First Hislop rather than seeing an error in one of both of the understandings of who the most ancient of Assyrian kings may be as surely having conflating accounts would incline a person to deduce, Hislop concludes that one must in fact simply be the other. Then, in regard to the death of Ninus, profane history speaks darkly and mysteriously, although one account tells of his having met with a violent death similar to that of Pentheus, Lycurgus, * and Orpheus, who were said to have been torn in pieces. In his Fasti Hellenici he makes his age to have been BC 2182. . Richard T. Ritenbaugh Birth of Tammuz From Nimrod and Semiramus in Bablyon - Tower of Babel Tammuz was the illegitimate son of Semiramus, which led to Nimrod's death and battle for control of Babylon and the tower of Babel by Tammuz Christianity Beliefs The Fuel Project - Exploring the New World Order from a Christian Perspective. 12:1-5): A great and wondrous sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. The story of Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz is not in the slightest bit biblical. He initiated the rebellion against God. It wasn't until the late 18th century that the markings on these tablets came to be known as actual writings. [viii] Alexander Hislop: The Two Babylons; p. 26-28. They erected many temples to commemorate her as the goddess of sexual love and fertility. [viii], Nimrod forced his subjects to worship him as a military and political hero. . Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man, and birds, and animals, and creeping things. Kronos was also the Roman god Saturn, who devoured his own sons as soon as they were born. [iii] She promoted deification of Nimrod and herself after his death. This Comes from a writing The Reckoning of Time, from an 8th Century Monk named Bede.Bede states that during osturmna, pagan Anglo-Saxons had held feasts in ostre's honor, but that this tradition had died out by his time, replaced by the Christian Paschal month, a celebration of the resurrection of Jesus.However Bede is the only source of such a goddess. We believe as you learn how they impacted history and how they continue to infiltrate the world today you will begin to understand satans agenda to deceive Gods children. The Popes poor victims may think differently, but speaking Mandarin doesnt make me Chinese either. If you use these historians literally and as factually accurate, who themselves conflated fact and fiction together and then use those works as a pure historically accurate source then you will inevitably and unavoidably draw upon a conclusion yourself that itself is in fact not historically accurate. Worshipers of the Babylonian religion celebrated the . Priests and astrologers obeyed her commands and aggressively marketed the mystery religion. Nimrod married his own mother, whose name was Semiramis. There is an inscription engraved in an Egyptian temple of Isis that reads: "I am all that has been, or that is, or that shall be. So the question must be asked, a question that is vitally important to the understanding of this theory. Plutarch even warned that following these myths as truth destroys faith. Babel means the gate of god, but it can also mean son of Bel. Perhaps Nimrod named the city of Babel after himself, as the son of Bel (Cush). Please check your spam folder for your confirmation email to activate receiving our emails. His Akkadian name was Amarutuk. The name, Bel, also means the Confounder.[vi] Cush likely assisted in the planning and building of the Tower of Babel. [iv] Alexander Hislop: The Two Babylons; p. 77). Each abomination is described as being greater in wickedness than the one before. Listen! Checks/money orders can be sent to: Nimrod Ninus Nordic Odin Pagan Trinity Phoenicians Ra Rome Semiramis Tammuz Thor Trinity Virgin Mary Vishnu Zeus Contents Just to be clear, the concept that God is a "Trinity" is nowhere in the Bible. Who Hislop claimed was Horus the son of Osiris and Isis and so the son of Semiramis and Nimrod. Tammuz was the son of Queen Semiramis, born after the death of his father Nimrod who built both Babel and Nineveh (Genesis 10:8-12). As perfectly shown by his Inclusion of Ninus and Semiramis . People of antiquity recorded a statement Janus reportedly made about himself: The ancients. The simple fact is the story has no historical basis and when studied is shown completely fictional. There is no historical evidence for the claim beyond the writings of the Greek historians. . We know this because the poem is actually a replica of an older Sumerian Poem called Inanna's descent into the netherworld/underworld.The Sumerian poem of Inanna is much longer and more detailed than the Akkadians Ishtar version. Neither can we simply take just one version of the story when various myths and stories were believed. Thus, then, Nimrod, or Ninus, was the builder of Nineveh; and the origin of the name of that city, as "the habitation of Ninus," is accounted for, * and light is thereby, at the same time, cast on the fact, that the name of the chief part of the ruins of Nineveh is Nimroud at this day. Semiramis never existed and the stories that surround her are nothing more than myths and the incorporation of actual historical events that have been changed or elaborated upon. Why did God instruct stoning as a punishment. Sammu-Ramat, more famously known as Semiramis, was the queen regent of the Assyrian Empire (reigned 811-806 BCE) who held the throne for her young son Adad Nirari III until he reached maturity. What does the Bible say? Sun and serpent worship began simultaneously in antiquity. Although it is very clear through Egyptian texts that the Egyptians had gods called Osiris, Isis and Horus, there are actually many different versions of the Isis, Osiris and Horus mythological story. Indeed we know for a fact, using Hislop's own reasoning that we cannot do this. Semiramis is also credited with building other cities along the Euphrates and Tigris rivers.It is then stated that she built the stone obelisk to herself. Deified Cush was revered as several gods of ancient mythology. Fortunately, mostly strong and capable rulers won these struggles, especially during its first century, and kept the empire whole for over two hundred years. The whole thing comes from the fictional work, The Two Babylons by Alexander Hislop. However Gilgamesh rejects her advances reminding her of her past and her former lover of her youth Tammuz. She was the first deified queen of Babylon and Nimrod was the first deified king. In 1850, Edward Hincks published a paper showing that the Class II was not alphabetical, but was in fact both syllabic and ideographic, which led to its translation between 1850 and 1859. Semiramis is not stated as being Nimrods wife, they are are not described as the King and Queen of Babylon and never described as having a son. Itt would seem that Hislop simply chooses which parts of a story and from which version of the story to take and make up the correct story. No matter how many people believe or retell this story it will remain the concoction of Alexander Hislop and nothing more. Gilgamesh kills the bull under the instructions of his friend Enkidu. Address : P.O. He links people together through nothing more than association in order to make one person seem like they are another, Nimrod and Ninus are just one example where he asserts that Ninus was simply another name for Nimrod. Myths from civilizations of antiquity describe the sun god (deified Nimrod) fathered Tammuz using a sunbeam to impregnate the maiden Semiramis. God or he/who/which In 1 Timothy 3:16 should it read God was manifest in the flesh or he/who was manifest in the flesh? Semiramis demanded worship for both her husband and her son as well as herself. [xxi] Even Roman mythology repeatedly illustrates an affiliation between a serpent and the fire god and they were worshipped together. In his assertion that Semiramis is Nimrod's wife Hislop even goes against those who deciphered the cuneiform tablets.Hislop stated Sir H. Rawlinson having found evidence at Nineveh of the existence of a Semiramis about six or seven centuries before the Christian era, seems inclined to regard her as the only Semiramis that ever existed. A long description of the building of the city itself is given. Syncellus we must note drew upon the works of Eusebius and Justinus. She is turned into a corpse and hung on a hook. This daily newsletter provides a starting point for personal study, and gives valuable insight into the verses that make up the Word of God. Nimrod and Cush also contributed significantly to its development. Charles Whitaker (1944-2021) However the fact is this story is simply made up. After Nimrod's death, his so-called mother-wife, Semiramis, propagated the evil doctrine of the survival of Nimrod as a spirit being. Why did God instruct stoning to death as a punishment under the Old Covenant law system? We are also told about Ishtar in an Akkadian poem called Ishtar's descent into the underworld. If nobody before Alexander Hislop had ever written about Nimrod , Semiramis and Tammuz together how did he come up with the theory in the first place? It bears its Chaldean origin on its very forehead. THE TRUTH ABOUT NIMROD SEMIRAMIS AND TAMMUZ the babylonian trinity 4,176 views Streamed live on Jul 21, 2020 35 Dislike Share FollowInTruth LJ 915 subscribers The truth about nimrod semiramis. So it cannot be stated that the story is a biblical one . However, polytheism began in the minds of Cush, Nimrod and Semiramis, who heavily suffused the mystery religion of Babylon with human deification. At the time when Hislop penned his book, Assyrian and Babylonian studies was in its infancy. However, his claims are historically, biblically and factually incorrect. His wife, Semiramis, proclaims herself Rhea, Mother of the Gods. . These works were published under the permission of Sir Henry Rawlinson between 1870 and 1884. They became the gods of Egypt, Greece and Rome and now are worshipped by the Catholic Church in the form of the father,son and MARY the mother. God executed that judgment shortly thereafter, when King Nebuchadnezzars Babylonian army destroyed Jerusalem. Ishtar was a goddess of many different things including love and war. Many Hamitic civilizations (Ethiopians, Hittites, Chinese, Japanese, and American Indians) have favorably portrayed dragons and serpents. There is also no mention of them having a son called Tammuz or having any children for that matter which shouldnt be a total surprise seeing in fact there is NO mention whatsoever of Nimrod and Semiramis together by ANYONE, ANYWHERE until the 1850s..AD. She was also the mother of Tammuz who was considered to be the reincarnation of Nimrod. It did, however, have a problem with internal unity. Semiramis, in her defense, concocted a mysterious story; she said that a beam of light supernaturally impregnated her. Who were they? He then took Semiramis as his own wife. You can buy the two Babylons book here (this is an affiliate link although there is no extra cost to you. She was adopted by Simmas and he looked after her as his own naming her Semiramis.When she was come of age she married Onnes, an officer of the kings cout. We should constantly be changing from glory to glory into the image of our Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ, and thus be open to correction and updates as necessary. There is an inscription engraved in an Egyptian temple of Isis that reads: I am all that has been, or that is, or that shall be. (From Forerunner Commentary). For this she is judged by the Anuna,the 7 judges. Furthermore Tammuz was not a king of Egypt and the connection between Thamus, Tammuz and Osiris is illogical and just doesn't hold up. Again simply through association and a whole heap of assumption. Easter derives its name from the Germanic osturmna was the equivalent of April.ostre or Ostara, simply means east or month of the sun from the east. Through assumption, comparative theology, the use of incorrect and inaccurate historical information, association, misrepresentation and a whole heap of amalgamating together numerous and unrelated ancient myths and stories based on similarities ,cherry picking pieces of information while simply ignoring others or imposing any one or any combination of the aforementioned. If they are the same person just worshipped by different people under different names then this would be expected. However it does not deter him from giving us the explanation of how Nimrod died. Nimrod became "god-the-father", Tammuz became "god-the-son", and Semramis became the "dove" or "spirit" that held this holy union together. , 1 Timothy 3:16 what is the correct reading? Ultimately invalidating both.The work of Justin were an epitome of Trogus Pompeius (cited by Hislop) whoes own works were based upon the works of Ctesias. Eusebius references the Babylonian writer Berossus, complaining that the Greeks attributed to Semiramis great building projects she had no hand in, while Polyaenus references inscriptions of hers testifying to her exploits and the construction of impregnable walls of her cities. These counterfeit names deceptively attracted multitudes to worship Nimrod. The most popular version is that Nimrod and Semiramis were king and queen of Babylon. (linking seemingly unrelated people, gods or things together plays a major part of Hislop's theory). Plans for Read more, This new information shed new light upon the true history of the Assyrians. Yet it is still claimed by people today that the story does relate to her. The primary purpose of these posts is to educate and inform. The story of Osiris is nothing like that of Ninus. Onnes then hung himself with a rope. Ctesias was thought to have been the best available source. He proclaimed himself high priest of the mystery religion of Babylon. It is said that tempests of wind sent by God against the Tower of Babel overthrew it, and that Nimrod perished in its ruins. Nimrod married a woman named Semiramis. This is obviously some sort of pagan sunrise service, in which they honor the sun more highly than God, to whom they contemptuously show their backsides. The pagan concept of the trinity began most likely in the days of the Tower of Babel. Through assumption, comparative theology, the use of incorrect and inaccurate historical information, association, misrepresentation and a whole heap of amalgamating together numerous and unrelated ancient myths and stories based on similarities ,cherry picking pieces of information while simply ignoring others or imposing any one or any combination of the aforementioned. This weeping unlike the claimed 40 days lasted anywhere from 40 hours to 6 weeks. Their son, Tammuz, is Bacus, meaning Suffering Son. (1 Pedro 3:15) Bienvenido! Due to the fact that we are critically-thinking human beings, who are also Holy Spirit led, these views are subject to change at any time. Ashtoreth and Tammuz, the mother and child of these hardy adventurers, became Isis and Horus in Egypt, Aphrodite and Eros in Greece, Venus and Cupid in Italy, and bore many other names in more . There is no mention of this goddess in Norse writings. The prophetic destruction includes the wicked city itself, as well as the rebellious religion it generated. There was an ancient tradition that he came to a violent end. Writings of the early church and Church fathers. Ninus according to Ctesias and other Greek historians writing in the Hellenistic period and later who relied on Ctesias as a source, was credited as being the founder of Nineveh, having named the city after himself. Ishtar was an Akkadian goddess that PRECEDED the kingdom of Babylon. Many of those said people have done little to no research at all themselves into the claim.They simply take it as if it were true. Surely a story as relevant as this, so important, if it were true, would have at least some biblical support, at least a verse attesting to the fact, but it doesnt. Class I was determined to be alphabetic and consisting of 44 characters, and was written in Old Persian. Kronos was also the Roman god Saturn, who devoured his own sons as soon as they were born. People of ancient civilizations worshipped deified Nimrod in conjunction with snakes, serpents, and dragons. Therefore Hislop concludes Semiramis lived at the time of Abraham. . that from Astarte, whose name in Nineveh was Ishtar,, Hislop does this and then uses it to attack the festival of Easter. Marduk was also the Roman god Kronos, whose name means, 'the horned one.' Ancient artists often depicted Nimrod wearing a crown of bullhorns. The name Sammur-amat is translated Gift of the Sea. The first part of this name, Sammur, becomes Shinar when translated into Hebrew. From the beginning of time, Satan has done everything in his power to destroy that lineage. Then it is said that Semiramis set out to build her empire. Most of the claims made by Alexander Hislop catch the attention, they draw upon the emotions, they feel like they are revelational, eye opening, revealed long lost hidden secrets that the devil wants so desperately to conceal, theologically sound and historically supported arguments. . Alexander Hislop creates this story himself a story that is never told or known by anyone before him.Hislop used historically incorrect information of Eusabius, Diodorus Siculus and Ctesias of Cnidus in particular, in his work and so came to conclusions that were simply shown incorrect when new historical data was found. Ctesias claimed She is also credited with the Behistun monument which was actually constructed by Darius I to celebrate his numerous conquests.Authored by Darius the Great sometime between his coronation as king of the Persian Empire in the summer of 522 BC and his death in autumn of 486 BC. Some versions have Semiramis commanding 40 days of mourning for Tammuz and even that a wild pig should be killed and eaten after the 40 days as a remembrance to Tammuz. If Osiris was Nimrod, as we have seen, that violent death which the Egyptians so pathetically deplored in their annual festivals was just the death of Nimrod. This literally makes no sense at all, talk about clutching at straws. Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord: Deuteronomy 6:4 KJV, And hath gone and served other gods, and worshipped them, either the sun, or moon, or any of the host of heaven, which I have not commanded; Deuteronomy 17:3 KJV, And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. Revelation 18:4 KJV. Even if the person making the claim does not know it themselves. People revered Zoraster through the generations as the promised seed of the woman, destined to bruise the head of the serpent in Genesis 3:15. She is also known as Shammuramat or Sammuramat. The identity of Nimrod, however, and the Egyptian Osiris, having been established, we have thereby light as to Nimrod's death. And so Semiramis became queen. Another false statement regarding the name Easter is that it comes from a Germanic goddess ostre or Ostara who again is simply another version of Ishtar and so another version of Semiramis although this actually isnt a claim made by Hislop. Inannas son and husband was Tammuz, the sun god. It's quite a story isn't it?But is it actually true? Of course, this argument proceeds on the supposition of the correctness of the Hebrew chronology. Hence the first trinity was born - there in Babylon - and has spread its tentacles around the world - when the Babylonians were scattered abroad. In fact, one of her titles, as used by the present Pope, a devoted Marian, is "Queen of Heaven" (Jeremiah 7:18; 44:17-19, 25)! El mito anti navideo promovido por algunos grupos como los Testigos de Jehov y algunos evanglicos, y que asocia a Nimrod, Semramis y Tamuz, ensea que Nimrod naci precisamente el 25 de diciembre. He then uses some things that are attributed to Ninus such as being warlike and a hunter.These attributes are linked to Nimrod through similarities. . The mystery religion of Babylon probably originated in the evil mind of Semiramis. The crucifixion initially appeared to accomplish his goal, but Satan failed that attempt also fortunately for mankind. How Nimrod died, Scripture is entirely silent.. Especially since the evidence available today would seem to negate the claim. Ninus returned again to Bactria to complete what he had started. . Asshur is the passive participle of a verb, which, in its Chaldee sense, signifies "to make strong," and, consequently, signifies "being strengthened," or "made strong." Now i'm certainly not saying that this is the case for everyone, there are many highly studied people who still believe this. She is almost certainly the amalgamation of a historical figure and Greek Goddesses created by classical Greek writers. She,wanting to accomplish greater things than her predecessor and wishing to establish her fame went about building a city in Babylonia. Her son was likely Gilgamesh, and he ruled after her. Of course if Nnus is really Nimrod then the city would not have been named after Ninus but Nimrod, but Ninus may simply have been one of the many names Nimrod has apparently been known by. In fact, she becomes the third member of a trinity modeled after the pagan trinities of ancient times. [xiv] Zoroastrianism rests on this foundational doctrine. She is reputed to have been the founder of the Babylonian mysteries and the first high-priestess of idolatry. Tammuz is spoken of just once in relation to the women weeping for him, which will be looked at and explained later in this writing. Also refer to Jer 49:1 and Jer 32:33-35. Ninus died not long after the birth of Ninyas and so Semiramis ruled alone as queen. Even here though in all these myths and stories we still do not get the version given by Hislop. This religion has since remained and integrated itself into every major culture of the earth. A story that has since been embellished, conflated and confused by those that have retold it. His father was hams son Cush. ), ? The aims and drives of its kings were, as a whole, of a lower nature than Babylon's, though the latter's were certainly misguided as well. All attempts to trace the origin of goddess worship lead ultimately to one single woman of ancient history Semiramis. That's it. Study Materials to help with your Bible study. Nimrod Darkness in the Cradle of Civilization by Steven Merrill, Antiquities of the Jews by Flavius Josephus, The History of Herodotus. Groelier Classics, Library of History Books I-IV, by Diodorus Siculus, 11.Collected Works of Hugh Nibley, Volume 5, Part 2. Persia was literally more "earthly" or "worldly" than Babylon in God's eyes. However Nimrod eventually died and Semiramis in a desperate attempt to hold onto her thrown derived a plan that would ultimately lead to not only retaining the throne but would elevate her to that of goddess. The answer to this question is indeed much simpler than the way in which Alexander Hislop went about drawing his conclusion. Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz (quick version), You can read the full version here But no matter of the extent of his convictions or the nature of his intent, wrong he was and wrong he remains. With this, they elevate her nearly to a goddess (if not in fact), pray to her incessantly, claim to see her in visions and hear her in dreams and trances, and worship statues of her in their churches and cathedrals! Old Testament Scriptures record the history of this momentous conflict over the millennia preceding the incarnation of Jesus Christ. Micah 5-6 And they shall waste the land of Assyria with the sword, and the land of Nimrod in the entrances thereof: thus shall he deliver us from the Assyrian, when he cometh into our land, and when he treadeth within our borders. Parts of the story are shown in many different Egyptian texts. While Josephus attests to the historical figure of Semiramis he states that Berossus, (c. Apion I., 20), opposes the view of Greek writers who make Semiramis the founder of Babylon. Calming Nimrod's wrath temporarily, she later gave birth to a son named Tammuz. If the death of Osiris should be taken as the death of Nimrod then the death of Ninus should be the same if Ninus was Nimrod. She visited many countries before returning to Bactra. Semiramis bore a son named Tammuz (also known as Thammuz, Gilgamesh, Dumuzid, Dumid the Shepherd, Dumuzi, Dumu-zid, or Horus), who she claimed to be the reincarnation of her deceased son and husband, Nimrod. The language was at first called Babylonian and/or Assyrian, but has now come to be known as Akkadian.From 1850 onwards, there was a growing suspicion that the Semite inhabitants of Babylon and Assyria were not the inventors of cuneiform system of writing, and that they had instead borrowed it from some other language and culture. Succeeding her husband for 42 years. The answer to this question is indeed much simpler than the way in which Alexander Hislop went about drawing his conclusion. Mercury purportedly divided the speech of men. I'm sure many modern Assyriologists would not be able to claim this so emphatically. Also, each time an emperor died, severe struggles erupted over succession to the throne. The Bible does not say that neither Nimrod nor Ninus built Nineveh. If nobody before Alexander Hislop had ever written about Nimrod , Semiramis and Tammuz together how did he come up with the theory in the first place? Its adherents realized the danger of practicing their religion in the public domain. Tammuz is simply referred to as a lover of Ishtar's youth. She is Gods chosen nation through which His Seed the Son of God would come. Ninus and Semiramis had a son called Ninyas who would eventually rule after Semiramis. And the once non gods had become gods. The story of Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz is not in the slightest bit biblical. Nebuchadnezzar's Image (Part Two): Chest and Arms of Silver. She would later marry her son called Tammuz who was Nimrod reincarnated, which is why some people incorrectly say that the story has Nimrod marrying his mother. Nimrod appears himself just 4 times in the Bible. [xix] Artists generally painted dragons and serpents a fiery red color to suggest their association with the sun. It is now applied to virtually every deity that has existed. And is it even important to know about these characters? Moreover Ishtar is actually the Akkadian name for the older Sumerian goddess Inanna. Herodotus was the first Greek writer to mention Semiramis. The real Semiramis the person on which she is most likely based was actually Sammu-Ramat who ruled as queen from 811-806 BC after the death of her husband King Shamshi-Adad V ( 823-811B.C) She was queen in of the Assyrian Empire as regent until her son King Adad-nirari III took rule. (SYNCELL) Whatever view, therefore, be adopted in regard to the age of Ninus, whether that of Eusebius, or that at which Clinton and Layard have arrived, it is evident that Shem long survived both Ninus and his wife. Genesis 10-8 And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth. This article will focus initially on the Nimrods wife, Semiramis, as she was instrumental in the formation of the wicked mystery religion of Babylon. It will then explain how Nimrods father, Cush and ultimately Nimrod, himself, were incorporated into this system of worship. Baal worship was an abomination to God and a major factor provoking His judgment on the Canaanites and Israelites. As we know Hislop claims that all pagan religions have a commonality that derives from Nimrod and Semiramis. But in what way was Medo-Persia inferior? Nimrod is mentioned just 4 times, Tammuz once and Semiramis not even once. Then another sign appeared in heaven: an enormous red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on his heads. He had not anticipated the resurrection of Gods Son. Semiramis was as wicked as her son Nimrod, Incest was used here as a basis to unite this newly false religious system. Some of these beliefs and practices (such as Mithra's birthday, December 25; Sunday as a holy day; All Soul's Day; and heaven, hell and purgatory) were later embraced by Catholicism to counter the popularity of these cults. He built his empire through the means of conquest. Whereas Ninus is the founder of Nineveh, she is said to have founded the even greater city of Babylon. History which even Hislop himself was unaware of. In 1853, Rawlinson came to similar conclusions, and the Class III inscriptions were recognized as being written in this more Ancient language, a language which was then called "Akkadian" or "Scythian" but which is now known to be Sumerian. Plutarch explains that those who do not hold those views regarding the divinity of Isis have better judgement. The land of Shinar is the Biblical name for the region of southern Mesopotamia. So based on Plato's statement that Thoth was both a counselor for Osiris and also for Thamus THE KING OF EGYPTthen Osiris and Thamus are the samehold it here. . This description of her mythical duties was likely an exaggeration of her true life as a prostitute. The Berean: Daily Verse and Comment Sign up for the Berean: Daily Verse and Comment, and have Biblical truth delivered to your inbox. Even if Osiris was indeed the the Egyptian Nimrod the myths and stories relating to Osiris cannot without proof automatically be inferred that the same myth was believed regarding Nimrod. Ninus first conquered Babylonia then Armenia and Media. However nowhere in ancient Akkadian writings is Ishtar ever described as having a husband who dies and then her claiming he became the sun god. The Sumerian name Sammur-amat was the original name of this woman. And so we come to the story of Osiris, Isis and Horus that are apparently just the retelling of the story of Nimrod ,Semiramis and Tammuz. His history of the Assyrians is found in books 1-6 of his Persika called the Assyriaka which were written in opposition to Herodotus. Indeed, he named his son Nimrod, which means, to rebel. The mythological names of Cush suggest his sin was an inciting cause for Gods worldwide judgment the confusion of languages. She had been kept safe and warm by doves. These heathen trinities, found in most polytheistic religions, follow the Father-Mother-Son pattern: Osiris, Isis and Horus; Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz; Zeus, Diana, Dionysus; Jupiter, Venus and Cupid; etc. However, the trajectory of this factor in all these kingdoms is, according to the prophecy, downward, and it sinks further with each new empire. To be honest that would be bad enough but its made even worse by the fact Hislop was trying to make the Bible fit a demonstrably erroneous history in the first place. Hence, the name mystery religion of Babylon refers to its secretive nature. Satans multiple attempts to destroy the Seed are chronicled in the pages of Gods Word. Nimrod, the great-grandson of Noah through the line of Cush (Genesis 10:8). Easter does not derive its name from Ishtar and neither does it come from ostre. Now, this exactly agrees with the statement in the ancient history of Justin: "Ninus strengthened the greatness of his acquired dominion by continued possession. A very interesting Biblical reference describing a dragon is located in the prophetic New Testament Book of Revelation (Rev. This story of Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz in any form regardless of the details or variation is found nowhere in the Bible. The whole story of Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz is simply made up. It is known that Nimrod and Semiramis (i.e. On the basis of one scripture, Luke 1:28, Catholic theologians have built a major tenet of their faith: "And having come in, the angel said to her, 'Rejoice, highly favored one, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women!'" His theory continued. The Egyptians named him Osiris, the Phoenicians referred to him as Tammuz, and in Canaan he became the sun god of fire Molech. All 3 have had many more names accredited to them. In an effort to retain power and to hide her misdeeds, Semiramis makes a most audacious claim. The name Tammuz seems to have been derived from the Akkadian form Tammuzi, based on early Sumerian Damu-zid, The Flawless Young, which in later standard Sumerian became Dumu-zid, or Dumuzi. * See WILKINSON'S Egyptians. The last book of the Bible, chapters 17 and 18, describes Gods utter destruction of Babylon in the last days. The story of Semiramis comes to us primarily from Diodorus Siculus who is cited by Hislop in the Book. Marduk was also the Roman god Kronos, whose name means, the horned one. Ancient artists often depicted Nimrod wearing a crown of bullhorns. . Lenoir, NC 28645, What the Bible says about Orphans and Widows. Having subdued, therefore, his neighbours, when, by an accession of forces, being still further strengthened, he went forth against other tribes, and every new victory paved the way for another, he subdued all the peoples of the East." The fact that there was a Semiramis in the primeval ages of the world is beyond all doubtHislops assertion that the fact that there was a Semiramis in the primeval ages of the world, is beyond all doubt.Its subversive of all history and beyond all doubtand the clear evidence that attests to this and would leave us beyond all doubt is yes thats right the kings list of Eusebius and the cited writings of Ctesias.Subversive of all history and beyond all doubt. One legend of ancient history regarding Semiramis describes Nimrod meeting Semiramis while she was a brother owner in Uruk. Unlike the Babylonians, the Persian Empire centered squarely on its military and political bases rather than its religious, cultural, or economic life. Video Credit Source: Catholicism - Which Queen of Heaven Are They Worshiping by Joseph "Doc" Marquis. There are many other myths from Grecian to Egyptian to Babylonian and Assyrian that Hislop simply glues together to form his story. She also deified herself. Isis then according to Plutarch had not always been seen as one of the main gods and in later traditions had this bestowed upon her. The truth This story of Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz in any form regardless of the details or variation is found nowhere in the Bible. All of which seem, by its silence on the matter, to be irrelevant to the Biblical narrative. Box 1705 Hislop even dismissed parts of the Bible and changed their meanings in order to force his understanding into it. Now I am almost as certain, almost is the correct word, that Hislop believed what he wrote, that he was passionate and meant no harm by his deception, I highly doubt he was aware of the fact he was wrong. Scholars are still divided over whether Cyrus actually meant that the God of Israel was indeed the true God and thus his sovereign Lord. This being why the Assyrians worship the dove and in doing so deifying Semiramis. Hislop acknowledges that scripture is silent on the death of Nimrod. They found Babel, Ninevah, and Calah . Another myth has Isis and Osiris producing Apollo before they had even left their mothers(Rhea) womb. The age of Ninus, the husband of Semiramis, as stated in a former note, according to Eusebius, synchronised with that of Abraham, who was born BC 1996. Hislop links Semiramis to Ishtar by way of easter through the goddess Astarte who was another supposed version of Semiramis. The prophet, Jeremiah, prophesied about the worship of this goddess: The women added, When we burned incense to the Queen of Heaven and poured out drink offerings to her, did not our husbands know that we were making cakes like her image and pouring out drink offerings to her? Then Jeremiah said to all the people, both men and women, who were answering him, Did not the Lord remember and think about the incense burned in the towns of Judah and the streets of Jerusalem by you and your fathers, your kings and your officials and the people of the land? Anytime it is said, written or placed into a meme, yes we all know those notoriously truthful facebook memes that the poster believes is actually counted as evidence for the claim in the meme but proves absolutely nothing, that Semiramis was the wife of Nimrod, the source of the information in that claim will undoubtedly be direct from or based on the information and claims made inside the pages of this book. Matthew 6:33, Search for articles on: (e.g. There is nothing in the Bible that would even hint at the narrative let alone give us this story. (Something that he repeated throughout his writing on this subject. Nimrod, Semiramis & Tammuz Moms of Miracles ANTICHRIST NIMROD SEMIRAMIS TAMMUZ ANCIENT BABYLON WITCHCRAFT Share 7/15 Watch on This video is private Watch on What do you think? Estando siempre preparados para responder a todo el que nos pida razn de la esperanza que hay en nosotros. Literally changing both the verse and its meaning to fit his claims. (SYNCELLUS) Consequently, on this view, the reign of Ninus must have terminated, according to the usual chronology, about BC 1987. She became a stumbling block for the Jews and their leaders who first settled this area for many generations. However, his claims are historically, biblically and factually incorrect. (v 10), "And the beginning of his (Nimrod's) kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh." 2:12; 3:7, 1 Kings 18:19; 2 Kings 21:7). It would seem that history and myth have converged together and the Greek hellenistic writers have created a goddess out of a queen. It was also believed until the deciphering off the cuneiforms that Dummuzi was a dying and resurrecting god. In the Read more, Why did God instruct stoning as a punishment? It must be stated that there is no historical evidence that Semiramis lived at all, let alone at the time of Nimrod. Another of Inannas sisters, Erec-ki-gala is the queen of the underworld. He wrote that gods and their associated legends arose from the deification of dead human heroes.[i]. Tammuz is described as being a former lover of Ishtar in the epic of Gilgamesh. called me Chaos.[vii] Chaos is the god of confusion and is derived from the name Cush. 5, 69-70. [v]; http:www.onesimus @ix.netcom; author Bryce Self. All of which are attested to by the kings list of the Assyrians. The original pagan festival of "Easter" was a sex orgy that celebrated the return of life via the fertility of Ishtar's conception of Tammuz. Ereskiga curses him. Diodorus account again is based upon the writings of Ctesias. . So the older stories of Ishtar and Tammuz and Inanna and Dumuzi do not include the details given regarding Osiris, Isis and Horus. When Inanna arrives in the underworld she tells the chief doorman it is because the husband of her eldest sister has died. Read thus, the whole passage is natural and easy. A thorough discussion of these attempts is not within the scope of this article. Eusebius own works were summaries of Greek writers who drew upon Ctesias. Semiramis has been worship under the names Ishtar, Astarte, Rhea and Isis to name just a few while Nimrod has been Ninus, Osiris and Baal. After Onnes refused Ninus commanded him to do so with threats of pulling out the eyes of Onnes. The child awaits delivery by the laboring woman (Israel). The Assyrian king list of Eusebius which Hislop used in order to place Semiramis at the time of Nimrod is incorrect. Semiramis - The Mother and Wife of Nimrod According to various legends, Semiramis became pregnant after engaging in an adulterous affair while married to Nimrod. Better than the last few have been. 59, 61-67, 71, 120-121, 170, 180, et al). The Home for Christian Writers! He has even been called one of the lying historians, J. R. Morgan (Univ. If you liked this study please subscribe here. Nanna is angry at Inannas craving for the divine powers, However Father Enki explains how to bring Ianna back, Inanna was caught before she ascended by the Anuna and was instructed to provide a substitute, After the demons ask to take a series of people in her place and being told no by Inanna they come to Damuzi, innanas husband. must watch antichrist nimrod semiramis tammuz ancient babylon witchcraft by doc marquis Hislop even dismissed parts of the Bible and changed their meanings in order to force his understanding into it. Inanna's Sister allowed Damuzi to be released from the underworld for half of the year and in his place his sister would spend the other half of the year in the underworld. In this video we take a look at the identities, the biblical historical stories, and the actions of whom these deities actually are Nimrod, Semiramis, and Ta. Inanna (Semiramis) was known as Ishtar in Babylon, Isis in Egypt and the son/husband was Osiris the sun god. Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz The circumstances of that end, however, as antiquity represents them, are clouded with fable. They are not mentioned in any cuneiform literature or any Mesopotamian writings. The religion of the Persians was Zoroastrianism, a dualistic belief in good and evil and man's struggle between them. The Sumerians: Their History, Culture, and Character, by Samule Noah KramerSir Austen H Layard retrieved from the ruins of Nineveh cuneiform tablets during the 1840s and 50s. This story of Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz in any form regardless of the details or variation is found nowhere in the Bible. But how did Hislop from these writings where Tammuz was never the son conclude that Tammuz was the son of Nimrod and Semiramis. Satan ultimately attempted to destroy Gods promised Seed by crucifying the Christ. Nimrod became the Roman god Bacchus, which means, the son of Cush. Bacchus was god of wine and revelry. She then sits on her sisters throne. However that cannot be said about much of his claims, that we will later see, that are nothing more than fantastical.Deciphering fact from fiction is indeed very complicated due to the complete entanglement that has occurred between the 2 in many ancient writings that are still being confused by historians and theologists today, those historians and theologians who still rely on historians who did not or could not not differentiate between these 2 ideas anyway. For they have forsaken me and made this a place of foreign gods; they have burned sacrifices in it to gods that neither they nor their fathers nor the kings of Judah ever knew, and they have filled this place with the blood of the innocent. Worship of this goddess became a roadblock in the apostle Pauls early mission to the city of Ephesus, as mentioned in the book of Acts 19:23-41. Semiramis, the wife of Nimrod-bar-Cush. (St. Bernard, ibid.). [xi] The Phoenicians every year sacrificed their beloved and only begotten children to Kronos, or Saturn; and the Rhodesians often did the same. [xii]. [xii] Eusebius; De Laud, Constantini; chapter 13; p. 267. Erekiga set 60 diseases against Ishtar. So there we have it, if the Bible disagrees with history simply change the meaning of the Bible to fit history. She was later a goddess of Babylon also however she was incorporated into babylonian culture she didn't originate there. Less than 175 years ago when Alexander Hislop made this claim in his infamous book the 2 babylons. 171. The dragon is none other that Satan, himself. To which much detail is given regarding this war in which she eventually lost. . There are literally thousands of counsellors today each being counsellor to more than one person that doesn't make each person the same person that's just a ridiculous conclusion. Maybe on this occasion we could give him the benefit of the doubt and say he was simply mistaken. Semiramis is the amalgamation of fact and fiction. We now know that the original language of Babylonian religion, far from being what Hislop and his contemporaries called Chaldee (which was really Aramaic), was not a Semitic language at all, not even the Semitic tongue now called Akkadianbut Sumerian, a language with no certain affinity to any other known language. Sumerian, not Chaldee, was the language of primeval Babylon. King Ninus after finishing the city that bore his name,Ninevah, undertook a campaign against the Bactrians. jimmy johns triple chocolate chunk cookie recipe, a disadvantage of federalism is that quizlet, grimsby crematorium list of funerals, goodies frozen egg product how to use, fanorona move calculator, preet bharara daughter, hendersonville obituaries 2021, portuguese pottery vases, what is a state vendor for nj familycare, unsolved murders in logan county ohio, asian adoption photolisting, coachella valley soccer club, what age can you carry pepper spray in florida, coke vs pepsi celebrities, is peter navarro related to ana navarro, Army destroyed Jerusalem of antiquity recorded a statement Janus reportedly made about himself: the.! Predecessor and wishing to establish her fame went about drawing his conclusion mean son of,. Reportedly made about himself: the Two Babylons ; p. 267 inannas son and was. 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nimrod, semiramis and tammuz
