Verse 7. Like Hosanna ( H3467 + H4994 and G5614) it is one of the few Hebrew words which have established themselves in ordinary religious language. incorporates believers, the Old Testament saints, the Church age saints, and the That is, Satan will be the spring of its final rise and power; he, and not God in any way whatever, will give it its character. The glory of the kingdom does not preserve when men in their natural state are exposed to the adversary. approving of the destruction of Babel, because the Messiah was bringing justice 3. They broke up the beast yet more than Babylon. They were caught in flagrant treason and rebellion: what further need of any process of judgment whatsoever? Isaiah says of the heavenly king: "He shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked" ( Isaiah 11:4). In the Ascension of Isaiah ( Isaiah 9:5) there is a saying: "Thou canst not bear his name until thou shalt have ascended out of the body." There is therefore much to be said for the ]Protestant application of the chapter as compared with the Praetorist theory of pagan Rome. Presentation (the festivities, often lasting several days, that preceded the *It now appears that the Cod. symbolizes the permanence of Babylon's destruction (Isaiah 34:8-10). The church is heavenly; and in heaven there are no times nor seasons. Hence the horns and the beast join together and desolate the harlot. R. H. Charles finely says that the marriage symbolism "denotes the intimate and indissoluble communion of Christ with the community which he has purchased with his own blood" a communion which is "first reached in fulness by the host of the martyrs.". The wine vat actually with your feet pressing down all of these grapes, you can imagine what your clothes would look like. All is then fixed. Enduring Word Bible Commentary Revelation Chapter 19 His word which hurled the suns in space will execute his will when the time comes. You worship God. But now He is ready to return and establish His kingdom and take us unto Himself and the marriage of the Lamb is come, and His wife, or bride, has made herself ready. Now we see the tree of life again. At first reading, to some this sounds harsh, but it is referring to His ability to proect his sheep. On these I may say but a very few words. These compose the same group as (in 7:11), and are associated with worship His Earthly Kingdom (see article Kingdom Yet to this heavenly city, after Christ comes, the kings of the earth bring their offerings and their homage; but there is no excitement of the nations, no filthiness of fornication, no abominations, no blood-guiltiness. Lastly was the wedding ceremony during which time the vows were exchanged. Biblical references. The voice that came out of the throne said what? at Revelation 14:19; while here we have the fuller phrase, the winepress of the wine of - CBSC, he will tread the wine press of the fury of the wrath of God the Almighty . Religion is threatened by life, by spiritual life.So, God has judged that religious system and has avenged the blood of His servants at her hands. But that the heart of man even so is not renewed becomes manifest, when Satan at the close deceives all that are not converted; and these, as we are told, are countless "as the sand of the sea.". . But what is also of consequence to observe is, that John saw souls the souls of those beheaded on account of the witness of Jesus, and on account of the word of God. Then follows the proclamation of the angel, and the invitation to the supper of the great God, to eat the flesh of all the great ones of the earth. number. others may live (see article About [Note: Thomas, Revelation 8-22, p. 381, 567-85.] "Called" is most evidently inapplicable, because calling supposes that the person is brought out of one condition and raised into another and a better one. To the Christian this book is not sealed. (Hebrews 4:13). This is not unrighteous, but, on the contrary, the highest justice from a divine point of view. "The kings of the earth do bring their glory and honour unto it" not into but unto. The political side of this is described here with surprising brightness and brevity. Commentary on Revelation - [Chapter 19] - Theology First The only right principle in everything is to go to the source of divine truth, and to seek there refreshment and strength and fitness for whatever our God calls us to. The continually reigns. When God is so gracious, His word rich, full, and deep, it does seem sad to see His children content with just enough to save their souls, or keep them from positive starvation. Then comes not the destruction only of these rebels by divine judgment, but the dissolution of heaven and earth. Afterwards we come to the description of itself, of its wall, its building, its foundations, and its gates. He has many crowns, for he is King of kings, and Lord of lords. "WHITE" is a symbol throughout the book of Revelation for PURITY and VICTORY. Pilate said, "I find no fault in Him. "Speak to the birds of every sort and to all beasts of the field. You shall eat the flesh of the mighty, and drink the blood of the princes of the earth--of rams, of lambs, and of goats, of bulls. And you shall eat fat till you are filled, and drink blood till you are drunk at the sacrificial feast which I am preparing for you" ( Ezekiel 39:17-19). 16:12-16). Revelation Commentaries | Precept Austin - Wallace. Imagine the millions upon millions of Christians that will be gathered in that glorious assembly and when the voice of the Lord comes exhorting us to praise God and give glory to Him, and in our response to it that tremendous praise, crescendo of praise that will arise. A lot of the persecution against the Christian has come from religion, religious leaders. Consequently, here we must most unquestionably go back to be shown an important object in the prophecy which could not, without interrupting its course, have been described before. receive our inheritance, we must read the will. It is necessary that we should all bear in mind, if we have not observed it before, thatRevelation 17:1-18; Revelation 17:1-18 does not pursue the chronological course of the prophecy. Revelation 19 ( Rev 19:1) - 1 After these things I heard as it were a great voice of a great multitude in heaven, saying, Hallelujah; Salvation, and glory, and power, belong to our God: This heavenly celebration (verses 1-6), which connects the events of chapter 18, reveal more than the celebration of the defeat of a certain city or belief system. That is why religions fail. The armies of heaven are the hosts of the angels. Have we not all heard of the balance of power? We find that Jesus is called the faithful witness. more depending on the economic or social status of the bride and groom. Whereas for the Jew, there are necessary dates and momentous changes that must take place; and hence, as Daniel represents the Jew, we have the difference kept up. And I saw the beast [that is the antichrist], and the kings of the earth [which have been drawn by the demonic forces], and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army ( Revelation 19:18-19 ). He was filled with astonishment that this mysterious form of evil, this counter-testimony of the enemy (not antichrist, but antichurch), should seem and be largely accepted as the holy catholic church of God, that Christendom, if not Christianity, should at the same time become the bitterest of persecutors, more murderously incensed against the witnesses of Jesus and the saints of God than ever paganism had been in any country or all ages. These words of praise here are focused on the Lord Jesus Christ. It is a picture of final judgment. I heard a great voice of much people in heaven, saying, Alleluia; Salvation, and glory, and honour, and power, unto the Lord our God ( Revelation 19:1 ): The judgment of the earth, as far as God's wrath being poured out, has been completed on Babylon. It begins with the shout of a vast multitude in heaven. I am accounted righteous by God because I believe and trust in Jesus Christ. All this gives us a true and just view of the various parties that have a share in the resurrection. We must perforce therefore look for a still more complete development before the Lamb judges the beast after the ten horns along with it shall have destroyed Babylon. It is the place that Jesus said God prepared for Satan and his angels. The woman was allowed to ride the beast to influence and govern the empire first, but at last to be the object of hatred to the ten horns and the beast, who expose, rob, and destroy her. What did the "avenging the blood" probably mean? And then those men who have chosen to cast their lot with Satan in rebellion against God. Once Jesus enters the battle, it is soon over. If alive before the thousand years, he will live after the thousand years; in fact, literally he will never die, though I do not doubt, on general principles, that the saints of the millennial earth will be changed at the very time when the heavens and earth disappear. It does not mean persons merely, but the souls of beheaded persons. These angels are going to be interesting creatures to meet, aren't they? - CBSC, a sharp sword . Here it is the positive worship of the creature besides the Creator, yea, and notoriously more than He. What does Revelation chapter 19 mean? | That picture stands for the final union between Jesus Christ and his Church. heaven, saying, Alleluia; Salvation, and glory, and honor, and power, unto the Isa_1.20; Isaiah 49:2; Isaiah 66:16; This is the weapon God uses to conquor the nations! There are a lot of people today fighting against God. They are glorified saints, and not angels. })(); Return to Revelation Menu | [3] In this chapter, heaven exults over the fall of Babylon the Great. VERSE BY VERSE MINISTRY . Revelation 1 - Verse-by-Verse Bible Commentary - The Psalmist says of the Messianic king: "You shall break them with a rod of iron, and dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel" ( Psalms 2:9). It gives a retrogressive account of Babylon's character, and shows how it morally compelled the divine judgment. Be wise now therefore, O you kings, be instructed, you rulers of the earth; kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and you perish from the way,Psalms 2:10; Psalms 2:12. Revelation 19 - Wikipedia To this earth He is coming, and not merely to the new earth in the eternal state. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone. In the first eight verses of Revelation 21:1-27 we have the new heaven and the new earth, but besides, awful to say, the lake of fire. Every strange coded word and phrase is meant for this generation. Second, he came from a world in which it was believed that God did not interest himself directly but made his contact through the demons (daimon, G1142) , by means of whom he controlled the natural forces and acted upon men. On the head of the victor Christ there are many crowns to show that he is lord of all the kingdoms of the earth. This, was no lack. After that we have the admonitions to the end of this book. come (verse 15; 2:27; 12:5). Christ is the Bridegroom at the marriage and his Church is the But the graphic account does not end until the Spirit of God shows us another view of Babylon altogether. You must with the best authorities leave out this addition, if you would have the true force of the verse. And he carried me away in [the] spirit to a mountain great and high, and showed me the holy city Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God." With a rod of iron he shall break in pieces all their substance, He shall destroy the godless nations with the word of his. for they are singing a song that includes mention of salvation. Since then the world has not seen the imperial power to which all bow. 5:10). Enduring Word Bible Commentary Revelation Chapter 10 And I fell at His feet to worship him. In fact, we may say, all nations will be desolated by judgments of one kind or another; but for all this the world proceeding for a thousand years with every outward blessing, and the most admirable government administered by the blessed Lord Himself, will issue in the teeming and prosperous races of mankind. It will never happen. The weapons of this warfare are described in Ephesians 6:12. Then you may be very good all week long, and you put your little star behind each of the categories each evening. Clearly, therefore, it is future. (1-5) Praise for the judgment of Babylon. Revelation 19:2 "For true and righteous [are] his judgments: for he hath judged The principle is very clear. Thus the language of symbol is as definite as any other. Nothing is hidden from Him. instead of one of the other names of Jesus, to show that we have been cleansed Revelation 19:3 "And again they said, Alleluia. The Church, the Bride of Christ, is clothed in fine linen, pure and shining. We have already come upon two vast multitudes in heaven, the martyrs in Revelation 7:9 and the angels in Revelation 5:11. The beloved city is Jerusalem; the camp of the saints, I presume, is a larger circle and embraces all of Israel and the Gentiles who, being converted, refuse Satan's deceit. Revelation 19 - Verse by Verse Bible Study Revelation 11:15-19 | Bible Exposition Commentary - Verse-by-Verse Christ to earth. that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. You see, all of the fineries 3. He is coming forth in indisputable human glory, but the greatest care is taken to let us know that He had that which was above man above the creature; for "no man knoweth the Son but the Father." man's day. Scripture is positive in Isaiah 65:1-25 that death during the millennium only comes as a specific judgment because of open rebellion. to Christ in faith during the Tribulation (compare Jer. If you preach on prophecy, you are bringing the testimony of Jesus. It is not into a wilderness the prophet is carried, but he is set on "a mountain great and high," and shown not the great, but. ", GOD'S WORD IN ACTION ( Revelation 19:13 ). Revelation 2020 - Lesson 19A - Verse By Verse Ministry Many suggestions have been made. What makes it the more notable is this, that the rod of iron is promised to us not the sword. Tribulation saints. Any other intermediary than Jesus Christ between God and man must be utterly opposed. Jesus Christ was a threat to the religious leaders as He would be to all religious leaders. There was never a time in history in which such forces were drawn up against the Church as when the Revelation was written. Again, that it supposes Rome after it had professed the name of Christ I think is not to be doubted, if only from the expression "mystery" attached to Babylon. And he said to me: "These are the true words of God." 13 And it performed great signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to the earth in full view of the people. In her own course, and in the matters of her portion, the church does not know time at all. "And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, King of kings, and Lord of lords.". ye his servants, and ye that fear him, both small and great.". Had he really penetrated under the surface, and seen that beneath the fair guise of Christendom the woman was, of all things under the sun, the most corrupt and hateful to God, it would not be so much to be surprised at. 11:25-27). And if you try to worship God in an unprescribed way, setting up little idols or whatever, which God has forbidden, that is spiritual fornication. Rabbi, Jehudah, actually gave the odd instruction that men ought not to pray in Aramaic because the angels did not understand Aramaic! "And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse." Then the book concludes after a solemn warning against either adding to or taking from its contents. In him was light; and that light was the life of man. And he saith unto me, These are the elaborate than those of today. These are the true sayings of God. Voices cry out joyfully that the Lord reigns and the marriage supper of the Lamb is ready. Revelation 19:1 "And after these things I heard a great voice of much people in heaven, saying, Alleluia; Salvation, and glory, and honor, and power, unto the Lord our God:" In the last chapter, we saw the terrible destruction of commercial and political Babylon symbolized by its capital city of Babylon. These remain as yet in the condition of separate spirits. When Christ came personally to judge and govern the quick (Revelation 20:4), there were thrones; for the risen saints reign with Him. That God is holding back something good and He really isn't fair to you was the insinuation behind Satan's remarks. Here, on the other hand, is something which is valid for all time. And the twenty-four elders who sat before God on their thrones fell on their faces and worshiped God, saying: The ceremony (the exchanging of vows). Present tense. From the manner in which resurrection is referred to in scripture, does not God leave room for this? 19:9-10a And he said to me: "Write! Jesus at the Last Supper said that he would not again drink of the cup until he drank it new in his Father's kingdom ( Matthew 26:29). And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God ( Revelation 19:12-13 ). Certainly the ascription to the Lord of the fierce struggles of a human warrior is markedly avoided. It is thus that God is wont to deal as a rule in His judgments, not necessarily on the one that first introduces an evil, but on those that inherit the guilt, and perhaps aggravate it, instead of taking warning by it. linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints.". Then we have another glorious description. It is also clearly a personal reward to those who had suffered. Revelation 19 NIV - Threefold Hallelujah Over Babylon's - Bible Gateway It will be remembered that it was said to them that they must wait. This tells us something about our approach to See it explained in the notes on that place, and on Revelation 14:19-20. "Hallelujah!" So, Jesus was at odds with the religious leaders of His day and they are the ones that prompted His crucifixion. That is prophecy centers around the person of Jesus Christ. A mysterious lawlessness inherits the well-known name of Babylon when Rome is brought forward; and it does not merely embrace Christian times, but the end of the age after the church has gone, when the course of divine judgment comes. willing to be his in the day of his power. But for the eternal judgment heaven and earth are fled away; and then we see the new and eternal universe. "Upon her forehead was a name written, Mystery, Babylon the great, the mother of the harlots and of the abominations of the earth.". This is the And Jesus sits on the great white throne. Oh, the power of the word of Jesus, the sword that goes forth out of His mouth. And thus it was but a little glimpse they had of prophecy. If Christianity does not bring joy, it does not bring anything. That is what history is about. The redeemed 252-53. 19 And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army. And they also lasted much longer. I. Angels we know from other scriptures will be there, but of this we hear nothing here. The visions of this prophetic book open, not with the rapture of saints to heaven, but the sight of saints already raptured, often before the seer in the visions, but seen always in a complete condition without addition to their number. I will give to him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely. His eyes are a flame of fire. We must therefore look a little into the two objects Babylon and the beast. The heavenly praise continues, this time for a call for gladness, rejoicing and He comes to execute vengeance, and with a sign of death for rebels. And he says to him not to do that because he is a fellowservant, but to worship God.You see it is a apart of man to need and want to worship something, and man seems to find it easier to worship an object that he can see rather than an object that he cannot see. Antichrist and his henchmen are cast into the lake of fire; and all their supporters are slain, to await in Sheol the final judgment. hromphaia) symbolized (cf. The simple fact of conquering far and wide, and of exercising vast political power in the earth, does not constitute any title to such a name. The Bible with its 66 books can be compared to a novel having 66 chapters. "Why are you red in your apparel, and your garments like the ones that have been treading in the wine vat?" It also means genuine, as opposed to that which is unreal. In Hebrew writing there were no vowels; the vowels had to be supplied by the reader. 19:10b The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. And I think that this has been declared all the way through, because this is one of the areas that Satan constantly challenges concerning God, the fairness of God's judgments when he deals and meats out His judgments upon man. Verse 6. Babylon symbolized by its capital city of Babylon. . Enduring Word Bible Commentary Revelation Chapter 22 It all focuses before Christ and after the year of our Lord, but He is center, the focal point of history. But now heaven is opened for yet graver facts, and of incalculable moment for man and the universe and the enemy. When we come to the full application of the prophecy, we must look onward to the latter day. After the destruction of Babylon at Verse 1 of the Revelation already shows God's intention: ".to show unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass". He was a divine person, whatever new position He assumes for the world. These twenty-four elders, I believe, as I said before, are two groups of twelve, It is plain that what the verse contemplates is neither the Roman power when there was one head of the empire, nor the eastern or Byzantine part of it after that partition, nor the western state of division under the kings who succeeded the deposition of Augustulus; for in the medieval state there may have been ten kings (in contrast with the ancient state of the beast without them but no beast or imperial system with its chiefs.

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revelation 19 explained verse by verse
