(Aka I look at their life before Marble Hornets went to shit and then completely change how it happens bc I want them to have a happy ending but some of it is still the same promise. In some young griff is his brother, in some he's a Blackfyre. But at least, after all these years, the pack is finally back together. Time Travel Fix It Fanfiction Stories | Quotev A Stitch in Time was well received by the ASOIAF/GOT fandom, with over a thousand favorites and follows from members of Fanfiction.net. Fix-it scenes between Christopher/Thomas, Christopher/James, Christopher/Jesse, Grace/Jesse, Grace/Cordelia and James, Grace/Matthew will hopefully be satisfying. Davos thought, irritably. Death. Hand it over and inform me of which one helped you and there will be no punishment." Only when she was a few feet away did she come crashing to a halt. We love wolves.. Snow is sent back in time More Valar Botis (All Men Must Endure) by sanva, Robb Returns is a novel length fanfiction written by the user The Dark Scribbler. To talk about memories?. Brandon and Lyanna had clearly ridden out ahead of the others, stretching their horses legs. After a few moments, as he didn't move, her brow wrinkled before she spoke again. Daenerys wants revenge on Sansa for allegedly tricking Jon into killing her in the old timeline. The slow burn is already killing me and I need more of it immediately. Im sorry to say it, but I dont think the finest maesters in all the realm will have you fit and strong again in time for Old Whents tourney., Jons head reeled again, but he was powerless to move or even speak coherently. A Stitch in Time by the user Will 0the Wisp is a complete novel length work within the A Song of Ice and Fire and Game of Thrones fandom. Immediately, their gaze locked into each others and she gaped openly at him. A time for wolves will come again. Nothingand everythinghas changed. Time Travel Fix-It - Works | Archive of Our Own The work begins at the point in canon where Jon Snow had been killed by his Black Brothers of the Nights Watch. Tywin mentions that he has sent envoys to the Golden Company to harass the Stormlands to distract Robert and Renly. As withmany fics, I want to lock the two of them in a closet and not let them out till they talk to each other! Summary:Jon comes home. Believing that Robert would kill him for failing to find Littlefinger's financial books and possibly withholding information about Cersei and Jaime's incest, Varys flees to White Harbor with Barristan Selmy, Myrcella and Tommen Baratheon, and Tyrion Lannister, Ned will not be joining the rest of the kingdoms against the Lannisters and is declining Robert's suit for Sansa's hand, he picks up his chair and. Snow works throughout the work to get back to his own time period before those he cares about, including his sister-turned-cousin Sansa. Words: 145,469. I cant I dont-, Dont fret on it, said Brandon. Kurama might as well be a licensed therapist, [Podfic] Cold read of Hand in Hand Together (All Your Life) - Author Commentary Edition, - | Mdo Zsh - Mxing Tngxi, Ln Zhn | Ln Wngj/Wi Yng | Wi Wxin, Alternate Universe - Someone Lives/Not Everyone Dies, but I'll update the full length when done, The Same Moon Shines [Podfic - Cold Read], Sunshine and Rainy Weather [Podfic - Cold Read], Main Character | Qiangwei | Rosa/Xia Yan | Luke Pearce, Mo Yi | Vyn Richter & Xia Yan | Luke Pearce, Xia Yan | Luke Pearce & Zuo Ran | Artem Wing, Lu Jinghe | Marius von Hagen/Xia Yan | Luke Pearce, Luo Yuhao | Ingrid Rosworth/Zuo Ran | Artem Wing, Mo Yi | Vyn Richter & Zuo Ran | Artem Wing, Main Character | Qiangwei | Rosa (Tears of Themis). Every day. starts taking on aspects of Stannis, most notably his tooth grinding. If he did find his way to Castle Black, then Alliser Thorne, Bowen Marsh and Ollie would be only too willing to do the job properly this time. Rating: Mature Current Word Count: 43,500 Canon Compliant through: 8x03. His mouth had run dry and his whole body was trembling. Davos was puzzled. Rating: Explicit Current Word Count: 131,955 Canon Compliant (mostly) through: 7x07, Summary:Jon, Sansa says quietly, her hands twisting together in front of her. Happy ending for Gracestopher! He asked, voice trembling as he ran steady fingers through Hermione's hair. Baelish bastard. Tomorrow's Shadows are Echoing, Can't You Hear? Here it's revealed to be Morag/Daella, the eldest of Craster's wives. Cookie Notice This is my first work ever. The letters are sweet and sad and its good to see my darling Starks reaching out to each other after everything theyve been through. She sees him wince as though her words have cut through his skin, yet she remains unmoved. Viserys is still marrying Daenerys to Khal Drogo. In Chapter 28, the readers learn that Littlefinger escaped to Pentos, was responsible for revealing the truth about the Lannincest, and has thrown his lot in with the Targaryens. Not- , Sansa! Jon cut her off, aghast at her words as he stepped in and gripped her arms. As the strangers drew closer, he also heard the sound of horses hooves crunching against the stony road. She loves her family fiercely, despite the things they put people through. He starts trying to fix this problem by arranging a betrothal between himself and Sansa. I adore the way my favorite characters get a chance to confront their family members on the ways that theyve been hurt by them. -- sequel to time's arrow -- Luke Pearce had been living an ideal second life for eleven years, until his first life caught him and reminded him that he was never the God in this life, and there were things that even he could not change. DISASTROUS ( Jon Snow ) by yikes. She glanced up again and gave him a wave as he turned to get her back in his line of vision. That girl was dead. Its that good! Robin Arryn is revealed to be Lysa's son by Littlefinger. This is serious, ride back to the others and get Lord Arryns Maester, said Brandon. Given a chance she never thought possible, she makes a choice, even as she grapples with how to achieve her goals. Even though he was undoubtedly many leagues from Oldtown, just having somewhere to aim for renewed his sense of direction and gave him something to focus on. Sam! His old friends name even tasted sweet on his lips as he spoke it aloud. The result of this authorsfics are always so satisfying andI hope you all love it as much as I do! How does Sansa, as Cersei, change the realm for better or for worse politically and personally as Queen? Adventure Romance Time Travel Enemies to Lovers Fix-It Fic. [Completed, 7 chapters, 70,000 words, rated mature] A Knight's Watch by DolorousEdditor Jon Snow is forbidden to take the black by his father. Privacy Policy. Unfortunately, despite their best thoughts, changing history isn't going to be without consequence. How could you think that your death was an acceptable outcome?, You hypocrite! she responded, throwing the accusation in his face as she stepped in closer, chest heaving in time with his own. When facing down Oriko Mikuni, Homura pauses. Now, the question is: Are they here to save the galaxy, or are they to be feared? "For what, your Grace? she asks, her voice cold and detached. In the meantime, you still have this magnificent blade. It was his face that caught Ser Davos eye. I hope its not too presumptuous to add my own fic to this list as Im having so much fun writing my own Season 8 fix-it fic. Get back in here now, hes breathing!. In doing so, Clouds memories were not included. Immediately, he fell back down again, impacting painfully with the hard ground. Oh my gosh, this fic! Dany had been reborn in the Red waste along with her dragons, and again she had been reborn in this life, with all her memories to give her even more advantage over her enemies and she would not be cowed into being the simpering little girl she had been. He struggles with his knowledge of the upcoming wars, the mystery of his mother's forgotten letters, and the prophecy of the Prince That Was Promised. It was fur-lined and felt luxurious against his bare, cold skin. Is this why you brought me here? They were both dark haired, grey eyed and lean the hall mark of every generation of Starks. in which she is the earth itself and destined to be a hero, and he doesn't realise that e Game of Thrones Jon and Arya fanfiction Cursing, he sat back down again and tried to work out where he was. She snipped at his wet hair, speaking her incantations to Rhllor, before dropping the cuttings into the brazier at Jon Snows head. And all they can do now is hope that they manage to pull through before Winter comes again. Their last hope faded with the smell of the burning hair. She wrung out a wet cloth, the droplets catching the light as they splashed back into an earthenware bowl. The political landscape has changed in the aftermath of Daenerys Targaryens decimation of Kings Landing. Then, it came to him in a flash and gave chase to his gathering despair. Jon, though, assumes she means they should marry each other. Originally posted on the website Fanfiction.net on July 16, 2015, Robb Returns is an ongoing work updated regularly. Whats all this about me being attacked? the one on the left asked. Ned reveals Jon's parentage to Catelyn in Chapter 24. The work is part of the Time Travel genre because the premise of the work is that Robb Stark must be sent back More Robb Returns by The Dark Scribbler, Valar Botis (All Men Must Endure) by sanva, Follow A Song of Ice and Fire on WordPress.com. Leo's been alive for 40 long, long years, so he would've hoped by now he'd've learned something. Slack and colourless, the blood long drained through the gaping wounds in his upper body. For my new readers I hope you enjoy the story, thank you for reading! But Melisandre would not be hurried. Never let it be said the daughter of Eddard Stark was without honor. He proceeds to have what he thinks is a premonition and rushes to the Kabasaki district. I loved every second of reading it! While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Jon Snow Timetravel fics. A post s7 story where Jon and Sansa struggle to navigate their new political landscape while suppressing their feelings for one another, Arya does everything in her power to protect her pack, and Bran and Sam try to figure out how to kill the Night King. A minute ago, it was sunday. Enjoy these fics and be sure to give these authors all some love cause they deserve so much of it! When he starts reliving days he prays harder. Definitely not. i am new to this. Then she woke up a week before her half-brother's second name day, decidedly alive. I couldnt allow the North to go through yet another war, Sansa, especially not one against dragons.. He was about to tell them who he was when the man cut him off. After Rooster's jet gets hit, he opens his eyes to see his dad and Mav standing in front of him, in their twenties and definitely alive. Tywin and Genna believe that Viserys Targaryen would try to take advantage of a war by betrothing Daenerys to Trystane Martell and build up an army to invade. Progress was slow and slowed further as the sun began to set and he cut his feet again. In spring, I move. ~ Henry Rollins. We found some of the best Jon Snow fanfiction that internet has to offer. I know what to say., Sansa shrugs, the thick grey furs draped over her shoulders rising and falling. 50 Must-Read Stories Of Game of Thrones Fanfiction | Book Riot This is expanded to the rest of the Northern lords in Chapters 30 and 31. Like a wastrel found dead by the side of the road, the Lord Commander was laid out and stiffening on a bare trestle table. Gilly's mother was not identified in the books or show. Long enough, it seemed, to take him far away and abandon him on this lonely mountainside. Summary:Jon and Arya return to Winterfell proceeding the sack of Kings Landing to help rebuild their childhood home and a fallen Westeros. Get off the mountain, go to the nearest town and get help a plan began to formulate. Crack idea treated seriously. This fic is so full of Jonsa feels that it makes you want to burst. To those who did not know him, only the Valyrian steel longsword laid next to the body offered a clue to Jon Snows true status. Robert orders Renly and Eldon to find Cersei and Joffrey, the tone implies that there will be severe punishment should they fail to capture them. It worked., He should be awake, she pointed out. There was bound to be a charitable Septon who would take pity on him, even a Maester if he was really lucky. I adored watching her find out everything she could aboutDaenerys and then use that information to her advantage. Was this the afterlife? They have accomplished the mission successfully, and he may finally see his parents after so many years. On the turn of a hair, hope surged within him once more. With relationships and reputations What if you owned an animal species that mimicked your soul, a "spirit animal" in reality? ASOIAF Time Travel Fanfictions | Archive of Our Own At least it is according to tvtropes so ? Rhaenyra died. His eye color can be different, though grey in the main story. This fic is lovely and so far its been really interesting to get inside Jon and Sansas heads as they contemplate their relationship and everything thats happened to them since they were firstseparated when Jon left for Dragonstone. With literally nothing else to lose but his life, he positioned himself in the middle of the tracks. <3, Rating: Teen Current Word Count: 80,865. The focus of the story is on the White Walkers, and trying to defeat them. This fic is exactly what I hoped it would be when I found a link to it. The Manderly daughters have taken up Braavosi water-dancing. Pregnant Sansa is sobrave and amazing. Just wait until the Darksaber gets involved. In 1984, Steve Harrington wakes up in the hospital after a car crash he can't remember. Ned? she gasped. The author has managed to perfectly capture Sansas headspace, which is incredible to read. His attention was drawn towards the men he'd traveled with all this time as they clapped, smiling. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. In Chapter 28, Daenerys learns of the various changes in Westeros from the upcoming war with the Lannisters to the Starks looking for funds for the Wall, realizing that at least one other person is aware of the events of the old timeline. After a rogue prayer lands Juliette Curtis back in 1968, she must save Johnny Cade and the incredibly irritating Dallas Winston from their horrible fates. Here, he gets his own POV. Tywin is dismissive of this, believing that Viserys is. The Gods were displeased that Bloodraven managed to manipulate the Prophecy of the Prince that was Promised, and turn it into a means where He would become an eternal king. More cuttings, then even a few beard trimmings. I still do not own ANY of the Game of Thrones characters. Groaning, he tried to call out but his limbs were so stiff and sore that all he could do was roll over. How could you do that? he yelled. Reluctantly, he opened his eyes but then winced painfully and screwed them shut again. Well find you some clothes that fit and you can come with us. The girl was running again, skirts hitched above her ankles. But she didnt let her fear or shock overawe her for long. And fate takes a new path. All because Luke had forgotten that life went on for everyone he left behind after he died for the first time. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from thestaff@tvtropes.org. And a girl who definitely isn't what she appears setting an impossible task. That's what Tywin would do anyways, but with Viserys' tendency towards. The ground seemed to pitch beneath his feet. Meanwhile, Lyanna was trying out Jons sword. Fair warning that the slow burn is ssslllooowww (thimbleful is literally the queen of the slow burn) and every painful second of it is amazing! Never mind that, Ned. When every single timeline resulted in failure to heal the Planet and Jenovas corruption spreads without fail, a sacrifice is made to ensure that the Lifestream can send back more than just one hero to save the world. Meanwhile, the Red Woman remained silent as she set about her task, causing the atmosphere in the room to thicken. Ones that seem to almost warn him of events to come. https://archiveofourown.org/works/29152617/chapters/71569773, Hello everyone, i found jon snow time travel fics are either rare or not well written, hence i decided to write one my self. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings. But the question is, what can she do? For one cold moment, Ser Davos feared the beast had curled up died as a show of solidarity to his slain master. Hes back! he called out to the others whod already retreated. Daenerys. They stabbed me, he remembered. Stannis leaves for Dragonstone to marshal the royal fleet, Littlefinger throws his lot in with the Targaryens (and by extension Illyrio Mopatis). The Old Gods and the New are smiling down on you, by the looks of it. The fic is very well-written so enjoy if you check this one out! Only then will he find his way back home in time to defeat the Great Other and win back all the Starks lost. 'Rose pulled them close, forcing them to look into her eyes. A familiar act which had once calmed her so, that now only brought bile to her throat. None of it was possible. She repeated the process over every one, until she reached the spot on his motionless chest where his heart beat should have been. Ignoring the aches and pains that filled his body, he sat up and forced himself to get his bearings back. Grace invents time travel in order to go back and save Christopher. Jon heals in the True North, finding his own worth again, and discovering that even after being lost, he can find purpose in his own heart and mind again, even burdened by the crippling guilt and resentment which will take him many years to learn how to carry and let go. But right now Hinata Shoyo was standing in front of his old gym in Miyagi. Sansa notes the irony of naming a big dragon after. Actually a lot is the same in a sense it's just that Alex is less stupid now). Actually, you do look an awful lot like our Ned.. He feels calm. Littlefinger, outside of his need to sow chaos. Summary: Jon goes south to help Daenerys win the Iron Throne. And how on earth does Sansa, as Cersei, deal with being Tywin's daughter, Tyrion's hated sister, and Jaime's beloved? Jon Snow, a prince of the empire and the first Dragonknight in over a hundred years was born to wage war and strike down the empire's enemies. Summary: Sansa and Jon sleeping together before he goes to Dragonstone and when he comes back he finds out she is pregnant. Does that sound familiar? It felt like he was the last person alive in the whole country. Oh my, youre not Ned at all, are you? Then her eyes raked over his battered and wounded chest, horror returning to her features in a heartbeat.

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jon snow time travel fix it fanfiction
