Akaashi squeezed his hands together to keep them from shaking uncontrollably. He grinned from ear to ear. He stared at Bokuto and found it difficult to look away. ", Bokuto stared at Akaashi. "Look at me, it's going to be fine." His head was cocked back as he surveyed the gym. "I know you aren't going to ask, so I'll just let you know. Kuroo was quiet on the other end. Bokuto shifted as he lay down, sticking a leg out to kick Akaashi. He focused on nothing Something he remembered Kenma doing. The disembodied voice came from off screen. He'd realized just how rude that was, falling asleep so easily in front of a person who's biggest struggle was just that. Bokuto's smile never left his face, and his tired eyelids contradicted his facial expression. When would he ever use it again? Bokuto captured it all, and in no time, he found himself laughing too. Ten degrees outside.". It was his best and only way to hide his pain. "Is there something wrong with me standing here?" Akaashi exhaled quickly through his nose, making a sound that was almost like a laugh. Akaashi shared a bench with Kenma. One of the voices belonged to Bokuto. Bokuto would lay still for quite a while, his head tilted to the side with one hand on his stomach, and the other at his side. Those yellow eyes were gleaming. "See, look." He intended on closing his eyes and falling asleep for real afterwards, but after having felt his mattress shake for the fourth time, he opened his eyes. He kept his weary yellow eyes on Akaashi, waiting for him to nod. "Of course. "Would you like for him to send a photo?". The air around Akaashi thickened, and suddenly he found it difficult to breathe. Juli 2022 . Akaashi knew this. His head slumped against his shoulder, and both his hands rested on his stomach. Akaashi felt that his words were a bit bitter, but he had no other way of telling Bokuto the truth. He found it strange, how Bokuto was the one walking around when he was the sick one out of the lot. He was wasting time, asking for something that he did not want in the least. But Akaashi knew that this wasn't the case. ", "Don't think so. He twisted his body to reach for the box of Pocky that sat on the counter. Akaashi couldn't help but almost smile back, his lips barely twitching. He set the drinks down and shuffled into bed, as if trying not to wake the other. So he didn't care anymore. He sat at home in bed, with a snug fitting shirt on and his hair an absolute mess. But no matter how much he worried for him, Akaashi continued on their way to the window at a slow and steady pace until they finally made it. iN ANOTHER LIFE Pages 1-50 - Flip PDF Download | FlipHTML5 I thought you fell asleep.]. "What are you doing?". After what felt like the longest ten seconds of his life, a sudden shudder charged down Akaashi's spine, causing goose bumps to rise on his flesh. "Keep him company from now on. ], [No, he can't. Eventually, Bokuto drew back his hand and let it fall to his side. He watched as Kuroo walked away, far enough for small details to become blurred. Bokuto knew this, and now Akaashi did, too. "I could ask you the same thing" Akaashi's lips screwed to the side. He rubbed the back of his neck. After a moment, he finally spoke. Kuroo made a grunting noise and had nothing more to say on the subject. It wasn't until he watched Kuroo's form double over in his peripheral that Akaashi did glance in his direction, and when he did, he was greeted with a quietly sobbing Kuroo, his face having been buried in the palms of his hands. ], [I see. He did the only thing that he could and nodded again, then closed his eyes, and slightly turned his head away. Akaashi's eyes lowered, focusing on the arm that was attached to the hand that he was holding. ", Confused and mildly shocked, Akaashi made a face. I read it about a month ago and I still haven't managed to explain the plot to someone without crying XD. His laughter died down along with Akaashi's. His voice was solemn. He looked up and grinned, and waved wildly in Akaashi's direction. "I see." He managed a feeble shrug and turned to continue on with the movie that he'd watched for the thirtieth time already. Frankly speaking, it had no affect on him in the slightest. ", Bokuto grinned. Akaashi avoided looking into them. From: Bokuto (Sent July 29th at 11:56 PM). "Are you here every day?". Bokuto plopped onto the mattress right after those words, bumping his head against Akaashi's shoulder. He wished he could fight it, but he knew there was no possible way for him to. Akaashi closed his eyes against him. Asking around here and there, the male put little to no effort in finding out where he could go to sign up for what. An 'It's alright,' could be heard from behind him, but it soon faded as Akaashi continued forward. Akaashi did not give him time to react to this as he moved closer still, and when he was close enough, he lowered his head to lean it on Bokuto's shoulder. And to have gotten to know you". Bokuto covered his mouth and coughed suddenly. "I don't want you to grow any m-more attached to me th-than y-you already are. Lying next to Akaashi, a ghostly pale Bokuto smiled. He leaned his chin against the palm of his hand and chortled. He took his time, the thought of removing it killing him faster than the disease itself. He didn't care if it was seven at night, or eight at night, or twelve in the morning, or if the world's clock stopped moving altogether. Akaashi was dumbfounded. He was staring outside at the white clouds that shrouded the skies, mesmerized by just how colorless it made everything seem. He then turned his attention to Akaashi. Despite this, it only seemed to make Bokuto laugh even harder. Kuroo was just as bitter. His eyes locked onto Bokuto's. He wanted to know if it was real or not. Akaashi sighed. He pat the empty space next to him animatedly. More than 100,000 cattle were confirmed infected. He turned his attention back to the only other in the room. Akaashi looked at his phone to read the sentence. He shut his eyes and squeezed his palm. But sometimes, he wouldn't answer certain questions, despite Akaashi asking them twice. He talked about you all the time when he first met y-". He held them against his frame in the twenty degree weather, and though many people gave him strange looks and watched him side-ways, none of this affected him in the slightest. They were thin and bony, and he could see those smooth blue veins curling over the bones beneath his flesh. "I was struggling. He feared he wouldn't be able to pull himself out of this state, but then it occurred to him that he was not alone in this. Bokuto kept silent. "What are you smiling at?" He hissed the words under his breath, openly frustrated with the situation. The both of them didn't exchange any words after that, ending the conversation just as suddenly as it had started. And with that glint came his smile. (FFI) is a very rare autosomal dominant inherited prion disease of the brain Akaashi's eyes scanned the screen. They felt mandatory now. ], [They think I'm interning. He waves goodbye to his sister, shuts the door, and then walks to school, taking in a breath of the cool morning air. He twisted his fingers and pursed his lips, wary of what Kuroo would say next. "You know Um" He looked down and rubbed his neck roughly, leaving behind deep, red marks. His hands tensed, relaxed, and rested against his neck. After this, he would repeat the same process, paying little to no mind to the freezing cold that surrounded him. He brought a hand up to push through his black hair, and slowly, his head fell forward. This is strange. Devastation weighed down on Akaashi in that instant. ", "And then they'd turn my room upside down in an attempt to find me. It took quite some time for a message from Kuroo to arrive, but when it did, Akaashi realized that he'd sent a video instead of what was initially asked for. He glanced to the side. Realizing this, Akaashi decided to take action instead and reach out to comfort him, but not even this he could do. Ahhhh I know you didn't tell me to send a video, but, I'm not someone who follows rules." It works for me as well. And just like that, a smile found Bokuto's face again. haikyuu texts - BoKuaKA rEAds "In Another Life" - YouTube There was definitely a storm coming his way, so Akaashi knew that Bokuto would need him. Bokuto's disembodied laughter rang throughout the garden, as if to prove Kenma right. Sorry.]. To this, Bokuto's arm fell and rested lightly on his stomach. Slowly but gradually, Akaashi's heart rate picked up. The day was strangely chilly, with an occasional breeze now and then, causing the browning leaves to rustle in the trees above. It was difficult, however, as each time he tried to drift off to sleep, that unnerving fear of having the same dream would jerk him back awake. "May I ask your name?" "Fine by me! He stared at Bokuto with his lips parted, as if he were going to speak, but ended up speechless. And I d-don't want you to See it all h-happen.". what disease did, bokuto have in another life. He'd brought along a volleyball of his own, just in case they weren't provided with any. Akaashi never received another message in the remaining hour that he was awake. That's how much he supposedly weighs now? Seeing you smile, those amber eyes and your laughs. "The liquid started flooding into my mouth and nose, and it wasn't until I was suffocating that I forced myself awake.". I am, now.". Bokuto no longer smelled like a hospital. He paused for a moment, then spoke up again. The both of them had sat down long ago, leaving Bokuto and Kuroo to their own business as they wandered about and waved their arms around in their animated way of speaking. A mere two minutes outside had turned into two hours. The way his lips curled at the corners, the way his eyes squinted just enough so that only a glint of green could be seen. Keeping in contact with me wouldn't be a good idea.". This includes Bokuto and Akaashi, as you already may know. Akaashi had to wait almost a minute for Bokuto's response. caohezi, soggycereaal, Eclipce_Kitty, sisachoo, Moonlight_Starlight, coffeeeejelly, NagitosOnlyHope, Cat_man, whaleinsea, cupcakehinata, eve_ilDoll, Levida, Hallow_Darkfrost, KeeganIsVeryDead, idyllicjade, aizawasscarf, Bl00d_Gutz404, lemon_lime2021, mxrey, Average_Fangirl330, Mii15, jevil_Jay, linom, Gay_MentallyIll_Rat, jellyforfish, Len_Kiwi, barwinek, Another_Usuario, ry_jv, hyaracinth, si11y1i1y, f4iiries, Melicity, ImmediatelyWriting, Wigglyflapjacks, zhengokokok, hualiansss, ordeal, DinDin_akdifbsidsbdi_human, stxrsprxte, anonymousxbelle, Hypsilon, BubblegumTerminator, DrarryxLover, xumiun, Vas_vlas, Alidareisss, Penepon, FivePointsManhattan, Rey_xx, and 28352 more users He spoke just loudly enough for Bokuto to hear him. You had a nightmare? I'm not sick, but this place makes me feel like I am." He, too, did not intend on showing up to any funeral. They both found it easier to believe in that lie than to accept the truth of what was to come. It never failed to comfort Akaashi. The bright light caused him to squint as he read the message. what disease did, bokuto have in another life. Does someone remember the name of the movie that Bokuto and - Quora A sheepish grin curled Akaashi's lips. As he walked, he stared at the backs of the two men in front of him. It's why I didn't want to come along. Akaashi refused to have reacted to those moments, hoping to spare his visitor the embarrassment of him having seen that. He stared at Bokuto and could only nod with whatever it was he thought he was agreeing with. He had to be. He thought the video had gone by too quickly, but it had actually lasted a little under thirty seconds. "Things happen.". Akaashi, don't give him a hard time, or you and I are going to fucking fight.". June 2, 2022 by by Akaashi knew that running probably wasn't the best thing that he should have been doing, but he said nothing about it. Akaashi sat at the edge of Kuroo's bed, and he stared out the window without focus. He placed a hand on his broad back and rubbed gently, hoping to comfort him and to be the stronger of the two. Akaashi frowned deeply. "If you would please listen." "Me too" Bokuto's eyes never left Akaashi. "About three hours." Healthy. He couldn't look at his face. "I envy you. Has he ever done anything bad? What normally would have pained someone to say, he delivered with ease, and with that same grin to boot. "And that's Kenma for you" Kuroo groaned as he repositioned himself in bed, and then he smiled. what disease did, bokuto have in another life He looked around and moved his fingers, trying to make out a phone. He eyed the blonde one for quite a while. He stared at his knees intensely before Kenma spoke up. Bokuto's laughter died down and he closed his eyes. He gripped his phone in his hand and took in a deep breath, filling his lungs with all the air that he could before he exhaled through his nostrils. Bokuto would've taken an hour. He turned his head slowly to look at Bokuto, and watched him as he lay in his arms. "The three hours!" They shared each other's company in silence for what felt like the length of five minutes, and in that time, Akaashi never once looked to the side to catch a glimpse at Kuroo. He wanted nothing to do with it. I read 5 sad hq ff cz I'm a broken idiot and the galaxy is endless and in another life hurt me on such a deep level. Bokuto smiled wide to those words. In Another Life - LittleLuxray - Haikyuu!! [Archive of Our Own]

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what disease did, bokuto have in another life
