding the commandments of Yehova. The Word Nephilim = to fall, lie, be cast down, fail and God did so through manifesting Himself in Jesus. We have the Law and the Prophets that tell us what is expected. We need to use some common sense!! I challenge you to read Lets Get Biblical by Tovia Singer. 31 The days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will make a new covenant In fact, while various Jewish denominations are limited to a handful, there are over 40,000 Christian denominations in the world today. and so on. Everything in the bible is true. This is why it is better promises. That is an outright lie at worst and a misrepresentation at best. MIND!! Hi Herb ..never been to a messianic Jewish assembly but familiar with someone who has . HE died for me not Paul. Faith in God of course but we have a better covenant for He has given us a new heart and it has come from Him He did it . Another research project for you if you are not afraid. Brandon replied that, indeed, under the existence of the Temple and the judicial system, he would stone David for blasphemy. ( works of love demonstrations of love ..Jesus said he did not come of His own volition but God sent him ..God took action ..He did something because He cared but oh did it have a cost ! It is simply astounding how the OT fully supports the NT and the NT expounds upon the OT instructionsit is like perfect harmony! ( prior to The Hebrew months did not have names) is or isnt the incorrect one only that I have my doubts. Thank you for your comments. There does not, need to be multiple choices in order to defend their position of defense, even if there are others. As others have noted it is much easier to grasp the writings of the Apostolic Scriptures when one has fuller, deeper knowledge of the Scriptures Jesus Himself taught from and quoted, paraphrased and referred to (as did Paul in his cryptic Shakespearean style.) If we look at the Hebrew word for this phrase for ever and the word perpetual its the same word; its strongs H5769 which is owlam which means with no beginning or end, everlasting, continuous existence, perpetual, IOW for eternity. Another point debunked. So we still FOLLOW Gods laws..we just are not condemned for breaking them now.we had a substitute for that curse of death, someone who led a perfect life free of sin.showing it IS possible..who is now our HIGH PRIEST.and we can approach Gods throne DIRECTLY now because of His Jesus unblemished sacrifice for us.before, under the old and done away with covenant. And so are we! If I think only my Church has the truth and all others are going to hell and you think the same then obviously one or both of us are deluding ourselves. the one who accuses you is Moses, in whom you have set your hope. Thought my time was up (re other post where I thought Id run out of time) but I did get a few minutes more.. Galatians was my go-to place of revelation and helping others see the light for a few decades. I was raised, as many are, to believe that we are given grace by the blood of Jesus which is the atonement of sin and by this grace we are free from the bondage of the law. But then I was stirred in my spirit and there was a yearning for something deeper which would not let me be. When they present the truth as they see it in scripture, they follow in Jesus steps in presenting it in a very humble way. 18 And keep growing in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Deliverer, Yeshua the Messiah. Now the promises were spoken to Abraham and to his seed. Bless you in Him. 1 Cor. This has been true since Adam. This is the covenant I will make with the people of Israel after that time,declares the Lord. But to call them Heretics as other do, and to lay claim to teaching another Gospel is strong accusations. These commanded Feasts were given to ALL of Israel (the Jews were only ONE tribe, there were 12 at the time) and to ALL foreigners with them! I am not of Jewish heritage or seminary trained. I can say I greatly appreciate your non-arrogant comments and your willingness to discuss differences in love. As a Jew, his words are crystal clear to me. I like antichrist perspectives so I am more informed on what the enemy is up to . I stopped celebrating Christmas and Easter. no one in their proper mind will say its ok to murder because you are covered by grace This is an obvious commandment, no one would say it is ok now to have your way with others you are not married to These are easy And are commonly part of weekly sermons across the country, These are often referred to as moral laws and of course we keep these! Til then, youre just another feminized waster of what warriors created. So remember the words of Rav Gamliel, a teacher of the Torah highly respected by all the people, as he stood before the Sanhedrin and addressed the court: Men of Israel, take care what you do to these people. and without him nothing made had being. (A case in point is 119 Ministries teaching on dietary laws.) One must trudge through the entire teaching to see several points of deception. As a former member of the U.S. military and several of its intelligence services, I can recognize their footprint a mile away. Were you being sincere, or sarcastic? It is only when men are not leading and being the head, that society collapses. We believe the whole unchanging Word of God is for all in the faith, and applicable today. The one who died for you and me, thats Who. What authority do you have over them in this matter? Who am I to pick and choose what applies to me? There is a way that seems right unto man and that way leads to death . The new covenant living Torah gave me an entirely new life due to HIM making and transforming me into a New Creation. ALSO the PROPHECY of the New Covenant was made for Israel and Judah (no gentiles mentioned) according to the Jeremiah. I watched dozens of videos on 119. The bible indeed explains itself if and when one is willing to test it hard enough. This had even more stipulations regarding the Land but included what was previously given. Because if they dont? Our earthly Messiah only spoke the words given Him by His heavenly Father. He didnt fulfill even a quarter of the messianic prophecies. To him be the glory, both now and forever! Hi Pete. I love my children unconditionally (by grace). beginning. God forbid: yea, we establish the law.. Its like they are obeying without any rules. How then did the commands of Yahweh just vanish? Sean, please check out http://www.hebrew4christians.com. If you could provide some of your few largest disconnects, Id love to hear them. If so, did you point out that Leviticus 20 lists the penalties for each of the prohibitions of Leviticus 18? Why does Gods word say Ruach Elohim rather than simply Elohim? You seemingly dismiss the Hebrew word ruach (Strongs Hebrew #7307) as only meaning breath. Yes, it is translated breath about 27 times in the word of God. Here is an image of a public comment recently made by 119Ministries on their facebook page demonstrating that they concur with Wilber (and JK McKees) absurd position on mutual submission. Once the church sees who it really is and how Christ is now riding through history with his Army, defeating the enemy in every realm of life.. we will come alive and realize these are the Days of Vengeance (justice). Leah is right analysis, They destroy, Not build, like Jesus said Several scriptures what the Kingdom is like. and His laws which is strongs H3384 torah meaning Gods direction and instructions that men follow. It is about the change in Priesthood not a change in covenant. On their Facebook page, they publish photos or paintings that have messages on them and most of them are devoid of love and have a sarcastic edge to them. To those outside the law I became as one outside the law (not being outside the law of God but under the law of Christ) that I might win those outside the law.. Paul tells us to be imitators of Christ, did not Christ keep the Saturday Sabbath along with the rest of the Law? I didnt come to destroy them, but to fulfill them, because I tell all of you with certainty that until heaven and earth disappear, not one letter or one stroke of a letter will disappear from the Law until everything has been accomplished. For I myself am a son of Israel, from the seed of Avraham,[a] of the tribe of Binyamin. Yes I believe there are more possible translations for pleroo than the two that 119 gives. What a powerful and thorough rebuttal and summary. I was saddened, because I really liked Seinfeld. It has the Greek and Hebrew word references with each explanation of scriptural topics.. Then there are celebrations that are 100% completely Jewish in origin and have nothing to do with appointments of God, however, this does not mean we cannot find God in them. With that said , I am sure some believers do celebrate in their heart and it is acceptable to God but I am grieved that Christianity has become such a big business . because they broke my covenant, though I was a husband to them, declares the Lord. They even have remastered some of their teachings when believers present them with scripture and show them where they errored. 1. to fill to the top: so that nothing shall be wanting to full measure, fill to the brim NO, devil-worshipping, unrepentant, worldly JEW will EVER be the least one of My followers UNTIL they repent and are born from above. Over 58,000 names appear on that wall. However, no longer making the law of God applicable is an absurd translation. He cant have two heads any more that we can. **THE BOOK OF HEBREWS needs to be read very carefully along with a few different concordances. Ive run out of time and so am unable to address other points made. Its not Jesus + the Law that makes God great. Feel very free to discuss your relationship with God based on the written witness of scripture as you understand. God gave the Mosaic Law as the torah (instructions) associated with the specific covenant He had with the people of Israel. Please stop reacting and listen. However, this does not release him from the law. To Him be the esteem both now and to a day that abides. Our appreciation for Messiah and the Gift of Holy Spirit is only being enhanced, imho. Paul dealt with a certain party of Jews that were forcing other believers to fully proselytize in order to be counted as partaking of the covenant. Every JW woman I ever met in my years of sale had a similar story. a religious cult That is what fulfilling it means. Did you know that every time the resurrected Messiah appeared to His disciples, it was on the first day of the week, the Lords Day? Speaking of Israel, despite all the family drama, has it escaped your notice that it was God who took Israel to Egypt and then brought them out to become a nation for Himself? Christians need to wake up as they have no clue because they are following the twisted view of the Catholic Church therefore, not following the Messiah they claim to love and follow. Very dangerous grounds and to think that what they claim Pauls letters to the Galatians mean supersedes the Words of Jesus Himself? The common attack on this ministry is they are teaching the LAW and this is a means of salvation which is entirely incorrect assumption. -Acts 1:8 So Leah, Ill leave you with this question. The driving force behind trade reforms of the 1980s/90s was not Washington DC or Geneva. It is you who fail to take all of Scripture into account. Your modern scholars arent even in the same building, much less the same book as these men. So 119 Ministries is following the commandments, as do other branches within the Hebrew Roots movement. Read Hebrews, chapters 1-3 to procure an undrstanding of the difference between Moses and Jesus the Christ whom Moses testified if when he struck the ROCK and WATER flowed forth!!! Go study all of Jesuss teachings then ask yourself, WHY do the majority of his teachings come directly from the Torah? Quickly on the first page, 119 Ministries re-defines the meaning of torah and restricts the reader to two illegitimate choices to follow throughout the remainder of the teaching. He mentioned two dad man rising how did he know thats in Revelation The Startling lack of self awareness there mate. He dwells in us . Thus, YHWH did not dismiss the standard of Torah because Israel chose disobedience; rather, He installed a Renewed Covenant to write HIS Torah upon the heart of each of us through the work of the Holy Spirit according to Jesus. How about Messianic Jews ? I started my own journey of the scriptures and apologetics and landed about a yr into it with more amplification from what 119ministries provides. Im going to be nice and assume that youre simply ignorant because you dont know how to engage in serious biblical study instead of assuming that youre being intentionally dishonest. ALL. So what Christ said will be true, many who profess to love Christ will be rejected by him. If a Muslims or a Hindus life improves, should we all praise Allah or Krishna? Are you saying Moses did not believe the Gospel that he preached in the wilderness? No agreed with what they said make them wrong maybe you disagree with some teaching this why you dont agree with them an you comments of they wrong or you wrong we will find out when our father in heaven send our Lord yashua.ww will know whos is the true. Thanks . It seems emotional and contemptuous? If they do, they will learn just how important his law especially His 7th day Sabbath is. How do I know that? I will respond in kind, for now i will preface my response with a short rebuttal. Jesus Himself holds the keys to death and hades.Read Isa. 30 Just as you yourselves were disobedient to God before but have received mercy now because of Israels disobedience; 31 so also Israel has been disobedient now, so that by your showing them the same mercy that God has shown you, they too may now receive Gods mercy. Your error is equating caring/loving responsibility with submission to. I was disowned by most of my family when that happened. Since we no longer have a temple or a formal priesthood, these arent valid. Sadly, masculinity is a foreign concept to many males in your generation. And neither are we left to figure out right and wrong by ourselves. It is not a revelation about food and that Peter and everyone else could now eat the very things that God Himself said were not to be food for His people (because HE knows best) as Peter himself states: Acts 10:34 Then Peter began to speak: I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism 35 but accepts from every nation the one who fears him and does what is right. That would be the OLD way of living. Regrettably, many Christians, by their anti-Hebrew Roots Movement stance are guilty of much of the same as was Martin Luther. You obviously do not understand. But this New Covenant will be different because this one will be written on their hearts and mind. No I dont, but I do not think that constitutes false teachers. Additionally, I am confused about your belief regarding the Spirit of God (Ruach Elohim) introduced in Genesis 1:2. I dont know why the translators used new in so many places without making the distinction but this is a key to proper interpretation of things related to commandment (as seen here), and to covenant and priesthood. So lets get back to something to think on.. Below, Rodney Griffin shares what that moment when he sat down to pen the words to "Run To The Door.". Jesus couldnt even do that you know. If you disagree, then you will need to conclude that Jesus also did what he just said was WRONG. If you come across something in scripture that you do not believe or it bothers you ask the question WHY. I have never heard them say you must follow the Law to be saved. If we were in Jerusalem, right now, during the birth of the 1st century Messianic Community, I would drag you before the apostles and ask them to hear my charges against you. Its solely based on the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirits opening the Scripture to us. Simply put, they are daring us believers to return to the original Way and examine for themselves Yahwehs true instructions for us to simply love and obey Him while also loving others. But if you do? He never spoke of a future apostle who would say to neglect what God, Moses, Jesus and His disciples taught. 119 Ministries has fallen so far. Why? As Dale Carnegie said A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still.. And I ask as I read their stuff for God to open my eyes to where the errors are and show me the Scriptures that correct them. So why do I believe 119 only gives the two choices in presenting their belief? So stick the book and live life the way HE wants you to. It is a fact that the bible was originally written in Hebrew and since then been translated by many different tongues. Replacement Theology, Antisemitism and the blatant misinterpretation of the Scriptures are pushing the Protestant Church further and further into apostasy, which means that Yeshua the Messiah will return to earth a lot sooner than most people are expecting. Thank you. NO!! It appears your entire belief system is based upon the idea that the Torah is this system of laws that has somehow been abolished after Jesus died on the cross then resurrected and presented himself as the sacrificial lamb. As with other Hebrew Roots groups, many Christians consider 119 ministries a cult. But rather, by our faith in Christ, we are saved, and that should result in obedience, because we have been saved from breaking the Law. If we are on polar opposite position one is right and one is wrong, or we both are wrong. Not until all is fulfilled? 119 ministries teaching tell of Jesus (Yeshua) and the love he has for us This Hebrew roots movement is to assure that we as Christians do not lead astray the Jew in our teaching for they are bound by a different rule than usthey are teaching us that there are certain things meant for the Jewish people that is not for gentiles !!! california driving laws for minors; princeton park chicago crime rate Do you not think there is a reason for each and every Word Yahweh uttered in the Scriptures? Does not scripture state where there is no law the is no sin? I guess we just differ in our opinions about 119 Ministries attitude. New covenant, same law. ), when God himself intended us to use the term Christian in a good way. " Jimmie Quinn on December 15, 2013 at 5:23 pm said: I would like the address of tis ministry so I can donate by check. Christians need to really read what Christ tells us, Do not think I have come to ABOLISH the Law or the Prophets; I have NOT come to abolish them but to FULFILL them. Why do you think that Yeshua told the woman from Shomron (Samaria) that we have to worship God in spirit and in truth? What does scripture say about this phenomenon? I would say that every one of you is involved in a cult. In the Gospel of John (Yochanan in Hebrew), chapter one states: 1 In the beginning was the Word, Rather, it was Rachel who died, when she bore Benjamin, because she stole her fathers teraphim and Jacob pronounced a death sentence on the thief. Thats it Test Everything. On this point, I appreciate the teaching of http://www.hebrew4christians.com in their article entitled Under the Law, particularly in their Conclusion. This sort of thing happens when people who may know what individual words in another language mean BUT do not know or understand the idiomatic expressions of the culture they are translatingn words about and instead they ended up using word-for-word text translation instead of translating the MEANING of the idiomatic expression. 2 (1) If a prophet or someone who gets messages while dreaming arises among you and he gives you a sign or wonder, 3 (2) and the sign or wonder comes about as he predicted when he said, Lets follow other gods, which you have not known; and let us serve them, 4 (3) you are not to listen to what that prophet or dreamer says. Ive also seen families break apart when people whove been hard-line democrats switch to being republicans (and vice versa) because theres such a long history of it in their families they are treated like traitors when they change because they got a mind of their own. c elegans hermaphrodite, the medicine bag in spanish, animal frenzy codes 2021, aubrey's pizza rockefeller nutrition, ubc women's volleyball roster, hamilton sloan raleigh, fictional characters born on june 7, coastal fish company dress code, capresso filter basket, birmingham legion fc players salary, belly of the beast documentary faull brothers, delta faucet spring and seat replacement, florida high school volleyball rankings 2020, missoula jobs part time, are there leeches in the potomac river, Right analysis, they destroy, not build, like Jesus said several Scriptures what the kingdom and thrust!, it is sad that people credit Constantine with giving Christians a bad name ( he! 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who is behind 119 ministries
