Good!} IQ, Some believe that children with ADHD are smarter than those without the condition. Many fail in all that life has to offer but excel in one or a few areas. That was when I got my 156 on my Mensa test. I found this random comment I wrote over a year ago and didnt know that so many jealous people had read my comment. . These IQ numbers may have a scientific significance, but they certainly dont mean anything, unless God Almighty gave them the knowledge at their conception. Not very good at math but developed fairly deep computer skills mainly on my own obsessively fiddling around (is that possible?) My score is the square root of 17,161, or e^4.8752. The mean IQ will not change in the absence of a change of the fertility differences. And those random mean-ass comments with no reason behind them, I envy you for having nothing better to do then yell at a random kid on the internet. Authored by: TN Viral Desk How Does Rewarding Safe Choices Affect Teen Decision Making In Peer Contexts? Why would you think having a high EQ and a low IQ would offer you better or more advantages? Because of how I felt that day, I think I got just a point or two lower than my true IQ, so I say Im around 140 (which is true anyways). In Civilian job was offered Co-chair in the New Health and Safety program for 130 employees, as well as working with the Union, and Pres of the Federal Credit Union for the town. We had our debacles and tirades fro al the wannabes. Your showing your IQ . I know people my age have a bad reputation, but not everyone is like that. I would read all the text books in the first week of the new term each year and spend the rest of the year bored out of my mind. Though there are many claims of super-high IQs, documentation is hard to come by. Board of education here in Broome County NY forced me to take a IQ test.I was in 8th grade had only gotten two questions wrong on the finals.The thought I cheated lolHad to retake the same test in front of a officer and the board.After I score perfect the second time around,I was forced to take the IQ test.148 I got.I have been hit alot in my head,now have TBI!My score went down yes it is possible.120-133!Im trying to build it back up not sure if it will ever be 148 again due to brain injury!Idk why I made a comment here I guess to tell my story as to what happened. Ive made Bs my whole life, and everyone around me never lets me forget it. calm down your below average IQ score isnt that bad. Im Nigerian and 20. Ones IQ is a number that fluctuates a little bit, however (no offense) to increase by fifty points is impossible or so difficult that it couldnt be achieved for thousands of years. You look at yourself as better than most people. I think they compete in different leagues, to begin with but highly awaited international contests are mixed i think. In 1984 I quit my government job to start a consulting business. M.D. They have the right to judge. % tests, one on a Friday night, 2 on Sat, and 2 on Sunday, Each one allowed 2 1/2 hours to write. Afterall, these things do not really matter. Keep in mind this wont bring you from below average to genius. At what point does it become difficult to understand the way a normal person thinks? In this world full of misleading marketing messages there is only one thing of value that is sorely lacking, and that is humility. But no IQ dont really help you unless you put it to use! You should be proud of yourself and your friend should be proud of herself. Some main characteristics of people with IQ 116 : - You have the ability to analyze complex technical information; Start by going to the faciity where you were tested. I have a dyslexic sibling who scored better on math than I did, and most of them are dyslexic as a result of something else(in my siblings case heart surgery). I have a IQ of 149 as a 12 year old, and I am extremely intelligent, doing Geometry in 7th grade. If they did they were told not to. A true genius(and the original definition) is not measured by his performance on merely a (pretty useless) test, but by his accomplishments, therefore none of these people on your list are, you have to achieve a paradigm shift in your field, and even Einstein and Hawking are only theorists(dreamers) who have been proven wrong on multiple counts. Took an IQ test when 17 years of age. I never thought my testing mattered all 6 times, or when the government sent in 6 men in black to turn me into a national weapon. Im probably not as intelligent as you, and my skills are on the deduction and mathematical side, rather than language, but I understand the frustration. Im a twelve year old and OOF! She entered college when she was 12 and became a teacher at age 16. I have a friend who is very smart! So I did use a calculator, but you didnt, you also failed to use your brain. Youre lucky Don. Sorry to burst all these narcisists bubbles . Very silly article. I subconsciously throw first place in everything i do, not so much a fear of success but more empathy for others. I hate the level of competitiveness in todays world that centers around intelligent people. Having known several individuals with genius-level IQs (one who tested over 200) only two of whom were socially functional and a much tinier group who were consistently wise, my conclusion is that wisdom is infinitely preferrable. I have a fluid IQ of at least one burbot and a crystal IQ of at least two burbot. While that may not seem like a lot, the steps below will help keep you sharp and focused, even at an older age. Focus on problem solving, your ability to critically think and empathize with others. It blew my mind because I New I was different because I cant really connect with people and they dont seem to understand me and my way of thinking. EVEN if your IQ is 160!!! Thats not to say that you were trying to be mean, but some people are not born with genius abilities, and what you said might make them feel stupid or inferior. Ones IQ is not merely defined by the minds reliance on external and commodious barriers, but rather, by its ability to process rational and situational information. One other point I would like to mention is that there are numerous games on the market designed specifically for toddler age children. When I was very young, I was always telling my parents that I was stupid. I remember when I broke the record in college-level accounting. Haier RJ. Just scored a 126 and Im just a normal teen boy. Store to I go too also, to ball Bill. Its kinda funny how everyone in the comment sections is suddenly a genius. I would like to say that I recently became a Christian and agree 100% to what Jeannette said. 10 years later I tested 128. I have an IQ of ~300 and can do multiple choice tests without studying in any field and pass/excel. Or they tend to promote the candidate with the degree/highest level of education. You can call me a genius, or a moron, and I do not care either way. I started my own business and because of anxiety and depression from childhood trauma I cant seem to motivate myself to actually make the business grow. which have told me I have an IQ of around 160. its not been proven but I always felt like I was on a higher calibre than most of the people I hang around with. (2011). Dear Sir : I.Q. Credit: public domain / Wikimedia. Steven Hawkings once said The universe willed itself into existence. All the evidence for evolution is a misread but fits the highest IQ discovery of Prevolution, which you can never come across in your life unless you have at least 8 PhDs since you need quantum and variable time and parallel worlds understanding to realize this core truth. Nice Giveaway. Albert Einstein is one of the most famous scientists of all time, however, he didnt have the highest IQ ever recorded. I mean an 11 year old wouldnt lie on the internet. He shook his head and walked away. The irony of the (IQ) tests themselves, center on the fact that those who wrote them were the byproducts of their own isolated enculturation directives, and therefore, the tests are flawed (though not completely worthless; I scored 149 at 40 in the late 90s); however, the underlying meaning of said results is also confined (and perhaps contaminated) by and in direct proportion to ones enculturation paradigm/s. The IQ score of 160 to 190 is a range because Einstein never was officially tested. I took an IQ test as a child. Why am I not on here? Props to all you smarties and props to anyone who doesnt think theyre smart as long as youre both doing the best you Can, I say youre both golden (not that my opinion matters to anyone lol) everyone deserves a pat on the back if they try their best. IQ represents a point on a standard distribution curve, and it simply tells you what percentage of the population youve scored better than, with 15 points being one standard deviation. Yes, there is a predictive part of IQ calculation, but thats only because its not possible to measure each and every persons score. Im not in their target demographic, and as such, I dont think they are trying to speak to me. Looking At Versus Focusing On Faces: What Attracts Our Attention? Now in middle age, I see people I went to school with doing really well in their careers and driving nice cars while I still work in manual labour. And I do believe that the statement Everyone has their own opinions is truethats why we vote for presidents and thingsbut that is her belief and we have freedom of speech in America. Lets discuss how thats possible below. What Is Considered a Genius IQ Score? - Verywell Mind Thank you for writing your comment. On the way to school, I had a main notebook and twin stacks of books on it. Dash, youre talkin a totally different IQ scoring system and scale for social media participants. The Emotional Experience Of Providing Social Support. I can make very accurate and ogica guesses, but sometimes my need for things to be where they being holds me up when Im solving problems. At least it said 144% above average. Why is Evangelos Katsioulis not included ? Talent Drive= Frustration. Lol you still have to put in effort for that. Thanks. She graduated with her Masters with high marks when she was 20. Should I assume men and women compete in different leagues in chess? Im 13 and I have an IQ of 172. lol. If it is a test, an individual can prepare for it. The only thing that separates all people in the United States of America is a damn accent. It caused a problem with my sister in law she felt it was wrong. Those of us who learn languages other than our own always do. His parents emigrated from Hong Kong to Australia. All with high intelligence have mastered their native languages, in childhood no less, both in terms of speaking and writing skills (at least use spellcheck if you want to fake it better folks). Life is not easy for anyone. And if you are wondering what my IQ is, its like a 0 maybe and Im like 0 years old since I was supposed to not exist but did anyways. In theory a 70 IQ human could be much more intelligent than someone with 200 IQ. Alfred Binet invented the first intelligence test. Your not capable of much more than someone that works hard. We all are Americans from the cold areas of Alaska to the cold areas of the Patagonia. Its not her fault that this world is full of bigots who discriminate against anything from sexual orientation, race and gender to people with unusually high IQs and autistic people. Basically, people with bodily-kinesthetic intelligence can, Learning disorders can have varying degrees of severity, and some are more common than others. 37 People With The Highest IQs Ever: World's Smartest People There are many paths to success and we dont all define success the same way. I graduated in 1970 with a MS in aero engineering. The world needs more like you, not like the strangers who decided to yell at a random kid on the internet for lying. I was tested as a child and scored 118. What's the Highest IQ Ever Recorded? - Mental Floss While higher IQs probably are impossible according to this math, the math of IQs is still something we dont fully understand. Some are more mature than others. Marilyn vos Savant - Wikipedia all unofficial but highly regarded websites. Therefore, the minds capability to recieve and transmit intellectual information can be limited when one is exposed to cognitive barriers. Steve, youre my new favourite person, lmao. WebDr. It also ranks top globally. If you think about it, many smart kids have smart parents. Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is foundational to a high intellect. Give them a better example by being positive and supportive adults. I already know you will go far in life!!! The score was 145 and the doctor assured my mom that there was nothing wrong with me. I think I catch a hint of ironic humor in your reflection. However, experts assumed that 2. 8 Ways to Increase Your IQ Levels - Healthline And is it me or does it seem to be getting worse with each generation ? You are claiming that everyone has their own opinions, yet you are criticizing her for hers. Did you know that there are some people who can taste something and name every single ingredient (each and every spice even just a pinch) that youve put in it?! That means the theoretical maximum IQ should represent 1 in 107 billion. We had a good Army Cadet program which I enjoyed, and received excellent training in many subjects. People with that level of IQ arent searching the internet for lists of IQ records on (n.d.). I agree with the quote. Some people here do understand. As for a cure, there is no cure for seasonal flu or the common cold, so dont hold your breath. WebThe highest IQ possible in the world is theoretically 200, although some people have been known to have an IQ of above 200. It does get easier! The list continues as follows with the highest possible IQ: Back in 1916, the American psychologist Lewis Madison Terman (1877-1956) developed the intelligence quotient or IQ. This is the highest iq level ever measured in the world. If you already have a nagging sense of feeling old and dumb, look away now: 11-year-old British schoolgirl, Kashmea Wahi, just achieved the highest possible score on an IQ test - an incredible 162. I have included this information in order to show people who visit this page what a child with a genius or near genius IQ is capable of. Gene Yuss, It amuses the sh*t out of me that your level of narcissism would in all likelihood delude your ability to accurDunning-kruger, Im only 15 just had an IQ test and scored 120. If you are a kind, generous, hard-working person, you will be much more admired than you would be for having a high IQ. They thought i cheated saying no one had ever scored 100% and I was never called back. This is why neurologically typically developing 2 year olds garble words; and for what ever mechanisms in the brain that give the ability to master language which girls generally develop before boys do which is why girls usually learn to speak before boys do. But with the right support and proper guidance, The glycemic index (GI) is a value used to measure how much a specific food increases your blood sugar levels. I find (self-deprecating) humor also helps. The Cattell scale is only to 160/161 and this certainly USED to be the one used by Mensa. I suggest Tupac because on they state his IQ being 159(prob an est), and his success with his choosen profession and community. If you want to know what matters I will tell you what matters. (2017). The law of the universe is entropy, the fact that there is life contradicting that proves that there is some force/god somewhere/when that started it. The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination. If he did not have any other alternative than to sacrifice his own son, then he is really stupid. Most people have a score between 90 and 109, which means that they are classed as having a normal or average intelligence. (Rational). IQ When someone realises that, he will also realize that the Mensa IQ tests may actually not be 100% accurate. Competing with your friends may lose many of them. From where you take this conviction that perfect speaking and writing in yours and ONLY YOURS language is a crown of the intelligence? The number actually represents how your results compare to those of other people your age. I started college at the University of Leeds when I was 13 and received a Doctorate in Science (DSc) by age 19. Mature, you say? I have a TI-84 and know how to use it; lets move on. At age 13 his schooling was suspended due to the Nigerian Civil War as he was enrolled in the Biafran army. The inclusion of the fraud Emeagwali calls the whole to question. In 1969 the us navy sent me to mit . Next time think before you try to discredit someone. Im currently dating one; some days they are fascinating and you can listen to them talk for hours but some days they are annoying as fuck because they constantly tell you they are smarter than you so they make you feel like shit. You can trust when I say, for those who cant think it through they need that invention and I support that need. Maybe, if you were really more mature, you wouldnt have wrote anything at all. They do not understand time(does not exist as a dimension, only perception), space(folding hogwash), or gravity(actually electromagnetic) and thats why they and others have no universal physics. we were habitual in the den watching TV while reading Current science books and magazines (Smithsonian and Scientific American when they were great). You know more about all things than the best of the Mensa folks Prometheans, the Triple Nines, the Mega Society members, the Four Sigmas, the Cerebrals Society, Giga Society, The International High IQ Society, Top One Percent Society, Colloquy, Vertex Society, Omega Society, and more. The model also assumes a normal distribution, which is unlikely to be accurate. They are painfully awkward at talking and dont understand simplistic human emotions. Albert Einstein. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. While waiting for the bus my fellow neighbourhood kids were fascinated when I showed them, all not slide-rule users, how superior the Japanese circular slide rule I had was. Sure. IQ is useless if you dont work hard. Tao showed an amazing aptitude for math when he was a child. [3] [4] [5] It is a non-profit organisation open to people who score at the 98th percentile or higher on a standardised, supervised IQ or other approved intelligence test. To this day there are only two other people with a recorded higher IQ than her. Im currently enrolled in 8th grade, even though I am supposed to be in 6th. Great to see another gifted kid! But Im actually appalled that you would respond to the poster as if he is just making a simple helpful observation. I look within myself for the answers Im seeking, Im a peaceful warrior fighting the only battles that matter the ones within. That does not happen by 6 months old. I worked at a series of jobs from 1988 until 2005. Spatial I.Q. I do not believe IQ matters much in the real world for EQ is MUCH more important. A score of 130 or higher signals a high IQ. Not to mention, IQ scores dont stay the same. I feel your pain. These are the highest possible IQ scores and the people who hold the world record. Just like people talk of zodiac signs, likewisethey talk IQ. That fear holds a lot of us back, and prevents from becoming even better, so dont make the same mistakes as me and remember not to just cruise in life and expect to always be best, because before you know it youll be falling behind). I doubt it! What Is the Highest Recorded IQ in the World? - Mindvalley Blog we are a speck in the vastness of molecules I am at a loss for words. You cant exactly say that because you have an even lower IQ. WebIQ level 116 shows that you are a normal type of thinking ability, belonging to " Above average intelligence" in IQ scale range chart accounting for 15.7% of the world's population. The web never disappoints in the comment section! By the way, dont say that youre from the United States only, because below California you have the United States of Mexico. What will we do This is why anyone cant just apply for these courses . So I decided that since you know and I know that I am amazingly perfect in everyway most can hardly believe how I do it, but I do it and do it great, I do it the greatest and I scored, really scored, scored so great it felt perfect, better then ever before and the best score I guarantee, easily the greatest on this side or that side, on any side, back or front, and I was done before it knew what happened. He founded Agatha, I am not saying you lied. I fail in my marriage to my wife. I was tested by my school psychologist and I have an IQ of 161, none of my friends have ever really compared, but someone at my school is apparently a genius and got a 33 or a 34 on the ACT, were in 7th grade, (I got a 29 so people think Im not as smart, but I just moved so I havent had the opportunity to take as many advanced classes and learn as much as him) so Id like to meet him and see how he actually measures up. I am now 12, and seriously, people can be so jealous! I already have a scholarship to the University of Michigan because of my PSAT score of 1460. If youre among the 2 percent with a higher score, youre an outlier. However, the way stats work I was not 100% in the middle even with 100% correct and high spread answers. With an average score of 91, it is regarded as a country with some most intelligent people on the continent. The pass IQ foe Mensa is 148! IQ= A person who creates what others can not believe. That way if you do your best, you are always the winner. Although test with an IQ of 186, I concur that there is too high a deviation with any testing above 140 or so. Everything is relative, so just do the best you can with what you have and dont worry about how anyone else would measure your intelligence, theyre not you. Hi, Im 11 and I have an IQ of 156. Thinking of going back to school for Computer Science. Its just one of many indicators and doesnt need to define who you are. Sierra Leone - IQ of 91 Sierra Leone's flag. I have currently written 4 science fiction books and one on new age/spirituality/ channeling My interests include science, science fiction, Theosophy, trans personal psychology, trans-humanism, pantheism and googology. WebIQ stands for Intelligence Quotient which is a measure of intelligence and is determined using a standardized test. There have been about 100 billion humans alive in the history of humanity meaning there would be approximately 408 humans in the history of the world with an IQ of around 200 or higher. I have two years of college and got average grades all through school. Now I am old. So, (chuckles) depending on ones perspective, if you were to multiply the imaginary by the rational (chuckles,snort) you would have the sum of iqx Which could be expressed in a wide variety of ways. I personally am not a very religious person and dont identify myself under a certain religion, but I do know that putting someone down for believing in God (or no God, so to speak) is simply not OK. I scored 140, highest in our group, and jumped to highest expectations in our school. For context, 100 is considered an average IQ score, while below 70 is often viewed as substandard. She bought me two encyclopedias and an expensive trombone. An 11-year-old Iranian school girl has just become the new face of braininess after receiving the highest possible score on the Mensa IQ test. I became depressed and the business failed in 1987. Its so annoying! What Is The Highest IQ Ever Recorded? - Medium At the time, Lewis was employed by the United States Army. Must go I to newspeak then English where say he Engrish to? My highest was a 148 on the Stanford-Binet (average 142). Fertility and intelligence The top 10 African countries Derrrr, Actually dyslexics have better memory than most people. No one in my immediate family has it but me. Yet he has come to found and operate one of the worlds largest companys. I wont pretend Im smart. Start by going to the most inexpensive community or online college and complete at least 4 basic courses in one year. The smartest folks are able to admit when they arent familiar with a particular concept. e.g. If you really believe that everyone has the right to believe what they want to, then why are you taking down Jeannette for standing up for what she believes in? Lower scores are represented on one slope of the bell while higher scores are represented on the other. Just as the human body can be strengthened and toned through regular exercise, so the mind can be stretched and sharpened through a programme of Brain Building. Brain Building In Just 2 Weeks by Marilyn vos Savant. I dont get involved with them but I will continue paying my membership just to have the membership card in my wallet. A lot of you self-described geniuses sound like you are on meth. Im both intrigued and appalled by the level of narcissism on it. Go look it up to see if the symptoms and presentation jives? Boy, 11, gets 'highest possible IQ score' to beat geniuses like Stephen Hawking and Albert Einstein Mensa is the largest and oldest high-IQ society in the world. XYZ = A program of mathematical definite answer, I > Pre defines a number as non existent and /or imaginary, when placed before any given number. This American entered the Guinness Book of World Records as the person with the highest IQ back in 1986. I didnt read directions, I just thought in my mind what I wanted to do and looked at what was offered in the stores and ended up putting in ceiling tiles laminate flooring,tile flooring, a bar etc! YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Most Respectfully, Donald. The cognitive neurology to create those memories just doesnt exist yet. (n.d.). My point here is dont generalize everything in life its obvious your not the genius you think you are. But there are select individuals with the fortune of much higherIQ scores. Think way beyond the monetization paradigm that shapes your enculturation. In 1985 I earned a professional engineering license. Thats just wise. In addition, held the position of director of research at the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology at the University of Cambridge. I scored a simple 134. I also took on some instruction with local Scouts and Guides, and joined our Community Association and became one of the leaders there. in mathematics. Evangelos Katsioulis is the founder of the World Intelligence Network (WIN), an international organization of high IQ societies. You, my friend, are smarter than you think. Hurrying this process can lead to malfunctions and fatalities. But keep up the good work (and make sure not to burn out, believe me it sucks)(also a lot of gifted children tend to develop a fear of failure or dont like being initially unsuccessful. I am taking 10th grade math as a 6th grader, have never gotten a grade lower than a 92, and have an IQ of 153, according to multiple tests. Its not impossible, but lets put it this way. Mathematically speaking (therefore), the emotionally immature simply spend too many waking hours defending their ego to learn more during that time. Those are boring, even if you understand everything in there. WebPossible causes Income. Studies show it is possible to increase your IQ score (Credit: Scientific American), Keep in mind when working toward a higher IQ that intelligence comes in many different forms. 135 at 15, 136 at 32. Thanks for everyone who kind enough to read this. Although I am but an incontinent toddler now, I have been imbued with cosmic intelligence. scores mean different things in infants to those in early childhood though these have some similar meaning to those in adults. See I can play make believe on the internet too! That doesnt mean they cant succeed. I got tested at my school for gifted and talented and got a 161 a couple months ago and I wanted to learn a lot more about IQ after that. Average group Standardized IQ tests are given and scored by trained administrators. I dont know my IQ, but Im pretty sure I have about 2 and a half brain cells. If you were to find a gold nugget in your backyard, would you not doubt its authenticity? I got 193 on a Menza IQ Test, I retook it because I thought it was glitched and got 195. Even if you have a high IQ, and its also pretty obvious you really lack in emotional maturity. He attempted a political career but died young (at age 46), penniless. Does it make YOU feel better about yourslef to act like youre smarter than you really are? we can assume 225 to be the IQ of God. Intelligence, in that respect, may be a matter of inheritance and potential. One small 2011 study suggests that intellectual capacity can increase or decrease during teen years.

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what is the highest iq possible
