Baker's Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology - Gentleness, Baker's Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology, International Standard Bible Encyclopedia - Gentleness. In addition, gentleness is a fruit of the Spirit, so when we choose to respond with gentleness, even in tough situations, we are bearing witness to the power of God working in our lives. In 2 Macc 15:12 Onias is said (the King James Version) to be "gentle (praos) in condition," the Revised Version (British and American) "in manner.". In the Old Testament the Septuagint uses it once in Psalm 45:4. Right here on Churchgists, you are privy to a litany of relevant information on examples of gentleness in the bible, goodness definition bible, bible characters who showed gentleness, and so much more. We have to ask ourselves if gentleness doesnt work, perhaps we are striving for the wrong kingdom. The opposite of peace is not war, it's fear. Galatians 2:20. We also model for them the importance of exhibiting self-control and respect. As Paul said, be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. (Ephesians 4:32 ) We never know when our kindness will lead someone into a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. 4.) The Bible is full of examples of Gods character, and one of the most prominent traits is His gentleness. of Consider Galatians 5:23 which says that gentleness is part of the fruit (or evidence) of the Holy Spirit within us. It is power over one's Spirit that exudes a meek and mild person like Jesus. 9 Examples of Gentleness in the Bible | Gentle When we are full of the Holy Spirit, His fruit will be seen in our lives. There are many benefits to being gentle, including happiness, better relationships, and less stress. Matthew 18:21-35. 1. What Does the Bible Say About Gentleness? - It's about how we treat others, even when they don't treat us well. 9. What the Bible says about Gentleness - Bible Tools When we are gentle with our children, we model for them the way God treats uswith patience, understanding, and love. Note that the Catholic church includes a few additional fruits as part of tradition, listing 12: What Does It Really Mean That Your Body Is a Temple? The Fruit of the Holy Spirit What is joy? Colossians 3:20 (esv). For some, this might be a no-brainer. The opposite is "unbridled anger, harshness, brutality, and self-expression." ("Self-expression" is the picture of someone who struts and shows off.) When we are full of the Holy Spirit, we will have the fruit of gentleness in our lives. The opposite of temperance is self-indulgence. The Opposite of Peace Is? - The Prodigal Thought 9 Gentleness Antonyms. Full list of opposite words of gentleness. One definition comes from Ephesians 4:2 with all humility and gentleness. Another translation says, with all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering. The word for gentleness here means strength under control or power working itself out in love. As any parent knows, raising children can be a rewarding but challenging task. The Pharisees told Jesus that the Law of Moses commanded them to stone such a woman, to which Jesus responds, Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her (John 8:7). In Galatians, Ephesians, and Colossians the word is used in lists combined with things like humility as virtues and graces. We do this whenever we feel afraid of the future. The opposite of gentleness is: Rudeness, manipulation, or disrespect. The law cannot give us the strength to be gentle. It does not mean weakness, per se. It stands in contrast to baseness ( Deuteronomy 28:54 Deuteronomy 28:56 ), harshness ( 2 Sam 18:5 ), and wildness ( Job 41:3 ). 13:5) That means we need to recognize when our anger has run out of control and learn how to stop it before it gets out of hand. They are often areas where we carry deep wounds and trauma from our past. Far from dismissing gentleness, the Scriptures speak of gentleness as the way the kingdom of God "gets things done.". Gentleness also means that we are patient with those who disagree with us, because they may have valid reasons for their position or opinion. I'm Megan, and this is my creative space. When you do this you can then look for ways to meet those needs and truly help work through those feelings. This sandbox wisdom happens to be in agreement with the Bible. We who have the mind of Christ ought to also have at our core a gentleness of spirit. He was a rough man by trade, but when it came to leading men to Christ, he employed great gentleness. The Bible tells us that God is gentle and loving and that we should imitate His character in our own lives. Get Your Bible Minute in Your Inbox Every Morning. He was always willing to forgive those who had sinned against him and he always treated others with respect, no matter who they were. The fruit of the Spirit is gentleness. Talk to a trusted friend or counselor about the hurt youve experienced. It is the opposite of harshness and violence. He will still be gentle and lowly in heart. As directed toward God, meekness and humility require the following: I. It is described as a quiet spirit, will not harm a bruised reed the shield of your salvation. When we see it this way, we can begin to work toward becoming gentler. In doing so, we reflect the character of our Heavenly Father and demonstrate his love to the world. Baseness or wildness. It takes a strong person to be truly gentle. The Strength of Gentleness - Peaceful Wife Some view being gentle as weak. This is similar language to what Paul used in 1 Corinthians 4:21, when he contrasts gentleness with coming to them with a rod.. Meekness - Bible Tools God wants us to be gentle to others. Weekly Devotional: Fruit of the Spirit - Faithfulness - GCU Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good,to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and always to be gentle toward everyone (Titus 3:1-2). We're more likely to listen and understand others when we're gentle. After everyone left, Jesus did not condemn the woman, and said to her, Go now and leave your life of sin (John 8:11). Gentleness is getting something done. A soft Answer shows us Gods Gentleness and points us toward the tree of life. Ask God to help you see others the way He sees them as precious children made in His image. Gentleness isnt weakness; its not passive or submissive either. There are many who feel that this is one of the most important aspects of his life and teachings. These two qualities seem to go together. What Does It Mean That There Is No One Holy Like God? Cognate: 4240 prats (compare 4236 /prats, another feminine noun which is also derived from the root pra-, emphasizing the divine origin of the meekness) - meekness ("gentle strength") which expresses power with reserve and gentleness. But for me, it was quite revelatory. Gentleness is not weakness, but rather a powerful force for good in the world. Gentleness is one of the most important virtues in the Bible. People have been searching for this treasure for hundred of years. When Adam and Eve started out in the Garden of Eden, they had peace with God. In addition, it is important to acknowledge the ways in which God is gentle with us. When we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit. He does not keep record of our wrongs, but offers forgiveness if we come to Him. People who are gentle usually have a lot of inner peace and self-control. In the New Testament, the word does not appear in the Gospels or Acts though it does appear in root form in Matthew 5:5 to describe Jesus. And it is to those who are gentle and meek who will inherit the earththe gentle are the ones who receive Gods rescue. Gentleness on the other hand, deals with the way that one regards others. 2 Corinthians 10:1 uses the meekness and gentleness (kindness) of Christ as an example for his own pattern. Great damage has been done by Christians who have wielded God-given authority for their own ends instead of for the kingdom. Gentleness, also translated "meekness," does not mean weakness. When we celebrate leaders who get things done but do so in a way entirely contrary to Christ, we are tainting our hearts. It is amazing how ONE small act of kindness shown to our spouses can change the atmosphere of an entire day. Teddy Roosevelt said he thought it wise to speak softly and carry a big stick. Gentleness for many is synonymous with being quiet spoken, a pushover, and weak. Speak respectfully to everyone. I'm Christina, a mom of three who is passionate about helping Christian parents and caregivers tend to their children with the full character of Jesus, including his gentleness. Brothers and sisters, if someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the Spirit should restore that person gently. The Sinful Nature vs. the Fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5 People will see Jesus in us when we are gentle. The quality of gentleness is the opposite of harshness with others. You can find various definitions of gentleness online: A mildness of manners or disposition Sensitivity of disposition and kindness of behavior, founded on strength and prompted by love. In the Bible, gentleness is a virtue that many people are encouraged to develop. considerateness.5 The Interpreter's Bible says it is the opposite of hubris, the Greek word for haughty, boastful inso-lence.6 To try to understand gentleness further, let us go through the passages in the Bible where the Greek word prautes is used. In the 1960s, one man decided to use heavy equipment and bulldozers to move earth and get 100 feet below ground to access the treasure. We are to stand out from the crowd by being different. Why is it important for us to follow Gods example of gentleness? There are many benefits to being gentle, including happiness, better relationships, and less stress. January 15, 2016 by Lauren Abraham in [ Spiritual Life ] "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. A mildness of disposition or manner, thus the opposite of roughness or harshness. Article Images Copyright 2023 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. Why Gentleness Is So Important As a Christian, you demonstrate the Spirit at work in your life when you show gentleness. Weekly Devotional: Fruit of the Spirit - Gentleness | GCU Blogs When someone considers someone to have the quality of epiekes, they would say that this is a pleasurable person to be around. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.. When we receive a . In accord with the prophecy, he enters Jerusalem in gentleness and lowliness ( Matt 21:5 ). Gentle words wield great power ( Prov 15:1 ; 25:15 ). Its a quality of character. 8 Ways God's Gentleness Has a Huge Impact on Our Lives More insights from your Bible study - Get Started with Logos Bible Software for Free! Following Jesus' example, Paul treats his people gently, "like a mother caring for her little children" ( 1 Thess 2:7 ). An example of gentleness can be seen in John 8, when the Pharisees bring a woman who was caught in adultery to Jesus. Gentleness [N] Sensitivity of disposition and kindness of behavior, founded on strength and prompted by love. Advertisement What is the value of gentleness? To understand what gentleness looks like in practice, lets look at some examples from scripture: Gentleness is a fruit of the Holy Spirit (Gal. So lets all make a conscious effort to show a little more gentleness to our spouses today it just might make their day and ours! Its a way of dealing with people, yourself, and God. Gentle words are a tree of life; a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit (Proverbs 15:4). Gentleness is a Christian virtue to be used in every aspect of your life. How different things would have been if Paul had not shown such gentleness! Philippians 2:3). But why is gentleness such an important virtue? What the Bible is . Rather, it involves humility and thankfulness toward God, and polite, restrained behavior toward others. And these are the people whom I admire the most. Required fields are marked *. Gentleness - When we humble ourselves and remember that we too are sinners in need of forgiveness, it becomes easier to extend grace. Why is it important for Christians to be gentle? Ill be blunt and say that one of the best things you can do to grow in a spirit of gentleness would be to turn off the 24-hour news stations and talk radio. II Corinthians 10:1 refers to Christ's meekness ( prautes) and gentleness ( epieikeia) as separate virtues. Download This Fruit Of The Spirit Bible Verse For Your Phone. and with a gentleness or meekness in his life. Gentleness antonyms What is the opposite word for Gentleness? We are to exercise our spiritual strength in love. We will not be easily offended and will control our tempers. People should be able to see Christ in us because we are kind and gentle to others, even when they are not to us. There have always been arguments on whether it is an attribute to desire or avoid. If God were brutish, not a one of us could stand. The power of our words can be life-giving and diffuse a tense situation. After all, he was a man who was without sin and yet he showed great compassion and mercy towards others, even those who were sinners. Gentleness is one of the most important virtues in the Bible. God wants children to learn obedience to Him through their parents. When you follow the desires of your sinful nature, the results are very clear: sexual immorality, impurity, lustful pleasures, idolatry, sorcery, hostility, quarreling, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambition, dissension, division, envy, drunkenness, wild parties, and other sins like these. It is power over one's Spirit that exudes a meek and mild person like Jesus. 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One example is found in 1 Peter 3:4-5: But let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in Gods sight is very precious., Another example is found in Philippians 2:3-4: Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.. The Holy Spirit wants us to cultivate this fruit of gentleness in our lives. Gentleness is a fruit of the Spirit. Some argue that a gentleness is just as strong if not stronger as brute force. opposite of gentleness in the bible - Paul was a great example of this. Other faithful followers found this to be true (Job 29:22, 2 Timothy 2:25). Watch your tone so that what you have to say will be well received. This is why this grace is listed among the fruit of the Spirit. Furthermore, when we are gentle with our children, we help them to develop into well-rounded individuals who are able to navigate the challenges of life with grace and strength. It should not be seen as a weakness, but rather as a strength. Gentleness may be one of the greatest needs in our day. The good news is that Gentleness can be learned. Believers ensnared by sin must be restored gently ( Gal 6:1 ). Gentleness is not just a nice thing to be; its a fruit of the Holy Spirit. By practicing gentleness, we show others the love and kindness of God. You and those around you reap many benefits by prioritizing gentleness. Sensitivity of disposition and kindness of behavior, founded on strength and prompted by love. Practice patience and kindness in your everyday interactions with others. Your email address will not be published. Is It True That Gentleness Gets Nothing Done. It is power over one's Spirit that exudes a meek and mild person like Jesus. No Meekness Without Might: What We Learn from Christ's Gentleness A common misconception is that gentleness is weakness or passivity. Antonyms: drunkenness, excess, gluttony, greed, intemperance, intoxication, reveling, revelry, self-indulgence, sensuality, wantonness Synonyms: abstemiousness, abstinence, continence, fasting, frugality, moderation, self-denial, self-restraint, sobriety, temperance Preposition: The negative side of virtue is abstinence from vice. Father / Grandfather / Minister / Missionary / Deacon / Elder / Author / I get upset easily and raise my voice. If you want to make the world a better place, start by being gentle with others. It's the opposite of anger and harshness. Opposite of the quality of being kind, tender, or mild-mannered. Required fields are marked *. Your email address will not be published. It is displayed by Good Behavior and one of the fruits of the spirit, in the hidden person of the heart. What does gentleness mean? Explained by Sharing Culture By showing gentleness towards others, we are following in the footsteps of Jesus Christ and set an example for others to follow. This is why someone like Coco Chanel could say that gentleness doesnt get things done. harshness. How The Fruit Of The Spirit Changes Us - Woman of Noble Character The Fruit of the Holy Spirit What is gentleness? Gentleness is a fruit of the Holy Spirit. . Consider Galatians 5:23 which says that gentleness is part of the fruit (or evidence) of the Holy Spirit within us. Some of these people include Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., and Mother Teresa. If you want to make the world a better place, start by being gentle with others. He healed the sick, preached to the masses, and showed compassion to everyone he met. Throughout history, there have been many gentle people who have made a difference in the world. Notice especially controlled strength. Gentleness is power under control. Posted on Monday, May 17, 2021 by K-LOVE Pastors. Gentleness evidences itself in a willingness to yield, reminiscent of a lamb being led to slaughter ( Jer 11:19 ; cf. That means that if you want to be like Jesus, then gentleness should be one of your top priorities. The qualities to which gentleness is joined elucidate its setting and character. Its not a weakness, but a strength. 2. "Entry for 'GENTLENESS'". Gentleness In The Bible Definition - CHURCHGISTS.COM As you seek to grow more gentle, focusing on or memorizing these verses will strengthen you and help you be more successful. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website.

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opposite of gentleness in the bible
