Jim Carrey is Craigs top acting pick and favorite topics include superheroes, anime and the unrecognized genius of the High School Musical trilogy. Maggie Greene is Hershel's second daughter, a rebellious and independent young woman, as well as a college dropout. They're all coming back soon! Aaron recruits his priest palfor an expedition toa 40-strong community of religious folk, but neither realizes they're being played by Lance Hornsby, who has a secret undercover agent in Carlson, Aaron's boss. While in the city, Maggie. RELATED: Carol & Daryl Spinoff: What It Means For The Walking Dead's Final Season. When some deserting Saviors get the. But Negan had other plans, gutting Spencer in full view of everyone in the community. And at the same time, it's significant that Daryl disappeared into the woods for six years after losing Rick. Not only did this action belittle the fates of Glenn, Abraham, Sasha, and all the other victims Negan had killed, but letting Negan live after he mercilessly tortured Daryl was a big slap in the face. And she seemed to indicate that she planned to take some kind of action against Rick because of it. While in the city, Maggie and Negan encounter native New Yorkers, evade a marshal with a troubled past, and hunt down a notorious killer. Rick's Manipulation Rick was as manipulative as Daryl was reckless. So when Rick spared his life and Maggie broke down, she broke down because of all the sheer emotion of everything that he had done to Glen and everybody around. Hes recaptured here but not before he can leave another message/clue for Michonne to follow. He's fun to watch! I agree with TheWrap's Terms of Service and Privacy Policy and provide my consent to receive marketing communications from them. He always kept the door open; he did so now. My name is Hershel, these are my daughters Maggie and Beth, this next young man is Maggie's husband Glenn. But Dawn immediately shot Beth in the head -- prompting Daryl to in turn shoot Dawn. If youre going to run your area, you need to make decisions, Reedus said. With Rick and Michonne (Danai Gurira) poised to come to an end, this world is going to need a new king and queen of the apocalypse. Would Maggie kill Rick? Reedus told TheWrap that their decision to turn away from the execution has to do with empowering people to make their own decisions in part because Maggie and Daryl aren't feeling. We will., Also Read: 'The Walking Dead' Teases Rick Grimes' Final Episodes in New Season 9 Trailer (Video). Not only wereRick's actions extremely selfish and disrespectful toward Carol, they were disrespectful toward Daryl as well since he knew how close the two were. Since character exits are (almost) always deaths on this show, especially for characters this prominent, the writers must have anticipated this kind of speculation. 14. Morales (Juan Gabriel Pareja) returned in Season 8 after having been gone since Season 1, but that return was short-lived. Why was Rick Crazy After Lori dies? Victors? He added that the seeds of those conflicts, 'The Walking Dead': Michael Cudlitz on Why Returning to Direct Was 'the Best of Both Worlds', 'Walking Dead': Jadis Saw That Helicopter Again and We Still Know Nothing About It. He lives in New York City with his two cats. Hershel (Scott Wilson) wanted peace, but The Governor took his head to prove a point to Rick. When Negan opened the casket she popped out as a walker and saved Rick and the residents of Alexandria in a clutch moment. Filming wrapped in New Jersey last October. Danai Gurira and Andrew Lincoln will return as Michonne and Rick Grimes in an as-yet-untitled spinoff. The Walking Dead series finale gave us zero hints as to what their business might be in the city that never sleeps. The crumbling city is filled with the dead and those who have made it their . Jadis (Alive) ofThe Scavengers. Michonne flat out refused to go to the Hilltop because she didnt know how Maggie would react to her presence. Tara and Michonne have gotten past whatever conflict divided them but viewers are still wondering what happened between Michonne and Maggie during the time jump. Maggie, whose husband Glen was murdered by Negan, was really mad about it. 1. By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. The relationship between the leading men was one of the most popular and loved ones on the entire show. Shiva the tiger bit the dust while saving Ezekiel, Carol and Jerry from a bunch of walkers in Season 8. The Walking Dead continues Sundays on AMC. Andrea's sister Amy (Emma Bell) was the first sympathetic named character to go, when a random walker bit her at camp. The Walking Dead's season 8 finale set the stage for civil war come season 9. From trailer footage, it's already clear that Daryl will betray the Commonwealth and side with Maggie. James Gunn Reveals New Superman, Batman Movies and More, 'The Walking Dead' EP Clarifies Rick vs. Maggie and Daryl, Rick Grimes Is Back and Bloody in New Look at The Walking Dead Spinoff, Maggie Needs Negan Alive in New TWD: Dead City Teaser, Fear the Walking Dead Season 8 Trailer Reveals P.A.D.R.E, Fear the Walking Dead Filming Series Finale, The Walking Dead's Steven Yeun Joins Marvel's Thunderbolts in Key Role, The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Spinoff Gets Official Synopsis, Jansen Panettiere, The Walking Dead Actor, Dead at 28, The Walking Dead Rick and Michonne Spinoff Announces Production Start With Set Photos. If their entire feud is over Aaron and Gabriel killing Commonwealth soldiers, his change of heart would make total sense, as Darylshould realize his friends would never commit such acts unprovoked. Olivia (Ann Mahoney) suffered plenty of indignities at Negan's hands, and he eventually repaid her by having her shot. Even if that person stopped watching several seasons ago, everyone knows that TWD characters pretty much only leave one way so it's not surprising that theories about when and how Rick may die are running wild. She died after the walls of Alexandria fell, leaving the community to Rick. Sam got eaten when the horde invaded Alexandria. Originally planned as a trilogy of Rick Grimes movies that would go to theaters, this untitled spinoff is now a six-episode series that continues the stories of Rick and Michonne as they search for each other across the zombie-infested wasteland. Wait for our moment. Michonne too. He has led them through countless battles with the both the living and the dead is is still standing to tell the tale. Let's assume, then, that Gabriel, Maggie and Aaron lead a successful revolt against Carlson, defeating the Commonwealth troops currently subjugating Negan's God-fearing friends. We have to build this place up. The Walking Dead is expected to return to AMC with its season 9 premiere in October. Maggie and Negan journey to the island of Manhattan, which, having been isolated since the beginning of the walker apocalypse, has developed its own unique threats. Theres not much in the Season 9 premiere to indicate that they have plans in motion to oust Rick or otherwise show him. Or, at least, there wasnt a scene in the episode in which they said they were doing something along those lines. There is movement that could be part of some plan. After all they've been through together, there's not a chance of one trying to kill the other. Friendships soon turns to brotherhood, and we see their love for one another, in a brotherly love sort of way transgress some pretty amazing situations, as they help each other out in truly amazing ways. . Maybe an hour before that, theyre, we want to put you in this scene. And I was, what are you talking about? Though he had his noble moments as a leader and friends, Rick often influenced Daryl by way of manipulation. Find out how to keep up with 'the ones who live.'. But one theory, that Maggie and Daryl kill Rick on The Walking Dead, is particularly painful to think about. Beyond the final season of Fear the Walking Dead and a potential renewal for the anthology series Tales of the Walking Dead, AMC has lined up three more spinoff shows starring the franchises most popular characters. Lance predicted Aaron and Gabriel would be less-than-delighted aboutsuch violent subterfuge, but underestimated the strength of their reaction. That would be absolutely devastating. However, was Rick and Daryl's brotherly bond really as perfect as many fans remember it? During his time on the show, Rick famously went through the dilemma of "to kill, or not to kill" countless times. He kept that place going as long as he possibly could have, and he wasn't a coward when it came time to choose sides in the war with the Saviors. Maggie was extremely angry about Rick and Michonnes unilateral decision to keep Negan alive, which led to the pair confronting each other when Maggie went in to kill Negan. This First Look At BBC Crime Thriller 'Wolf' Is Tense AF, Reg-Jean Page Reveals Why He *Really* Left 'Bridgerton', Eugene Levy Hints At A Schitts Creek Revival, Pedro Pascals Cameo In 'Buffy The Vampire Slayer' Is The Ultimate Throwback, Get Even More From Bustle Sign Up For The Newsletter. Watch Tales of the Walking Dead on AMC (with valid cable login) andRoku. The series finale took a dramatic turn in its final few minutes, looking both ahead and back as viewers saw the return of Andrew Lincoln 's Rick Grimes and Danai Gurira 's Michonne who will be . We need our strength. why are maggie and daryl turning on rick Friday the 13th is an American horror franchise that consists of twelve slasher films, a television show, novels, and comic books.The main villain in the series is Jason Voorhees, who drowned at Camp Crystal Lake as a boy due to the negligence of the teenage counselors.Decades later, the lake is rumored . Now that the final season is upon us, let's take a look back at the carnage from past seasons. TheWrap looks back at the heroic and villainous leaders on the hit AMC series. But I don't care. So far there is one season for Tales of the Walking Dead, though there may eventually be more on the horizon. Eric (Jordan Woods-Robinson) got shot during the Alexandrians' battle against the Saviors, and then bled out and turned into a walker after a tearful goodbye scene with his boyfriend Aaron (Ross Marquand). There are currently seven seasons of Fear the Walking Dead available for streaming. Since then, many of her. RANK. Maggie actress Lauren Cohan recently confirmed she'll be back for season 9, putting to bed months worth of worries she wouldn't re-sign with the series following a pay dispute that left her. Maggie, now reinstated as Hilltop's leader, decides the growing communities must learn more about the wider situation, and sends Daryl on this vital mission of discovery. 2 Breaking Bad. ", Why is the holier-than-thou Jesus, whose season 8 mantra has been "all life is precious," siding against Rick for adopting that exact philosophy the very same philosophy Jesus imparted on Morgan once again in this very same episode? . His kingdom is gone thanks to the Saviors, but his legacy is still pretty solid. Is, um, is that why Shane's back to parallel the turn in Daryl and Rick's relationship, and how that conflict lead to one friend killing another? Work Search: tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply" This did not sit well with Maggie, who absolutely broke down. but the outbreak is far from over. One of the big moments from the Season 8 finale of The Walking Dead that you may have forgotten about was the creepy scene with Maggie (Lauren Cohan), Jesus (Tom Payne) and Daryl (Norman Reedus), in which they discussed how the war with the Saviors ended and how extremely unhappy they were with Rick (Andrew Lincoln) for sparing Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan). Jesus (Tom Payne) was killed when he tried to decapitate a zombie only to discover that zombie was actually a living man disguised as one -- this was Alexandria and Hilltop's first real contact with the Whisperers. Their plans to eventually double cross him could be lethal. Carl (Chandler Riggs) died in the Season 8 mid-season premiere after suffering a zombie bite in the first half of the season. The Walking Dead has yet to answer the questions about Michonne and Daryls "X" scars and why there was so much emotional distance between the core characters. But we do anticipate a civil war of sorts happening within the main group. And then were gonna show him., Daryl, stepping out of the shadows: Yeah. Rick's departure changed the show forever, and notably, ended the craze for his close friendship with Daryl. This all ended, however, when Rick was "killed off"inThe Walking Dead early on in the series' ninth season. We have to have that. Read 022 | I'm Home. Sony Pictures Television. Basically, they were in disagreement for a while but they did find common ground right before Rick's death. Maggie since forgave Daryl for that, but it's something he carries, regardless. The Walking Dead: 10 Reasons Why Rick & Daryl Weren't Real Friends, Everything We Learned From The Walking Dead Season 10 Final Episode Trailer, The Walking Dead: 10 Characters We Need To See Survive The Final Season, The Walking Dead: The Main Characters, Ranked By Their Likelihood To Survive The Final Season, Carol & Daryl Spinoff: What It Means For The Walking Dead's Final Season, "you're as cold as ice, Officer Friendly", The Walking Dead: The 12 Main Child Characters, Ranked, The Walking Dead: 10 Unbelievably Accurate Cosplays. Maggie Greene; Rick Grimes; Glenn Rhee; Noah | Grady Memorial Ward (Walking Dead) Abraham Ford; . This could be the first domino that leads to Maggie and Daryl's feud in The Walking Dead season 11's Hilltop flashforward. "We're all. Ole Dr. Carson (Tim Parati) made a critical error by saying mean things about Sherry to Dwight over and over again. In response, Rick quoted Carl, saying that there has to be something after. From the beginning of The Walking Dead, Shane and Rick's relationship was established as the main brotherly bond on the show. The Walking Dead finale actually set up this spinoff quite nicely. season 9. 9x06. Notes: (See the end of the chapter for notes.) Also Read: 'The Walking Dead' Showrunner on the Aftermath of Season 9 Premiere's Big Death Scene. What that means for next season, The Walking Dead executive producer (and now former showrunner) Scott Gimple "cannot say," he told Deadline. RELATED: Everything We Learned From The Walking Dead Season 10 Final Episode Trailer. Conjugao Documents Dicionrio Dicionrio Colaborativo Gramtica Expressio Reverso Corporate. Maggie and Michonne have been together since Season 3, so it would be sad if their story was left on a sour note. Maggie, whose husband Glen was murdered by Negan, was really mad about it. Perhaps the greatest trick The Walking Dead ever pulled is convincing fans that Rick Grimes was going to be killed but we should all watch his relationship with Daryl and Maggie closely just in case. So, how did Maggie and Michonne end up worse off than before? most abundant fatty acid in human body; sometimes you have to disconnect to reconnect. Arat begs Maggie and Daryl to intervene, but the two end up walking away, and shes killed. Like youre not listening to me, Reedus said of Daryls conflicts with Rick. 7. As Reedus has previously declared, he pointed towards how Daryl actually " smiled a little bit " in The Walking Dead series finale, and "and that tone kind of makes it into the spin-off a . This ones even more far-out than a vacation to New York City. It's important to note that after Rick's "death", Daryl's character changed for the better. From hair trends to relationship advice, our daily newsletter has everything you need to sound like a person whos on TikTok, even if you arent. Maggie, whose husband Glen was murdered by Negan, was really mad about it. Joe and his group lived as nomads, taking what they want when they want. Make it work better than before. Maggie is unwilling to debate the matter further, but later confides in Daryl (Norman Reedus) about why she had to leave Hilltop. Are they enemies? The Walking Dead: World Beyond featuresPollyanna McIntosh as Jadis Stokes in Season 2. Search Works. Glenn (Steven Yeun) and Maggie (Lauren Cohan) are long over. 2. Maggie: No, it's how we kept breathing. ", "But Rick and Michonne? by | Juil 8, 2022 | haverford housing questionnaire | what channel is the wild game on tonight xfinity | Juil 8, 2022 | haverford housing questionnaire | what channel is the wild game on tonight xfinity Their plans to eventually double cross him could be lethal. Dawn (Deceased) ofGrady Memorial Hospital. Dale (Jeffrey DeMunn) was the moral compass of the group, so it was upsetting on several levels when a zombie ripped his guts out. But for how much longer? The Governor's threatened rape of Maggie. Copyright 2023 ComicBook.com. The Alpha Wolf was a good killer, but his people were ultimately wild and undisciplined. Over the course of this conflict, the Whisperers got his wife Tammy Rose and his son Kenneth as well. RELATED: The Walking Dead: The 12 Main Child Characters, Ranked. My whole family . Bei der Nutzung unserer Websites und Apps verwenden wir, unsere Websites und Apps fr Sie bereitzustellen, Nutzer zu authentifizieren, Sicherheitsmanahmen anzuwenden und Spam und Missbrauch zu verhindern, und, Ihre Nutzung unserer Websites und Apps zu messen, personalisierte Werbung und Inhalte auf der Grundlage von Interessenprofilen anzuzeigen, die Effektivitt von personalisierten Anzeigen und Inhalten zu messen, sowie, unsere Produkte und Dienstleistungen zu entwickeln und zu verbessern. Gareth (Deceased) ofTerminus. All rights reserved. Deanna helped keepAlexandria together early on. Maggie (Alive) of the Hilltop Colony. why are maggie and daryl turning on rick. The Walking Dead: How the Rick Grimes Movie Became a TV Show, How The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Will Resemble the TWD Pilot, The Walking Dead Series Finale's Biggest Easter Egg Wasn't What We Expected, The Walking Dead Series Finale Ending Explained: How It Sets Up Rick and Michonne's Return, Shazam! The Walking Dead season 11's "Warlords" catches up with Gabriel - now leading sermons at the Commonwealth's church - and Aaron, who is once again making first contact with other survivors. Enemies forced to work together to track down a common foe? Even if Daryl's aggressive advance on Hilltop isn't a direct consequence of the Carlson incident in "Warlords," this isa first example of open hostilities between the two sides since the Commonwealth appeared in The Walking Dead. In Season 2, Rick killed his best friend Shane after their post-apocalyptic ideologies were no long simpatico. he asks. Maggie wasn't ready to get into specifics of what went wrong in Knoxville and said she almost returned to Hilltop after the place fell. CLUE. I agree with TheWrap's Terms of Service and Privacy Policy and provide my consent to receive marketing communications from them. Though a rift was introduced between them early on, it was always portrayed that the sheriff and sheriff's deputy saw each other as equals. Jessie died as she tried to save him. It would probably not help rating much if they had, for example, two of the chief protagonists of the show be responsible for the death ofthe main protagonist. The flashforward reveals Maggie back at Hilltop, and a small battalion of Commonwealth soldiers led by Daryl Dixon has assembled outsideher gate, demanding entry and subtly threatening trouble if Maggie doesn't comply. Other people were already living there. Apparently, Daryl wasn't . Filming will begin this month. For the word puzzle clue of andrea daryl zack maggie rick glenn, the Sporcle Puzzle Library found the following results. 9th Jul 2022; in wimbledon results andy murray; Rick Grimes (Alive) ofAlexandria. added by Bibi69. Craig first began contributing to Screen Rant in 2016, several years after graduating college, and has been ranting ever since, mostly to himself in a darkened room. Before Rick's exit from the show in season 9, his relationship with Daryl and their problems were finally addressed in season 8 episode 5, "The Big Scary U." Rick did not handle this well, and what's disappointing is that Daryl went along with the "Ricktatorship", and thus, became Rick's henchman. The end is only the beginning when it comes to AMCs Walking Dead universe. Natania (Deceased) ofOceanside. The same can't be said for Rick and Daryl's dynamic - at least not in the beginning. By Cameron Bonomolo Earlier on, Daryl attempted to negotiate a truce with his former flame Leah and her band of Reapers. "I mean we will have stuff to say about that soon, very soon," Gimple said. But why are they headed to New York City? Earl Sutton (John Finn) was killed during the battle with the Whisperers at Hilltop when he was bitten by one of their zombie horde. Daryl decides to take Judith and RJ back to Alexandria after seeing that the Commonwealth has created bigger issues that will take more than just a truce to resolve. Rick was wrong to do what he did. Stars included Olivia Munn, Jillian Bell, Anthony Edwardsand Terry Crews. And she seemed to indicate that she planned to take some kind of action against Rick because of it. "And Rick was right about not killing all the Saviors.". why are maggie and daryl turning on rickgt sensor carbon expert 2021. . They wouldnt have not intervened if they didnt think that that group had the right intentions., Both those characters have been in this world long enough where you can only follow someone so long when you dont agree with what theyre doing, Reedus said, referring to the two characters disagreements with Rick. Gareth and his fellow Terminus residents promised weary travelers sanctuary, only to kill and eat them cannibal style. There are several Walking Dead spinoffs in the works, in addition to three spinoffs that have already aired. The specifics of who killed who may become immaterial anyway, asThe Walking Dead's "Warlords" endson Gabriel preparing the community's remnants to fight back against the Commonwealth, while Aaron arrives as backup with Maggie, Elijah and Lydia. So were gonna bide our time. Maggie: Because I don't want to be afraid of being alive. Rick and Michonne are thrown into another world, built on a war against the dead And ultimately, a war against the living. More:Walking Deads Deanna Tribute Proves The Commonwealth Will Fail. The series will feature Dixon in France. They wouldnt have not intervened if they didnt think that that group had the right intentions., Both those characters have been in this world long enough where you can only follow someone so long when you dont agree with what theyre doing, Reedus said, referring to the two characters disagreements with Rick. Characters on The Walking Dead tend to swing to extremes when it comes to their moral compasses. Maggie maintains Rick "had no right to do what he did" by single-handedly choosing to keep Negan alive as a prisoner, but despite her seemingly threatening tone towards Rick and Michonne, fans need not worry Maggie is becoming a villain but the pregnant widow will be more dangerous come season 9. 8. Miss your favorite Walking Dead characters? Well see soon enough. MAX HAS A VISITOR IN TOWN ON AN ALL-NEW EPISODE OF CALL ME KAT THURSDAY, MARCH 16, ON FOX Margie Mays Guest Stars Max hosts singer Zoey Monroe (guest star Margie Mays) in hopes of advancing his career as a songwriter and although jealous at first, Kat develops a liking to her. "What Maggie has said to Daryl and Jesus was, 'The Hilltop is going to flourish I'm going to lead this place and make it work. Daryl and Maggie. Heres a breakdown of the new Walking Dead series launching in 2023 and beyond: The Walking Deads most unlikely duo are getting their own six-episode spinoff but it isnt another zombie-filled rampage through Virginia. The Walking Dead finale brought many of the survivors' stories to a closebut not all of them. The last few episodes have referred to some sort of disagreement between the pair, which makes sense considering their history for the past couple of seasons. By Cameron Bonomolo When King Ezekiel's crew was short one cantaloupe in its tribute for Negan's Saviors, Benjamin was shot in the leg as punishment. The scene seems to mark a boiling-over point: Rick has been trying to get all the communities to live peacefully with one another, but theres still too much history for that to be a realistic goal. Its possible Daryl will answer once and for all what the hell caused this mess in the first place. Noah (Tyler James Williams) endured one of the most gruesome deaths in "Walking Dead" history thanks to Nicholas. You can only follow someone so long when you dont agree with what theyre doing, AMC star tells TheWrap, (Warning: Spoilers ahead for Season 9, Episode 3 of The Walking Dead, titled Warning Signs). Craig has previously been published on sites such as Den of Geek, and after many coffee-drenched hours hunched over a laptop, part-time evening work eventually turned into a full-time career covering everything from the zombie apocalypse to the Starship Enterprise via the TARDIS. Maggie was extremely angry about Rick and Michonne's unilateral decision to keep Negan alive, which led to the pair confronting each other when Maggie went in to kill Negan. Maggies threat was one of the more intriguing threads that The Walking Dead left dangling at the end of Season 8, though, so lets hope they dont just drop it. Daryl's character has evolved nicely from the beginning of the show, but as the seasons dragged on, some rather unflattering changes to his personality were made. Maggie: You know, when I was lying there and I . "He was in denial like, 'Maggie, I'm gonna kill him, I'm gonna kill him ' He kind of pushed against any other possibility, not allowing it to even enter his mind that there would be mercy. Although Maggie. But I will say, when he called Siddiq over to help, would Rick have been heartbroken if he didn't save him? The Walking Dead: World Beyond focused on a group of teen survivors in Nebraska who came of age during the outbreak, which began 10 years before the show's events. But one theory, that Maggie and Daryl kill Rick on The Walking Dead, is particularly painful to think about. RELATED: The Walking Dead: 10 Characters We Need To See Survive The Final Season. why are maggie and daryl turning on rick. There was definitely a power imbalance when it came to Rick and Daryl's relationship as "business" partners, and Rick's manipulation, combined with Daryl's immaturity, played a big role in that. Hershel kept himself and his family safe on his farm during the early days of the outbreak, eventually offering shelter to Rick and his group. From hair trends to relationship advice, our daily newsletter has everything you need to sound like a person whos on TikTok, even if you arent. How did he get here? World Beyond, another Walking Dead spinoff that concluded in 2021, teased that French scientists may have been responsible for the zombie outbreak, and that before their lab was wiped out, they were studying variant walkers (basically, these walkers can run, as teased in the World Beyond finale, or climb walls as in The Walking Dead). He couldn't open the door to it till he invoked Carl's words to get the opportunity to cut Negan's throat," Gimple explains. "That's where there is danger and potential conflict.". The show is set to shoot from February to May 2023 and is slated so far for a late 2023 release. IfThe Walking Dead has taught us anything over 11 seasons,you never bet against the protagonists when they're outgunned. Rick is a natural leader who has guided his group through hell and back. or something like that, it's about Negan.". daryl dixon. Its likely that some outside threat popped up during the time jump and they had opposing views on how to handle the situation. This dynamic was actually riddled with several flaws that made it quite problematic. South East Garden Buildings. Also, Maggie and Daryl are pretty much family of Rick and Michonne. Daryl and Maggie were always on good terms but grew closer after Glenn's death. She enjoys horror, Jane Austen, and the Moomins. Spencer (Austin Nichols) thought he could use Negan to kill Rick in order to assume control of Alexandria. "I just wanted to say you were right about saving the Saviors from the satellite outpost, having them here.
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