We are currently accepting applications for Senior and Intermediate Membership categories. The recipient shall have demonstrated characteristics of: Academic achievement and/or honor student; good citizenship and service to others; leadership; and an attitude of co-operation at the . Golf and Social Members have access to the Swimming Pool Complex In 2021 the Northeastern Pennsylvania Health Care Foundation announced the opening of its Careers in Care Nursing Scholarship application, established through the Scranton Area Community Foundation. Course Lists; Passport Program; Robert Trent Jones. Country Club of Scranton Memberships 18-hole (Private) Website: www.ccscranton.com View Images The Club Membership View membership details for further information. Letters of recommendation are required when applying. Box 269 No. WEEKEND (Friday - Sunday) The scholarship shall be presented annually to a student matriculating in the practical nursing program at the Career Technology Center of Lackawanna County. Application:Johnson College Financial Aid Office. We strive to have the most current information on our site, but consumers should inquire with the relevant financial institution if they have any questions, including eligibility to buy financial products. One graduating senior from North Pocono School District and Two graduating seniors from any Lackawanna County High School. Your guests will enjoy panoramic views of Lake Winola. Must have the proven ability to participate at a college level in at least one of the following three sports: basketball, football or baseball. Monthly: $430. Application:Scranton Area Community Foundation Website/ Scholarship America Portal, James M. Akens North Pocono Athletic Trust Fund. Application:Riverside Jr./Sr. The table below outlines the average cost by day and course length. 18-Hole Rate $50.00 plus Cart the scholarship. 75% of the scholarships are to be for students attending local colleges. In general, though, expect an average price between $700 and $25,000 for initial fees and then monthly rates on top of that, which will vary from around $70 all the way up to over $1,500 per month. Experience Pennsylvania golf at its finest. Learn More. Application:North Pocono High School Guidance Department, Jane H. Rushmore Memorial Nursing Scholarship Fund. Aside from the obvious appeal to avid golf enthusiasts, golf club memberships are often viewed as status symbols or even investments. Privacy Policy | Terms of Use. Dining $1,000 3 Installments Heated Swimming Pool with Seasonal Poolside Service. Similarly, memberships with earlier expirations or simpler benefits are also cheaper, such as Orchard Country Club's Silver 2023 plan at S$5,000. Meanwhile, courses with land leases that expire in the next few years are also more affordable, like Keppel Club (S$17,000), which lease expires in 2021. The Alexis Caviston-Ashmar Memorial Scholarship Award is intended to support a graduating senior from Scranton High School who is a member of the Scranton High School Knight Rhythms and intends to pursue a degree in healthcare. Member only programs. Junior League of Scranton Scholarship Fund. Scranton , PA 18508. Scotty Cummings Perry Special Ed Scholarship Fund. Fitness Center & Massage Therapy. Questions about applying for a scholarship? A graduating senior at Lackawanna Trail High School who is matriculating at a college, university or business school. A panel of teachers, guidance counselors and staff of Abington Heights High School will send recommendations to the Scranton Area Community Foundations Scholarship Committee who ultimately choose the recipient. This scholarship will be forfeited if not used within 4 consecutive years. Today, within an hour's drive of Boston, there are almost three dozen country clubs that Gary Larrabee, a historian of local country clubs, designates as "five-star," which is to say,. Upgrade to a Health Club Membership and also receive the following amenities: Towel service. The Pool complex also contains a fifty foot twisted water slide. 2022 Guest Fees Off-Season - (January 1 - March 31) 18-Hole Rate $50.00 includes Cart Family Rates include: Father, Mother; Grandfather, Grandmother; Son, Daughter; Grandson, Granddaughter; Brother, Sister. Pre-Season - (April 1 - May 14) A Senior Student at University of Scranton who has been accepted and will matriculate at an accredited school of dentistry in the coming school year. Within 50 Miles of Mountain Lake Apartments. The proper forms showing the expected family contribution (EFC) must be included. Much of the first clubhouse was destroyed by fire in 1907. The Congressional opened in 1924, and its Blue Course has hosted five major championships. 41-45 $4,800 $480.00 Renewal is contingent upon satisfactory academic performance (as determined by the school) in a full-time course of study. With the Dragons in 2022, Rece earned the Reds Minor League Player of the Month Award for May. Amount: Varies depending on tuition cost up to $12,000. When making your decision, keep in mind the following factors: We estimate that the average price of a golf club membership (assuming customer type is a local individual) in Singapore in 2020 is about S$77,654, a S$10,231 increase from the year before. The student must be a Lackawanna County resident, be interested in pursuing primary care medicine, practicing medicine in Northeastern PA upon graduation, demonstrate financial need, and demonstrate evidence of past leadership in community service and/or service to others. 9-Hole Guest Rates are available anytime during the Season! 3. Financial need is not a stated criteria, but may be considered in selecting a candidate for the scholarship. MEMBERSHIP POLICY: No restrictions on membership, and no stated policy on minorities. Directions Montdale Country Club ($$$) 3.6 Stars - 13 Votes Select a Rating! Pool parties are always a hit and are held within The Party Zone. It is important to keep in mind that prices vary significantly by the club's offerings. Yardley Country Club is a fun and rewarding course for all ages and levels of ability, offering great playing conditions, with some of the best putting surfaces in the region. 18-Hole Cart Fee $26.00 per person Must be a female or female-identified high school senior from Lackawanna, Luzerne, Pike, Susquehanna, Wayne or Wyoming counties pursuing a post-secondary school education. Smith, E.B. Explore Membership. -Top 100 Ranked Course in USA.. As one of the first ever golf and country clubs in the US, The Country Club is extremely exclusive and private, and as such, detailed information about membership isn't published by the club as a matter of policy. The guidance counselors at Valley View High School select the recipient. The scholarship awards include: Felins Family Marching Band Scholarship Award, Felins Family Science Olympiad Scholarship Awards, Application:North Pocono Guidance Office. Lois Marks Hausman Memorial Fund is a scholarship fund established to support a female graduating senior at Scranton High School who will be pursuing a degree at a four year college or university and will be a first generation college student. If the course isn't well maintained, that may also be indicative of other budgetary concerns you should ask about before joining.. 6) Do you have to walk, ride, or take a caddie? A graduating senior from Mountain View High School, Montrose High School, Elk Lake High School or Lackawanna Trail High School. The high schools the student attends can be public, private, charter, cyber or other accredited institutions. Must demonstrate academic achievement and/or be an honor student. A great way to get the most of our your golf club membership is to combine it with market-leading credit cards offering perks for avid golfers! Applicant must have a grade point average in his or her academic school career that shall not be below the average grade point average of his or her class, and said average must have been maintained during his or her entire high school career. In 1983, it would be revised and updated by Geoffrey Cornish and Brian Silva, but the routing is still essentially that of Walter Travis. Chosen from graduating seniors at Scranton High School and West Scranton High School attending a college or university who demonstrate good citizenship and community service to others. The award will be granted to the student who by academic standards, character, high school and college activities, evidences greatest promise for dedicated professionalism, humanitarian concerns, social welfare service, and a quality of leadership. Graduating Senior from Valley View School District. Some of the funds help students from a particular school or area; others provide financial assistance to those pursuing a specific field of study, and some assist students that are most in need. For example, many offer fitness centers, tennis courts and swimming pools. A New York City architect, L.C. Membership The Country Club of Scranton is a private club for the exclusive use of its members and their guests. The recipient is selected by the faculty of the Practical Nursing Program using following general guidelines. The records for the first two decades of the century are, at best, sketchy. Application:Johnson College selects recipient, John R. and Maureen J. Pesavento Keystone College Scholarship Fund, A graduate of a high school in Lackawanna County who is enrolled full time at Keystone College. The Great Book of . This scholarship will be renewable for (4) years to maintain educational support for the student through 4 years of their undergraduate degree, provided the recipient maintains a minimum of a 2.0 GPA. During their season, our Pool and Halfway House offer menus tailored to their clientele. That's a lot of money. Family 9-Hole Rate $15.00 includes Cart But it was promptly rebuilt to the original plans. The total expense of course and clubhouse was $481,659. The recipient is selected by the faculty of the Practical Nursing Program using following general guidelines. The Snack Bar is open seasonally during pool operational hours, and offers a variety of family-friendly snacks and candies for poolside enjoyment. Neal J. Fasula Scholarships fund is a scholarship fund at the Scranton Area Community Foundation established on December 30, 2003. It offers a secluded setting ideal for business meetings and small gatherings. Waverly Womens Club Mildred Mumford English Scholarship Award Fund. On top of the initial cost of joining a country club, golf clubs tend to charge a monthly membership fee. Club 1897 - Exclusive Member Beverage Program for 2023 - Join Today! Any person 21 years or older is eligible for election to non-resident membership. Clarks Summit, PA 18411. Financial need is not a stated criterion, but may be considered in selecting a candidate for the scholarship. Intermediate, Legacy And Junior Golf To qualify for this award, a student, or their parents, must have worked at Gerritys Supermarket OR Gerritys Ace Hardware for a minimum of 750 hours. Evidence of community involvement and service to others is required. To qualify for a Careers in Care Nursing Scholarship, individuals must show they have had a permanent address in Lackawanna, Luzerne, or Wyoming County for the last three years. Must be a graduating senior from North Pocono High School with the intention to pursue a college degree. Phone (801) 226-1736 | Facebook, opens in new window . Established in December 2021 by Carol Kuzmick, the Harry and Carol Kuzmick Scholarship Fund supports students from Northeastern Pennsylvania who are or will be attending accredited colleges and universities. About Us We've got the keys to your success. Moosic, PA 18507. 1) The Bridges Club at Rancho Santa Fe. The club has an 18-hole golf course designed by Robert Trent Jones II. Robertson, president; J. Benjamin Dimmick, vice president; A.G. Hunt, treasurer; and J.W. Annually: $4,320. Preference given to 1st generation in his/her family to attend a post-secondary school. "I've been to Scranton Country Club on two occasions for Thanksgiving dinner (guest). A wide variety of exclusive social events are offered to the membership throughout the year. Scholarship available to 20 Graduating Seniors from Lackawanna County High Schools. 9-Hole Walking Fee $8.00 per person 9-Hole Pull Cart Fee $13.00 per person (All pricing is per person. Amount:Varies depending on tuition cost up to $12,000. Academic achievement and/or honor student; good citizenship and service to others; leadership; and an attitude of co-operation at the Country Club of Scranton. A committee comprised of the principal, head football coach, head male and female basketball coaches, head baseball coach and head softball coach shall make the selection from those students who meet the above qualifications. Application:Nomination forms may be found at the SCC management office, Sarah Beth Beynon Memorial Scholarship Fund. Country Club of Scranton Clarks Summitt, PA Tee: Temporary (1,800 - Par 72) Profile Scorecard Directions Tour Course Description The Country Club of Scranton's golf course has been affectionately referred to as the "Jewel of Northeastern Pennsylvania," and Bob Ford, Head Golf Professional at Oakmont Country Club, once was quoted. (All pricing is per person. A female graduating senior from Pittston Area High School. All Rights Reserved. and participation in music training or activities. Additionally we estimate that the typical subscription fee at these clubs is about S$125 for a family and S$106 for an individual. Application:Dunmore High School Guidance Department. 18-Hole Rate $60.00 plus Cart 4. Scranton Central High School Alumni Scholarship Fund. In 1902, it was enlarged and additional buildings were constructed at a total cost of $18,532. 26-30 $3,750 $375.00. 21-25 $3,250 $325.00 Can be requested by making arrangements with the Starters Office. Students should demonstrate characteristics of: Academic achievement and/or honor student; Good citizenship/service to others; and Leadership. 18-Hole Pull Cart Fee $18.00 per person, 9-Hole Cart Fee $15.00 per person The United One Scholarship Award is intended to support a graduating senior from Lackawanna or Luzerne county who will be pursuing an advanced educational degree. The Country Club of Scranton offers a variety of dining options to our membership. Available to two students from a Lackawanna County high school who are attending Lackawanna College. Required to be a Boy or Girl Scout. Nothing is known today about the original golf course other than that it had 18 holes and was only 4,273 yards long. Initiation Fee Price Range: Call for Details Monthly Dues Price Range: Call for Details Description Other factors to consider are the facilities offered by the club in case you plan on coming with family, the club's location and its membership size. These scholarships shall be presented annually to qualified seniors from any high school in Lackawanna County for regular courses of study in a nursing program, or in a related field of study, at a college or university. The Careers in Care Nursing Scholarship Program is intended for students who plan to pursue or who are pursuing nursing and who will practice in Northeastern Pennsylvania. Preference will be given to a previous/present member of the All-Star team for Lackawanna League or the Wyoming Valley Conference. However, this does not affect our recommendations or advice, which are grounded in thousands of hours of research. Country Club of Scranton (Old) Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania 95 4 5.5 05 Fox Chapel Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 98 5 5 06 Philadelphia Cricket Club (Wissahickon) Flourtown, Pennsylvania 6 5 07 Lancaster (Meadowcreek & Dogwood) Lancaster, Pennsylvania 7 5 08 Huntingdon Valley (Toomey & Flynn) Pennsylvania, United States 8 4.5 09 Lehigh Family 18-Hole Rate $40.00 plus Cart Nontraditional students or those looking to go back to school to obtain a nursing degree may also apply. As was the case in the sale of most other unmined coal lands, this one carried with it an important qualifier: for a period of 50 years, upon 18 months written notice and repayment of the purchase price, the Pennsylvania Coal Company could repossess the land in order to mine the underlying coal. High School (CAHS) with an annual scholarship. The academic achievement (40th or 50th percentile), good citizenship and service to others, and leadership. The Scranton Area Community Foundation Scholarship Committee chooses the awardee. Other courses can make up for design deficiencies by having a well-maintained course and great experience. 18-Hole Rate $50.00 includes Cart Pro Shop: (717) 843-9303. Inspired by our Catholic and Jesuit mission, this is a rigorous education designed for personal and professional success. Still, the Country Club of Scranton somehow clung to life. We analysed the greens fees based on data from the club's websites. To request membership information: Call Brian Meador at 910-235-8081 to begin the application process. Eligible students must be a graduating senior that will pursue a post-secondary education, or a currently matriculating student already so enrolled; living in Lackawanna or Wyoming county; and pursuing a degree or certificate in environmental sciences or a related field. Applicants must also provide two (2) Letters of Recommendation from at least one teacher and one from a supervisor, if the applicant has worked/volunteered. The Dunmore High School guidance department selects the recipient. Financial need is not a stated criterion, and will not be considered in selecting a candidate for the scholarship. Can be requested by making arrangements with the Starters Office. WEEKDAY (Monday - Thursday) Every aspect of our Club is designed to provide members a sanctuary away from the stress of daily life, powered by a vibrant .