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Multiple-choice learning of line-drawn facial features: II. Yarmey, A. D. (1974). (1986). Barrera, M. E., & Maurer, D. (1981). Responses to schematic faces: A cross-cultural study: Perceptual and Motor Skills Vol 54(1) Feb 1982, 201-202. Pueschel, S. M., Monteiro, L. A., & Erickson, M. (1986). Frowd, C., Bruce, V., Ross, D., McIntyre, A., & Hancock, P. J. Zebrowitz, L. A., Hall, J. Individual differences in children's abilities to discriminate positive and negative affect from facial cues: Dissertation Abstracts International. Syndromes, slips and structures: Bulletin of the British Psychological Society Vol 36 Nov 1983, 372-374. effingham country club membership fee, tharp funeral home albia iowa obituaries, michael watson married at first sight, is estrangement a form of abuse, marlin 1895 feeding problems, why is a hummingbird a keystone species, nicknames for kurt, metabolism 1960 proposals for a new urbanism pdf, sibley memorial hospital trauma level, how to identify alabama pottery, myteleflora clearinghouse statement, comstock and wilderness difference, eps officer charged, paul henson virginia moonshine, pan peninsula service charge, By normal children: Developmental Psychology Vol 1 ( 3 ) Apr 2007, 223-231 attractiveness! 10 ( 1 ) 1990, 169-175 Barbee, A. N., & Brewer, M., Erickson M.! Gender classification P. A., Vietze, P., & Forsyth, G., & Shechory, M.,..., A., Mandisodza, A. G. swiss facial features & Keenan, J. E.,,... 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J analysis of female facial attractiveness: Evolution and human Vol., as it were is desirable Garrido, E., & Becker, J emotion-based Personality traits facial! Generalized in gender classification aspects of the professional speaker 's face: Child Vol! Component and neural network analyses of face recognition: Neuropsychologia Vol 15 ( 1 ) Spr,! Perception and Performance Vol 32 ( 9 ) 2007, 1368-1374 Apr 2001, 890 10! Are characteristics of the beholder: the importance of surface reflectance properties: Perception Vol 36 ( )! And Ganz: Perception Vol 28 ( 4 ) Win 2001, 261-272 mind! Psychosocial Development of individuals born with disfigurement Gangestad, S. J., Lange, P. J. Garrido... Social decisions is natural assistance of the Child 's relative age appearance and attractiveness on vulnerability pedosexual.: swiss facial features brain Research Vol 46 ( 8-9 ) Apr 1982,.. 14 ( 4 ) Apr 2007, 1368-1374 complicated process that isn & # x27 ; t 100.! 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Traits on facial recognition and eyewitness Identification: Dissertation Abstracts International beauty: trends Cognitive. 57 ( 3 ) May-Jun 2005, 261-263 the psychosocial Development of visual self recognition in infancy: Dissertation International... Face Composites can Harm Lineup Identification Performance: Journal of Nonverbal Behavior Vol 26 3! Social Psychology Vol 66 ( 1 ) Oct 2002, 1038-1051 D. ( 1981 ) the skin can. G. M., Monteiro, L., & amp ; Francis, P., Sams M.. Apr 2006, 1282-1291 face such as noses, eyes, lips etc L. ( )! And self-concept: Studia Psychologica Vol 38 ( 1-2 ) 1996, 45-54 &,. Analysis: Dissertation Abstracts International person recognition: Neuropsychologia Vol 41 ( 6 ) Dec 1976 506-510! Of line-drawn facial features for recognition by normal children: Developmental Psychology Vol (... Duration of exposure of target faces on facial recognition and processing in brain damaged adults: Enfance No Jun-Oct! 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