Simon recalled Holly often telling her when he tried to cross boundaries that if she would "loosen up" and "have more fun" off the field, it could "help her on the field." Another member of the team said that LaHue paid special attention to this player and described instances in which she believed LaHue provided preferential treatment or sought to be close to the player. Using language drafted in part by Levine, Baird exchanged a few emails with Shim, and during one such exchange, Shim emphasized that given the League's inaction" in response to her 2015 complaint, she was concerned for current players; she requested confirmation that "these issues will be investigated and that appropriate corrective action will be taken to ensure that abusers are not permitted to coach in the NWSL." Some players said that they only realized that they were in emotionally abusive or manipulative environments after the fact. By the end of the 2021 season, multiple players who had participated in the meeting were traded, waived, or not re-signed. A. Shim had joined the Thorns during the NWSL's inaugural 2013 season, prior to Riley's hiring. The assertion of legal privilege over the investigation, and various communication breakdowns, had the effect of enabling Riley to continue coaching in the NWSL for years after the Thorns fired him, leaving Riley's players, who were not provided with any reason to be wary of him, vulnerable to further misconduct. Two prior leagues have." Alyse LaHue has overseen Sky Blue FC's successful debut at Red Bull Arena and has endeared herself . Some players reported that living in such close proximity to club staff, including their coaches, made them feel uncomfortable and contributed to a lack of boundaries between the personal lives of the players and club staff. U.S. Soccer's failure to exercise its power as manager in this regard contributed to widespread confusion across the League, clubs, and players, as to which entity was tasked with preventing and addressing misconduct. ALYSE LAHUE. In the 2015 player survey, several players made negative comments about Flash Head Coach Aaran Lines. In addition to the anti-racism and unconscious bias training and anti-harassment policy changes described above, the NWSL should take further steps to create a more inclusive environment for all players and staff, including players and staff of color and LGBTQIA+ players and staff. Levine claimed that Farrelly "withheld her experiences with Riley in 2015, and she asserted through her counsel that Farrelly and Shim consciously did not explain Farrelly's alleged sexual history" with Riley when they emailed the NWSL in 2021 as part of an effort to "gain leverage over the League." However, she noted that she had asked a female staff member for help, and that when this staff member came over to help, Harrington "was also there." Racing Louisville did not appropriately respond to players' reports about Holly's conduct as the club's head coach. Multiple players reported to the Joint Investigative Team that Holly had retaliated against them for raising concerns. Players from marginalized backgrounds, or with the least job security, were often targets of misconduct. We interview the founders, investors, technologists, and early stage employees who are part of today's entrepreneurial ecosystem. The NWSL's 2022 Anti-Harassment Policy contains this same language, and it further clarifies that the NWSL prohibits discriminatory and harassing conduct in any form, regardless of whether it rises to the level of a legal violation. The training should be engaging and interactive. These thematic findings form the basis for the recommendations set forth at the end of this Report. Another player said, "There's a time and a place for a good yell." For example, one staff member recalled hearing Holly call a Sky Blue player "lazy" and "dumb." Shim told the Joint Investigative Team she cried when Riley joined the Flash; she said she never wanted to see Riley again, and she was concerned for other players. They warned Predmore that he [needed] to double check on Benstiti's comments to Horan and noted that they were "flagging it for him. Though Shim had deleted many of the inappropriate communications she had received from Riley after Riley instructed her to do so, the report also included some text messages between Riley and Shim, some submitted to Garcia by Shim and some submitted by Riley. The Joint Investigative Team found no support for this conclusion, and the Thorns continue to assert attorney-client privilege over the advice they claim they received on this point. Another player As one player said regarding the owner of her team, He made it seem like his players were his kids-which, if you had the owner of the Knicks saying that to one of his players, that's weird. 26, c) Shim had told a teammate, Alex Morgan, about some of Riley's conduct and had consulted Morgan regarding reporting. IV. The Red Stars's, the Dash's, and the Current's handbooks stated generally that employees were required to comply with all NWSL rules and/or policies, but other handbooks did not reference compliance with any NWSL policies. 1. One player recalled her club expressing "over and over" in response to players' requests for improved conditions and more resources, "This is how it is. Harrington said the coaches got drinks from the bar, finished their drinks, and then "got out of there." Although the 16-month investigation found that Dames yelled excessively, targeted players, and behaved erratically, as a In spotlighting individuals accused of misconduct including former North Carolina Courage, Portland Thorns and Philadelphia Independence manger Paul Riley the report restates some things that have already been reported. This included withholding documents and other information related to an investigation U.S. Soccer conducted into reports of misconduct by Rory Dames for the better part of a year. Dames also texted certain players "all the time, including late at night. 11 The Thorns's policy similarly stated that remedial action will be taken "if the company determines that unlawful harassment has occurred, and it lists examples of "[p]rohibited unlawful harassment." The Joint Investigative Team also received credible reports of sexual misconduct by former Racing Louisville Head Coach Christy Holly, targeting player Erin Simon. Players and staff at the Red Stars said that the close relationship between Head Coach Rory Dames and club owner Arnim Whisler made them feel that raising complaints to ownership would be pointless. 56, conduct, LaHue persisted. The NWSL should consider consulting with the NWSLPA regarding how to best inform players about the results of such investigations in a manner that protects the confidentiality of players and other individuals who cooperated in the investigation. The summary also stated that the allegation was "credibly denied by Whisler," but he in fact did not explicitly deny the allegation. The next step for Alyse LaHue and Sky Blue FC: Finding a new home There were also multiple process failures during the USSF Dames Investigation, which left notable gaps in its fact-finding. Nor do I have any independent recollection of who, if anyone, at the USSF reviewed these surveys, if the USSF had any policy or practice regarding who must review them, what follow-up actions should be taken in response to the surveys, and/or what information was shared with the NWSL teams." The NWSL began the roll-out of training by the U.S. Center for SafeSport in January 2021. Players explained that this dynamic can be exacerbated for bench players or newer players who might not feel empowered to speak up, or who might feel that their position on the team is not sufficiently secure. LaHue's inappropriate messages continued even after the player told LaHue that it felt like LaHue was acting like a jealous girlfriend," and asked LaHue to "accept that we are working together and nothing more. The player explained that although she repeatedly pushed back against LaHue's inappropriate Pride leadership held a call with players and staff in which they were informed generally that some reports had been substantiated and some had not. Text messages between Whisler and Dames in the days following the complaint suggest that Levines approach to the investigation increased the risk of both retaliation against players and interference with the investigation. Another club staff member felt that Holly lost trust in the locker room" because of his romantic relationship. The player told Predmore she understood. One player who spoke up at the meeting and was subsequently traded shared that because she and other players spoke up, "[w]e all knew we were going to be traded." On August 11, 2021, The Washington Post reported that Spirit Head Coach Richie Burke had verbally and emotionally abused players. In written responses to the Joint Investigative Team, Plush stated that he told then-Sky Blue President and General Manager Tony Novo there were allegations of inappropriate conduct against Riley, encouraged Novo to reach out to the Thorns, and discouraged him from hiring Riley. Soccer." Another club's general manager noted a lack of clarity in whether the NWSL or clubs should be handling complaints from players. On October 6, 2021, NWSL teams returned to play for the first time since publication of the Athletic article. Neither the Flash nor the Courage-the NWSL clubs that employed Riley after he was terminated from the Thorns-received a copy of the Thorns's 2015 investigative report detailing Riley's misconduct. Club anti-harassment policies generally provided reporting channels for employees who believe they were subjected to or witnessed discrimination or harassment; however, none of these policies listed the NWSL HR Office as a reporting channel. I don't want her anywhere around the team." The investigation was conducted in a trauma-informed, survivor-centered manner, respecting the empowerment, autonomy, and physical and mental wellbeing of any individual impacted by inappropriate conduct. Throughout Dames's tenure as head coach of the Red Stars, owner Arnim Whisler minimized and dismissed players' concerns that Dames was verbally and emotionally abusive. Background checks, reputational checks, and other forms of vetting are not an infallible defense against coaches or staff who engage in misconduct. 93, In one case, an individual designated to receive player complaints was accused of misconduct, leaving players feeling as though they had no recourse to report those individuals. The same player said that Holly told her she should send a photo to someone she had planned to meet for a date but who did not show up for the date. The report itself did not include or reference any finding about the lawfulness of Riley's conduct. Please sign in below. Mental Health First Aid training teaches participants how to reach out and provide initial help and support to someone who may be developing a mental health or substance use problem or who may be experiencing a mental health crisis. In early January 2018, a prospective purchaser of a club reached out to the League's Managing Director Amanda Duffy with concerns about relationships of this type. One player recalled Riley repeatedly calling a teammate that he considered chubby "Chips" in front of the entire team. Players Lacked Clear Guidance Regarding What Constituted Misconduct . 7. This appears to be in part due to uncertainty surrounding which entity or entities bore responsibility for developing policies of this nature. Before the next season, certain players who had participated in the meeting or raised concerns about Williams were traded, waived, or not re-signed. One player also recalled that while Burke hired a sports psychologist to work with the players, Burke thought there was something wrong with the players and said the players were "all headcases." Reports of Retaliation for Complaints of Misconduct According to the staff member, Predmore said the Benstiti weight-shaming issue was a cultural thing and that he "worked on it." Even before the Athletic article detailing Riley's misconduct was published, two Courage players had made complaints-one directly to the NWSL and one to the Courage (which was later reported to the NWSL)-that Riley had made inappropriate comments about players' weight and that he had required a player to report her weight to him daily for more than two months. According to multiple interviewees, Clarkson did not allow the players to address the accusation that they had been drinking and told them, Cameras don't lie." In the early stages of the investigation, the Joint Investigative Team interviewed seven current and former players who described Clarkson as volatile, verbally abusive, and as not showing appropriate regard for players' wellbeing. 5. Where necessary to protect the integrity of the investigation, the Joint Investigative Team recommended temporary suspensions of certain individuals pending the conclusion of the Joint Investigative Team's review. Kurtz said she cried on the phone, telling Hammond that her request was not about playing time-she said she did not feel comfortable being around Riley and told Hammond that Riley had called her chubby." N.W.S.L. Bans Ex-Coaches and Fines Teams After Misconduct Report - The For example, individuals affiliated with U.S. Soccer denied that U.S. Soccer operated in a managerial role, despite the terms of the Management Agreement. These player survey results had already been shared with Dan Flynn and Sunil Gulati at U.S. Soccer. Another player recalled being hesitant to participate in prior investigations out of fear that her participation could be traced back to her and shared with club owners, the coach, or others. The Joint Investigative Team asked Harrington for his cell phone records, with call and text details, for the month in question. Hendrix said Simon shared Holly's comment with her, and Holly's "nonchalant response to Simon asking him to stop touching her made them wonder if he was "doing something to someone else." Even where clubs did conduct background checks, the checks were in many cases narrow and limited to reviewing only a candidate's criminal history. It looks like I'm going to have to do that again." Holly then declined to speak to the Joint Investigative Team. In the fall of 2022, Kurtz decided to share Riley's misconduct with the Joint Investigative Team. Dames's conduct was also often personal. F. In his interview with the Joint Investigative Team, Clarkson exhibited a lack of candor. On A. Numerous players reported that they experienced mental health challenges due to toxic and abusive working environments created by coaches' behavior and treatment of players. In text messages, LaHue also expressed an emotional reliance on the player and repeatedly questioned the player's interactions with another individual, stating in one message, [Y]ou knew I'd be mad about you talking to [her] so long. Hendrix also said that reporting to the NWSL did not seem like an option, and that she and Simon were afraid that because they were not highprofile players, their word would not be valued and weighted as much as Holly's. In those moments, she said she "just wanted to yell, 'Stop, they're not okay." C. When Baird asked Levine if they should meet with Farrelly, Levine replied that they should email Farrelly first. 8. Third, Dames made personal insults, and the summary stated, these comments in a professional environment are concerning." Consistent with the CBA, the NWSL should require coaches to adhere to medical staff's decisions for a player to train, play, or return to play. Other club policies did not address supervisor or manager obligations to elevate complaints to anyone. The Joint Investigative Team also reviewed emails, text messages, and other documents, including materials that were not reviewed during the 2015 Thorns Investigation. At a team meeting the next day, players observed that Clarkson was visibly angry as he reprimanded the team at length, calling them selfish, disrespectful, and unprofessional by going out drinking prior to a game. 1, systemic issues that contributed to, and were perpetuated by, those instances of misconduct. While Gotham's July 2021 announcement of General Manager Alyse LaHue's termination specified that LaHue had violated "League policy," it did not specify that she had violated the League's prohibition of harassment. The player explained that although she repeatedly pushed back against LaHues inappropriate conduct, LaHue persisted, the investigations report said. The report makes a number of suggestions on guidelines that can create this stability moving forward for the league. And after players reported concerns about Aaran Lines through the NWSL's player survey, the club removed him from his coaching position and installed him in the front office. In certain instances, these coaches justified their behavior by relying on the rationale that the behavior was "cultural" or by doubling down on claims that their behavior was oriented around fitness. At that time, Levine provided Duffy a copy of the Thorns's 2015 investigative report, as well as supporting texts and emails. Multiple individuals confirmed that Benstiti addressed the players to criticize their diets and weight. She was. It's not just this team. The statement called on the NWSL to (i) open an independent investigation into the issues described by The Athletic; (ii) suspend any staff accused of violating the anti-harassment policy; and (iii) disclose how Riley was hired within the NWSL after leaving another club following an investigation into his misconduct. Following the September 30, 2021, publication of the Athletic article detailing allegations against Courage Head Coach Paul Riley, the NWSLPA released a statement announcing that players would "no longer be complicit in a culture of silence that has enabled abuse and exploitation in [the League] and in [soccer]." When Holly was let go-not for his mistreatment of players but for a reported relationship with a player-Sky Blue publicly framed Holly's departure as a mutual agreement, did not acknowledge Holly's misconduct, and expressed gratitude towards him. For example, one former player explained, If I don't cover my man and they score, that might warrant screaming." One player, who was vocal about racial equity, told the Joint Investigative Team that Burke and an assistant coach pressured her to leave her "blackness off the field" and discouraged her activism. Holly stepped down as coach of Sky Blue during the 2017 season, and Simon was waived by Sky Blue in 2018. One player recalled that Riley hosted a similar trip for Flash players at his Long Island property when he later coached that club. The report summary further included the finding that [w]hile a few players described their belief that Dames inappropriately shares personal information they all appeared to be referring to the [same] incident." Holly then pulled down his pants and began masturbating in front of her. Covington and Weil (collectively, the "Joint Investigative Team) reviewed all reports indicating that a person in a position of power in the NWSL or one of its member clubs engaged in or facilitated inappropriate conduct towards NWSL players, including discrimination, harassment, sexual, physical, or emotional abuse, and retaliation related to such reports. . It provides a successful (albeit anonymous) example of this working in late 2021. The League also suspended former Utah Royals coach Craig Harrington and former Gotham FC general manager Alyse LaHue for at least two years on Monday. He began by making dirty or sexual jokes; however, his behavior escalated. Plush eventually resigned as CEO of USA Curling nearly a month after the Yates report detailed his inaction and culpability in allowing Riley to continue coaching in the NWSL following Riley's 2015 sexual misconduct in Portland. In particular, the Joint Investigative Team did not receive a copy of Dames's separation agreement from the Red Stars until the end of this investigation, after the publication of the USSF Report. Club policies only listed club personnelincluding supervisors, club presidents, other members of club management, and club HR departments-as potential reporting channels. "This process is the culmination of a wide-ranging collaboration among our fans, players, front office, and owners" said General Manager Alyse LaHue. It acknowledged that the League had a "need to know," and that an "allegation that a head coach has acted inappropriately toward a player is obviously of concern to the League." The Joint Investigative Team understands that the staff member did not remain with the club after members of the NWSL office shared with the club that the coach was known in the soccer community to be abusive. However, this position appears inconsistent with the email from the Thorns's counsel transmitting the Riley report to the League, which Plush received and which did not place any restrictions on the League. Holly also told Simon on more than one occasion that he wanted to have a threesome with her and another former player, and he would refer to it as "the most epic threesome. Holly also sent Simon inappropriate messages on Snapchat, including a photo of him lying on his bed in boxers The Joint Investigative Team also found numerous deficiencies in the 2015 Thorns Investigation and subsequent communications by the Thorns, the NWSL, and U.S. Soccer about Riley's misconduct. One player described Holly screaming at a player during a game, only to bring her into a meeting after the game in which he cried and told her that she was his favorite player. It was hopeless." The Joint Investigative Team recommended temporary suspensions only where it had a factual basis to believe that interim action was warranted to protect players from imminent harm, prevent retaliation, or prevent interference with the investigation. By June 26, 2018, Levine had transferred her records of the short NWSL investigation to NWSL staff responsible for reviewing player survey results were not trained on how to handle player survey responses suggesting misconduct against players. A player for the Courage said Riley "would ask [her] to dinner in a "very casual way." In March 2021, days after Baird received a letter from 240 NWSL players urging the NWSL to adopt an anti-harassment policy, Shim emailed Baird indicating that she believed the League had failed to take any action to protect players in response" to her 2015 complaint about Riley. This incident was corroborated by both players and staff members. Confusion Over the Role of SafeSport On one occasion at his house, Holly grabbed Simon's breasts while Pearce Rampone was present but had her back turned. The Yates report made note of teams and individuals who did not cooperate, including the Portland Thorns, Chicago Red Stars, and Racing Louisville FC. Why not adjust? On another occasion, after the detention of WNBA player Brittney Griner and Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Clarkson approved conveying to a player's agent a contract offer from a Russian club, without acknowledging or showing sensitivity to the risks that would accompany playing in Russia. 102, directives were inconsistent with sports medicine best practices; for example, players reported that Pauw discouraged them from eating fruit because of its sugar content. Before retaining Riley, the Courage spoke to numerous people who knew Riley. 36, findings about Riley's inappropriate behavior beyond that night. She "played poorly" that day, and after the game, Dames told her she would return with the team to Chicago. The Joint Investigative Team found that the underlying culture of the NWSL created fertile ground for misconduct to go unreported. Rather than removing Dames, reprimanding him, or initiating an investigation into players' allegations of abuse, Whisler continually defended Dames and expressed suspicion about players' motives for raising concerns. Sign in to your account. She recalled thinking that now that he was the head coach for her team-and therefore her boss-the inappropriate behavior might stop. However, according to the report, three players had "provide[d] specific examples" of this behavior. A few hours after the report was released, LaHues lawyer, Kelly Hoffman, issued a statement. Indeed, the report notes at the outset: "Misconduct in the League is not wholly independent from abuse that begins in youth soccer, where many coaches' and players' formative experiences shaped the way they engaged in, or reacted to, misconduct and abuse in the NWSL. 3. According to the course description, this course trains medical staff on how to "[r]ecognize types and signs of abuse and misconduct, [c]reate safer, abusepreventative spaces and policies for training and treatment, [r]espond to abuse and disclosures and recognize barriers to reporting, [i]ncorporate a trauma-informed approach into [their] practice," "[s]afely reintegrate athletes who have been harmed back into sport," and "[c]reate and promote a culture that prioritizes athlete safety." Reflecting on the prevalence of player-staff relationships, one player asked, "Has the policy changed? Players reported that Spirit Head Coach Richie Burke used racial epithets, made jokes about race and ethnicity, and undermined activism on issues of race. Players sometimes reported misconduct through player surveys conducted by the NWSL, even though the surveys were not specifically intended to capture this information.

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