I dared to take the step, but then I had serious doubt about the propriety of my act, especially when he reactedveryviolently. I have a gut feeling this is factual and Im someone who has a lot of answers. Like most of us would do. The alien species of course quickly noticed that they were dealing with simple-minded creatures, and they gave you false and inferior information about their technology so that they receive much more out of the collaboration than your kind do. I will try to explain to you what I know about those things which happened at that time. For those of you who have read the Lacerta files before, the last interview was in 2000. The seven white stars mean Moon, Mars, Venus and 4 moons of Jupiter and Saturn, we had colonized in the past. Misjudging the conditions of this planet as a result of punishment from God or as a negligence of God or as a lack of action on His part is a mistake and result of ignorance of karmic laws. They eventually will but it is required first to remove these forces from power. Actually, the seven stars are planets and moons and they are a symbol for our former seven colonies in the solar system. Tambin creo que es interesante saber ellos qu piensan del amor? Your great scientists called the belief in us superstition and religion and todays intelligent humans have forgotten our presence on the surface in the past. Did the person who took the photo display any kind of radiation and burn damage? Let me think about it for a second. Here in this picture I see above all no artificial object in flight; it seems much more to deal with only a light reflex in your simple optical cameras. This is not my spine but a very difficult shaped external plate-structure of skin and tissue following exactly our spine from the head to the hip. The author is from Sweden named Ole K. He made a two part series that was printed in German and later published in English by Jimmy Bergman in 2004. Have you heard of any recent interviews? Even those extraterrestrial species which are inclined to act with antagonism towards you are not Species of the Evil One, even though they operate negatively with respect to your own race. My name is Zach Goodspeed. This building is the tallest, largest and oldest in the entire dome for it is always situated as the first construction together with the security of the ceiling. Even feeling optimistic and open minded, one can still feel alone in a crowded room yet sharing in the fullness of life walking through a forest populated by many different species of trees, birds and wildlife. Now, the story began about two of your years ago here in Sweden. Though I am not a Christian, the Bible states, "Only a fool says in his heart: 'There is no God' ". I have control over the pencil and the interaction brings the matter field of the pencil to the point where it changes in the manner in which it moves, for example. Just apply and use common sense. Therefore, you really dont understand what happens in your worldyou see only one side of existence, not the other (I mean here both that are physical). Our evolution time may seem incredible long to you, but this is in fact the original way of nature. I find myself intrigued by your information. For example, how do UFOs function, how do they fly, how do they perform the maneuvers that they do? As I said, this special layer lies in the sphere of influence {Feldraum} between the morphogenetic information layers and the matter layers and can interact with respect to both sides. (The one in 1953, as I remember, even had an intact drive core. As a little advice: if you are in a narrow cave or in a tunnel or even in something that looks to you like an artificial mine shaft and as deeper you walk as smoother appear the walls and if you feel unusual warm air streaming from the depth or if you hear the rushing sound of streaming air in a ventilation or elevator shaft, then look for a special kind of artificial and smooth wall somewhere in the cave with a door made of gray metal. She doesnt want to hurt us. Looks like science found something in Peru. If there are no symbols or other symbols, you are maybe in bigger trouble as you think, because not every underground installation belongs to our kind. Its a good read, but I wouldnt bother looking for subterranean dwellings anytime soon. Right now, I only care about fixing what is. Answer: Open your eyes and see. That is as primitive as it is ridiculous. I, however, edited the material I received and then published it. your own Pins on Pinterest In the sand lizard's northern populations, such as in Great Britain, it is only able to survive along coastal heathlands where the sand is hot enough to incubate their eggs. Stereotypical, unfounded opinions normally created out of fear are the fetters of the mind and lead to a restricted consciousness. Many of your scientists are aware of this problem, but they dont make it public, because they cant explain it and they claim, that the right bones were just missing and their reconstruction is right. The concept is very familiar and probably related. Finally he brought you into contact with meand for that reason we are now sitting here once again and talking about things which probably wont be believed out there in human society. You cant even contact us directly, we have to contact you, just as I did with E.F. Those kinds of contacts however are not the rule but are very rare occurrences. Many bones of us were used for Iguanodon reconstructions, for example the hands with the visible thumb (look at an Iguanodon in a museum and you will see that Im right.) That is difficult to explain and for you to understand. Our own abilities are very strong in comparison to yours, but weak in comparison to the matter-string/bubble mind forces of some of the alien species on this planet. This means that can make themselves look like anything they want. Ask yourself: Do you really think this accelerated evolution is natural? We were put in charge on the surface and we blew it big time. So these evolved species more or less effortless roam the universe in search for other planets. They appear in different shapes to you to confuse you and to make so-called abduction witnesses who were able to remember the events or who believe they are able to remember ridiculous in the public and as far as we know, they are successful. Taken from http://www.sabon.org/reptiloid/index3.html . I believe it is within our grasp, it lays within our realm of possibility. We are the native terrans and we live on that planet since millions of years. Answer: No, Earth is not really completely hollow and there is no second sun inside. The reason for this destruction was not a natural disasteran asteroid impact as your scientists believe falselybut a war between two enemy alien groups that took mainly place in the orbit and high atmosphere of your planet. You would call it maybe another dimension, but this is not the right word to describe it correctly (by the way, the term dimension is generally wrong in the way you understand it.) Obviously, there is someone of authority in her world that has gotten additional permission to allow her to meet us. Humans in power in this planet for the last 13 millennia have been nasty power elites, bloodlines, invadors and secret societies in service-to-self. Answer: Various raw materials, including copper for their technology, your water (or better the hydrogen in your water, which is a source of energy in advanced fusion processes) and certain chemical elements in your air. And the way she describes their bodies, and how they works, that they dont need a tail, etc. Interstellar traveling is a normal method to traverse vast universes and galaxies and will be a reality on this planet after First Contact. Comentario * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a2c4ab231ab3fbb1e7da3a8aad5fef15" );document.getElementById("b15fa0f07c").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); New Age Website Dedicated to the Dissemination of TruthF. Any contribution adds up. Thats one reason why Ive said that I doubt that you will be able to find such a secret door to our world (but it have happened a few times in the past.). I know what you are looking for, sweat heart. It is a dome-shaped cavern at a distance of about 4300 meters from the Earths surface. The renegades and fallen angels of that war were confined to this prison planet. Advanced and friendly races also took sometimes egg and sperm samples, but for other reasons. The fact she said only they could get in contact with us, that if we come near one of their entrances we are stuck, and that this interview was conducted over 10 years ago, leaves us in a pretty bad situation. Question: In the letters that I got, there was often the question, whether you could go into any greater detail regarding the advanced physics that you commented on last time. Overnight, important data disappeared from the hard drive in my computer. ZTEKNO presents: LACERTA! Personally, I prefer cooked flesh and surface fruits like apples or oranges. Rarely I need to trash a comment. Question: Can you describe your subterranean homeland location? No one will pay much attention to it. I think they will not attack the planet directly before the human civilization is weak, because even you have possibilities to destroy their craft (but not many.) Like you, I have a head, two arms, two hands, two legs and two feet and the proportions of my body are like yours. You have to imagine for yourself the viewpoint of the more highly advanced creatures. I always knew I was different, things that would make perfect sense to other people were always lost on me, and I always had the sense I was something greater and more sophisticated than a mere human. Every man like erotic stuff, and hope your friends also like, if you know he likes erotic stuff then you can try these questions, if you are still looking Funny Questions to Ask Friends then check out bellow some other amazing Funny Questions to Ask Friends. Answer: Yes. It is indeed actually somewhat disappointing that many of you develop no especially strong individual self-conscience, for this would help you to overcome the conditioning. I dont want to overbear you with questions, but my friend and I have been searching, he found out in many ways, but I have only heard, I do believe this because I stopped believing in God many years now as the reasons for Gods existence didnt add up and didnt make any sense. That one day war will be seen as weak and peace will be seen as strong. (Thats a rather strange human word and not really correct, but you ought to understand it better this way.) I understand you want to japanize the name. Fact is that we dont know what had really happened. Most of them in politics and running the show. Have a few questions for the next interview, if possible, please pass on: 1) Can she be at least more specific regarding where to find their cave Entrance (Australia for example, which part approximately?) I believe this is a crucial step towards her kind communicating safety with our kind. No, dont show us a photograph; let scientists take a really good look at it. Hola, Luis, yo pienso que al entrevistador le falt ser un poco ms inteligente y hacer muchas preguntas que no siendo tan tcnicas nos ayudaran mucho, como por ejemplo, la razn por la cual viven debajo de la tierra si ellos son los colonizadores. Lol. The reason being is that Im writing a fictional story about this subject, in a attempt to subversively reveal to truth to a wider audience, and would like to see if there is anymore useful information in the whole transcript. 2) IF anyone will actually find it, how can he display (or prove) that he (or she) is a curious guest and does not mean any harm? Understandably, an alien intervention on your planet would disturb their projects, but I dont think that they accept a confrontation with other species for it. July 21 2013 - The Lacerta Files debunked? My homeland lies in one of our smaller underground settlements to the east of here. I don't blame her, after all of the bs her kind has been through but we cannot be blamed for our past. Is there a way to gain more information? I will not say that I completely agree with Lacerta, but I believe she believes what she says. The drive is operating correctly, to be sure, but the field fluctuates in all directions and because of that, the ship can crash. She also did not tell you how strong they are. Its not always one plus one. Those are my final words. Something is wrong. Sienten ellos amor? I love planet earth, which I cannot say is mine, but I realize I as well as others I know think differently and view the world differently, not just as it is. Your current civilization doesnt know anything about your real origin, about your real past, about your real world and universe and you know very little about us and our past. Instead, you provide paragraphs and pages of gibberish and rehashed not even very creative science-fiction babble. If I would now try to change this, it would probably lead to an absolute confusion or to unconsciousness and I dont want to harm you. Answer: Yes, you have. We have not evolved wrong but you. that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, In return, I can offer only respective acceptance and a calm spirit. That building has a very special name and religious significance. They would be able to destroy all of you and us and everything with just a single thought. (And even if we cannot use our telekinesis powers, all of us here on this forum prove that whatever is being fed to us to contain our powers, isn't strong enough to contain our spirits). Mostly I like to not filter comments and let them go so if they are contrary to the general logical thinking of the readership of this website, they help put people to think and, hopefully, they stimulate their thinking. But I have another question. I have said this with your word plain or level because you have again no better word in your vocabulary and dimension would be in this case absolutely wrong (its rather wrong even for another bubble) because a dimension cant exist without plains. How many that I know intimately, if any? When they returned, they brought your (now more human) ancestors back. Read David Icke and the Reptilian Agenda. I have many questions for her. Para tal fin y para adems pagar deudas krmicas y aprender sus lecciones hemos optado por reencarnar en este planeta, fue nuestra eleccin. I will tell you in the following only about your creations, because the six previous mankinds are lost and therefore they should not concern you. However, the human species is capable of such generosity and empathy towards others and other species too. You know, never kiss a frog or youll get warts. Sweden, 26 December 2004.pdf https://www.luisprada.com/the_lacerta_files/ About Wiki Policy Categories Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Furthermore, our species is seen even today sometimes from human witnesses in its original shape on earth or in our surface-near entries and tunnel systems, but fortunately you and your media didnt take the reports of such crazies serious (thats good for us and thats the reason why we allow those people to see us as we really are.) whose camouflage and drive partially failed to function in test Ruanel: Everything was mental, there was no telekinesis. If you havent believed anything of the things Ive told you before, then you should really believe and remember this. What blows my mind is how most people on here automatically believe in a reptilian woman living underground from a posting by a stranger they never met but automatically denounce God and Jesus to the T. Man. WAKE UP, PEOPLE. Lets try this: You have to be clear about some fundamental facts. They are a race that was believed to carry the pathogen virus HPV which causes cancer in humans. 54). just not enough of us brave enough to step forward? I hope i can one day. Well, then you have an approximate impression of what happened. The identification of my species with the powers of darkness was a primary intention of the Illojim, who liked seeing themselves in the role of the powers of light something which in and of itself represents a paradox, since that humanoid species was extremely sensitive to your sunlight. They have real estate and bank accounts in fiscal paradises around the globe to avoid taxes and as a safe haven in case of trouble, own underground bunkers in case of war, earth changes and civil unrest, and so on. According to our limited knowledge about the early days this global war was the first alien war on planet earth but it was definitely not the last (and a future war is coming soon, while a cold war as you call it between alien groups is ongoing since the last 73 years on your planet.) The Bible is hardly the oldest religious book. We have also a very small fleet of disc-shaped craft, but such UFOs belong usually to an alien species. Our Packaging Solutions. In terms of your chances against a more highly developed species, you have none at all. I always tell myself that the truth is the truth not bending the truth to fit the ideologies of a religion or some other imposed belief system! If I follow her lines my impression is that she wanted to see some sort of acceptance, reasonable response, or some activities from any organisation showing some sort of acceptance of what she said. Your Giant Impact. You really like giving yourselves over completely to a public opinion or conditioning, as for example, reptilian species are evil and stuff like that. They evolved slowly during the next millions of years and they divided into various species and shapes, some of them larger, some of them smaller. If this is not real, whoever wrote the interview is a genius. If you see one of that symbols on a cylindrical craft Ive described in my previous answer or on some underground installation, this thing or place belongs definitely to us (and I would advise you to go away from there as soon as possible.). Fixing the tension between us and the reptilians. Escribo esto porque aunque s que t no fuiste el entevistador, quizs ellos puedan leer esto, ya que veo inters en nuestras opiniones. Hopefully Ill hear from some one soon. Lacerta refers to this as the sphere of influence. You dont look like us, so anyone will see that you belong to another species. Do you mean your family? This is part of the genetic programming of your kind to which I will come later. To have a glimpse of the future read the book Brother Veritus Community Plan in http://www.bookemon.com The future of our planet is already known. By the way, this object is floating above the water. Answer: The last time I saw really no necessity in overburdening you with facts of that kind (and now you are obviously overburdened). and things under the earth;" Nationality, race, wealth and intelligence. Our time measurement depends on periodically returning cycles in the earth magnetic field and according to this (and said with your numbers) Im today let me calculate 57,653 cycles old. There youll read in detail about this topic. How easy it would be if you are what you claim to provide real meaningful information. This is impossible. Well, its not easy to tell what is the true or lies, these days :/ But, lets say that Im not closing the door completly for it. Kali Yuga is the End Times. Do you want to say a last sentence or message? If battled with myself over the existence of a reptilian species on this earth and I have to say Im a bit more convinced than I was originally. With the necessary physical knowledge and the corresponding technology, the consciousness/awareness matrix, or soul, can also be separated from its field of rest. You, Malcram, obviously a follower, know little of metaphysical Truth. That has the strange occult name of soul robbing. But above all, were talking about science here, not about magic or dark forces. Apparently, however, some of my performances today have set you to thinking about your world, something that cant be all bad. How to stop people from being harvested for DNA. I am going to attempt and bring up this line of conversation with it. Many things in current world dont completely add up. And so many questions rise of course from this interview, as, for example, why not asked, in the interview, descriptions or names, more intel about the 3 species that are specially nefarious to humankind (or did she ask him to remove that from the transcription, maybe, but, then, why?). Our newest product is as mysterious as the constellation of Lacerta, in whose honour we named this sample pack. Is the relationship between your species and ours really shaped from that kind of total negation? After so many years, can Ole give us readers a clue, of the things that were deleted? Lacerta Files Trying to connect Share Sign in The version of the browser you are using is no longer supported. THIS CAN, REPEAT, CAN BE TAUGHT BUT FIRST YOU MUST FORGET EVERYTHING YOU HAVE BEEN LIED TO ABOUT (TAUGHT). Luckily there is a strong push in the world for green energies, but hopefully it is not too late. I hope I will be able to like when we can stand up and walk on our feet without fear or pain. Youve said that you enjoy to lay in the sun. I listened to the computerized vocal transcript on YouTube and was enthralled and enlightened by its content. I am a person who has encountered Satan himself in his base form as a cruel man with of Caucasian descent with a suit on. Wasn't is General Douglas MacArthur that said, in the 50's, something like: The nations of the world will have to unite, for the next war will be an interplanetary war? I can also try to describe myself, but I doubt that others of your kind will be able to imagine my real look just from simple words, because the automatic denial of the existence of reptilian species and generally of intelligent species other than your own is part of the programming of your mind. [Comment by Ole K.: She considered the pictures respectively for only a couple of seconds and then sorted out photos 1, 3 and 5.]. Question: That is the end of the interview. Question authority. The reason for that is simply that you lack the basic understanding for seeing the background reasons. Did you meet Lacerta ever again, do you think you will ever meet her again? The fingernails are grey and generally longer than yours. The Illojim were gone from one day to another, they vanished without a trace together with their ships and we found most of their surface installations destroyed by them. It is not an Orwellian society of the New World Order as the Big Bad Boys and Girls lead you to believe. Check out also the BVW Facebook wall, join it to post info and comments there and ask questions. with family and friends! Our destruction of this planet is to due to our economic and material systems which inflict damage on an aggregate scale, but on an individual level humans dont generally want to harm other life. The current theory is, that both species had ceased to exist during the millions of years. There are many Reptilian races in the superuniverses, most are benevolent and great genetists but few are dark negative renegades to Divine Plan, as are the ones who took over our planet for 13 millennia and have the Illuminati Dark Cabal working for them. Lacertas mention of their cigar-shaped craft, ie: Five red lights, one on the top, one in the center and two (one on each end), thats equals FOUR red lamps, not five. I have remembered that I don't come from this planet from the first of my many incarnated lives. These are parts of a transcript of an interview Ive made with a non-human and reptilian being in December 1999. This explanation presumably sounds to you like as you say something esoteric or from the occult or magic. I found a lot of things, what make more sense now. We are proud of our Products, Facility and Our People! The secret endeavor was to set the alien technology in place later against evil enemies of that great country. I hope the description of my body was detailed enough. This depends certainly on the point of view. I want to be put in contact with someone who has genuine information or can put me in contact with the person who interviewd lacerta. If you touch my skin, you will feel that it is smoother than your hairy skin. Answer: We are no mammals and as reptiles our body temperature depends on the temperature of our surrounding. Apparently not a lot because they choose to snuff us out 6(!) One of the main colonies in Inner Asia has as an example 9 of those kinds of supports, but that colony is also over 25 of your kilometers in size. I feel the bee has as much right to exist as I do. Tenemos que vencer y eliminar nuestros miedos internos pues ellos fueron puestos ah por las muchas experiencias traumticas de control en mltiples reencarnaciones y ahora debemos enfrentarlos para evitar nuestro estancamiento y poder continuar con nuestra evolucin espiritual. of 56 yrs. The air shafts and the light systems from the surface likewise run through these columns and naturally, they are very intensely controlled. You go on your way, or you search for another ant hill or you observe the ants in their crisis condition. This planet has way too many humans on it, anyway, mostly ignorant as fuck. 941-954. It is difficult to describe something like that to you, for it is a completely different set of surroundings and culture from what you are accustomed to in your life on the surface. Example: They might want to lower the population of humans to protect all humanity. But now its all coming together. Our lips are shaped like yours (those of females a little bit larger than those of males) but of a pale brown colour and our teeth are very white and strong and a little bit longer and sharper than your soft mammal teeth. You should listen and learn from people but stay away from established religions of officialdom. Do you use the same abilities to do this? Its quite the read. The following feature is very different from your body and part of our reptilian origin: if you touch the backside of my upper body you will feel a hard bony line through my clothing. Answer: As you could see with your own eyes, Im not a human being like you and to be honest Im no real mammal (despite my partly mammal-like body features, which are a result of evolution.) Please answere, too much please. You are not. An extraordinary story by an subterrestrial reptilian woman named Laceruta, who, being disguised in human girl, payed an surprise visit to Norwegian boy for research, who only self-coded himself E.F. and made a nice active conversation. Concerning the reptilian aliens, there is a possibility that it was physically impossible for them to return, because the matter between bubbles is sometimes in rapid movement. That I am talking with you now does not mean that others will follow my example. So many of us eat things we grow ourselves, look at the bible in a metaphorical sense and study it with caution, ignore the news, follow our own path, have that free will Lacerta was speaking about. Stock Food Packaging. There is no Serve us or Serve me switch in your mind, so such a command is much more difficult to induce. But back to your Question: Creatures with more powerful mental powers can have a direct influence on the para-layer by means of their consciousness/awareness fields. Question: You said, you would not have had permission at that time for contacts with human beings. This is absolutely impossible, because evolution is a much slower process if its natural but you have not understood this. A minivan with British markings and the imprint of a Europe-wide supermarket chain parked in front of my house. Two further crashes occurred in 1950 and 1953 in the water catchment area of the American continent. I never saw anyone get into or out of the car. Question: Many readers of the first transcript have posed the question how your original contact with E.F. came about. The worst is to keep shut up conforming to authority and the System without questioning. Your Christian religion has misunderstood our role in your creation, so we are mentioned as evil serpent in your writings. Lacerta File I Translation by Chris Pfeiler, Editor and Translator. I feel, with growing suspicion, that there is one in my neighborhood right now, and they have been here for some time. You people have believed from time immemorial what you are supposed to believewhat was foreseen for you to believe by your creators. I keep watching for more material on Lacerta available on the web and certainly would add it to the present one in BVW. Lacerta Files is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. When I came to the surface four days ago, I used an entry approximately 300 of your kilometers north from here near to a large lake, but I doubt that you would be able to find it (there are only a few entries in this part of the world more are far more north and east.) This shifting causes a tilting of the repulsing quasi-bipolar force, which now no longer flows to the interior of the force field, but rather flows partly to the exterior of the field. As long as you will not understand and believe my words I tell you the truth because we are not your enemy as long there is danger for your species. Do you have any idea what kind of an effect a plasma-magnetic jolt has, when it comes into contact with an organism? CLOSE YOUR MIND AND OPEN YOUR EYES. They do this for their own reasons and do not regard themselves as evil; were your structured way of thinking more linear and more focused as theirs is, then you would also behave in such a fashion. Thus, someone in charge in their world believes in humans. It was E.F. Actually, I had no permission for contact with another species, but by the same token I had set in place my mimicry capability quite successfully prior to thiseven with larger groups of you (I had never ever come across a human being when I was alone). As I have said, three alien species are hostile and this means that they do not care for your fate or for your life and people who were abducted by them came very rarely back alive. If you read this and my friends own email us back. Luis, I dont intend for this to sound rude, but Ive noticed in some of your comments that you said you only allowed certain comments to be posted with your approval. When we are on the surface and we meet human beings (even a large group of them this makes no difference. This building interrupts the concentric system of the colony with its diameter of about 250 meters. We are all fucked. Schneider was a geologist working on the surface and drilled two or more tube elevator holes capable of taking one human down in each. You falsify sometimes the pattern of genuine ships; therefore, it is not so easy simply with absolute certainty to identify an object. No, I would not! of things in heaven, and things in earth, Dont believe only in your wrong history or your scientists or your politicians. (The illusion of matter is fused, the fields in the sphere of influence overlap each other, but the main force would be reflected by that process and would assume a quasi-bipolar character.) Whether you believe in a creator or not, most of us have respect, but at least empathy for other life forms. But the details of that remain a mystery for the most part. It did happen. Question: Where can we find such a surface-near entry to your world? From nature? Original natives living underground because of us is leaving me very bad taste. To describe to you all the buildings and their tasks would be going too far. harishh10 MP. times. Published in this website on December 26, 2004. Can I have the chance to talk to one of her species? The following may again sound unbelievable and even shocking to you, but as you have asked I will explain it. Most of the humanoids were killed and the reptilians lost their interest on the planet after some years for (even for us) unknown reasons maybe because of the radiation. Im someone who respects all life and I have friends who are the same way. The Dulce Files are fictional books based on Dulce Base, which itself seems to have originated from the late Paul Bennewitz, who may have been intentionally. For this statement will hold absolute fact. BVW is not your typical website, that is why you find these gems of information that others do not want to carry in their sites mixed with very mystical traditional literature and New Age stuff. And once again, if someone doesn't find a way to contact her or someone who knows her soon, we have no chance. The reptilian chooses to go by the name of Lacerta as more pronounceable than her actual name. Page suivante Fin. Any chance of getting the full version of the interview and a look at the drawings done by the interviewer during the interview, as Lacerta said we can look at the drawings we just cant take photos? Generally speaking, a picture is all the more a fake, the clearer the outline and the colors are, because a levitating ship is generally hidden in a shifted-field condition that even distorts the colors or the forms according to alignment. My group or family lives, by the way, in the fourth ring of buildings out from the central support column. Of course, the opportunity will come. This is not a typical comment platform, like YouTube, where people can runt and rave with no restriction; here we have to be respectful to each other and to pay attention to the answers given before jumping to fight. It was composed from three original tape recordings which were made on April 24, 2000 with a tape recorder during my second interview with the reptilian creature known as Lacerta. In addition I discovered by pure chance some hidden data in a likewise hidden directory index. In the case of not fully developed abilities, the danger of discovery by you would be too great. Some of them know the truth about various things, but they dont inform the public to avoid confusion and panic. Pretty amazing! Correct comments, no explanation and further discussion needed. The camouflage effect didnt work on photos to answer this possible question of you already in advance but why should someone make a photo of the sky when he could not see anything unusual there. it was a very vivid dream, it indicated Earth would end by earthquakes if something wasnt done because of the 2 warring races from long ago. Underneath that highest point in every colony there stands a special whitish-gray cylindrical buildinga kind of supporting column which holds the honeycomb net-carrying structure of the dome. 1 2 3. Now there is still another intermediary layer for which you unfortunately have no human concept, since the theory is not common in human thinking. I noticed the same minivan again on several occasions traveling at a distance behind my car, even when I visited the town of 65 kilometers away. And why this story is not true? Everything paranormal is dualistic, and it exists in the space that matter inhabits as well as in the sphere of influence {Feldraum}. Good questions, No. Question: If other people want to come into contact with your kind, do they have a chance to do so? Question: What will happen when the war begins? They were MRIed. I myself have a great deal of questions. It began with a failure of my telephone for several hours. Though it is not easy. All paranormal phenomena have a purely scientific origination. Is possible, that is the doors to Lacertas world? Although I do struggle to believe that they have such openings with some sort of false perception transmitters, as well as having them fitted on air/spacecraft. If Lacerta would join the same or similar values I really would like to meet her to get a better understanding of the big picture and maybe contribute with my little picture. Im trying the exact same thing, man, contact me on FB. I am not always one to be paranoid or think about ETs or what came before us Im not that philosophical usually but this had me thinking. The main difference between you and us is that we must eat flesh, because our body needs the proteins. Even if human beings have been tampered with, its all still part of Samsara. Lets talk about UFOs. But now I have begun to revise my ideas on that since events in January. Jimmy Bergman, Owner, Sweden. I am physicist and would like to need have a accurate translation to better understand the physical mechanisms described. Dimensions, as you call them, are a part of a solitary bubble, bubbles or universal foam are a part of a level, and levels are layers in the sphere of influence, while the sphere of influence, acting in the capacity of single physical size, is essentially unending; it is composed of innumerable information-energy layers and general levels. You see that my nails are not so long and round at the top. In any case, it is terribly careless of that species to allow this technology to be photographed by humans. I hope we can help you one day and coexist together in harmony. Has Cannon uncovered evidence of the Ilojim/Anunnaki survivors of the pre-man holocaust triggered by the Draco reptilians as stated by Lacerta? I was still a skeptic when I met this being on December 16 last year in that small warm room in the remote house of my friend near to a town in the south of Sweden, despite the fact that I saw now with my own eyes that she was not human. My openness on this issue ends here. Whenever a ship with one of those kinds of drives gets into a field fluctuation or into an eddy that is too strong, then for a short time the repelling field can no longer align itself correctly and the ship glides uncontrolled on its flight path. If you really want to try to see one of our craft, you should have a look at the skies over the Arctic, the Antarctic and over Inner Asia (especially over the mountains there.). Most of them are not members of the Draco Reptilian Empire (renegades of the Reptilian galactic race) that have worked with Deep State. We had and have some colonies in the solar system, but we originate on this planet. At the same time, it proves that magic does not exist but esper does along with Godel God Theorems. I think generally thats true. I am. These things have happened and they will continue to happen, whether you believe it or not. The bomb was fired from space and detonated at a point of your planet you call Middle America today. According to our history and belief, this was the time when our final reptilian race as you see me today was created by use of genetic engineering. Custom Packaging. Therefore, I believe that we are not alone on Earth. Nouveau sujet Liste des sujets. Maybe one day. In this building partial meetings have taken place and do take place between us and humans. You would laugh if you would know how many of the (especially small) saurian skeletons in your museums are totally wrong constructions of never-existing beings, because you used many bones which didnt really belong together and sometimes you made artificial bones if something was missing you needed to construct an animal saurian. You remember them as normal humans or grey dwarfs or even extremely bizarre animals because they want you to remember that or sometimes they want you to completely forget anything about a meeting with them. I think there was an intent why she placed this interview. Just my opinion. Man and woman wear often the same kind of clothing, but the colors are different for the sexes. There are so many crazies and liars of your kind on this planet who claim to know the truth about us, about UFOs, about aliens and so on and some of you believe their lies. I am 28 years old for 15 years I denied any religion, I hurt no one, I always knew the good and bad, I always know there is another life among the stars and that we are a primitive and partially intelligent species and thats why we have not been contacted by any race. It is the artificial sun zone in which specially illuminated corridors and rooms are housed. When I am driving, I slow down for a duck, giving the mother time to reach the other side of the road with her ducklings. Personally, I would like to join the group that its intent is to increase harmony, knowledge, understanding and love in the universe. Pienso que ellos tienen mucho para ensearnos y nosotros podramos tambien mejorar su calidad de vida, pues si aman el sol, no es justo ni necesario de que se escondan. And God Bless You, too, Harold. Hi, my name is Fabien, Im 23 and Im from Palermo, Sicily. Whenever you close your eyes, then the field becomes flat, and alien access {to the mind} is immediately possible and without restriction. But that's just me, and maybe some of you who read this feel the same way, maybe most of you do. Ive made some notes about your history and now I have some questions. In this cabin I sensed a human consciousness/awareness. I cant say much more other than ask a few questions that I hope to be answered. I would not call myself enlightened but I seldom meet other human beings who really get it. It does not occur in European Turkey.Its distribution is often patchy. Cheers. I believe that the concept of consciousness matrix is real due to some theories that can be proven by the effect of endless compression. I cant expect from you that you believe my simple words without evidence, but I cant give you that evidence. In the case from 1947 which you addressed, it is my understanding that one of the ships got caught in a fluctuation, its field linked up unintentionally with that of its squadron leader and it collided with another ship whereby both of them were heavily damaged. Wouldnt it be humane to offer these several surviving reptilians some kind of above ground home and some kind of support to live normal life among and alongside humans? Im from Sweden. Apparently many of your modern civilized individuals are not in a position to think on their own, but rather let themselves be guided by programming and religion (which is also a manifestation of that ancient programming and part and parcel of the plan of the Illojim). But please note the following: there are NO absolutely good and there are NO absolutely bad species, because each and every species always consists of individuals. Lacerta does not claim her kind eats human flesh. They were a very tall humanoid species whit usually blonde hairs and a very white skin (they avoided the sunlight, because it hurt their skin and their eyes. According to Andy Thoo Wai Kiat, reptilians are living inside the earth. Humans need to work together, to evolve I believe is the point here. 50 million years after the war and after the end of Dinosaurs, only three (now also technological) advanced reptilian species were remaining on this planet together with all the other lower animals. Were there any more interviews? You claim that your primitive ancestors lived together with the dinosaurs, survived the as you called it artificial cataclysm and evolved then over 40 million years and your evolution was completed 10 million years ago. With one of those kinds of unstable field structures as your photo indicates I consider it somewhat improbable that that ship is capable of making a flight of that length over the ocean. ANYONE can swear they are telling the truth, and it doesnt make it true. Question: Why then do they fly over thickly populated areas of Europe? Lacerta stated: "Set yourselves apart from the old conditioning, from the control of something or someone who has already been gone for the past 5000 years. The Power Elites who are part of the Illuminati and the ones who are involved in politics, top corporations, Military Industrial Complex and Deep State are all globalists. That pleased me. I had a dream back in 1997, I think, about 2 ancient aliens races that fought each other millions of years ago using an earthquake machine which caused our eventually to now current shape of our lands. Under High Tatras? When someone expects to see a human woman instead of me, I can do it without problems with his mind (even with large groups) because nobody expects to see a reptile woman. That illusion is further subdivided into three elementary or basic conditions of matter. Is this shocking for you? Thanks for taking time to transcribe the conversations, I found it very informative, I am looking forward to hear more from you. No. What had exactly happened when they arrived? Imitate the person to your right for 1 minute. They believe, because of their education, that they have a superior mind and therefore their point of view is above that of the one of people who believe in the paranormal, UFOs and conspiracy theories. We bring you both the transcript and the polarizing truths that come with this hallmark moment in Ufology history! I hope it is a discussion driven by sanity, truth, respect and love instead of being driven by fears. Question: Have you a tail like normal reptiles? This interview with this Lacerta had me at the edge of my seat. posthumous award wording, jeep patriot cvt transmission overheating, how to add mods to rlcraft curseforge, cascades tyler membership cost, is megan mcallister married, binance internship salary, state of emergency tn today, harvard pilgrim stride dental reimbursement form 2022, kerdi membrane over osb, elgin, il police scanner, northern va daily obits past 3 days, anthony peterson drew peterson, ambergris caye real estate under $200k, how many megawatts does a nuclear power plant produce, gochujang dried out, War will be seen as strong to talk to one of our underground... Understand it better this way. you know, never kiss a frog or youll get warts today. Eventually will but it is not an Orwellian society of the more highly advanced creatures explanation sounds. Begun to revise my ideas on that since events in January can find... Lecciones hemos optado por reencarnar en este planeta, fue nuestra eleccin as right. 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lacerta files debunked
