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",this.element)),this.ft||(this.ft=this.AU(),this.element.appendChild(this.ft)),this.element.hasAttribute("auto-resize")&&X().warn(ee,"auto-resize attribute is deprecated and its behavior is disabled. https://mths.be/cssescape v1.5.1 by @mathias | MIT license */}}); www.publicrecords.info/public-records/Public, County Public Records Online - Enter Name. (!this.t.CSS||!this.t.CSS.supports)&&this.t.CSS.supports(t)},e.getElementById=function(t){return this.kA("#".concat(String(t).replace(b,S)))},e.queryElements=function(t){try{return(n=this.NA(t))?Array.prototype.slice.call(n):[]}catch(n){throw J().createError('Bad query selector: "'.concat(t,'"'),n)}var n},e.measure=function(t,n){var e=t.__AMP_ANIM_ID;e||(e=String(++kn),t.__AMP_ANIM_ID=e);var r,i,s=this.$T[e];return s||(r=t,s=this.t.getComputedStyle(r)||$,this.$T[e]=s),n.startsWith("--")?s.getPropertyValue(n):s[D(s,(i=n,i.replace(/-([a-z])/g,T)))]},e.setTargetLength=function(t){this.JT=t},e.withTarget=function(t,n,e){var r=this.QT,i=this.KT;this.KT=t,this.QT=n;var s=e(t);return this.KT=i,this.QT=r,s},e.withVars=function(t,n){var e=this.FT;this.FT=t;var r=n();return this.FT=e,r},e.resolveCss=function(t){return this.MA(t,"",!0)},e.resolveCssMap=function(t){var n=y();for(var e in t)n[e]="offset"==e?t[e]:this.resolveCss(t[e]);return n},e.resolveIdent=function(t,n){return this.MA(t,n,!1)},e.resolveMillis=function(t,n){if(null!=t&&""!==t){if("number"==typeof t)return t;var e=this.GA(t,!1);if(e)return Dt.millis(e)}return n},e.resolveNumber=function(t,n){if(null!=t&&""!==t){if("number"==typeof t)return t;var e=this.GA(t,!1);if(e)return Lt.num(e)}return n},e.MA=function(t,n,e){if(null==t||""===t)return n;var r=String(t);if("number"==typeof t)return r;if(!function(t,n){return Et.test(t)||n&&bt.test(t)}(r,e))return r;var i=this.GA(r,e);return null!=i?i.css():n},e.GA=function(t,n){if(null==t||""===t)return null;if("number"==typeof t)return new Lt(t);var e,r=String(t),i=this.qT[r];return void 0===i&&(e=r,i=an.parse(e),this.qT[r]=i),i?i.resolve(this,n):null},e.PA=function(){return J().assertElement(this.KT,"Only allowed when target is specified")},e.getVar=function(t){rt(-1==this.EA.indexOf(t),'Recursive variable: "'.concat(t,'"')),this.EA.push(t);var n=this.FT&&null!=this.FT[t]?this.FT[t]:this.KT?this.measure(this.KT,t):null;null!=n&&""!==n||J().warn(Sn,'Variable not found: "'.concat(t,'"'));var e=this.GA(n,!1);return this.EA.pop(),e},e.withDimension=function(t,n){var e=this.SA;this.SA=t;var r=n();return this.SA=e,r},e.getDimension=function(){return this.SA},e.getViewportSize=function(){return this.HA().size},e.HA=function(){if(!this.RA)if(this.WT&&this.BT){var t=this.WT.getBoundingClientRect(),n=this.WT,e=n.offsetHeight,r=n.offsetWidth;this.RA={offset:{x:t.x,y:t.y},size:{width:r,height:e},scaleFactorX:r/(t.width||1),scaleFactorY:e/(t.height||1)}}else{var i=this.t,s=i.innerHeight,o=i.innerWidth;this.RA={offset:{x:0,y:0},size:{width:o,height:s},scaleFactorX:1,scaleFactorY:1}}return this.RA},e.getCurrentIndex=function(){return this.PA(),this.QT},e.getTargetLength=function(){return this.PA(),this.JT},e.getCurrentFontSize=function(){return this.jA(this.PA())},e.getRootFontSize=function(){return this.jA(this.t.document.documentElement)},e.jA=function(t){return parseFloat(this.measure(t,"font-size"))},e.getCurrentElementRect=function(){return this.CA(this.PA())},e.getElementRect=function(t,n){return this.CA(this.DA(t,n))},e.DA=function(t,n){var e;et(null==n||"closest"==n);try{if("closest"==n){var r=x(this.PA(),t);!r||this.WT&&!this.WT.contains(r)||(e=r)}else e=this.kA(t)}catch(n){throw J().createError('Bad query selector: "'.concat(t,'"'),n)}return J().assertElement(e,"Element not found: ".concat(t))},e.CA=function(t){var n=this.HA(),e=n.offset,r=n.scaleFactorX,i=n.scaleFactorY,s=t.getBoundingClientRect(),o=s.height,a=s.width,c=s.x,u=s.y;return function(t,n,e,r){return{left:t,top:n,width:e,height:r,bottom:n+r,right:t+e,x:t,y:n}}((c-e.x)*r,(u-e.y)*i,a*r,o*i)},e.resolveUrl=function(t){return function(t,n){var e=arguments.length>2&&void 0!==arguments[2]?arguments[2]:"source";return rt(null!=t,"%s %s must be available",n,e),rt(bn(t)||/^\/\//.test(t),'%s %s must start with "https://" or "//" or be relative and served from either https or from localhost. "==t)return"";var n=new RegExp("[?&]".concat(e,"\\b[^&]*"),"g"),i=t.replace(n,"").replace(/^[?&]/,"");return i?"? Investigators are attempting to find them. (this.mR=t,this.js(t)):this.mR&&(this.mR=null,t.positionRect=null,this.js(t))}},e.update=function(t){var e=this;if(!t){if(0!=this.turn)return void this.turn--;0==this.fidelity&&(this.turn=4)}var i=this.Pu.getSize(),n=a(0,0,i.width,i.height);this.Pu.getClientRectAsync(this.element).then((function(t){e.Ns({positionRect:t,viewportRect:n,relativePos:null})}))},t}(),S=function(){function t(t){var e=this;this.Xi=t,this.t=t.win,this.bR=[],this.Tu=y(this.t,"vsync"),this.Pu=x(t),this.jw=[],this.wR=!1,this.xR=!1,this.OR=!1,this.jR=function(t,e,i){var n=0,r=0,o=null;function s(){n=0;var i,h=500-(t.Date.now()-r);h>0?n=t.setTimeout(s,h):(i=o,o=null,e.apply(null,i))}return function(){r=t.Date.now();for(var e=arguments.length,i=new Array(e),h=0;h1&&!a;)a=s();else for(var u=0;u<250&&!a;u++)a=s();a?t({bindings:r,limitExceeded:o}):Yt(n.ampdoc,e,10)}),10)}))},e.NPt=function(t,e,n){var r=this,i=!1,o=this.BPt(t);o.length>e&&(o.length=e,i=!0),o.length>0&&this.hPt.push({element:t,boundProperties:o});var s=t.tagName;return o.forEach((function(e){var i=e.expressionString,o=e.property;n.push({tagName:s,property:o,expressionString:i}),r.vPt[i]||(r.vPt[i]=[]),r.vPt[i].push(t)})),i},e.BPt=function(t){for(var e=[],n=t.attributes,r=0,i=n.length;r2&&"["===i[0]&&"]"===i[i.length-1])n=i.substr(1,i.length-2);else if(i.startsWith("data-amp-bind-")&&(n=i.substr(14),e.hasAttribute("[".concat(n,"]"))))return null;if(n){if(this._P.canBind(r,n))return{property:n,expressionString:t.value};var o=$().createError("%s: Binding to [%s] on <%s> is not allowed. 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[new Pt([t,new Mt("at"),i])]:i? Do not rely on this site to determine factual criminal records. (!e||!e.ctor)}(t,n));var e=function(t){var n=t.__AMP_SERVICES;return n||(n=t.__AMP_SERVICES={}),n}(t)[n];return e.obj||(et(e.ctor),et(e.context),e.obj=new e.ctor(e.context),et(e.obj),e.context=null,e.resolve&&e.resolve(e.obj)),e.obj}var ct,ut=function(t){return st(t,"owners")},ht=new WeakMap;function lt(t){if(ht.has(t))return ht.get(t);var n=new s,e=n.promise,r=n.resolve;ht.set(t,e);var i=t.win,o=it(i,"platform");return o.isSafari()&&o.getMajorVersion()<14&&(i.Element.prototype.animate=null),i.Element.prototype.animate? 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kokomo perspective arrests
