Answer: B) They organized reform movements in order to fight for political equality. C) Most married women worked to support their families. org AP Physics Y 2: Algebra-Based Course and Exam Description This is the core document for this course. In each of the following sentences, underline the correct word or words in parentheses. The economic changes in rapidly industrializing countries such as the Russian Empire in the late nineteenth century led most directly to which of the following social or intellectual changes during the same period? An allele with more than 39 CAGCAG repeats was inherited by the affected person. In subsequent decades, it diversified into mining, manufacturing, and other fields. Republicans supported the war because they thought the Union could not be dissolved. Identify the grammatical error in each of the following sentences. A) Puritan ethic and Victorian values Answer: D) Government subsidies facilitated the construction of transportation and communication networks. In the second sentence of the third paragraph, the authors use the adjective "deliberate" to emphasize the, careful planning necessary in scientific experiments, 7. Manifest Destiny resulted in the acquisition of large amounts of territory form Mexico in the war of 18461848. But, in practice, we know that seaborne shipping is too important a matter to be given over to foreigners. A) Russian Jews escaping religious persecution Would you try to get rid of the patina\underline{patina}patina? If you leave this page, your progress will be lost. E) Ralph Waldo Emerson essay and Armory Show of 1913, All of the following contributed to the growth of sports and entertainment in the late-19th-century America EXCEPT C) They moved westward in large numbers to escape segregationist laws. Once you are finished, click the button below. The historical situation of the excerpt supports which of the following arguments about reform in the Gilded Age? The mean map distance between gene R and gene L is closest to which of the following? How many degrees of freedom should be used when looking up the critical value for a chi-square analysis of the ratios of phenotypes observed among the F2 offspring versus the expected phenotypic ratio assuming independent assortment? Unit 5 MCQ Progress Check 5.0 (6 reviews) Term 1 / 20 Country X's economy is in an inflationary gap. You can make all men equal today, but God has so created them that they shall become unequal again tomorrow. C) inflate the value of assets and profits before selling the stock D) increasing segregation of social groups by income The Japanese resented foreign influence and only acquiesced under force of arms. E) Labor union supported the rights of Chinese immigrants. (Bar graph of railroad line (in kilometers) in European countries, 1830 to 1850). A) Nativists rejected the use of immigrant workers for transportation infrastructure construction. B) Warfare in Europe was a primary reason for immigration to the United States. Progress Check MCQ - AP CALCULUS Also, between 1890 and 1900 Russian production of cotton thread almost doubled and that of cotton cloth increased by about two-thirds. The outbreak of the Indian Wars of the 1870s was caused by all of the following EXCEPT, E) the division of tribal lands into individual farms for tribal members. 2023 AP Spanish Lit Unit 3 Review - Fiveable Fiveable is best place to study for your AP exams. The gains, to be sure, are for the present purely speculative, but it is easy to conjecture the results from past experienceby the time the Pacific Railroad is completed we hope to lie upon the top wave of prosperity, and to tax our new lines of intercommunication to their utmost limit.. Should the writer add this sentence after sentence 10 ? Ap Classroom Ap Lang Unit 2 Progress Check Mcq Answers A model of crossing over during gamete formation is shown in Figure 1. "Writing now, at an age beyond sixty, I must admit that we do not understand the operations of God's wisdom and are, therefore, unable to tell the causes of the terrible inequalities that we see around us,why so many people should have so little to make life enjoyable, while a few others, not through their own merit, have had gifts poured out to them from a full hand. It led to the passage of the Bill of Rights. Railway trackage virtually doubled, coal output in southern Russia jumped from just under 3 million tons in 1890 to almost 11 million tons in 1900. The separation between the different classes, and the consequent ignorance of each other's habits and condition, are far more complete in this place than in any other country in Europe, or even in the rural areas of Britain. Recently, the P&O Company has been working to set up a new line between Yokohama [in Japan] and Shanghai and is attempting to claim rights over the [Japanese] ports of Nagasaki, Kobe, and Yokohama. A) In both periods, the expansion of power over western North America gave the United States control over more natural resources. Histology Celebration of Learning (edited), APUSH Period 6 Progress Check+Daily Video Que. AP Macroeconomics Scoring Guide Unit 6 Progress Check: MCQ E 10. London Metropolitan Archives, City of London / Bridgeman Images Answer: D) New public spaces were designed to enhance urban environments. We have heretofore spoken of the advantages to be obtained by the operation of the Pacific Railroad in developing the treasures of California and the Rocky Mountain region, and the easy access it afford to Asiatic trade. But any careful observer of our society, or any student of our history has to admit that, as unjust as it may seem, inequality is part of the natural order of things. The opinion in the excerpt can best be used to support which of the following arguments about the Fourteenth Amendment? D) guarantee of a living wage for workers D) Mark twain novel and Grant Wood painting Manifest Destiny urged slave owners to liberate their slaves and convert them to Christianity. Manifest Destiny held that it was Americas responsibility to control all of North America and civilize it. London Metropolitan Archives, City of London / Bridgeman Images A political revolution in Germany in 1848 increased immigration to the US. The critical value is 7.82, and the null hypothesis can be rejected because the calculated chi-square value is greater than the critical value. A) Bodnar argues that some immigrants embraced modern social values, whereas Ewen argues that most immigrants preserved traditional practices. A A decrease in income taxes and a decrease in the required reserve ratio B The allele for red eyes is inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern. a. rest Which of the following best explains a similarity between the characteristics of immigration described in the poem and earlier immigration to the United States? Apush Unit 3 Progress Check Mcq Answers - Which of the following best explains a distinction between metaphase I and metaphase II? He agreed with these efforts as the best and most efficient method. "We can agree that, in principle, it might be a good idea to permit both foreigners and Japanese to engage in coastal and seaborne shipping around and from Japan, because that would increase competition and improve efficiency. If we don't succeed as a company, it would be useless for the government to try to renegotiate the unequal treaties, or to attempt to further develop Japan's economy. E) subsidies for farmers. The correct answer is (C). E) Philanthropy should support educational, health, and religious institutions. B) The percentage of women in the labor force decreased. Which of the following best explains a key reason for rapid economic development during the Gilded Age? + What value of e satisfies the conclusion of the Mean Value Theorem applied to fon the interval (1,47 2.132 because (2,132) - 80 2.70 becaute (2 . You have not finished your quiz. Any items you have not completed will be marked incorrect. 17. AP Lang Unit 5 Progress Check MCQ Answers 5.0 (2 reviews) Term 1 / 18 1. It gives the tadpoles increased versatility with respect to diet. Ap Stats Unit 2 Progress Check Mcq Part A - Progress Check and Additional Questions available at AP Central. Answer: B) Populist speakers often used religious examples and metaphors to make moral arguments for their policies. C) gradual reduction of working hours The six scenes in the center are surrounded by portraits of famous British inventors and scientists. B) distribution of public lands to private corporations B) A number of major strikes were defeated by business and government. Phone Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. T R P-800-933-ASCD 2723 Address 1703 North Beauregard St. Alexandria, VA 22311-1714. Before the Civil War, womens rights advocates had often made common cause with supporters of equal rights for African Americans. Unlike Commissioner Parker, Chief Joseph supports the claim that American Indians: Which of the following is a similarity between Bodnar's and Ewen's arguments in the excerpts about immigrant families in the late 1800s? Fill the blanks. This was a major reason why a large portion of the Russian middle class took a very timid approach to politics in this period. (Picture of "THE TRIUMPH OF STEAM AND ELECTRICITY," COLOR LITHOGRAPH PRODUCED IN GREAT BRITAIN TO CELEBRATE THE DIAMOND JUBILEE (60 YEARS ON THE THRONE) OF QUEEN VICTORIA, 1897) Republicans generally opposed slavery, although it was not the stated cause of the war. Areas in northwestern Europe adopted railroads more extensively than areas in other parts of Europe. What is the recombination frequency between the genes for petal shape and pollen shape? 16. *The Mitsubishi company was established in 1870 as a maritime shipping firm. We acknowledge the hand of God and His wisdom, but still we feel horror at the misery of many of our brethren. Step 1: (slow) Step 2: (fast) (d) Write a rate law for the overall reaction that is consistent with the proposed mechanism. C) They faced declining working conditions. A) consolidation of businesses into trusts Which of the following contexts contributed most directly to the interest in trade with China as described in the excerpt? C) The consolidation of large industries facilitated mass production. Researchers crossed two pure-breeding lines of the pea plants to investigate whether the genes controlling flower color and pollen shape segregate independently. They unanimously supported it because it allowed them to vote as well. Abraham Ascher, historian, The Revolution of 1905: A Short History, book published in 2004 Richard Parkinson, English clergyman of the Anglican Church, "On the Present Condition of the Laboring Poor in Manchester," paper published in London, 1841 Manifest Destiny urged slaves to return to Africa because they were not citizens. A woman is heterozygous for the X-linked recessive trait of hemophilia A. At last, man could proclaim his rights out loud, rights that for so long had been ignored. For sexually reproducing diploid parent cells, which of the following statements best explains the production of haploid cells that occurs in meiosis but not in mitosis? It allowed large numbers of Native Americans to resettle their homelands in the eastern United States. C) Walt Whitman poem and Thomas Cole painting Which of the following statements best explains how the fur color can be different in Himalayan rabbits raised under different temperature conditions? Assuming the government of a country imposes a tariff on its imports of foreign goods, what is the likely effect on the country's currency in foreign exchange markets? The correct answer is (C). Advocates unanimously opposed it because it refused to ban gender discrimination. E) advertising in the popular press, APUSH Unit 5 Practice Exam Questions & Answers, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses. The disparities of wealth mentioned by Parkinson in the passage are best explained in the context of the, high profits and low wages associated with manufacturing industries in the nineteenth century. C) members of the American Protective Association The government knows this, and that is why it protects our company. If the sentence contains no error, select answer choice E. My oldest sister,Marilyn\underline{\text{sister, Marilyn}}sister,Marilyn (A) a talented commercialartist,\underline{\text{commercial artist,}}commercialartist, (B) isalso\underline{\text{is also}}isalso (C) a registerednurse.\underline{\text{registered nurse. I have directed Commodore Perry to assure your imperial majesty that I entertain the kindest feelings toward your majesty's person and government, and that I have no other object in sending him to Japan but to propose to your imperial majesty that the United States and Japan should live in friendship and have commercial intercourse with each other Japan is also a rich and fertile country, and produces many very valuable articles. In founding the Mitsubishi company,* my goal has been to help recover for Japan the right of seaborne shipping, so we no longer have to delegate it to foreigners. Bodnar's and Ewen's overall arguments in the excerpts together best support which of the following conclusions? The factory system concentrated production in relatively few locations, and the new transportation infrastructure allowed more goods and people to reach these locations in less time. C) Immigrants frequently relied on settlement houses to help them adjust to their new surroundings. E) lawyers in major industries, Settlement houses were characterized by all of the following EXCEPT Richard Parkinson, English clergyman of the Anglican Church, "On the Present Condition of the Laboring Poor in Manchester," paper published in London, 1841 As OSullivan reveals, many Americans thought the country was uniquely virtuous. Also, between 1890 and 1900 Russian production of cotton thread almost doubled and that of cotton cloth increased by about two-thirds. D) use of court junctions to stop workers' strikes *The data for Germany include all German states with the exception of Austria. C) adopted socialist in an anarchist ideas about government Answer: B) Increased demand for resources and markets for goods, A) Increased need for laborers on railroad-building projects Irish immigrants forced the US government to adopt Catholicism as the nations official religion. During meiosis IIII, sister chromatids separate. College Board AP Classroom Unit 3 Progress Check: MCQ Part A Baile Johnson Figure 2 1.5 M 0.5 M Two containers of water can have their individual masses varied by adding or removing water. You'll take this AP exam at the end of your year-long AP Spanish Language and Culture course Review AP Multiple Choice Questions 3 Quickly memorize the terms, phrases and much more The Unit Two Progress Check with multiple choice questions is . The government knows this, and that is why it protects our company. The calculated chi-square value is 3.91, and the critical value is 7.82. C) The passage of legislation to ban immigration from eastern Asia. D) Workers from Latin America were excluded from immigrating by federal laws. His admission that he was born into a fortunate condition. Republicans supported the war because the wanted to avenge Lincolns assassination. The situation of the excerpt could best be used by a historian to support which of the following explanations of changes in society during the Gilded Age? D) The growth of Populist political platforms encouraged economic reform. The null hypothesis cannot be rejected. Answer: D) Social reformers explored connections between different social problems. Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between the fourth and fifth sentences ("Of course . *The Mitsubishi company was established in 1870 as a maritime shipping firm. B) favored labor unions For each of the terms below, write a sentence explaining how it relates to the era of imperialism in the United States. C) Greeks, Slovaks, and Poles During meiosis the chromosomes separate as shown in Figure 1. 32 resources All study guides replays slides blogs Study Guides Several members of a family are found to involuntarily sneeze when exposed to bright lights, such as sunlight. How does the percentage of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids in olive oil compare to that of canola oil? And we need the government's protection to compete against foreign rivals, such as the [British] Peninsula and Oriental Steam Navigation Company. I regard this not only as my business interest but also as my duty as a citizen. AP Bio: Unit 6: Ch.24(24.2-24.4): Bacteria, David N. Shier, Jackie L. Butler, Ricki Lewis. A home field advantage by fighting to defend Northern territory. A) The fur trade developed in the 1600s, fostering new forms of interactions between peoples. It simply reaffirmed the abolition of slavery which was promulgated by the Dredd Scott decision. The railroad brought increased cultural and political pressure on the Native Americans. B) follow words of social Darwinists B) They demanded legislation to reduce immigration so as to minimize competition for farmland. A) enforcement of the Sherman Antitrust Act C) Most immigrants of this period were readily accepted because of their education and wealth. In the fourth sentence of the second paragraph, the authors use the word "qualified" in order to, note a condition that must be met for an observation to be scientific, 6. The railroad brought prosperity to Native Americans because the railroad companies paid high prices for their land and hired many Indians as laborers. A model showing the cells in anaphase 1 and anaphase 2 of meiosis during a nondisjunction event is shown in Figure 1. A ball traveling at a speed rolls off a desk and lands at a horizontal distance away from the desk, as shown inthe figure. Which of the follow indicates the mean number per cross of F2 plants producing medium-red grain and correctly explains the distribution of the phenotypes? In Session #3 of the AP Classroom Tutorial Series, learn how Progress Checks can provide: (a) students with unit-wide formative assessment . Explain. Northern supporters of the Free Soil party wanted southern slaveholders to liberate their slaves and give them free land. Abraham Ascher, historian, The Revolution of 1905: A Short History, book published in 2004 An act by Congress excluding German immigrants reduced immigration to America. Ap Bio Unit 5: MCQ progress check Flashcards | Quizlet Which of the following choices creates the most logical transition within sentence 2 (reproduced below) ? The researchers calculated a chi-square value of 29.25. The rapid growth of industrial output in Russia during the 1890s was most likely comparable to the growth of industrial output in which other state during the same period? If there are three degrees of freedom and the significance level is p=0.05, which of the following statements best completes the chi-square test? This was a major reason why a large portion of the Russian middle class took a very timid approach to politics in this period. The six scenes in the center are surrounded by portraits of famous British inventors and scientists.

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