It is obvious to me that they were always working on their format and that Tony was the TV guy while the others were the science folks. Tim Taylor devised the name Time Team, and in 1992 a pilot episode was filmed in Dorchester-on-Thames. Lets hope that somebody in control is also a fan and a compromise can be reached. Most of these posts hope that the Beeb could resurrect TT somehow, but AN ENORMOUS THANK YOU TO THE CAST AND CREW FOR THE FABULOUS YEARS THEY HAVE GIVEN US. I hate that its producers felt the need to change its face to meet the modern idea of glamour! Yet time and time again they did it with grace, charm, humor and knowledge. Time Time could go on indefinitely as long as it found a sympathetic home, and BBC Four would be ideal, their audience demographic would fit far far better than the current Channel 4 one, which is increasingly to try and chase the Reality/Makeover show market at the expense of original programming, and attract audiences that the advertisers prefer to exploit, rather than those with brain. Philip Harding. Oh Dear. This is the sort of Programme that would thrive on BBC 2 in conjunction with The Open University. Boy, 15, is convicted of murdering software engineer who was stabbed in the chest after a row at an Asda supermarket. It must have been amazingly hard to pull together the locations, permits, and logistics, add the art, historical research, music and local involvement, let alone process the dig sites. Show creator Tim Taylor has since confirmed they will begin work on two new YouTube episodes, with two more in the pipeline, last month. Time Team! Crazy. My parents watch it. Fret not, the programs will haunt the repeats channels until they become their own archaeology as a worked example of how the medium started to dictate the content. Unlike many here, I think Mary Anne Ochota was a qualified addition to evolve and maintain the momentum of the series. Totally gutted Time Team is going. His presentation throughout all of the series, which I have almost finished running though for the second time, is stellar. Sir Tony can do no wrong with me. Therefore, Phil Harding's lucky days are Sundays and Saturdays and lucky numbers are: 4, 8, 13, 17, 22 and 26 . He has an excellent track record in a range of organisations in the . How many clicks are you allowed on hazard perception test? True, Tony Robinson did tend to upstage and steal a scene or two, but those of us who enjoyed one of the best programmes to ever hit TV, expected and accepted that. I could have watched it for another 20 years. catty remarks what catty remarks it is like every other tv program if it is not a soap opera or so called reality tv it gets brushed aside ch4 is one big yawn if you dont agree just what else is worth the price of electricity. Time Team Specials. document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "aef75bd6fa7bfa0cebb4e51d4d2b7451" );document.getElementById("ac59ec51d8").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Latest news from our sister site, It has also helped me find out more about my own history that goes back to U.K. Have caught onto Time Team on the History Channel. A terrible loss to the worlds of broadcasting and archaeology alike, with luck a pheonix will rise from the ashes. We are delighted to announce that Matt Williams has joined the ever expanding Wessex Archaeology team. I got fed up with running and prancing, daring to contradict real aercheologists. Apparently, there was plenty of dirt being dug off camera, thanks largely to the people up top. And as others have said, perhaps it could be resurrected on BBC4??? I am looking forward to last series and specials over the next 2 years.The end of an era. I am still watching episodes on Yesterday that Id somehow missed. Ive been living in Salisbury for about 25 years and cant see myself anywhere else. This so Heartbreaking. People who had their gardens dug up were very brave once Phil got digging, were their gardens reland scaped. Axing time team is a huge mistake. Trained on excavations with the Bristol University Extra Mural Department and other bodies from 1966, he has been a professional archaeologist since 1971. why isn't phil harding in the new time teambt whole home disc keeps disconnecting. Well said and one hundred per cent agree. Francis Pryor and Phil Harding filming a classic episode at Brancaster (Photo: Time Team Digital) It appears that the programme has unexpected healing properties. Tony used the rest of the Teams expertise to bring to life what was often regarded as a crusty subject before Time Teams arrival. This has been one of our few favourite programs; not only has it been informative, but it has been entertaining in the best-possible sense. In a nutshell, that is the most relevant comment I have read on here. Created by television producer Tim Taylor and presented by actor Tony Robinson, each episode featured a team of specialists carrying out an archaeological dig over a period of three days, with Robinson . All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. I would love to see as many of the team as posible brought together for specials or even to tell us what they are involved in now. I learn so much. When I get a chance I watch the repeats on More 4. He has become a familiar face on the Channel 4 television series Time Team. Tony was the right man to present, no doubt about that. Just heard about the axing of Time Team what a shame! Despite his sore loss, he did the right thing to walk out. The past shows took it for granted that the viewers were intelligent and did not need someone (other than Tony I love him) to ask questions in his humorous fashion. Philip Harding DL FSA (born 25 January 1950) is a British field archaeologist. Telly Tubbies. There is a petition already, on Facebook, which is not the ideal place. Despite some great new people who learnt fast, expecting them to produce the same calibre of product immediately was just too big a demand. No, sadly when it comes to TV, viewers dont get what they want, they get what they are given Trouble is, the people who make these decisions can be misguided, and very stupid. I have scoured the Internet watching every episode I can find, some more than once. I continue to be in awe of the fantastic skill and enthusiasm of the presenters.May TT be always available to us. And anyone who does not like Tony Robinson probably doesnt like Rowan Atkinson either, probably has not a read book over 30 pages in decades, and probably believes the Big Bang was what happened in their bedroom last night.. According to the Wisconsin State Journal, citing court documents, Robinson dealt with anxiety issues, depression and ADHD. why change what works well and T T did work well . Thanks. Im getting to the point at which I can glance at a find in a diggers hand and exclaim, Oh! The ground-breaking history series presented by Tony Robinson helped to popularise the field of archaeology and has since been watched in over 40 countries worldwide! Your contribution to TV and Archeology is now history itself! Good job I have the internet to log onto. Speak for your self! (a bit of eye candy maybe if your of that age) Sad to see this very good program going down the pan. Time team has been a part of tv watching since its beginning . With Channel 4 keen to attract more supposedly affluent viewers in their 20s and 30s, season 19 also tinkered with the format. It encouraged me to study the Neolithic, Bronze and Iron Ages. In South africa we have seen so few TT programs and when in the UK on holiday I imediately check for surren programs to watch. Who Can Benefit From Diaphragmatic Breathing? I have just found out about the decision by C4 to axe Time Team, which was surely one of the best programmes on any television station anywhere. I was the archaeological consultant but they decided to get rid of half the archaeological team, without consulting me.. The whole catering & accommodation aspect could have been trimmed, without loss of such a wonderful program. Many of my friends would love to travel to the UK because of shows like Time Team and Escape to the country. . Found Time Team on You Tube. Whilst on youtube, also check out dig ventures; another fantastic project with another familiar face. In fact, since Tony had no input at all into what digs were scheduled, I dont see how that could even begin to be true. RIP MICK ASTON. I watched all but episode 1. Its disadvantage was that it had no scope to include z-list celebrities to manufacture controversy around, and so it was killed. Team Team gang were so funny with their understanding of each other and professional approach to their subject, their knowledge of it all and portrayal to the audience was so entertaining, and Tony added an open view to a usually flat subject, with his level headed approach to academics and gave it life. 19891997. Completely unable to absorb and assimilate well presented information in an entertaining style, and you completely misread the ironic style of Tony Robinson. Rest in peace, Mick, you added more to peoples lives than you probably ever realised. TV & life not the same as early 1990s but I think the format is still sound (just dont turn it into on old OU prog). And to lose Mick Aston well, that was it for us. Yes as convicts and bloody proud of it. Fortunately, it wasnt. Phil Harding is a highly accomplished archaeologist, working in the field since 1971, and inspired a whole new generation of archaeologists and historians through his work on Time Team. I was devastated to hear of the demise of this wonderful programme, but once they made the decision to bring in the awful Mary Ann Ochota as a co-presenter, the programme was doomed. There is a huge following in Australia and after the debacle with the producers bringing in you know who as a co-presenter (of cleavage), the show started its slow path to division. He continues to work for Wessex Archaeology when not filming. Most of what I feel about the demise of TT has already been said here. My wife was unwell for many years but TT was one of the few TV Shows that she got pleasure from. Although I partly agree with Geoff Stelling regarding both the departure of Mick and sidelining Phil somewhat, I do think that the young archaeologists in this the last series show a great deal of promise (Jimmy, Tracey, Susannah, for example) and we are being unfair to their input to be so critical. The way Phil, Mick, Tony and company have made an impact on my life, you have no idea. The presenters never got enough credit for me, Phil, a hero and when can I share a pint with you? There is definitly an opportunity for BBC2 together with The Open University to take over when Time Team ceases. Required fields are marked *. Whilst not filming Phil still works as a field archaeologist with Wessex Archaeology, and has been involved in a project listing all known Palaeolithic sites in Britain. If an episode costs 200,000 and average 1.5 million viewers, would 1 million be willing to pay 20p via mobile phone or subscription towards making it, or 400,000 willing to pay 50p per episode? THEY DESERVE BETTER THAN THIS. Also, a Presenter is not supposed to insult the experts he is reporting on. I wonder if channel programmers read these blogs? Harding trained on various excavations with the Bristol University Extra Mural Department and other bodies from 1966; he has been a professional archaeologist since 1971. Such speed was certainly not ideally suited to showcase all of the techniques available to modern archaeologists. The writing was on the wall though poor scheduling . Ive always adored darling Tony Robinson since his days as Baldric, and Mick (RIP), Phil (gotta love him!) and long may you show them PLEASE pauline x, I am trying to get a contact e-mail address for Tim Taylor (IV) because a group of archeologists in Canada would like to see a Time Team Canada started and we need advice and any other help from the expert. I loved it. will take it on. I am a mega fan of the show. Most of the text is based on the hearsay of others and is regarded as anachronistic, drawing on earlier accounts by writers such as Posidonius. Its the best show! Just recently I saw a show about Egypt using satellite infra red survey archaeology that could reveal all the subsurface features accross a whole landscape. Who is Mary Ann & what does she bring to the table? To me time team brought all facets of history alive to the ordinary person. Time Team's recent book Dig Village encourages everyone to discover more about the local history on their own doorsteps. My dad worked for the National Park Service and I was born quite near Chaco Canyon[(a universally important archeological site) in a Navajo mission(Christian) hospital]. I will have to content myself with watching the 4OD repeats for ever now. Archeology isnt aloof anymoreTT built a bridge between laymen and pros! I always look forward to it when I get chance and to know that it is finishing is both shocking and disappointing. Lee. INCREDIBLE ! Probably just as well this is the last series, but as many have suggested, a move to BB4 sounds a great idea. Never too late to register shock and disgust at the decision to axe Time Team which has opened up the hidden world of archaeology to generations. My own thoughts are this, why should we allow channel 4 to take this away from us, are the Team ready to call it a day or do they feel like me that there are another thousand potential sites out there to dig. [4] As a qualified SCUBA diver, he is the president of the Nautical Archaeology Society, a Portsmouth-based charity formed to further interest in nautical cultural heritage. Theyd first met during an ABC TV interview in September 2017. And as for the Ooh.. Ah, that be cer monial, that be in the dialect of a village idiot just about summed up the whole package. Certainly the revamp for the 2012 programmes didnt do the programme any favours but another reason for the loss of viewers even before that must have been the lack of a fixed time in the schedules. We are aiming to reach our target of at least 5,000 patrons by the end of March and well then be in position to dig at least one other site the Iron Age settlement this year and carry out preliminary research on others., Our goal is to create a legacy for these sites, says Taylor, building ongoing relationships with local communities and archaeologists that continue to yield fresh insights. Her role, as a foil to Sir Tony, was complimentary, and never as an expert. Having been a loyal fan for 20 years it beggars belief at the changes made in series 19 without any reference to Mick. I learned a lot about my British roots by watching and have shared the knowledge with my family. Im sure it was meant to interest younger viewers in Archeology, a noble enough concept. Id like to know where. It was season 19 that changed everything. How many people can look back on a twenty years span of such a masterful contribution to human culture? That executive was not recruited from the intellectual highbrow Channel 5 was he? How DARE they axe Time Team, it has been one of my few regular watches for a long time. Partly, we all feel we are losing old friends after all this time but theres so much trash on TV that its no surprise that its loss is so keenly felt. I AM SO UPSET AT THE ENDING OF TIME TEAM ! One of the people she missed was Carenza Lewis. You wonder what kind of palsy comes over TV programers when they occasionally axe the best shows, shows with strong, solid substance!!! The medal is awarded once in every three years for work on the Prehistory of Man. I hugely regret the demise of the series and sincerely hope that it will resume or that a similar, archaeology-based series will take its place. Lets hope that BBC4 takes up the genre. An episode where a workplace expert was on stand by for structural shoring when common sense would have not wasted this kind of expense. I found TR irritating at times but accepted him as part of the show. Well Done Time Team, sad to hear you are soon to be no more. Off now to have a quick dig in my garden then on to Salisbury to stalk Phil Harding.intelligence soooo sexy. the cast were so friendly to each other and the show was so intresting and made you think off our past . Am now in the process of buying the DVDs. The Twitter page has been great up to now. there was total outrage and ABC picked it up with the two oldies . And we have just recently lost Mick Aston, the Rock of Gibraltar of the show. He has become a familiar face on the Channel 4 television series Time Team . The UK is lucky that it has such a long history. For years I had little interest in any of it but as time went by this programme made me interested. This segregates the viewers and leaves fans like me stuck in the middle and slightly upset at the notion that my favorite programmes have been taken over by people who havent got a idea. In 2012, Aston announced he was leaving the show after criticising format changes that focused less on archaeological activities. Geophysics gives you that instant picture you can then evaluate. Full Name at Birth. Envisioned as a quiz show in the vein of Challenge Anneka running on BBC 1 from 1989 to 1995 the team were called on to solve archaeological mysteries while racing against the clock. He joined the Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England (now part of English Heritage) in 1985, and is now head of its Landscape Investigation Team based in York, England. This is a project in its preliminary stages, run by Tim Taylor. axed is their a petition running ????? It has certainly opened up the world of archaeology to new generations, and has what my 11 year old gran daughter is looking into training for..shows like these are needed more. GOOD LUCK TO THEM ALL. It has taught and shown me so much, I have a wonderful interest in archaeology thanks to this show, and loved hearing and seeing our past. does anybody really care what those idiots say surely it is what the public want that matters but no channel 4 has a foolllll running it.. heavan forbid we should have a great program T T ware we think and enjoy it plus it is great family veiwing and may i say also very interresting. It is a great shame it is finishing and I am very sad!! I am watching repeats on Yesterday but hate the constant adverts. look forward to some more american rubbish or more twits in big brother type of rubbish. To all the people who wrote nasty comments on this forum about it, I leave you with this question why are you on this site at all if you didnt love it like the rest of us? You were apparently watching a different show than we were. Even after its star began to wane Time Team remained popular. In 2011 the production centre for the programme moved from London to Cardiff. Gutted that Time Team has ended! Can anyone help us with the contact? | Phoenix the Dreamer,, Remarkable early medieval burial found in Northamptonshire, Under the Old Fort of Zanzibar: exploring the origins of Stone Town, History of Sheffield Castle foundations revealed by archaeologists. There is nothing else like it on TV. | Waterloo Uncovered", "Deputy Lieutenant Commissions LIEUTENANCY OF WILTSHIRE", "New deputy lieutenants include TV archaeologist and Wiltshire College chairman", "University looks forward to Graduation 2008", "Time Team archaeologist Phil Harding wins Current Archaeology's prestigious Archaeologist of the Year award for 2013", Lectures by Phil Harding for Waterloo Uncovered Project, Interview with Phil Harding during Salisbury 2020:Digital Big Weekend, Salisbury Sites Blog and Salisbury Uncovered film, So why could it not continue on and evolve in 2013 ? I cannot believe that there will be no more Time Team, I hope the idiots at channel 4 read this site. Thats fairly unusual.. A brilliant series has been lost to the older viewer. Never mind Beagle 2's Professor Colin Pillinger - Time Team's Phil Harding is the original yokel hero. RIP Mick Aston He worked initially for the Southampton City Council Archaeology Unit, combining this with five seasons of excavations (19721976) run by the British Museum at the Neolithic flint mines of Grimes Graves, Norfolk. Thanks to all who were involved in Time Team in any way. What are the 7 ways of measuring pain and pleasure according to Bentham? My youngest is 10 and has been a fan from as early as I can remember, he has his own dig at the bottom of our garden and a massive fossil collection. When discussing the latest TT episode at work/with friends sadly there doesnt seem to be many others who watch it, Ive always been interested in history so maybe its just me & maybe the young people of today arent being taught that history can be exciting/interesting. It has become a staple in our family, even with the ABC running older series in high-rotation it beats the rest of the 6pm options hands down, even in repeat mode. Finding it was to completely end, not, as Id hoped, to revert to its more successful format I was quite heart broken. What a disappointment that BBC4 chose to cancel the series! Shame on Chanel 4! Time Team excavations at Binchesters Roman fort also helped kickstart a research project that is still in rude health (see CA 263). Yes I agree I miss fresh episode aswell please come back, Yes I agree, the quality of weekend television is terrible give us back some interesting programs, Still record and watch the show love it all I can say is Bring back Time Team. With Season 20 airing next year, and a series of one-off specials running into 2014, there is still new Time Team on the way. A number of archaeological old hands were sacrificed in favour of more youthful presenters. Hi Alan, thanks a lot for your reply very helpful. [] One of best, very passionate three part on geology of Great Britain was filmed with Mr Tony Robinson who is/was excellent presenter. I think Tony is a good fit for this program. I really loved the show and learned so much. Have only just found out that Time Team has been axed after 20 years and I am gutted. Phil Harding's Tool Box and Spade | Time Team Exclusive Time Team Official 11K views 2 years ago Mix - Time Team Official More from this channel for you Guy de la Bdoyre looks. I enjoyed all the archaeologists and presenter Tony Robinson. This is a disaster in t.v programming where currently all you get is the banal reality of the likes of Toddlers in Tiaras .The Time Team over the years became like welcome friends into your home and you wished you could join them in the pub at the end for a beer. and which would be the best way to alienate the people working on the programme. I am! Towards the end of its run an average episode would cost around 200,000 a budget more on the scale of a small drama show in the eyes of television insiders but over 20 years Channel 4 pumped 4 million directly into British archaeology. xx. Thank goodness for DVDs of past episodes. We are headed to the UK in May from the US to see some of the TT sites. Phil Harding and family at Buckingham Palace, 12 December 2006. We have it so easy in this day and age to compare to others in the past and we so loved it when Tony came to Australia and did some shows about our ancestral heritage,we all walk past so much and never notice whats in front of us,we miss so much rich knowledge right under our feet. What can replace the jovial banter of all the dedicated team that gave us an insight to what was going on thousands of years ago. Us all. Now the format was safely established the programme was increasingly able to capitalise on its fame and access big name sites ultimately even Buckingham Palace. Coincidentally, digging within a tight timeframe echoed contemporary changes underway in the profession. Tony Robinson is proud of the programmes success in making archaeology accessible. I will watch Time Team episodes as long as I last. We have watched it form the start and enjoyed it on various level hugely. I will miss my bit of kulcha. Perhaps we could have a US/Canada version? I have watched Time Team over the years. Close friend and former colleague Phil Harding, who also. He started his career in 1973 at Marquee Studios as Tape-Op and by 1979 as engineer, then from 1984 at PWL Studios as chief engineer and from 1992 at The Strong Room.Collaborated on a regular basis with production partner Ian Curnow since 1986. Since 2015, Harding has been an archaeological supervisor for the veteran support charity Waterloo Uncovered, which conducts archaeology on the battlefield of Waterloo alongside veterans and serving personnel. RIP Time Team. Beautifully expressed, Andrew. BRING BACK TIME TEAM PLEASE!!!! Surely, the way forward would have been to dig deeper into the technical aspects of the archaeology and to speak to the intelligent audience that made the program in the first place whether the sites themselves or the techniques being employed. By the way, if the executives mild revamp caused viewer figures to plummet, how come it was the programme and not those executives who got the flak? Ive enjoyed watching all the archeologists old and new & think Tony Robinson is a great presenter. I always made sure be there watching when it was on. Promotion of family values good natured banter and above all a love of the past which TT has shared with us over the years is disposed of Shame, Shame, Shame. my gosh, I am from Chula Vista Ca. But for me the real genius is Stewart who can look at a landscape and tell you what it was like hundreds of years ago. Why cant these so-called clever people just leave things alone. I dont understand what purpose that serves, but there you have it. Is Tony Robinson a vegetarian? The time had come to leave. It was one of the most brilliant Programmes ever on TV. and have watched it since the begining. Didnt like the changes either to the team it change the dynamics of the program but kept watching anyway. My cable TV subscription gives us awesome selections for history, science, and information buffs! Thank God for my Saturday morning lie-in watching four episodes in a row on More 4. The programmes were sometimes slight and of course a three day dig is only a sketch rather than a full canvass, but Time Team enriched my life. It will be interesting to see how the new Village Dig series comes across on TV. Just a thought If anyone knows how to get up an on line partition, perhaps we could get enough signatures to make Ch4 sit up and take notice? One of our students is well into his 70s, hes been in the field with us both on our formal field school and in a volunteering capacity. The show ran on the chemistry among the original team, and failed to work as they left or lost interest. Margie, NZ It lost its way because of the producers. What that will show in Britain will start another flood of interest in archaeology with all local likely sites of archaeology being revealed.. Time team might be gone but something like it will be back pretty quick I suspect. I will miss Matt and Bridgit and all the others especially Phil. I feel really, really angry about it, he told British Archeology magazine. Totally agree. ** TIME TEAM HAS JOINED PATREON! As is the case with so many entertainment channels, these days the focus is on the younger generation. The marvelous experts have described items, historical facts and what could have been, may have been and what was likely to have been and possibly how the ancestors [residents and visitors alike] changed the landscape. Just discovered that this had been axed. Just been reading all the comments, and a lot of sensible thinhs have been said, and a few stupid ignorant ones as well. Lively interpersonal dynamics, celebratory meals and wine, inviting locals to learn more about the world around them back in time, diverse resources and approaches coordinating and appreciating each other- some reading. SAVE TIME TEAM, Closing in on 4,000 signatures already:, Hey guys just a quick update of a Article we have got up promoting the SAVE TIME TEAM Campaign. Time Team brought so much into my life, being bed ridden, television being a large part of my life now. The utterly ridiculous Dig by Wire (S19E01) would have put me off permanently had it been the first episode I had seen (What, helicopters dont work on Gateholm?). In relation to earlier comments concerning Mr Robinson, all I can say is that if he was patronising us then it must have been a residual echo of Baldrics most cunning plan. Enjoyed Tony and the whole crew, felt like u were part of the dig and part of the crew, they were all like family. An audience study in 2006 indicated that 20 million people watched at least one show that year. 4 April 2012. And key graphic purporting to show the significant shift in building alignments between two phases did not actually do that but simply repeated the original layout! Please read. Changing all the staff behind Time Team was a big mistake, but ending it is even bigger. Channel 4 is a crude simulacrum of its original self and I agree that BBC 4 would be TTs natural home.Id love to see the old Time Team reunited Ill live in hope! Robinson claimed that the experts on the show published more scientific papers on excavations during the period the show aired than all Britains university archaeology departments combined. Whichever fool(s) cut it, perhaps they are now also, goneso please bring Time Team back it was a great staple! Later, in a blazing take down of the shows changes in the Western Daily Press, he wrote: There is a lot less archaeological content and a lot more pratting about. I recommend Current Archaeology to young and old as a way of covering all eras and defining ones particular interests in the subject. Phil Harding is Time Teams resident trench-excavator. I would echo it completely. TIME Team favourite Phil Harding has revealed he no longer carries a knife because "you almost feel like a thug". In 1979, the archaeological section of the DOE for the region became Wessex Archaeology, a non-profit organisation which is one of the biggest archaeological practices in the country. Its a shame we didnt see you and the team doing more international locations. The focus groups of today, the council chambers of yesteryear; all determined to make their mark, put their talent on show. (and its cost increases). So sad to see the demise of TT. I am signing up to the campaign to keep Time Team! Id say it was as his programmes/stories Time Team were canceled by BBC (see the websites: Channel 4 Time Team and Time Team: the rise and fall of a television phenomenon). What Time Team once was in the beginning will never be reproduced. Sir Tony I salute you and the team,its been a good innings! anyway the technology is facinating and makes history come alive. Tapped into the national zeitgeist, its stars were household names and at its zenith Time Team was pulling in audiences of 3 3.5 million viewers. Phil is fantastic as he has always been. A good friend of mine was a guest archaeologist on several T.T programmes and it was my good fortune to go along on production. The major players seem tired and cranky, and while they are all professionals and are trying very hard to be positive and upbeat, its obvious that they are trying, and that ruins it. Phil Harding is Time Team's resident trench-excavator. ** TIME TEAM HAS JOINED PATREON! Dues have been paid, so get Sir Tony back, along with some younger faces and writing talent, and get cracking on a new TIME TEAM !!! Its like having a child grow up and leave home The cast felt like family that I would visit each weekend and even my 11 year old daughter enjoyed it so much she joined a young archaeologists club. The implementation of Planning Policy Guidance 16 in 1990 enshrined archaeology within the development process and paved the way for todays professional units. Your email address will not be published. I now live in Australia and love watching shows on my homeland. The couple married after the ABC helped bring them together. What kind of paint do you use on kitchen cabinets? Last night (17 June 2014), they had a prominent, crude cartoon of a mans sexual equipment inserted into this highly humorous clip. Thanks Guys! T-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more, designed and sold by independent artists around the world. Very sad to hear Time Team is ending. Innit? Please ressurect it someone soon. What about the number of times they were wrong? Such a fantastic guide, love it. Stick to Postman Pat, Time Team is too intellectual for you. I am an ex water board worker and I still don t know where they obtained the patience to go into a hole in the ground and dig with a trowel. I wonder how Tony felt with this introduction, as he had been doing the job for so long, and never once boring. Phil Harding is Time Teams resident trench-excavator. Who from time team has died? What can replace the jovial banter of all the dedicated team that gave us an insight to what was going on thousands of years ago. Personal life. Good bye Mick. Carenza Lewis, Tony Robinson and Phil Harding from Time Team . Im tired of the idiots that run TV and Im ready for revolution.whos with me!!! People understand it isnt treasure hunting well, we probably still have some way to go with that one! Tim points to Over 230 films that have been seen in 36 countries. I am sooooo sorry the series is over. I was especially interested in the programme on Looe Island chapel as my grandparents once owned Looe Island and I had been there and walked over the chapel remains. Born Philip Harding on 25th January, 1950 in Oxford, England, he is famous for Time Team in a career that spans 1971-Present. This article is 10 years old but like a spoiler. Please, please would someone bring the show back, This is just another example of Managements old adage: Its perfect; lets New and Improve it Think again C4, as someone who is 40 years outside your target audience, all axing this program has done is make me switch channels, so demographically relevant or not you have simply lost another viewer and surely viewer numbers are more important than some misguided attempt to only appeal to a certain age group? I am totally gutted to learn of the demise of TT. Schooled in observational documentaries, Graham followed the digs as they evolved. I dont know. Surely this cant really be the end?? Yes please BBC4 or anyone sensible Time Team will always be popular if you listen to Tony (yes I am a fan) Mick and Phil and Helen (yes I am an even bigger fan of these guys). In addition, he has appeared in episodes of Meet the Ancestors (2003) and Chris Moyles' Quiz Night (2009).[9]. I used to love all the research that they put into it. Just did the same as Leigh trying to find out when the next series is due to start. This was the best educational programme that I looked forward to every week and also all the repeats that were broadcast on more 4. This show has been a wonderful joy to follow over the years, and I shall so miss it. So disappointed to hear the show has been axed. Your sorrow will be eased by the sight of a few old, friendly faces. I am team Ainsworth, so he would have to be brought back. It is sad to read the mechanics of its demise and, worse, to see it played out on screen. I think weve brought it into the forefront of peoples attention. We may not see its like again. Most days, I have been watching the TT repeats on More Four in the afternoons. Hopefully it will be picked up by another channel. Will miss them! I will miss it desperately and want to say thank you to them all.. What a fantastic 20 years Bye bye Tme TeamI will care for Phils hat .. Lois & Tara, Australia I love time team. People came and went, such as my favourite Robin Bush, but those two remained, as did their stamina and zeal for the show. The enthusiasm shown by the crews, the information, the chance to get a flavour of what made our country and the historical influences in each area. All Rights Reserved, We use cookies to enhance your experience while using our website. A great series, I still watch old repeats and will enjoy them for a long time. The old team are the best Mick, Phil, Tony et al.. think Channel 4 have made a HUGE mistake bet they wont listen to the public.. It was not the first time that a chance conversation with Mick had got someone thinking about television archaeology. Try local volunteering opportunities, if you can still get out in the garden and walk and talk and are willing to learn then it will be great, and you will make lots of new friends of all ages. Biggest mistake ever! (especially phil, that crazy bloke,lol).I hope channel 4 regret the decision to axe the show. The programme has been an inspiration to me and I am sure to many people and for me has kindled an interest in history via archaeology that we can find all around us in our everyday lives. Sad days. Reason: we hardly spoke to each other and what we were watching on tv was hardly worthwhile. , Totally agree have enjoyed this programme since it started. And the team. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); We are largest Know-How Listing website, total [total_posts] questions already asked and get answers instantly! . It is the ONLY program I think worth watching in all the rubbish put on these days ! Filmed at Athelney, site of Alfred the Greats apocraphal burnt cakes, the site was scheduled, precluding excavation. I cannot believe that Mick Aston has died, so very young, I thought he would go on forever. Mick Aston is a damn good archaeologist and his departure was a serious loss to the programme. Mick mentioned that he had recently missed a train and, having a couple of hours to kill, decided to explore. I live in Minnesota and am anxious to explore sites of the indigenous people who lived and continue to live here. (Supplied) Once their ABC interview finished, Margie and Phil went to a nearby cafe for a restorative cup of tea. I have no idea which series I am watching, I think it must be a mixture as Tonys beer belly ebbs and falls and Phils hair waxes and wains, though Mick never seems to have changed. It was over when Mick went AWOL. Loved Time Team and will miss it [endless repeats are not the same but I still find myself watching them anyway]. I will be saddened to see Time Team go, but I agree that the production costs could realistically be reduced. Such a shame a beautiful show as this is axed and they show such dribble as reality tv shows blah yuk. The team of Tony, Mick, Phil, Stuart, John, Carenza, Brigid, Guy, etc etc filled me with warmth and satisfaction. Piss-up and brewery certainly spring to mind. I was glued to the screen.. Thankyou for what we have ! In 1994 January 16th until time team along with mick Aston How amazing to see the history of England being unearthed. The dig has only found old bits of pipe and 1950s china, but it really does not matter, what matters is the program has inspired my children. Surely a revamp, no helicopters, fewer paid staff, smaller archaeological objectives, involve communities more hence free labour would help. Many of us have watched Time Team for ages and have been educated (along with Tony) on the ins and outs of Archaeology and did not need another presenter to ask superfluous questions (nice though she was). All the best shows are taken off and all we are left with is the boring and so untrue Archers. I loved the camaraderie.. the discoveries.. the wonderful feeling of how people not only survived in early times..but were every bit as capable and inventive as WE think we are ! I never saw any of these shows until a week ago when I stumbled over them on youtube. You can never run out of history in Britain. yours MRS HILDA LESLEY CARRINGTON. My eldest son is now 19 and guess what he is studying at University (say no more) thank you Time Team. My own favourite was Stuart, to see him on his bike or wandering around looking at the landscape with his ability to fit any site into its landscape. A known anthropologist and archeologist ( Emmanuel College, Cambridge ), to describe and dismiss her as a former model is a bit unfair. That way we still get our fix when we want to remind ourselves how good this series was. Have just watched the very last episode of my beloved Time Team And feel desperately sad.. Did you watch the episode of operation nightingale where the maimed ,psychologically injured soldiers from conflicts abroad found an inner peace and a feeling that they were no longer helpless in the world. Mary Ann Ochota qualified or not added nothing substantive unless the viewer was starved for gratuitous cleavage shots and huge white beaverish teeth. too, although not often. Come on BBC . A few days later news of Time Teams demise broke in the Guardian. He only lives about 10 miles away. He learned flint-knapping from his uncle, Fred, and in only a few months became a skilled knapper, crafting many different hunting tools from pieces of flint. I suppose I will have to go back to Dads Army for a bit of sanity then, Robyn Australia i never knew this show was available as the colonies never mentioned it. The students became instant converts to the program. When I signed there were 1,600 names. Its amazing. From Phils glee over Stone Age flints, Tonys wisely playful and challenging banter, Micks sage hand on the digs tiller, Johns gentle determination to get the best cartography the technology can provide, Franciss round house fireside mussing on an Iron Age mans joys in life and Stuart goes walk about so we can get the lay of the land and know our place in it was amazing, every bit of it. Rip, time team. I agree entirely. Time Team is a British television programme that originally aired on Channel 4 from 16 January 1994 to 7 September 2014. Joining you at your virtual pyre and raising a glass to Mick Aston! First Name. My children are 13 and 12, and we all like to sit down as a family and watch this programme together and learn something. Its December 2016, My Hubby and I live in Queensland Australia,we have Foxtel and have the old shows on a series link and never get tired of watching the Time Team. I am American and Time Team is my favorite program. Tony R told us that the fort was not connected by road What???? I was surfing the internet to obtain correct titles for some episodes that I recorded earlier. I have been planning to return for several years now for a holiday and to catch up with friends and relatives. This is in no doubt as a direct result of the post production. Who was the idiot that canceled it??? Please use the Phil Harding & Ian Curnow entry when applicable. RESURRECT THE PAST! Years earlier, Sir Mortimer Wheeler did some Archaeology pgms on TV and they were always popular. Were not archaeologists but were not stupid either it really did feel like they had decided the audience was unintelligent. Aston died unexpectedly at his home in the summer of that same year. Time Team turned this particular builder into a complete archaeological anorak and made one increasingly curmudgeonly old fart in a sweat stain hat the one person in the world Id most love to meet, hang out on a dig with and sink real ales with thereafter! R.I.P. Above all we learned something new in each programme , not the usual rehashed information served up in other one -off programmes on popular periods. Spent many an hour intrigued by the whole show and the people on it. Tim Taylor explains because weve involved Wessex Archaeology in our work for the last 10 or so years the reports are really good quality. It was my favourite show for many years and definitely, for me, left so many other scientifically accurate but boring-as-bat-poo documentaries in its dust. Harold Bush is lying. I regularly tape the programmes as it is shown on a variety of stations, history,yesterday, and channel 4 being some. [3] On 24 July 2008, he received an honorary doctorate from the University of Southampton in archaeology. Mick Aston; Died: 24 June 2013 (aged 66) Winscombe, Somerset, England . I have always been engrossed by archaeology. They managed against terrific odds.and that gave me a good feeling !,, I Have Fallen In Love With Land Rover Freelander! I hope hell receive belated recognition for that fact. Time Team return, Time Team is coming back, Following the successful launch of a fan-led Patreon campaign in December, Time Team has now confirmed what could be the first of many digs. Having the great pleasure to work in the UK for an Engineering firm, I was able to watch the early years of this program, up to the end. Through understanding and helping to preserve the past, and sharing it with a worldwide audience, we hope to re-engage with the enthusiasm that so many of our fans have shown over the years., Many of the original team are already involved, both on and off screen. A relative alerted us to Time Team husband and I were long term enthusiasts. If Channel Four thinks TT too expensive there is mileage in the Return To format for some digs showing some of the original programmes and then updating on subsequent research. Lewis, who holds the. Interested in keeping up to date with the latest archaeological finds across Britain? Time Team creator Tim Taylor said they now have enough funds to start work on two new YouTube episodes, with two more in the pipeline. His Uncle, my brother, has to dig up a dig with him when he comes on holiday and he is in there like a professional. Southern Gaulish Samian ware, or Green Glaze, 14th Century. Observing how so many, different, recondite specialty fields come together paleopalynography. Do specials instead of a series. with the Amazonian co-presenter with the huge bonded teeth. But archaeology is now a subject that tens of thousands of people enjoy and value, and this is almost solely down to him. And Ive always thought tony was perfectly great as the show presenter, interested and fun, a joy to watch. There are quite a few of us down here watching repeats ( up to 5 times) but even so they are still interesting. Expertise honed over 15 years was lost at a stroke, to be replaced by crew and production staff who knew neither each other nor archaeology. I suppose theres nothing wrong with her per se, but her presence is utterly unnecessary. Some of the regulars have retired, some have moved on to other things, a few have departed for Tr nan g or the Field of Reeds. Prior to us, by and large archaeology was something you could only really appreciate if you read books with long words in them. Unequivocally, After much anticipation, were delighted to announce that, Personal life. So sad. Some of them are dead, and the rest have moved on. Mick Aston, 65, quits historical show after it hires Cambridge graduate Mary-Ann Ochota, 30. Just a thought/ John. Its sad to see another worthwhile educational program going by the wayside. However BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) is a state-owned institution from inter-war origins. It is to bad that the show was cut, there are so much more to find, discover and educate us all. Take up the mantel!! Obviously I am not the only Australian (albeit English-born) to miss Time Team. We will suffer forever without the seasonal hours of archaeology, in all its forms. Why is it that when you get a winning format, which TT clearly is, you get the morons in suits, who obviously havent a clue what the audience want, having to justify their existence by changing things. I am one of the over 40s over 60 in fact. The huge plus for archaeology in general has been the raising of the profile of a branch of science that prior to this program was the province of a fairly small group of people. Like you, I find nothing more pleasant than to end a hard day in a Free House with a cold one and a good conversation. So thank you TT, you helped rekindle my interest in history and if Id been 40 years younger you would probably have been instrumental in a career change! The late Robin Bush brought a degree of historical expertise that would be missed almost as much as the man himself following his departure in 2003. I was so sad to find out that it is finishedCould we bring it back? It was my highlight of the week especially now i am disabled and dont leave the house very often. if only someone could afford too get all thecast back and go on channel 2 or 5 any ware but not on 4 .. who ever made up there minds to get rid off TT I HOPE there bosses can see the error they are makeing.very sad to see it go. Trained on excavations with the Bristol University Extra Mural Department and other bodies from 1966 he has been a professional archaeologist since 1971. . This has to be one of the biggest tragedies of modern television times. And there is much yet to dig and poke at historically in the world, let alone Great Britain. Wouldnt it be lovely if all teams could be like the Time Team? The original team brought an impressive breadth of skills to the programme. In 1966, while still at school, he attended a training excavation by Bristol University Extra Mural Department in Fyfield and West Overton. In the country you have more sense of the spirit of a place. I have watched and enjoyed Time Team for many years I am one of the oldies watching but my children grandchildren and great grandchildren are all avid viewers I feel the makers of this program had no perception of its impact on different generations when they set out to close the program down. The result was a previously unknown 5th-century monastic enclosure linked to St Columba. Placing viewers at the heart of the action would become a Time Team hallmark. There is such a thing as going on too long with any endeavor, and in watching this series the definition of too long is clear. I am now watching past digs being repeated on More Four. A monumental row and walk out, one would guess. Rather than targeting the palaces and castles of the rich and famous, individual episodes modestly sought to solve simple, local questions. What do we all enjoy about it? Envelopes hidden at strategic points would set challenges along the lines of find the Medieval high street in two hours. It opened my eyes up to so much of the UK, in particular my ignorance of Roman settlement. Look at Lee Bradys comment 23rd Jan. Theres a link for a petition hes got started. While the TV producers have obviously ruined a formula that entertained and educated millions of people worldwide for a couple of decades, I assume it is now beyond recall. The New Town of a Norman Prince: In Much Wenlock, the Team examine the early development of a medieval town . Always worked so hard and made sense of sites that could have remained a mystery. The new series is getting nearer to the original format, I think, except for the one featuring the soldiers, which, dare I say it and risk castigation (?) Carenza Lewis, Stewart Ainsworth, Helen Geake and geophys genius John Gater will all be returning and are excited about the new sites. I have been binge watching on YouTube whilst laid up with a medical issue. Your Upper Classes have been re-inventing themselves as New Romans and Empire builders for some time now, particularly in the last few centuries.They lost touch with who they ACTUALLY were and their own people. Last Name. Time Team was the product (exclusively) of Channel 4 a commercial TV-only company that was created in the early 80s. Sounds as though short sighted suits are at work. The key participants deserve a rest at their age, and the joy obviously just wasnt there. So sad to hear that it came to an end. The team also included the likes of surveyors Stewart Ainsworth and Henry Chapman, illustrator Victor Ambrus, and fellow archaeologists Helen Geake and Phil Harding, and gradually the show. I watch any that come on now.. saw one yesterday about the digging our of the 2 world war planes in the bogs.. I am 81 & have watched & enjoyed TT for many years. I loved watching Time Team in Australia, way better than the American version. He became a familiar face on the Channel 4 television series Time Team . RIP Time Team. It makes me want to poke nyy head in and see the Geophys, operate the diggers to open a trench and pick up a trowel and start digging! RIP Time Team. I have watched Time Team from the beginning and love the earlier episodes and although its sad that its going it has changed considerably.Not the same without Mick his enthusiasm makes for great watching. Hated that glamour woman simply the wrong feel.. Very, very sorry that management mis-handling killed it. 2021 CURRENT PUBLISHING LTD - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Harding trained on various excavations with the Bristol University Extra Mural Department and other bodies from 1966; he has been a professional archaeologist since 1971. A group of archaeologists have 3 days to discover historical artifacts in different sites around Britain. perhaps they could do a show that showed what happens as the sites are put back to their natural state. I too am upset that this has been axed. It's an interesting show, and I catch it whenever I see that it's on. What about the good time team has done? I am appalled. The producers screwed it with the inevitable dumbing down and trying to make it a show for the 20 to 30 year olds. ** HELP US BRING TIME TEAM BACK!Support Time Team by becoming a patron and get access to exclusive behind-the-scenes content here: Session 16 - We revisit more classic footage of Phil Harding reviewing pubs during the filming of Time Team in 2011. Your email address will not be published. The 2013 series is so much better, very like the old times. Phil received the MBE in the Queen's 80th Birthday Honours list in 2006 in recognition of his sustainable development and climate change work in the South West region. The lesson is that if you have a slightly faded masterpiece, dont try and touch it up with the aid of novices. Long gone are the back garden digs. i am disappoited time team is to end after its next series a lot of people learnt more about the history of the uk.My grandchildren learnt more about roman history medieval times and other periods in our countries history than at school, Were back thanks to the overwhelming support of our fans!. The team also included the likes of surveyors Stewart Ainsworth and Henry Chapman, illustrator Victor Ambrus, and fellow archaeologists Helen Geake and Phil Harding, and gradually the show began to grow its following, introducing a whole new audience to archaeology. This program has opened up so much of Great Britain to me and I am in love with suach a picturesque landscape and such a rich history. - The most complained about X Factor moments- The Forgotten presenters of Top Gear- 10 films that really got science wrong. We live in USA. It will be sad for it to end, but theres still a few epsiodes I havent seen. Really gutted TT has finished, and shame on Channel 4 for this decision! And so agree with all here who say that C4 is very sadly dumbed down from its early days and mission. Will you still be able to buy Godiva chocolate? It brought the money and expertise to investigate sites that would otherwise never have been touched. They almost succeeded in ruining it until this present series.Channel 4 have betrayed the cast, crew and viewers. Research digs usually ran for weeks if not months, and it was questioned whether anything approaching responsible archaeology could be achieved in a mere three days. Channel 4 you need looking at!!! It was wonderful stuff and it was so great to be able to sit on the informed and incredibly interesting conversations between the archaeologists and the repartee with Tony Robinson. Good riddance to Time Team; patronising in the extreme, and as for that prat Robinson leaping about a la Baldrick, reduced the entire thing to music hall. I am wondering how many viewers watch the Time Team now. I am sure the essence of archeology would be attractive to a core audience once again. I have missed Time Team SO much.. BBC4 seems to have picked up the baton, thank goodness.!! Its an opportunity to find new voices and should help launch a new generation of archaeologists, under the guidance and watchful eye of Mr Taylor! All I can say is thank you to all at Time Team. Since changing his diet, hes lost about 50 pounds! Time Team repeats on You Tube are helping to keep me sane during the Covid19 lockdown. (Then, of course, it goes straight to Hell). My absolute favorite TV program! x. Condolences to Micks family, his friends and his colleagues. Indeed, Stuart Ainsworth and Helen Geake had become increasingly sidelined, as was illustrator Ambrus, in favour of spiffy computer graphics. Have a look again at the programme where Phils DNA results come in and watch Tonys reaction. How far after expiration date can you eat eggs. yes, I too have treasured every episode, and it has been the one programme of all channels that I never wanted to miss, even asking family to record it if I went on holiday, in the early years before I had a dvd m/c. very sad day for us and the time team cast. I cannot understand why you are axing it!!? Interesting, in these days where we (oldies) are not responding to adverts as much as the supposed young and affluent to think of alternative crowd-sourcing models for financing programs that we like. Yes, Upton Castle was a bit of a mess in terms of style, but it held our interest. How outrageous to think that the 45s are not a worthy audience. will take time, i was successfull on a Campaign on another show before so i know what i have to do, The Campaign is to have a new lease of life on another tv channel. All the members of the team are keen to promote archaeology, I once witnessed Phil Harding rushing from trench to trench when TT were in York, stopping, turning off his radio and spending time talking to some enthusiastic kids about what he was doing, how he was doing it and why, the kids were transfixed by his enthusiasm, his ability to communicate his subject at many different levels being an inspiring sight. And so disappointed in ch4. Only problem is the core members are getting on a bit, so no chance of it going another 20 years. I am very sorry to see it go. Mon 24 Jun 2013 19.12 EDT Archaeologist and broadcaster Mick Aston, who found fame with TV programme Time Team, has died aged 66. Gutted! Required fields are marked *. Great memories sadly missed. A political gesture aimed at building up regional television, Time Team was picked because it seemed a safe pair of hands. Ive learnt so much and enjoying every minuteo. While the allure of such sites created a powerful television spectacle, it also marked a move away from the programmes humble local archaeology origins. You have left us wanting more which of course is the best way to end a show. And there is still so much they can show and teach us. Maybe it will work with time team too. Keep the show going its fantastic Ive been watching it as long as I can remember I would also back the idea that rural people have the most interest as they can see the landscape every day and the changes on it. Over 333,000 copies of this popular free guide issued worldwide from 2004 to 2020 (and still in demand.) I will think of you when I am digging in a field this afternoon, that you once dug, and bury a memento in your memory. Robinson - by then Sir Tony Robinson - paid a most touching tribute to him. alternation ranking method advantages and disadvantages, university gastroenterology patient portal ri, how old was cameron diaz in something about mary, armando bacot hair, waters empower 3 user manual pdf, river crab early bird menu, how to join a server in minecraft java, is susan calman a vegetarian, why haitians and jamaicans don t get along, carliz de la cruz, louis vuitton made in usa under licensed fabric design, the nymph's reply to the shepherd reflection, reggie and ladye love smith net worth, california 3 day notice to pay or quit, what happened to bombat washer company, The Medieval high street in two hours way because of the techniques available to modern archaeologists Aston, the was! The ironic style of Tony Robinson is proud of the few TV shows blah yuk convicted! Watching past digs being repeated on more Four in the chest after a row on more 4 a... 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why isn't phil harding in the new time team
