c. have numerous predators that cause an increase in the number of predators In the east, you can see the remaining cold anomalies. In fact, the North Atlantic Ocean tends to be the saltiest, much more than the Pacific. d. tropical rain forests However, it is an important job considering that these waters affect Earths climate, as well as habitats for plants and animals, even on land. Which of the following is NOT a property of water? Water flows in a circular pattern--clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere, and counterclockwise in the Southern Hemisphere. e. Thermosphere, Convergent plate boundaries between two continental plates produce c. a fly that is fuzzy and brown like a bumble bee d. water vapor To test that hypothesis, Xies team turned to a climate model of all the worlds oceans. c. is an indirect form of solar energy Heat makes water lighter, or less dense. The image below shows the characteristic surface currents of the ocean. For media enquiries, please contact our corporate media office. All this heating and cooling and melting and thawing creates a layered ocean: warmer fresher water on top, cold salty water at the bottom. The typical monsoon season in the Eastern Pacific is reduced, and sometimes there are droughts e. Small isolated islands provide opportunities for a greater diversity of species. On average, the temperate deciduous forest remains above freezing throughout the year b. proteins Learn more in these real-world examples, and challenge yourself toconstruct a modelthat explains the Earth system relationships. And so we tend to see the sinking water at the poles, the water rising back up at the equator, and if you connect the two together, what you have is an overturning that is deep in the ocean. b. all species of poison arrow frogs have vivid coloration with black markings b. human exponential growth b. sedimentary e. Nitrous oxide. This process is known as upwelling. It occurs along the coasts, as well as in the open ocean. c. cooler average summer temperatures c. Thermosphere b. overfishing in a privately owned lake, greatly reducing its biodiversity In fact, it is the densest ocean water on Earth! However, the building energy mitigation measures reduce the mean to 31 C and 31.8 C with a reduction potential of 2.3 C and 1.5 C for 2050 and 2100, respectively. d. engage in mutualistic relationships with native species For example, the Gulf Stream in the Atlantic Ocean brings heat from near the equator to Europe, making it much warmer than other areas at similar latitudes. They contribute to the balance within an ecosystem That is why it is easier to float in the ocean than in a fresh-water swimming pool or lake, and fresh water floats on top of salty ocean water. a. circulates heat c. nitrates from detergents, primarily d. Sulfur and carbon cycles Click the icons and bolded terms (e.g. d. low, but the large expanse of oceans supports enormous numbers of producers such as phytoplankton e. Exosphere, Primary productivity is highest in which of the following ecosystems? e. Divergent, The "lesson" of Easter Island was that Surface oceanic circulation results most directly in the. These winds help the atmosphere and ocean to move heat around the world. d. warm temperatures, acid precipitation, and occasional wildfires e. weathering of parent material, freezing/thawing, and growth of tree roots, Which cycle have humans disrupted by burning coal and extracting metals from rock that contains large amounts of this element? One big part of the oceans role is to soak up energy (heat) and distribute it more evenly around the Earth. e. Use of treated municipal sewage water for irrigation, Plate tectonics is the process that can affect surface oceanic circulation results most directly in the; surface oceanic circulation results most directly in the. e. transports moisture and weather, All of the following are adaptations of a desert animal EXCEPT So to answer the first part of your question, technically yes, but the surface is less dense by such a small amount that it can be considered a negligible difference. c. formerly large habitats are reduced to many small fragments Exotic species damage ecosystems because they Which of the following is true of the Ogallala aquifer? a. number of species c. Northern coniferous forest receives most of its precipitation in the form of snow in winter ocean currents flow at the surface; others flow deep within water.. If you wanted to determine if a resource was being used in a sustainable way, which of the following data would you analyze? b. high and thus can support a high proportion of producers Ocean water is constantly evaporating, increasing the temperature and humidity of the surrounding air to form rain and storms that are then carried by trade winds. Most of the sunlight absorbed by water on Earths surface gets stored in our oceans as heat, and heat from the atmosphere is also absorbed by the ocean, which increases the oceans temperature. Xie and his colleagues also realized that, in shallower layers, currents would naturally have to speed up: In effect, the winds were pushing the same amount of water through a narrower pipe. . Surface currents occur within the mixing zone. Earth system models about ocean circulation, How human activities influence ocean circulation, Global change drove the evolution of giants. d. precipitation e. simple sugars, A resource that can be replaced in a human lifetime is known as a b. Why or why not? a. Currents, like winds in the atmosphere, do not move in straight lines because of the spin of the Earth, which causes the Coriolis effect. b. open ocean Large masses of water that move together, called ocean currents, transport heat, marine organisms, nutrients, dissolved gasses such as carbon dioxide and oxygen, and pollutants all over the world. e. Methane, A modern day example of the "tragedy of the commons" would be b. For which of the following reasons do small isolated islands have a greater rate of species extinction than larger, less isolated islands? which best describe chlorofluorocarbons (cfcs), volcanic eruptions release them into the atmosphere , they were targeted for banning in 1987 as a part of the Montreal Protocol, which of the following best describes the mechanism of the greenhouse effect in the earth's atmosphere, infrared radiation from the earth's surface is absorbed by gases in the atmosphere, which of the following greenhouse gases does not exist naturally, increasing the amount of greenhouse gases in the troposphere will reduce heat radiated back to space in the form of, which of the following energy sources is a chief contributor to greenhouse gas emissions as well as increasing environmental mobility of mercury, which of the following molecules is not considered a greenhouse gas, which best describe the impact of atmospheric carbon dioxide and stratospheric aerosols, both carbon dioxide and aerosols contribute to global warming, Anthropogenic water vapor does not contribute significantly to global warming because, water vapor has a short residence time in the atmosphere, Terrestial biomes vary in net primary productivity due to, the suns radiation provides the energy for, plant growth, ocean currents, hurricanes, and plate tectonics, phytoplankton are most abundant in the upper few hundred feet of most bodies of water because, sunlight does not penetrate to great depths in water. Climate and ecosystems everywhere on Earth, even those far from the ocean, are affected by the ocean circulation. Integrated from the surface to different indicated depths in the global ocean (A), the Atlantic (B), the Pacific (C), the Southern Ocean (D), and the Indian Ocean (E).Shown is the 12-month running mean deviation from the climatological mean (1970 to 2012) for each layer, so attention should not be focused on the absolute distance between the curves but should be on their relative changes in time. d. igneous Seafloor spreading happens when two oceanic plates diverge, forming a crack where magma oozes up, which creates a mid ocean ridge. For example, warm salt water might float on colder, less salty water. d. Radon Atoms can neither be created nor destroyed in a physical or chemical reaction c. tropical vortex effect Surface winds, waves, and currents mix and distribute the heat throughout this layer therefore the depth of the mixed layer can change with the seasons. San Andreas Fault in California, Ap Environmental Science - Plate Tectonics SA, AP Environmental Science Self Check: 4.6-4.9. Thermohaline circulation (THC) is a part of the large-scale ocean circulation that is driven by global density gradients created by surface heat and freshwater fluxes. Some of this water gets so cold that it freezes, leaving its salt behind in the remaining water, further increasing the density of this water. It can take a thousand years for water from the North Atlantic to find its way into the North Pacific. e. Saltwater intrusion, During an El Nino-Southern Oscillation event, which of the following best describes conditions in the eastern part of the tropical Pacific Ocean (e.g., near Peru and Ecuador)? Soil D d. Carbon dioxide is released during photosynthesis c. desert -> savanna -> scrubland -> tropical forest a. The ocean also has deep underwater currents. 6 & 9 In this study, the oceanic responses to given atmospheric boundary conditions are investigated using a mesoscale ocean circulation model. The highest concentration of naturally occurring ozone forms in this layer. c. promotes eutrophication when agricultural practices allow it to get into waterways e. Stratosphere, According to the climate graphs below all of the following are true EXCEPT: e. desert, When logging is carried out in a watershed, a likely effect on the local streams is e. ocean ridges, Wind Surface Currents -- Surface Circulation. The simplified map in Fig. 2 ). When two continental plates diverge, rifts/valleys and volcanoes are formed. How does the sedimentary rock shale turn into slate? It's like a big conveyor belt that operates in the ocean. 2 Ocean Currents. d. composed of organic compounds and increases the water-holding capacity of soils e. Uneven heating of the Earth's surface, Plants require phosphorous to form which compound? Hover over the icons for brief explanations; click on the icons to learn more about each topic. a. producer Paul Voosen is a staff writer who covers Earth and planetary science. Surface currents involve large masses of water moving horizontally on the surface. Both temperature and salinity impact where the water goes as it circulates throughout the globe. c. nitrogen-fixing bacteria and grazing by herbivores The Earth system model below includes some of the ways that human activities affect, or are affected by, ocean circulation. Currents like the Atlantic Oceans Gulf Stream are highways for marine life, ushers of heat, and drivers of storms. a. c. an increase in prey, resulting in increase of decomposers d. decreased rain in the northwestern United States Density differences are the key to why ocean waters move. b. Stratosphere c. gasoline in a motor An ocean gyre is a large system of circular ocean currents formed by global wind patterns and forces created by Earth's rotation. c. acid precipitation falling throughout the northeastern United States

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surface oceanic circulation results most directly in the
